Monday, September 7, 2020

This isn't the Brady Bunch here

‘Operation Homecoming’: Eight missing children recovered in Indiana, total of 72 children found in federal sweeps   . . . "Officials said the push to find the children last week was the end of several months of planning and coordination between law enforcement agencies.
"One adult was arrested and charged with parental kidnapping and possession of weapons of intimidation, CBS News reported.
"Over recent weeks, there have been operations under different names recovering missing children across the country.
"“Operation Not Forgotten” saved 26 children and found the location of 13 others, bringing that total to 39.
"“Operation Safety Net” found 25 missing and endangered children in Ohio over 20 days, CBS News reported.
"Among the three operations, 72 children have been recovered over recent weeks." . . .

Q names pedophile politicians vulnerable to blackmail  "You are not supposed to pay attention to anything published on the website QAnon.  Avert your eyes!  Democrat
politicians and their media allies are sharpening their attacks against Q to make sure as few people as possible read what is published there.  Joe Biden, a man fond of touching little girls, recently opined that Q-followers should seek counseling for their mental health.  The House introduced a resolution condemning Q as a fringe political conspiracy theory, while the Daily News and USA Today splashed big articles on their front pages decrying Q as an insidious dark force, radicalizing Americans.
. . . 
"Q responded to USA Today with a scathing accusation: "Corrupt. Controlled. Enemies of the Republic."  (Note: If you are new to Q, please read my article "An Introduction to Q" and my other Q articles here.)  To prove his point, Q then asked, "How is blackmail used?" and proceeded to list almost 100 politicians — both Democrats and Republicans — already charged with sex crimes against children.
"Here is a small sample of Q's list:
  • Democratic Illinois State Representative Keith Farnham has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.
  • Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years old.
  • Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.
  • Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.
  • Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.
  • Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.
  • Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year-old-black girl which produced a child.
  • Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
  • Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Garner was convicted of molesting a 13-year-old girl.
  • Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sext[ing] and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.
"Clearly, even this brief excerpt of Q's list shows that plenty of politicians have lots to hide.  And, as Q suggested, powerful people who assault children are vulnerable to blackmail and may be extorted into a wide range of criminal activities, including treason.
"There's still so much we don't know about Jeffrey Epstein and his blackmail activities.  All those kingpins in politics, business, media, and academia who flocked to his residences were captured on hidden surveillance cameras.  What services did they perform to keep their criminal actions secret?  What conspiracies did they hatch to expand their access to children and foil efforts to bring them to justice?
"To even ask these questions is to invite the scorn of the mainstream media, the Democratic presidential candidate, and many other well established people.  But Q encourages his followers to investigate evidence hidden by entrenched global crime syndicates in order to find the truth.
"Many Q-followers have noticed that since the arrest of Epstein's associate, Ghislaine Maxwell, there's been a quick succession of raids that freed missing children.  Did Maxwell give up the information that enabled the recent rescue of 25 missing children in Ohio, 8 children in North Carolina, and 39 children in Georgia?  The media have ignored these sensational stories, but the facts may eventually come out.
 "Find Q at and and make up your own mind."

LEAVE THEM STANDING: Confederate monuments must remain at Gettysburg to help interpret the Civil War’s causes and consequences

This article will appear in the October 2020 issue of Civil War Times which will be on newsstands in mid-September. Get yours at Barnes and Noble, Walmart, and online at our company site.

HistoryNet  "Visiting Gettysburg National Military Park should be unsettling. The site exists, after all, because of a breathtaking failure of the nation’s electoral system in 1860. Powerful members of Southern society thought Republican victory menaced the long-term viability of slavery and refused to accept the verdict of the ballot box. They dismembered the republic and opened the way for a war whose memory grappled with massive human loss, emancipation’s vast political and social consequences, and anger that lingered for years. As the nation continues to struggle with that memory, a sound understanding of the war and its legacies demands a level of discomfort. The presence of Confederate monuments at Gettysburg will upset some visitors, but that is a price worth paying to protect a valuable and instructive memorial landscape.

"The need to accept discomfort merits attention because heated debates regarding the Civil War’s memorial landscape have included calls to remove Confederate monuments at Gettysburg. These debates on social media, in the U.S. House of Representatives, and elsewhere raise the question of how best to handle the conflict’s deeply, and sometimes violently, contested memory. No other era in our history features the unfathomable complexity of political, social, and constitutional fracturing that sundered the republic and unleashed frightful slaughter. Through 12 years of Reconstruction, decades of Jim Crow rule in the South, the Civil Rights movement of the mid-20th Century, and beyond, conflicting memories of the Civil War affected national politics and culture."

