Sunday, November 15, 2020

George Soros Looms Large Over Biden Transition

Washington Free Beacon

"Joe Biden's transition team includes several people affiliated with organizations bankrolled by the left-wing billionaire George Soros.

"Biden's "Agency Review Teams," which include lists of individuals "responsible for understanding the operations" of each government agency, will prepare "President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris … to hit the ground running on Day One." Soros is well represented on those lists.

"Sarah Cross, an advocacy director at Soros's Open Society Foundations, received a seat on Biden's State Department transition team. Michael Pan, a special adviser in the executive office of the Open Society Foundations, will join the United States Mission to the United Nations team. Diane Thompson, who is listed as "self-employed" and a member of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau team, is a current Leadership in Government Fellow at the Open Society Foundations.

"Soros poured more than $70 million into election activity backing Biden's candidacy this past cycle, more than three times his previous high of $22 million in the 2016 election cycle. Soros and the Democracy Alliance donor club previously enjoyed close access to the Obama administration; under a Biden administration, that access will likely return.

"Other members of Biden's transition team work for groups that receive heavy funding from the billionaire. Sharon Burke and Viv Graubard, both at the New America think tank, will join Biden's Department of Defense and Department of Labor teams. Soros's Open Society Foundations gave New America more than $1 million last year, according to the group's disclosures. Soros's son, Jonathan, sits on New America's board emeriti." . . .

Democrats Hold Big, Fancy Dinners While Telling America To Cancel Thanksgiving

" California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who declared war on Thanksgiving with sweeping restrictions limiting household gatherings, was also caught attending dinner with “a dozen attendees from several different households” just last week, according to the Daily Beast."

The Federalist 

"While leftist lawmakers and unelected bureaucrats are hard at work canceling Thanksgiving for Americans, congressional Democrats are holding big, fancy dinners on Capitol Hill to welcome new members ahead of the fall holiday.

“ 'It’s very spaced,” though, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly told NBC correspondent Leigh Ann Caldwell to justify the dinner. The dinner comes several months after the Democratic leader was caught getting an illegal haircut in San Francisco without a mask.

. . . 

"Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has also demanded residents “re-think” their holiday plans, while Chicago’s Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot launches new restrictions ahead of the November holiday.

“ 'While this is tough, and of course this whole year has been tough, we must tell you, you must cancel the normal Thanksgiving plans,” Lightfoot said Thursday, several days after attending crowded celebrations in her city after news organizations called the presidential race for Democrat Joe Biden.

"To justify her promotion of the mass demonstrations while shutting down others such as protests on her own block, Lightfoot said, “that crowd was gathered whether I was there or not.' ” . . .

"Not wearing a mask, not standing 6 feet apart.... the pandemic is officially over according to Democrats"

Der Schumerglower and his close friends

National Election Fraud: Evidence Of National Chicanery During America’s 2020 Presidential Election

 Noisy Room

"Regardless of where one falls politically, the sanctity of the vote is a bedrock of a functioning representative democracy. Voters have to believe their vote matters. And that the vote is free, fair, and accurate.

"The basic facts of the 2020 American Presidential election are concerning because mounting evidence indicates there’s been a concerted effort by state Democratic Parties to flip the election from President Donald Trump to former Vice President Joe Biden in a number of key swing states with the help of notoriously corrupt Democratic Party machines in at least five American cities — Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, and Atlanta.

"Here are the basic facts of the case: On Election Night when America went to bed, President Trump had a commanding lead in virtually every swing state, as well as Virginia, which no one expected him to win. However, when America woke up the next day, we found that he’d lost these leads, largely on the basis of mail-in ballots found in the middle of the night and out from under the watchful eye of legal election monitors.

"What’s more, these massive caches of votes – almost all of which were for former Vice President Biden – came via large dumps primarily from the five aforementioned cities in states predominantly run by Democratic governors.

"When one looks at the statistical likelihood of the reported turnout, the numbers are so improbable they’re more at home in a one-party state like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or North Korea.

"What’s more, Biden’s victory does not square with the results of the Republican Party nationally: Republicans won 28 of 29 competitive House seats and Democrats were unable to flip a single state legislature. Joe Biden secured a scant three of the so-called “Bellwether Districts” that almost always choose the winner, one of which was in Delaware. Judicial Watch found 353 counties in 29 different states who had higher than 100 percent turnout." . . .

Is Rashida Tlaib an Agent of Jihad?

