Tuesday, July 7, 2020

‘This Editorial Is Simply Insane’: Brit Hume Rips WaPo Completely Lying About Trump Speech, Claiming It ‘Plumbed New Depths Of Depravity’

Weasel Zippers  "They moved on from spinning to just straight up lying, assuming most will not listen to the actual speech."
"Via Twitchy:"
. . . "Four — count ’em, four — other Washington Post reporters covered Trump’s “dark” speech in which he exploited social divisions and warned of “left-wing cultural revolution.”
"And that’s what bothered them so much. He didn’t overlook the anarchist takeover of Seattle’s Capitol Hill or the violence of Antifa or the Marxist infiltration of Black Lives Matter. Instead, he shined a spotlight on it as a warning to everyday Americans. And the press couldn’t stand it.
"Now the entire editorial board of the Washington Post has come together to publish an unsigned opinion piece on the speech, saying Trump “plumbed new depths of depravity.” . . .
Brit Hume@brithumeThis editorial is simply insane. Yes, he criticized the violent rioters and radicals rampaging in the streets. But his speech was mostly a full-throated defense of America’s history and heroes, and cited not a confederate among them.

Democrats: The Pander Express

Meghan's Prince Harry wants you to apologize for the sins of his ancestors
So now we have the sorry specter of Prince Harry wanting to go on an apology tour for his own ancestors, except that you're the one who's going to apologize, while still living off the fat of the British royal family. Somehow, we've got the makings of a hypocrite, no doubt driven by the wokester impulses of his hideous wife Meghan.
I’m Okay, You’re White ...[Shelby] "Steele clarified his overview in a 2006 interview with NPR, saying: “One of the most remarkable things in all of human history is the degree of moral evolutions that white Americans have made from the mid-60s to this day. No group of people in history have morally evolved away from a social evil that quickly and to that degree in this sort of short span of time. And very often, in our calculations in thinking about race, we don't give whites credit for that.” Steele added: “We keep wanting to sort of keep them on the hook as racist. But the fact is that whites see racism as a disgrace and something that they would do almost anything not to be identified with.“ . . .

NEWS ITEM: New York Times to capitalize Black but not white or brown.

We Can't Have ‘NATIONAL DIALOGUES’ If People Get FIRED For Talking Honestly


“ 'While we write and print millions of words about race in America, why is it still so hard to have a truly respectful, decent, and humble dialogue about perhaps the most complicated and contentious issue in American life?” asks David French in his Dispatch article “American Racism: We’ve Got So Very Far to Go.” Yet he does not mention in his story of personal change the elephant in the room: the Black Lives Matter movement’s radical cultural hegemony.

"Establishment Republicans made the same mistake by ignoring the movement’s radical premise: that at its core, America is rotten and systemically racist, and thus woke Americans must rebuild and reimagine the country from the ground up.
"Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney marched with the Black Lives Matter movement, and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley tweeted, “It’s important to understand that the death of George Floyd was personal and painful for many. In order to heal, it needs to be personal and painful for everyone.”
"Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell admirably tweeted, “Our republic can survive a pandemic. It can survive civil unrest. But ideas and deliberation are our foundation. America cannot be America if civil disagreement becomes a contradiction in terms. Anti-speech silencing tactics are a cancer in a free and open society.” But aside from McConnell and Sen. Josh Hawley, few Republican leaders denounced BLM’s central claim.
"Maybe many Americans are willing to have a productive conversation about race. Maybe they want to respectfully question the merits of workplace diversity training programs, for example. But the risk in participating far outweighs any reward.

"Bow or Be Canceled" . . .Full article..

The perfect tool to shut down discussion and debate

Black privilege comes from shutting down opposing arguments by claiming they are racist.

NYTimes Hires RACIST Writer. 'White People Smell Like DOGS'.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson Hurls a Question That Democrats Could Never Answer Honestly

 Matt Vespa

"There’s a reason why the Left hates Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. He sees right through their arguments and expertly dissects their nonsense within seconds. He effortlessly pushes aside their arguments because much of it is grounded in absolute nonsense. He had a fiery commentary segment during last night’s episode where he pitched a question to Democrats that they could never answer honestly. This is partially due to the fact that they know the answer would be unpalatable to about 90 percent of the electorate. Then again, they may not even understand the question because that’s how dense the Left has become in their Acela Corridor bubbles."