Tourist attraction: President Harry Truman offers his view of the Battle of Gettysburg
The Bloody Angle: Picketts Charge on day 3
to reporters from the base of the Virginia Memorial. (Courtesy of The Adams County Historical Society)

"Gettysburg National Military Park offers superb opportunities to study how the war has been remembered. The battlefield yields insights into memory traditions developed by both the war’s winners and losers. Because most Americans have little or no appreciation for the difference between history and memory, between what actually happened, and how events have been interpreted by different groups at different times, the memorials at Gettysburg hold substantial value as educational tools. As part of this commemorative landscape, which developed over more than a century and a quarter and retains great historical integrity, Confederate monuments should be woven into a touring narrative devoted to how Americans have recalled their defining national trauma. The addition of contextual waysides would enhance the quality of the educational experience by helping visitors recognize ideas and themes associated with various streams of memory." . . .

Left-Wing Media Have Jumped the Shark

It is easier to discover an intelligent statement from Joe Biden than it is to find a real journalist in America today. In the Trump era, American journalism has moved from trying to hide its hardcore left-wing agenda to openly advocating for the Democratic Party.
 "For decades, the American news media have been liberal. Studies showed consistent and overwhelming support among the news media for Democratic candidates for president. Even a landslide loser such as 1972 Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern was the runaway favorite among American journalists.
"Previously, the liberal media made a minimal effort to hide their true objectives; however, today, there is no disguising their extreme hatred for President Donald Trump. Their purpose is clear, not to give fair and accurate reporting, but to advocate for the defeat of President Donald Trump and the election of former Vice President Joe Biden.
"At the president’s frequent news conferences, he is subjected to insulting, mean-spirited attacks masquerading as questions. Never has the media treated a president so rudely. Today, the White House press corps are so unhinged they make the rude questioning of Sam Donaldson in the Reagan era look tame in comparison.
"When Barack Obama was president, the media pushed his agenda and asked him obsequious questions such as what “enchanted” him the most about the position. These Democratic Party cheerleaders, poorly imitating reporters, might as well have thrown rose petals at his feet and asked if they could give him a foot rub." . . .

Remember Obama's Hawaii presser when he got this royal CNN treatment?
"After thinking a second – probably wondering how fortunate he is to have such an unapologetic shill in the audience – Obama responded, “That’s a multiple choice question, isn’t it?”

"And this is the type of hard-nosed journalist the supposedly most trusted name in news has as a White House correspondent."
Shill:  1. One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.2. One who publicly promotes another's cause, especially in an extravagant or misleading way.

The Black Lives Matter Movement and America's Founding Principles

American Thinker
But the claim that "systemic" racism permeates law enforcement agencies strikes me as false.  What correlates most to police shootings and arrests is the crime rate, not race. 
. . . "The Los Angeles Chapter of BLM held a rally on June 23, 2020.  Their message: "We are demanding that the School Board vote ... to defund school police by 90% over the next three years."  This theme seems to resonate throughout the BLM movement and is often endorsed by many political leaders on the left.

"It is time we no longer embrace the well meaning slogans of the BLM Supporters or the radical agenda of the BLM Activists.  Rather, we must vigorously embrace and stand for the American way of life, characterized by a colorblind society, adherence to the tenets of the U.S. Constitution, and a return to traditional American family values.
"Thomas Jefferson is credited with saying, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."  We are now called upon to end our silence.  We must be vigilant — or we may very well lose the country the vast majority of us of all faiths and colors and creeds love."

Sunday, September 6, 2020

What We’re Reading This Weekend: Special Media Malpractice Edition

Issues & Insights  "No Bias Here:"  
Gold star husband pushes back against magazine article, says Trump respects U.S. troops  "President Trump’s actions have shown our troops more respect than any president in my lifetime," Joe Kent wrote.". . . 

Need an Explanation Behind that Hit Piece by The Atlantic? Take a Look at The Guests at Their Upcoming Festival  . . . "When a major news outlet engages in a slanderous and biased hit piece on the President there really is only one way to prove you
are not in the tank for one party: hosting an online festival filled with leftist guests and featuring Hillary Clinton as the headline speaker. See, we are completely unbiased, right?!" . . .

The Atlantic Hit Piece Is a Hint of Democrats’ Orwellian Future  . . . "It turns out that we do actually have some very good historical sources that dispute the Atlantic story. These include the 11 eyewitnesses who have gone on the record to deny the president said what the Atlantic alleged, but they also include other sources." . . .

