Sunday, August 2, 2020

On Socialism: Zina Brodovsky Interviewed by Brad Zinn ...

Founders Keep "Hear from a patriotic American who is a real-life survivor of Soviet socialism. Zina was there, from Khrushchev through Gorbachev. She warns that unless we stop it, we are on our way to the kind of secular, socialist hell that she and her daughter fled from! Not surprisingly, Zina strongly supports President Trump."

Part 1 – Life in the former USSR 00:22  Zina’s recollections of communist indoctrination growing up in Odessa, Ukraine, USSR 02:12  Zina’s first realization that the socialist promise was a lie 03:55 Government involvement in everything 04:45  Socialism’s false promise of “fairness” 05:20 The black market and corruption 06:20 First truths about Stalin era come to light after his death 07:25  Zina’s personal history, KGB intimidation, and emigration to America with her daughter 10:00 Departure via Moscow, more intimidation 11:30  The socialist view of capitalism 12:30  Socialism and the press Part 2 – Soviet Socialism — Lies, Starvation, and Slavery 13:30 Famine in the Ukraine — 1921 — Government theft and murder — the Red Terror 15:28 Famine in the Ukraine — 1931,32 — Stalin’s confiscation & concentration camps 17:30 Pavlik Morozov — making a Soviet hero out of a boy who betrayed his family 20:10 Soviet brainwashing of youth 20:47 Famine leads to cannibalism, and the truth is hidden beneath press propaganda 22:40 Millions die of starvation, and the world is silent 23:30 The brutality of the 20th century eclipses all others combined 24:25 Soviet era deaths and slavery, all in service to the state 25:40 The false promises of Marxism — forced study of “dialectic materialism” Part 3 – The Lessons of Socialism — A Message for America 27:00 Zina’s first impressions of America, plentiful food and opportunity 28:00 American naïveté about sharing and “social justice” 29:20 How the Russian people started out believing in the promises of socialism 30:15 Could socialism work if the “right people” were in charge of it? 31:30 What happens when socialist governments gain power? 31:50 What happens to the idealists who start the revolutions? 33:00 What Zina thinks when she sees Occupy Wall Street demonstrations 33:35 Occupy-ers should know how history repeats itself 34:20 Substitution of Communism for religion in the USSR 36:10 The worst of the horrors that Zina fortunately missed 38:10 Zina’s heartfelt message to her fellow Americans

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