Wednesday, July 15, 2020

'Boycott, Meet Boomerang': One VA Man Just Beat Liberals At Their Own Cancel Culture Games Over Goya Foods

Matt Vespa "Goya Foods is now problematic. Its CEO has just betrayed Hispanic people everywhere because…he praised President Trump. No, I’m not kidding. Some idiots are now boycotting. Some morons have been caught tossing their Goya Foods in the trash while also voicing their concern about food banks. Uh, why not just donate that food you’re not going to use? But play stupid games and win stupid prizes is common for left-wingers. They’re abjectly stupid people. Here’s what set off the meltdown (via WaPo): . . ."
Don't let anyone ever try to argue CNN doesn't cheer or express aid and comfort to cancel culture
This Mexican-American cookbook author and food blogger counts herself among the many Latinos who say they won't buy Goya products after Goya CEO Robert Unanue appeared in the White House Rose Garden and praised President Donald Trump.

. . . "But cancel culture is not real or something, right? Well, one Virginia man fought back against this nonsense, raising over $100,000 to purchase and donate Goya Foods to charity. As The Hill’s Joe Concha noted, “boycott, meet boomerang” (via The Hill):" . . .

. . . The GoFundMe page, created by Casey Harper, has raised more than $115,000 since it was first launched on Sunday. The page, which calls on patrons to “support Trump & feed the hungry,” initially had a goal of $10,000.
“What if we rise up to say no to cancel culture AND feed the hungry at the same time?” the page reads, while detailing some of the backlash Goya has faced over the past few days over comments CEO Robert Unanue recently made lauding Trump at a White House event earlier this month.

‘Intellectual Curiosity … Is Now A Liability’: Bari Weiss Writes Scathing Resignation Letter From The NYT Amid Its Woke ‘Civil War’

Daily Caller  . . . "The former NYT writer brought up Cotton’s op-ed in her resignation letter, pointing out that “op-eds that would have easily been published just two years ago would now get an editor or a writer in serious trouble, if not fired.”
"She also noted that “Twitter is not on the masthead of” the NYT, but said she feels it “has become its ultimate editor.”
“ 'As the ethics and mores of that platform have become those of the paper, the paper itself has increasingly become a kind of performance space,” according to Weiss. “Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences, rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions… What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity.”
"Weiss wrote that she still feels that many at the publication don’t agree with views the NYT is pushing, but have been “cowed by those who do.' ” 
“The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people,” according to Weiss. “This is a galaxy in which, to choose just a few recent examples, the Soviet space program is lauded for its ‘diversity’; the doxxing of teenagers in the name of justice is condoned; and the worst caste systems in human history includes the United States alongside Nazi Germany.”
“America is a great country that deserves a great newspaper.”

Under China's thumb: So you can buy a KillCops t-shirt from the NBA but not a FreeHongKong one

Monica Showalter  "When China is your master, nobody cares if you stand or kneel or thumb your nose at the U.S. flag, but you'd better not cross the Chinese one.
"That's the ugly picture regarding the China-coopted National Basketball Association (NBA) and its personalized t-shirt sales operation, where Chicom censorship is alive and well.
Turns out you can personalize your t-shirt to say all kinds of ugly things - but not "FreeHongKong. Someone programmed that if/else exception in, preventing any freedom lover from printing that reminder of China's broken treaty destruction of Hong Kong onto their personalized t-shirt.
"According to the Daily Caller:
If you try to put in “FreeHongKong” into the name section, a message pops up that reads, “We are unable to customize this item with the text you have entered. Please try a different entry.”
"Over at Fox News, someone spoke to customer service about this and got a load of ridiculous explanations - that it refers to a non-NBA city (not true), that it's too many letters (again not true). Nope, someone programmed in that there will be no FreeHongKong tshirts printed on NBA merchandise.
"Chicoms, see, are very sensitive about what goes on clothing. Remember when they forced the Hollywood movie remake of Top Gun to remove that Taiwan flag from the lead actor's fighter-pilot jacket? Just that little thing, and oh it was important. They control Hollywood, they also control the NBA, and control is an understatement.
"That FreeHongKong censorship is just the exception we know about, there may be more." . . .