Attempts to Drive a Wedge Between Trump and the Military Should Rattle All Americans

PJ Media 

 "Waking up to a news cycle trying to convince you that President Trump does not respect members of the military, or dismisses their sacrifice, should not be viewed as just another poorly sourced hit piece. Even though, according to witnesses, that is precisely what The Atlantic story is. It is the intent of the anonymous sources that should rattle you.
. . . 
"To understand why this matters, we will go through McFaul’s seven steps one by one. We have seen these steps used during the Arab Spring and the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine. They were weaponized and taught overseas by the State Department under Hillary Clinton in a program called Tech Camps. This program taught activists how to build movements using technology.
"The groups were then activated around an invigorating event. Clearly, the event being leveraged now is the 2020 election."
Trump Is ‘Literally Hitler’. . . 
The Role of Never Trump. . . 
The Role of the Resistance . . .
The Push for Mail-In Voting . . .
The Role of the Media . . .
Role of the Riots . . .
Trump and the Military . . .

What to Do?
"There is no reason to believe this narrative will not continue to be amplified right through Election Day. It is up to each one of us to correct the record with everyone we know and vote in person as if your life depends on it. Ensure others do also. Remind people about early voting, which has slow periods where it is easier to socially distance. If your state is implementing mail-in voting because of the pandemic, petition your county to open polling places and educate your neighbors and communities about how many mail-in ballots get lost." 
"The only way to head off chaos is to make sure we can have faith in the election process. The only way to do that is to reject the fundamental changes to the system that Democrats are proposing."

Sharyl Attkisson Warns: Prepare for the ‘Scheduled Scandals’ Dropping Before November

If the numbers we’re seeing are true with Trump either tied or in the lead, Democrats know they’re in trouble. They don’t have too many options. Spread all kinds of scandals, try to find ballots where ever they can. If they lose, they wouldn’t accept it and create chaos. Hopefully, our republic can stand strong against it. Nancy Pelosi describes it, the “Wrap-up Smear.”
Sharyl Attkisson  "If anyone was surprised by the nonsensical lie being pushed by The Atlantic, they shouldn’t have been.

"The story, from “anonymous sources” claimed that President Donald Trump didn’t want to visit an American cemetery in France because he said dead military members “losers” and “suckers.” Anyone reading that would know it was fake and it was immediately debunked from all quarters by people willing to go on the record. But it sounded a lot more like the offensive way that the left depicts the military.
"The fact that such an obviously false story would be pushed shows how desperate they are at this point. It’s also pretty clear that one big font of support for the president and the GOP in general is the military. Consequently, Democrats have to find some way to unhinge that support.
"It’s 60 days before the election. Democrats and their willing acolytes in the media have already shown that they are willing to do anything they possibly can to win back the White House.
“ 'Full Measure News” Sharyl Attkisson had a warning for everyone." . . . 
“ 'Scheduled “scandals” will be rolled out regularly between now & Nov. 3. The media, politicos, propagandists pretend it’s organic & pretend to be aghast. Most of America understands what’s going on. After all, it’s not exactly a new approach in politics.”
  'No kidding.
" Expect a lot more, meant to completely disorient people and shake support from Trump. ' . . .
So don’t let it shake you, prepare, as Attkisson says, because wild things will be dropping between now and the election, guaranteed.


No respect for Biden; just hate for Trump and his supporters

Evidence piles up that the phony Atlantic story about Trump and troops was a slime job to boost Biden  "To get a sense of how low the Biden campaign is going to go in its quest to oust President Trump, the Atlantic hit job from Thursday is a pretty good indicator.
Monica Showalter
"The evidence is piling up that the easily refutable, anonymously sourced so-called story, claiming that President Trump disparaged veterans, wasn't really an Atlantic news story at all; it was a coordinated hit job involving the press, Democratic operatives, and associated leftist groups connected to the military, executed with impeccable timing.  The Atlantic is building a name for itself for its uncorrected false stories, and this one's not at all different." . . .
"Who else might be involved?  I suspect the Lincoln Project, or other NeverTrump groups, particularly if they are associated with former President George W. Bush.
"Why would I suspect that? Because of the swift boat ads on John Kerry, dating from 2004, which have a remarkable resemblance in tactics, albeit not merit, to what the Bushies pulled in that year, much to the Democrats' fury. Their campaign people, who are known for their rough play and dirty tricks, are busy at work with their bid to elect Joe Biden, and have pulled out their old template.
"By coincidence, this same bid to smear Trump was reportedly used by George McClellan to attack President Lincoln in 1864, a disgusting thing when you think about it. Maybe 'Lincoln Project' to them means 'do a number on Lincoln' or do a number on Trump the way Lincoln's enemies did.
"It's well worth watching if this is the modus operandi and these are the characters at work. Because one thing's for sure - this won't be their last dirty smear directed at Trump. If they had anything with truth, they'd use is, but as it is, all they have are lies, and they're comfortable with lies."    Monica Showalter

