If the top strategists knew what lay buried in the Biden family’s economic dossier, they committed political malfeasance when they tanked Bernie and elevated Biden.
"You can think long and hard about who might have been a better candidate for the Democrats, but as bad as Biden is, and as badly as he got beaten in Thursday’s debate, you’ll come up empty.
"Biden was their only chance. Joe Biden’s installation by the Democrat establishment places into stark relief the absolute glut of losers currently parading the Democrat Socialists into electoral perdition. Now, with the Biden corruption meter falling hard into the danger zone, it must be asked: What did the Democrat strategists who foisted this fading senior citizen into the top slot know and when did they know it?
"The calculation was that Bernie Sanders, an organic socialist who legitimately inspired enthusiasm in the increasingly far-left ranks, could not win. The calculation was correct, he never could. As Rush Limbaugh has said for years, most Americans don’t like it when so-called progressives honestly divulge their vision for the nation. It is always necessary for them to package their true intent in an unmarked brown box of moderation.
"Biden was packaged as that brown box. He actually is that brown box. But while Biden himself might be an empty vessel representing do-nothing political corruption, the box is not empty. It is filled and festering with radicals.
"The question becomes: While the top Dem strategists were divining Bernie’s capitulation and grooming next-in-line Joe for the top of the ticket, did they have any clue about the bombshell information that has driven the former VP into Groundhog Day mode, and threatens to collapse the best laid plans of the contemporary antecedents of people like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Terry McAuliffe and James Carville? Did these people have any idea of the extent of how inextricably the Biden family is on the take from foreign governments that were supposed—in the mainstream media narrative—to be vested in assisting and reelecting President Trump?" . . .