‘Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back’: 150 Minneapolis Police Officers File For Disability, Citing PTSD

The result of Democrats running cities; do we really think they can run a nation? The Democrat governor of Washington said he would choose a foul-mouthed, flag stomping, soccer player as his Secretary of State if made President. TD

Daily Caller  "Ron Meuser, an employment lawyer in Minneapolis, spoke with the Daily Caller’s Samantha Renck about police morale, the 150 police officers seeking disability for PTSD following the Minneapolis riots and more.
"“The reality is that these officers — most of these officers have been working for 15, 20, 25 years within the department,” Meuser said, “and during the course of their careers they have been exposed to literally hundreds of what we call ‘traumatic incidents’ known as criteria A events. So, this may be suicides, murders, stabbings, shootings, infant deaths, sexual abuse, whatever it is that these officers have been exposed to over the years.”
"Meuser added, “they’ve all been to generally muscle up and deal with it, cope with it in their own way, in order to get up each day and go out and serve their community.”
"However, the riots following George Floyd’s death was “almost like the straw that broke the camel’s back.”
"Meuser also discussed what went through the minds of officers abandoned inside the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct.
“Several of my officers who we’ve been retained literally wrote texts to their loved ones indicating they did not feel that they were going to get out. They literally said their goodbyes.” 
"Some officers even videotaped what was happening “so that individuals would later find out what happened to them when they were deceased.”
"Meuser also discussed police morale in Minneapolis, recent spikes in violence and more. "

Angela Davis confirms all that conservatives have been saying about Biden

Remembering Joe Biden’s Newest Fan, Angela Davis; Millennials, do you know anything about Davis?   
. . . "Davis is an unrepentant champion of domestic terrorists and murderers. In the early 1970s, Davis famously bought two of the guns used in a 1970 Marin County courtroom kidnapping-shootout perpetrated by Black Panthers, in which a superior court judge and three hostages were murdered. After being charged with “aggravated kidnapping and first-degree murder,” Davis went into hiding. Even after the FBI caught up to her, and even after evidence showed that she had been in correspondence with the planners and well aware of their violent disposition, she was acquitted in 1972."
"Davis never stopped defending convicted Black Panther murderers, including those who had tortured a teenager to death, and yet she is still treated as celebrity." . . .
Angela Davis: Biden The "Candidate Who Can Be Most Effectively Pressured"  "Marxist academic and former Black Panther Angela Davis appeared on Russia Today to explain why she will be supporting Joe Biden for president in 2020." . . .

Monica Showalter  So whodathunk Angela Davis, the Angela Davis, former Communist Party U.S.A. vice presidential candidate, former Black panther, '60s relic, and Mother of Woke Academics, would be the one to confirm what conservatives have been saying all along?
. . . 
"This one didn't sow chaos, it created clarity, jasna kak bozhny dyien, as the Russkis say, meaning 'clear as God's day' which explains why the Russians pulled it down.
"I don't see this election as being about choosing a candidate who will be able to lead us in the right direction," she said. "It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement."
"Which is what conservatives have been saying all along, warning for months that Joe Biden is a weak, addlepated, nearly senile vessel who will serve as a perfect mask for drawing in voters who imagine he's still a moderate Democrat and still sentient. Fact is, he's got a big extreme political machine behind him, snaking into the power void to seize power and set the agenda to a level no witting American would elect if such a wild-eyed agenda were presented openly.
"We know it. They know it. Now they've said it. And when would-be tyrants tell you who they are, believe them. Thanks for the confirmation, Angela." . . .
. . . "Because it's absolutely clear as heck that the far left, the left that is so far-left that Angela Davis approves of it, sees Joe Biden as a perfect little malleable pawn, the palimpsest to graffiti their entire extreme agenda. He's their pet, he's their toy, just as Davis says.
"That agenda includes all of Black Lives Matter's talking points - reparations, defunding the police, abolishing prisons (one of Angela's favorites), cancel culture, as well as destruction of the fossil fuels industry, open borders, government health care, government housing, government education and taxing every business out of business for a government doesn't end until the real idea, full communism, is enacted. And with Biden the weak, rickety vehicle, yet easily steered, the communists have got a fearsome running start.
"It's often noted that the Black Lives Matter leadership has self-declared itself as "trained Marxists." With Davis onboard, well, speaking of Marxists....
"Davis is the instructor."

