Sunday, August 2, 2020

America, You've Really Had a Wonderful Life

But most devastating is Americans' loss of their God-given right to pursue happiness.  From morning to night, America's airwaves carry nothing but soul-sucking, spirit-killing hatred.  Leftists preach either directly or through their mouthpieces abject hatred for white people, Christians, conservatives, pro-life advocates, the president of the United States and any who support him.  They preach seething hatred for America.

American Thinker  "In the movie It's a Wonderful Life, an angel, Clarence, is sent to help George Bailey, a man who's sacrificed his dreams for family and community but is now falsely accused of stealing $8,000 and facing jail.  When George wishes he'd never been born, Clarence grants that wish. 
"Suddenly, George finds himself in a world where his beloved hometown, Bedford Falls, has been turned into anarchy and slums.  The town's named Pottersville after a greedy, power-hungry oligarch, Henry Potter, who now owns everything.  In this new world, George sees people he'd helped to succeed now destitute, living in run-down projects, with no hope for anything but survival.  Here his once-quiet, peaceful town is a cacophony of flashing lights, sirens, drunken brawls, and strip clubs.  Those who haven't turned to drink or chaos are locked behind closed doors, trapped in fear, depression, and hopelessness. 
"Like George Bailey, America's been given a glimpse of what our country would look like if Hillary Clinton had been elected president or what it will look like if Joe Biden wins in November.  In this new world, our beloved country is now the People's Republic of America.
"In the  People's Republic, people stand helplessly by as their jobs disappear, as shortages of water, meat, toilet paper, and other essentials drive hoarding, panic.  They're confined to quarters, denied freedom of movement even on beaches and in parks. 
"Here there's no competition, no pesky ads and commercials for restaurants, high-end sneakers, or luxury cars, because government allows only state stores, Walmart, Target, big-box stores.  Gone are the small businesses that offer designer clothes and shoes, the mom-and-pop ice cream shops, bookstores, jewelry stores, hair salons — the list goes on of businesses deemed nonessential.  In the People's Republic, it doesn't matter what people want; they'll get only what they need to survive." . . .  Keep reading...
Gone is the rush of joy when proud parents watch their kids or grandkids "walk," because in this world, there are no graduations, no celebrations, no joys.  Gone is the pride and sense of accomplishment when Americans land a great job, buy their first homes, or start their own businesses.  In the  People's Republic, these aren't accomplishments — merely proof of white supremacy, proof of capitalist greed.

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