"While Americans were focused on communist-driven violent riots and Chinese coronavirus tyranny, the most powerful players in the mainstream media were scheming to launch a coup against President Donald Trump using the deceptively-named “Trusted News Initiative.” The TNI was also put in place to silence dissent on the preferred coronavirus narrative.
"On July 13, 2020, Variety reported that the TNI “is setting up a shared early warning system of rapid alerts to combat the spread of disinformation during the upcoming U.S. Presidential election.”
"The idea is that the mainstream media coordinate their message to shut down voices they deem contrary to their narrative.
"It is unclear who elected the mainstream media and massive corporations such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Twitter to be the Arbiters of Truth, yet that is exactly with TNI purports itself to be, referring to their effort as “an industry collaboration of major news and global tech organizations working together to stop the spread of disinformation where it poses risk of real world harm.”
“ 'Some people have tried to turn the term ‘mainstream media’ into a form of abuse to undermine credibility, but we are on the public’s side and will fight tirelessly to get high-quality journalism to as many people as possible,” said Tony Hall, President, European Broadcasting Union.
"The effort is reminiscent of JournoList, which was a secret email list run by Vox’s Ezra Klein to coordinate pro-Obama messages. JournoList included dozens of progressive journalists, and even included Jared Bernstein, chief economist for then-Vice President Joe Biden.
"The “Trusted News Initiative” is JournoList on steroids." More here...