Remembering Joe Biden’s Newest Fan, Angela Davis 
. . . 3) Davis still supports the cause of terrorists. In recent years Davis took up the cause of Marwan Barghouti, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade terrorist who was sentenced to five life sentences for coordinating suicide bombings that killed men, women and children in Israel — including American citizens. Davis also advocated for the terrorist Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted of helping murder two Jewish students in a 1969 Jerusalem bombing.If some third-tier academic was shilling for fascist regimes and extremists around the world her entire career, she would be rightfully relegated to obscurity. If she’s on the radical left, however, pundits will wonder why she’s not getting more attention.

Adam Schiff dreads criminal investigation led by federal prosecutor
Adam Schiff dreads criminal investigation led by federal prosecutor
. . . "The California Democrat invoked U.S. Attorney John Durham, who is conducting a criminal inquiry of the federal Russia investigation, as he discussed his dread that "more serious abuse" of federal law enforcement will happen in the coming days.
" 'One of the concerns I have with Bill Barr is that the worst is yet to come. I mean, he's got a terrible, destructive track record as it is, and it may get worse in the coming days," Schiff said in a recent episode of the Talking Feds podcast. "But what we have seen largely is Barr's intervention to protect the president."
"As examples, Schiff mentioned Barr's rollout of special counsel Robert Mueller's report and "intervention" in cases spun off from the Russia investigation to "help Trump cronies" such as Roger Stone and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
" 'What we have not yet had full visibility on is not Barr's use of the shield to protect corruption writ large of his boss, Donald Trump, but the sword," Schiff continued. "How he may be using the power of the Justice Department through Durham or others to go after the president's enemies. And in many respects, that is a far greater, more serious abuse of the power of the Justice Department than his use of the shield."
"It's a well-worn line of criticism for Schiff, who has complained since last year that the Justice Department has kept the Democratic-led House in the dark about its inquiries into whether there was inappropriate "spying" on Trump's 2016 campaign and other misconduct.
"But more recently, that anxiety has deepened as Trump accused former President Barack Obama and his vice president, Joe Biden, of committing crimes as part of the "Obamagate" scandal." . . .

7 Big Hints Barr Has Dropped About Durham's Investigation

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

CNN Called Out By Former Staffers; Ex-Producer Says Network Has Shown ‘Lack Of Self-Awareness' In Trump Era

.The Conservative Investor Daily   "A former CNN producer accused Don Lemon of hurting the network with a “divisive” and “boring” show, telling Fox News that his former employer has shown “a lack of self-awareness” during the Trump era.
"Former CNN senior digital producer Steve Krakauer, who now pens the Fourth Watch media newsletter, took Lemon to task in the most recent edition. He became the latest ex-staffer to publicly attack CNN on Friday, when he pointed out a series of recent “embarrassing” moments from Lemon’s show, such as lecturing actor Terry Crews about Black Lives Matter and bursting into laughter when a guest mocked Trump supporters.
“It’s unfortunate, and it hurts CNN. I enjoyed working with Don, and he has a staff that is full of talented people. But the current dismissiveness of anything resembling dissent on his show – any straying from the company line – makes his program one of the more divisive on CNN, and, frankly, one of the more boring too,” Krakauer wrote.
"Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper have been criticized by former CNN employees.
UK Daily Mail
"The Fourth Watch editor noted that Lemon was once enjoyable, but “that was the pre-Trump Don Lemon,” and Monday’s lecture to Crews that the Black Lives Matter movement has nothing to do with Black-on-Black gun violence was“ particularly divisive and embarrassing” for CNN.
“ 'It was Lemon at his most arrogant and ignorant,” Krakauer wrote. “Lemon’s biggest talent was his curiosity — it allowed his viewers to relate to him. Segments like the interview with Crews show the curiosity is sadly gone.”  . . .

DON LEMON SCOLDS TERRY CREWS, SAYS BLACK LIVES MATTER IS ABOUT POLICE BRUTALITY, NOT BLACK-ON-BLACK CRIME  . . . "Crews then brought up a surge in “Black-on-Black” gun violence that left multiple children dead since June 20.
“ 'The Black Lives Matter movement has said nothing about this,” Crews said. “Black people need to hold other Black people accountable.” . . .
 . . . "As Crews tried to respond, the CNN host quickly cut him off and said the segment was over." . . . 