“Can you really lead a country that you hate?” . .  .

Emphasis added by TD.  A portion of the article is below; Full article here...

. . . "President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech also exposed the Left’s unbridled hatred of this country. Independence Day was usually a non-partisan affair. It’s our nation’s birthday, but if you celebrate it now—you’re a white supremacist. We also got lectured about how the monument has slaveholders on it. Yes, the Founding Fathers are canceled. We got history lessons about how this land was seized from Native Americans. Sorry, I will not be lectured to about American history by the historically illiterate. The Left has no grasp of history. Did we mention hat Frederick Douglass’ statues are being targeted now?
     "In short, the media had an issue with Trump’s speech because he celebrated America, espoused the principles that MLK, Jr., and Douglass advocated for their entire lives regarding liberty and equality, and called out the Left for what they are: an unhinged mob that’s seeking to destroy this country from within. We all see through their games, folks. Carlson noted the paradox here with these left-wing clowns. They want to control America, but also hate it (via Fox News):" . . .

Tucker Carlson: Why Left Is Lying And Spinning Trump Speech And Where They’re Trying To Take Us

Who would vote for a candidate supporting this?  The Mob Comes for America  . . . "The statue, two blocks away from where I once lived, is a celebration of emancipation, paid for by freed slaves after the war and commemorated by Frederick Douglass. But protesters, led by a Harvard University junior and steeped in Ivy League revisionism, decided the statue promotes white supremacy. This week, college students called for another Lincoln statue to come down.
"The statue killers’ confused choice of target reveals how deeply restless "our COVID-afflicted year has become. " . . .

Monday, July 6, 2020

Patriotism Wasn't Racist When Obama Celebrated Independence Day. Just ask CNN

How can people not recognize that contemptible channel for what it is?

Stephen Green

"Since Mount Rushmore wasn’t considered a problematic tribute to white racists until just last week, it’s important to remember that Independence Day wasn’t a celebration of white supremacy under President Barack Obama.
"Or any of the dozens of other presidents who preceded him, either.
"While I was never a fan of Obama’s politics, our nation’s first-ever Red Diaper Baby president could deliver some nice remarks provided the teleprompter was functioning properly.
"Here’s a little of what Obama had to say during his last Independence Day as president in 2016:
Obviously the Fourth of July — we enjoy the hotdogs, we enjoy the burgers, we enjoy the barbecue, we enjoy the day off for a lot of us, we enjoy the fireworks. But it’s important to remember what a miracle this country is. How incredible — how incredibly lucky we are that people, generations ago, were willing to take up arms and fight for our freedom. And then people, inside this country, understanding that there were imperfections in our union and were willing to keep on fighting on behalf of extending that freedom to all people and not just some.
"Those are lovely words, regardless of whether Obama actually believed in them or not. Those words tell a uniquely American story: An imperfect nation founded in service of the noble ideals of liberty and equality before the law, that then struggled toward perfection in further service of those ideals.
"Obama made the case more explicitly during his 2014 address:" . . .

CNN Trashed Mount Rushmore During Trump Visit, But Praised It During Obama Visit
. . . "A few days later, CNN’s Jim Acosta described Obama’s visit to Mount Rushmore like this: “It’s a fitting campaign stop for a presidential contender looking to make history. Standing before Mount Rushmore over the weekend, Barack Obama was asked whether he sees his face joining the likes of Washington and Lincoln.” . . .

