As They Turn To Burning Bibles, Portland Rioters Show Their True Colors . . . "Later in the Twitter thread, Cheong pointed out that the violent and chaotic nature of these protestors is not correlated with “protesting against police brutality.”
“ 'I don’t know what burning the Bible has to do with protesting against police brutality. Do not be under the illusion that these protests and riots are anything but an attempt to dismantle all of Western Civilization and upend centuries of tradition and freedom of religion,” he continued.
Rep. James Clyburn: Rioters In Portland Burning Bibles Is "Their Business"
. . . "When asked about rioters in Portland burning bibles, Democrat Rep. James Clyburn responds, "that's their business." "Later, after months of rioters targeting the federal courthouse in Portland, he asks, “what federal building has been under threat?' ” . . .
What Better Way to ‘Honor’ Christian George Floyd Than by Firing Up a Good Old-Fashioned Bible-Burning in Portland?
. . . "When asked about rioters in Portland burning bibles, Democrat Rep. James Clyburn responds, "that's their business." "Later, after months of rioters targeting the federal courthouse in Portland, he asks, “what federal building has been under threat?' ” . . .
What Better Way to ‘Honor’ Christian George Floyd Than by Firing Up a Good Old-Fashioned Bible-Burning in Portland?
Some of the rioters who weren’t busily burning stuff participated in other fun “peaceful” fun activities, such as tearing barricades off of storefronts near the federal courthouse. As Ngô noted, “Portland Police are aware but will let them continue because they’re given directive to leave rioters alone in most circumstances.”Left-wing journalist alerts Antifa to Andy Ngo's location, then they try to blind him with lasers
Still, Zielinski pointed a digital finger to where Ngo was. Antifa immediately tried to blind him with pocket lasers, damaging his eyes and scarring him with light sensitivity. Then they confronted him.Dems starting to panic that voters will blame them for riots. . . . "The Democrats, including the Biden campaign, are riding a tiger. If they attempt to dismount, they will be eaten by the tiger, as Libby Schaaf discovered. Bernie Sanders’s most enthusiastic supporters are still smarting from the Dem establishment handing the nomination to Joe Biden as a front man, and significant numbers of them could peel off if Biden attempts to restrain the rioters, whom he has not even criticized to date. And the hysterically angry rioters, many of them white, college educated women in their twenties, could turn on Biden as with ample ammunition from his past career befriending KKK Kleagle Robert Byrd and enriching his family with his political connections.
"President Trump, to their dismay, has played the riots perfectly, with his administration expressing resolve but refraining from oversteps that would hand a Kent State-like massacre, complete with martyrs, to the rioters and their political beneficiaries in the Democrat party."
The Choice Before Us . . . "The clips of the savages burning Bibles put me in mind of Heinrich Heine’s solemn observation that Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen: “Wherever people burn books, they also end up burning men.” . . .
The Choice Before Us . . . "The clips of the savages burning Bibles put me in mind of Heinrich Heine’s solemn observation that Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen: “Wherever people burn books, they also end up burning men.” . . .