It’s been almost a year since Hice filed an explosive lawsuit against Lemon – who is openly gay -- accusing the “CNN Tonight” host of the lewd act. "[Lemon] put his hand down the front of his own shorts, and vigorously rubbed his genitalia, removed his hand and shoved his index and middle fingers into Plaintiff's mustache and under Plaintiff's nose," according to the lawsuit, filed August 11, 2019 in Suffolk County Court.

Ex-CNN Producer Says Being a Great Reporter isn’t Acosta’s Goal “Jim Acosta wants to be famous”

“Trump couldn’t ask for a better foe than Jim Acosta. " 'And the reporters who are trying to do good work, get answers to very real questions, know this,” Krakauer wrote."The Fourth Watch editor said that Acosta’s exchanges with the president “are actively helping Trump get re-elected” and “make all in the press look bad.”

News Thud  "Steve Krakauer, an ex-CNN producer is speaking out on CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s antics.

"According to Krakauer, Acosta’s goal is not to be a great White House reporter but to be famous.
"Krakauer also thinks Acosta’s antics “make all in the press look bad.”
"Fox News reports CNN producer-turned media watchdog Steve Krakauer described his former colleague, CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta, as a fame-seeking attention-getter who is “actively helping Trump get re-elected” while making the press look bad.
"“I don’t think CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta is a bad guy. I worked with him at CNN, and he was a solid, competent reporter. If Acosta’s goal was to be a great White House reporter, he could probably do it,” Krakauer wrote. “But that’s not Jim Acosta’s goal. Jim Acosta wants to be famous.”
"Krakauer’s media newsletter, Fourth Watch, has gained popularity for holding the press accountable, and Sunday’s edition began with the detailed critique of Acosta.
"Acosta clearly aspires to use this opportunity to spar with President Trump, #Resistance Signal on Twitter and generally build his brand to move on to bigger things – a prime time show maybe, or at least a few late night TV appearances,” Krakauer wrote before pointing out the CNN reporter’s past Twitter profile background image that featured a picture of his appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”
“ 'Jim Acosta loves nothing more than Jim Acosta,” Krakauer wrote. “I’ve also half-joked that if we found out, years from now, that Acosta was actually a plant and was secretly working for the Trump re-election campaign, I wouldn’t be shocked.”
"Acosta has made a name for himself in the Trump era for his hostile exchanges with the president and members of his administration. He was recently scolded by Trump for referring to the daily coronavirus press briefings as “happy talk.” Acosta regularly shouts questions when it isn’t his turn to speak and famously struggled with a White House aide for possession of a microphone during a 2018 press conference, resulting in a legal skirmish over whether or not he would be able to cover the White House.
"Krakauer explained that Acosta “plays the role of absurd, antagonistic journalist” during Trump’s press briefings, often teeing the president up to attack him and the media.
“Trump couldn’t ask for a better foe than Jim Acosta. 
" 'And the reporters who are trying to do good work, get answers to very real questions, know this,” Krakauer wrote.
"The Fourth Watch editor said that Acosta’s exchanges with the president “are actively helping Trump get re-elected” and “make all in the press look bad.”
"CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment."

Victor Davis Hanson: Peak Jacobinism?

Jacobin: historical A member of a democratic club established in Paris in 1789. The Jacobins were the most radical and ruthless of the political groups formed in the wake of the French Revolution, and in association with Robespierre they instituted the Terror of 1793–4.

Victor Davis Hanson
So the revolution is tiring, devouring its own, terrifying its enablers, embarrassing its abettors, and becoming worried that somewhere some courageous nobody might dare say, “You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?