‘Protesters’ Visit Gun-toting St. Louis Couple Again… Here’s The 411

Written by Wes Walker on July 6, 2020  "Last week, a couple living in their palatial home watched as a mob* of vandals and trespassers broke down the gate of their private street and, reportedly, threatened them.
"After calling authorities at three different phone numbers — including the police — and learning that nobody would be coming to help them, they grabbed their weapons and met the crowd from the front yard.
"Mainstream so-called reporters immediately took the side of the ‘protesters’, and spoke disparagingly of the couple. Even Chris Cuomo tried to leverage that event into some kind of a bizarre Trump-is-racist swipe. They were having none of it.
"Having learned that authorities would leave them high and dry in a situation like this, and concerned that all the publicity would make them a target in the future, they found their own security. Sure enough, the crowds came back.
. . .
"With improved defensive barriers (but walls don’t work, right?), together with the presence of armed security, the rowdies more or less behaved themselves.
"But who knows whether they would have been similarly law-abiding if not met with a strong deterrent? They had already been trained to expect that law enforcement would be a no-show.
"We have already seen any number of examples where laws don’t even slow this crowd down. If they decide they have the justification to wreck something, they’re damned well going to do it unless met with a strong deterrent force. And this crowd is a natural hatred for any and all trappings of financial success, as though the only possible explanation for success is having cheated someone." . . .

*They were one of those "merry caravans"


Are they going to rename the Braves-Indians World Series titles too?

Andrew Thomas blogs at Dark Angel Politics
Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Back in 1948, the Indians beat the Braves then the Braves beat the Indians in 1995.   
"Are they going back and change those titles?  Or will they get the Maris asterisk when he hit 61 in 1961?  
"The silly season is in full bloom.  Apparently, the Indians of Cleveland are now thinking about changing their name.
"They already changed their mascot or that "offensive to some" Chief Wahoo.  I remember a lot of baseball cards with the chief staring at you.   I loved those Indians uniforms but then I am the kind of guy who does not mix baseball with politics.  I'd rather focus on batting averages and pitchers who throw strikes.
"The mascot had been part of the team since 1948, their last championship.  They dropped poor Wahoo in 2018.   Then Wahoo got revenge when the Indians lost to the Cubs that year.   
"Honestly, there are lots of angry Indians fans in the world but not one ever complained about Chief Wahoo dropping fly balls, striking out with the winning run at second or losing game 7 to the Marlins.   As far as I know, most of the "expletives" from the bleachers were shouted at the bullpen, not the Chief." . . .

Where are you, Republicans?

GOP, do NOT let Howard Zinn and CNN get a win!

Romney I get, but where is everyone else?

Now We Can See that Establishment Republicans are Cowards   . . . "The left is like the Taliban. It has taken over a neighborhood in Seattle and is enforcing its radical agenda, as the Taliban did to cities in Afghanistan. It has torn down statues of American heroes, brave Confederate veterans, and even Christopher Columbus, the intrepid explorer who discovered this continent! Now, they even want to destroy the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial! Remember the Taliban blowing up the beautiful Buddhist statues because they went against its worldview? How is what the left is doing today any different?
"President Trump and Senator Tom Cotton have spoken out against those terrorist actions of the left, but no other prominent members from the GOP have dared to." . . .

Bush 43 Alumni Supporting Biden Have Turned Their Backs on Conservatism
. . . "But Biden will restore civility, honesty, and robust policy discussions between the two parties. Joe Biden is a good guy, they say. He’ll bring about normalcy and bipartisanship and debate. Where exactly is the evidence for this? Joe Biden’s biggest accomplishment during his time in the U.S. Senate was how he used his position to enrich his family. He was vice president during the most scandalous administration in history and he used his position to protect the natural gas company his son worked for by withholding a congressionally approved billion-dollar loan unless Ukraine’s president fired his prosecutor general, who was investigating the company. " . . .

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Universities Sowing the Seeds of Their Own Obsolescence

Victor Davis Hanson
"The media blitz during these last several weeks revealed a generation that is poorly educated and yet petulant and self-assured without justification."

"When mobs tore down a statue of Ulysses S. Grant and defaced a monument to African-American veterans of the Civil War, many people wondered whether the protesters had ever learned anything in high school or college.
"Did any of these iconoclasts know the difference between Grant and Robert E. Lee? Could they recognize the name “Gettysburg”? Could they even identify the decade in which the Civil War was fought?
"Universities are certainly teaching our youth to be confident, loud, and self-righteous. But the media blitz during these last several weeks of protests, riots, and looting also revealed a generation that is poorly educated and yet petulant and self-assured without justification.
"Many of the young people on the televised front lines of the protests are in their 20s. But most appear juvenile, at least in comparison to their grandparents — survivors of the Great Depression and World War II.
"How can so many so sheltered and prolonged adolescents claim to be all-knowing?" . . .
Full article here.