America’s Largest Police Union Endorses President Trump For 2020

American Lookout 

"Just as in 2016, Trump is the law and order candidate in 2020.
"Democrats have let their mobs of supporters run wild in the streets of American cities while scapegoating police officers as the enemy.
"Trump has always had the backs of police officers and now they have his back. Trump was just endorsed by the biggest police union in the country.
"The Hill reports:
Largest police union endorses Trump for reelection
The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the nation’s largest police union, announced it is endorsing President Trump on Friday and praised him for his calls for law and order.

Young skulls full of mush doing what they have been told to do

How many of the kids in these photos honestly thought of these actions on their own?

20-year-old college student from wealthy elite family facing possible 4-year prison term for violent BLM rampage in Manhattan

. . . Rioters all over the country have inflicted terrible harm on innocent people, many of them minority small business owners. That a person of above average raw intelligence would engage in this form of wanton destruction is evidence that evil people have warped her young mind. And apparently she has eagerly adopted the worldview and engaged in destruction for pleasure. The only way to prevent this poison from spreading and reverse it is to hold those responsible to the maximum punishment that the law allows.  . . .

Was it really their own idea to throw paint on a lady in her eighties who had the courage to stand up to them and their bully buddies?

How the Progressive Left Ruined Education  . . . "Schooling used to be about equipping pupils to succeed in life.  These days (with very few exceptions) it is about politicizing them so that as many as possible are indoctrinated into the radical progressive left ideology, thus blighting their adult lives with discontent and grievances, mostly as result of being conditioned to view all life’s set-backs as a form of “oppression.' ” . . .
The reason why so many young people today feel rootless and aimless is because they have never learned to respect the achievements of their ancestors (whose legacy they carelessly squander) or developed sufficient self-respect to aspire to leave a legacy that will in turn inspire others.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Stunning Synergy of The Atlantic’s Anonymous Attack on Trump

True or not, does it matter now? It is publicized and will be quoted non-stop, just as Russian collusion was, by leftists with now revealed levels of integrity and honor: Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, any Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee name a TV talk show host, and, well, you know the thing.  Leftist-dominated Google has swarmed their search engine with anti-Trump links.  TD

Donald J. TrumpSep 5, 2020You work so hard for the military, from completely rebuilding a depleted mess that was left by OBiden, to fixing a broken V.A. and fighting for large scale military pay raises, and then a slimeball reporter, maybe working with disgruntled people, makes up such a horrible charge..
Joel B. Pollak  "The Atlantic published a story Thursday evening that claimed President Donald Trump called the fallen American soldiers in a World War I cemetery “suckers” and “losers” in 2018. The author, Jeffrey Goldberg, cited four anonymous sources.
"Nearly a dozen current and former Trump administration officials disputed the story. One, notably, was John Bolton, the former national security adviser who says he will not vote for Trump. “I was there,” he said, and “I didn’t hear that.”
Other claims in The Atlantic story are refuted by documentary evidence. The article claims, for instance, that Trump refused to visit the cemetery because the rain would ruin his hair. Bolton’s tell-all book said otherwise; so do official documents.
What is more interesting than the details of the story is how it was produced, and how it was rolled out. It has the appearance of a well-coordinated, well-executed campaign of disinformation, utilizing the full toolbox available to the Democratic Party.
The article was published Thursday evening. By Friday morning, a left-wing group called Vote Vets had not only produced an ad based on the article, but had aired it on Morning Joe — MSNBC’s early-morning flagship news and opinion show.
Meanwhile, the article spread across social media like a brush fire in a derecho. It trended at the top of Twitter; it was shared widely on Facebook, all without any of the “fact checks” that typically accompany disputed news reports on such platforms.
The Biden campaign issued a statement Thursday night — “If the revelations in today’s Atlantic article are true” — and held a press call Friday morning. The call featured, among others, Khizr Khan — the Gold Star father who attacked Trump in 2016.
At the end of his presentation, Biden turned to his campaign staff, who chose which reporters would be allowed to ask questions, and in what order. The first question went to Edward-Isaac Dovere, who writes for — surprise! — The Atlantic.
Dovere asked, “When you hear these remarks — ‘suckers,’ ‘losers,’ recoiling from amputees — what does it tell you about President Trump’s soul, and the life he leads?” It was a setup for Biden to attack Trump over The Atlantic allegations again.
None of the other questions asked were challenging in any way; all appeared to be setup questions for Biden to attack Trump or to clarify some lingering problem — whether he had been tested for coronavirus (yes), where his running mate was (busy).
No one asked Biden whether it was appropriate to attack Trump based on an unconfirmed report. No one even asked Biden about his economic policies.  . . .
Tony Branco
Joe Biden and Trump's soul (Elsewhere in the TW)
"What do you think about the soul of Kamala Harris and others who were willing to destroy Judge Brett Kavanaugh with absolutely zero evidence?"
 President Trump denies this claim

