Weasel Zippers "They moved on from spinning to just straight up lying, assuming most will not listen to the actual speech."
"Via Twitchy:"
. . . "Four — count ’em, four — other Washington Post reporters covered Trump’s “dark” speech in which he exploited social divisions and warned of “left-wing cultural revolution.”
"And that’s what bothered them so much. He didn’t overlook the anarchist takeover of Seattle’s Capitol Hill or the violence of Antifa or the Marxist infiltration of Black Lives Matter. Instead, he shined a spotlight on it as a warning to everyday Americans. And the press couldn’t stand it.
"Now the entire editorial board of the Washington Post has come together to publish an unsigned opinion piece on the speech, saying Trump “plumbed new depths of depravity.” . . .
Brit Hume@brithumeThis editorial is simply insane. Yes, he criticized the violent rioters and radicals rampaging in the streets. But his speech was mostly a full-throated defense of America’s history and heroes, and cited not a confederate among them.