"The Jacobin Left is just now beginning to get edgy. 
"A few of its appeasers and abettors are becoming embarrassed by some of the outright racists and nihilists of BLM and the Maoists of Antifa — and their wannabe hangers-on who troll the Internet hoping to scalp some minor celebrity. 
"The woke rich too are worried over talk about substantial wealth, capital-gains, and income taxes, even though they have the resources to navigate around the legislation from their wink-and-nod brethren. Soon, even Hunter Biden and the Clintons could be checking in with their legal teams to see how much it will cost them to get around the Squad’s new tax plan.
"The lines are thinning a bit for the guillotine. And the guillotiners are starting to panic as they glimpse faces of a restless mob always starved for something to top last night’s torching. Finally, even looters and arsonists get tired of doing the same old, same old each night. They get bored with the puerile bullhorn chants, the on-spec spray-paint defacement, and the petite fascists among them who hog the megaphones. For the lazy and bored, statue toppling — all of those ropes, those icky pry bars, those heavy sledgehammers, and so much pulling — becomes hard work, especially as the police, camera crews, and fisticuffs thin out on the ground. And the easy bronze and stone prey are now mostly rubble. Now it’s either the big, tough stuff like Mount Rushmore or the crazy targets like Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. 
"There are only so many ways for adult-adolescents to chant monotonously “Eat the Rich! Kill the Pigs! Black Lives Matter!” blah, blah, blah. And there are only so many Road Warrior Antifa ensembles of black hoodies, black masks, black pants, and black padding — before it all it ends up like just another shrill teachers’-union meeting in the school cafeteria or a prolonged adolescent Halloween prankster show.
"Some 150 leftist writers and artists recently signed a letter attesting that they are suddenly wary of cancel culture. They want it stopped and prefer free speech. Of course, they first throat-cleared about the evil Trump, as if the president had surveilled Associated Press reporters, or sicced the FBI on a political campaign, or used CIA informants and foreign dossier-mongers to undermine a political opponent. And some petition signers soon retracted, with “I didn’t know what I was doing” apologies. Nonetheless, it was a small sign that not all of the liberal intelligentsia were going to sit still and wait for the mob to swallow them. " . . .
The streets of our big cities are no longer a “summer of love” hate-fest targeting Donald Trump, but downright scary, given that murdering someone on sight is a COVID-get-out-of-jail-free crime. Blue-state officials green-lighted the multibillion-dollar wreckage and are now coming cup in hand, begging the Trump administration to pay for it. Their logic is: “Don’t dare send your damn troops to interrupt our beautiful looting and arson, but now please send your racist money for us to clean up the mess.” . . .
. . . As the cities turn into wastelands, children are gunned down, and careers are destroyed, fewer and fewer bore us by intoning that Trump is Mussolini, or that he resembles the operators of Auschwitz. Fewer still care about the spiraling tragic carnage of the inner cities — not Black Lives Matter, not the Squad, not Nancy Pelosi." . . .

Announcing Reader’s Choice Award: Select The Liberal Media Propagandist Of The Year For 2020

Conservative Firing Line "As regular readers know, we routinely highlight the bias and sometimes outright lies put forward by what we call the “Democrat-Media Complex” — what others call the “Mainstream media.”
"The fact is that “journalism” has been dead for quite some time.  Media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC. CBS and others have become nothing more than willing propagandists for the Democrat Party, doing everything they can to hurt President Trump and foment division and hatred in America.
"For that reason, this writer no longer refers to those who work at these outlets as “reporters.”  In my mind, they’re nothing but propagandists.
"So I decided to start a new tradition here at the Conservative Firing Line, and I’d like your input.  I’d like to name the one person who best exemplifies what the “media” has become.
"Here are the rules:
"Below is a poll that lists several names.  You may select up to three names or you may add a name if the person you want to win isn’t listed." . . . Full article here

Propagandist - search results

Washington Redskins no more. What's next?
Image by Will O'Toole of
Washington Post opinion editor says the Texas Rangers MLB franchise should drop their name because the law enforcement officers they're named after are a 'cruel, racist force'  I'd say they are named after a wonderful law enforcement agency that presently is one of the best in the nation. When will this all end?

To quote an old joke, the NFL’s team in the nation’s capital has suddenly discovered that their name is offensive. The new name will be … the DC Redskins.

Our parodical son, the Babylon Bee reports:
Here's What's Problematic With Each Of The NFL's 32 Team Names Examples:
. . . Indianapolis Colts - This name glorifies guns.
Jacksonville Jaguars - Jaguars are driven by evil rich billionaires as they run over poor people.
Kansas City Chiefs - We suggest switching to Kansas City Wise Indigenous Tribal Elders.
Las Vegas Raiders - Celebrates The Raiders of the Lost Ark, which featured prominent Nazi imagery.
Los Angeles Chargers - We don't think anyone who has faced down a line of charging riot police would find this name the least bit funny.
Los Angeles Rams - Dodge Rams contribute heavily to the climate crisis.
Miami Dolphins - Painful reminder that Sea World still exists. . . .