John Bolton says he didn't hear Trump insult fallen soldiers in France  . . . "I didn't hear that," Bolton told The New York Times. "I'm not saying he didn't say them later in the day or another time, but I was there for that discussion."
"Bolton's remarks came after Trump himself denied any allegations of disrespectful comments toward American soldiers killed in action, which were first reported by The Atlantic's editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg.
" 'I would be willing to swear on anything that I never said that about our fallen heroes," Trump said to the press as he was exiting Air Force One early Friday. "There is nobody that respects them more. So, I just think it's a horrible, horrible thing ... no animal, nobody, what animal would say such a thing.' "  . . .

“I’ve watched President Trump solemnly sign letters to the families of fallen heroes. He’s honored their memories by doing more than any modern president to get us OUT of endless wars.”
White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah said, “It’s offensive & patently false. The President holds the military in the highest regard. He’s demonstrated his commitment to the force: delivering a pay raise to our troops, increasing military funding, signing veterans reform & supporting military spouses.”
"The nefarious purpose behind The Atlantic’s 'Trump and the military' hoax  . . . "The article’s primary allegations are that Trump refused to visit a WWI cemetery because of his hair, said the Marines who died taking Belleau Wood were “suckers” and “losers,” and drew back in revulsion from troops who lost limbs. Every assertion is false. People with first-hand information who were willing to go on the record exposed how terribly The Atlantic lied about Trump." . . .
 . . . "If I had to bet, I’d say that The Atlantic always knew the report was a lie. I’d go even further and say that someone in Biden’s campaign asked The Atlantic to publish the story." 

Jennifer Griffin of Fox News Did Not Confirm ‘Most Salacious’ Part of Atlantic Story
. . . "On Special Report, Griffin told host Bret Baier that her anonymous sources said Trump had used the term “suckers” to refer to Americans who fought in Vietnam.
"The latter claim is not actually new. Former Trump lawyer-turned-opponent Michael Cohen made the same claim publicly in early 2019.
"Griffin also said that she confirmed that Trump had asked why veterans served, “What’s in it for them? They don’t make any money.”
"That reflected a similar claim by the Atlantic about a remark Trump was alleged to have made at Arlington National Cemetery — though without context, it is impossible to know whether Trump was praising them for volunteering regardless of personal or financial gain, rather than (as the Atlantic and Griffith presumed) mocking them for doing so." . . .
I'd say The Atlantic claims Trump said the same things about our troops that many beloved leftists did about them>

Bradley Cooper Hammers Hollywood Awards Season as ‘Utterly Meaningless’

Breitbart  "The woke Academy Awards has seen its ratings fall through the floor as Americans sick of being lectured to by wealthy elites are tuning out en masse. Now eight-time Oscar nominee actor Bradley Cooper is taking a swing at Hollywood’s annual awards circus, calling it “utterly meaningless” and “completely devoid of artistic creation.”
"In a series of candid comments in Interview magazine, the American Sniper star said that Hollywood awards season is dominated by ego and vanity, though he stopped short of condemning it altogether." 
. . . 
"Bradley Cooper has received Oscar nominations for his performances in American Sniper, Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, and A Star Is Born. His most recent nomination was this year as a producer for Joker.
"The Academy Awards saw its viewership plummet an astonishing 20 percent earlier this year, drawing an all-time low of just 23.6 million viewers. The Golden Globes saw its ratings drop 2 percent, a relatively small decline thanks in large part to host Ricky Gervais, who skewered Hollywood pomposity at the top of the broadcast." . . .