NRO contributor VICTOR DAVIS HANSON is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and the author, most recently, of The Case for Trump

This writer says to defund the universities

The writer of this post, Jay Latimer is the pen name of a Duke University alumnus.

Defund the universities  "Fed up with Defund the Police? Worried that hordes of “peaceful protestors” might soon show up to burn and pillage your neighborhood? Want to make your views known but unsure where to begin?
"Here’s a way to hit back: defund the universities.
"It’s no secret that much of the radical ideology fueling the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots are the product of our dysfunctional higher educational system. Universities today are almost 100% hard left-wing bubbles, openly hostile to any conservative thought. They are intolerant of opposing opinions, the very opposite of the kind of dialogue intended for higher education, and so desperately needed today. These Molotov-cocktail wielding radicals are the end product of years of propaganda from left-wing professors.
"Colleges may hate conservatives, but they will be forced to listen – and change – if you target their pocketbooks. And colleges and universities are vulnerable, especially with the current double-whammy of lower student enrollment and the coronavirus taking its toll.
"Here’s a modest outline of how to begin. Ideally some enterprising legislator will help to put these into law. If BLM can force “radical change” on society why can’t conservatives push through a few modest proposals of our own?" . . .  

To: Office of Gift Planning, Duke University
CC: Duke President Vincent E. Price
Dear Sirs,
I am very sorry to have to write you this letter, but I feel I no longer have any choice.
As you know I was considering a major donation to Duke University. However, after learning of President Price’s “structural racism” initiatives, I will no longer be donating to Duke. In fact, I will make it my priority to convince other alumni not to donate as well.
I am shocked and appalled to see the direction that Duke University has chosen to take. I am ashamed to be a Duke alumnus, and am worried and indeed horrified at what this once great institution is becoming.
President Price’s recent announcement to go all-in on a “structural racism” ideology insures that Duke will become a place where racial grievances are magnified, and where people are judged and rewarded based on the color of their skin and actions of their ancestors. Ironically this kind of ideology is the very definition of racism, and the polar opposite of Martin Luther King’s vision for a color-blind society.

Full article

After calling for no fireworks for the 4th of July, Gavin Newsom was in for a surprise

The right can have its social justice warriors as well, in spite of Democrats and their Congressional Republican allies. TD

With the Wuhan virus, Gavin Newsom discovers the perils of crying ‘Wolf’
. . . "And then, suddenly, Newsom announced that mass riots were okay – and, by the way, if you’re not rioting, you’re still locked up. Having been lied to and manipulated, Californians are turning to civil disobedience." . . .
. . . "It turns out that, even in a smugly leftist state, the government can only cry “wolf” so often." . . .

Monica Showalter  "Amid a new outbreak of the coronavirus, California's Gavin Newsom was adamant that no firework celebrations be done on the Fourth of July, because the public simply could not be trusted to socially distance.
If you're looking for fireworks, the governor said he believes counties should consider canceling shows.
Addressing the counties on California's watchlist, he explained, "We have worked with those counties, the 19 counties that are mandatory closure lists and we have made it clear privately- now we're making it more abundantly clear publicly- that we believe that they should consider canceling some of their fireworks shows and presentations. By the way, a number of cities have done just that, LA in San Francisco." . . .
. . .
Richard Grenell posted:The people of Southern California are revolting against @GavinNewsom. My liberal neighbors are fed up with his controlling ways.
. . .
. . . Here's economically battered Fresno, from a scold of a reporter looking to see those tickets issued:
. . .
"All that mattered was that he be able to put out an order and watch the descamisados fall into line.
"So he got what he wanted with the shutdown of public displays, making a lot of people unhappy, but instead of compliance, got a massive repudiation of his utterly unreasonable order. And a big celebration of freedom instead, highly appropriate on America's national holiday. Maybe he can take the sentiment of the people and the verdict of science into consideration next time he wants to flex his state muscle and work on his lethal nursing home policy instead."