Given her public views and her associations with terrorist groups, if Tlaib were given free rein in HUD, would Muslim no go zones  be established? Raheem Kassam explains how they already exist and reveals "communities, neighborhoods, and whole city districts" (think Hamtramck, Michigan) where "Islamic law is king and infidels are unwelcome."  

 Eileen F. Toplansky  "Much has been written about the radical leftist policies that will be enacted should Biden become President. They would include but not be limited to defunding police departments nationwide; abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE agency; decriminalizing illegal border entry by foreign nationals into the United States; and incentivizing States to pass laws that expand voting access." In actuality, "Pelosi's HEROES Act which is misleadingly titled 'Protections for Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers' is a 'virtual blank check to keep illegal aliens from being deported.'"

But to my knowledge, no one has considered the possible consequences of Biden appointing Rashida Tlaib to head the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

While many Americans rail against the socialist/communist bent of the Democrat Party, far too many are still unaware of the insidious Red/Green alliance of Leftists and Jihadists.  Those who would ostensibly be enemies are currently bedfellows. Nineteen years after 9/11, far too many Americans still do not understand or acknowledge the jihadist enemy." . . .

. . . " Biden and Harris totally support open borders; thus, America would soon find itself at the mercy of those who seek to destroy her. And not a shot would have been fired.

"What a boon  it would be if Rashida Tlaib and, by extension, her jihadist buddies could get their hands on Federal funds and continue the march to jihadist supremacy through an agency that is meant to help low-income families.

"This is one more reason why Biden must never be sworn in as president."

'You Ain't Black if...' "

Ian Macfarlane


Saturday, November 14, 2020

AT&T reportedly looking to sell CNN after 'hit' from 'hating Trump': Gasparino

Fox News  "AT&T is reportedly looking at selling CNN to pay its massive debt, but the cable news company may have hit its peak "hating Trump," Fox Business Network senior correspondent Charlie Gasparino argued Friday.

" 'CNN does not have Donald Trump to kick around anymore and their ratings will take a hit," he told "Tucker Carlson Tonight," given the current projected presidential election results.

"He reports that AT&T is "financially unstable" with $150 billion in debt.

""They need to cut costs. There's an active investor out there," Gasparino said.

"Despite the low odds of any deal in the immediate future, a sale of CNN to billionaire Jeff Bezos would make sense from both sides, media investment bankers tell FOX Business.

" 'I'm not a CNN hater. They have a lot of good journalists there," Gasparino said. " . . .

Exactly who are these "good journalists"? I had hoped for solid reporting from Jake Tapper but felt he had sold out any integrity he had. TD

Kristi Noem Lights Up 'Ridiculous' Barack Obama for His Pathetic Portrayal of America in Upcoming Memoir


Spare us the faux intellectualism, O. Besides being elected president of the United States — twice, and primarily by white Americans — you were handed a $65 million advance to tell us how “racist” and “imperfect” we are. Does that strike you at all as hypocritical as hell?

"Before we get started, how many more memoirs is this narcissist going to write?

"Rising Republican star, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Thursday skewered former president and current condescending-know-it-all Barack Obama over a passage from O’s soon-to-be-released memoir, titled “A Promised Land.”

"As reported by The Blaze, the memoir, to be released November 17, is scheduled to be the first of a two-part series released by Penguin Random House, which paid a $65 million advance to Barack and Michelle Obama for the rights to publish both their memoirs. [Rolling-eyes emoji]

"Hmm. I wonder how much of that $65 million Mr. and Mrs. Martha’s Vineyard plan to donate to Chicago’s Southside, their old haunt, where streets run red with the blood of black men shot to death by other black men every weekend — but I digress.

"In one of several excerpts from the book released to the Washington Examiner, Obama suggested that Donald Trump’s 2016 election was in part because Americans “were spooked (of course he intended the pun) by a black man in the White House” —  which he partially blamed on former Alaska governor and John McCain’s vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin for creating racial tension and “wild conspiracy theories.”

“Through Palin, it seemed as if the dark spirits that had long been lurking on the edges of the modern Republican Party — xenophobia, anti-intellectualism, paranoid conspiracy theories, and antipathy toward Black and brown folks — were finding their way to center stage.”...

..."Someone else disgusted by Obama’s book is conservative author, commentator, and activist Candace Owens, who on Friday night called the former president “despicable” during an appearance on Fox News with host Sean Hannity. As reported by Fox News, Owens said Obama was “the first president who left the White House hating America.' ” ...

For Now, The American Republic Stands

 Charlemagne Institute.

The Founding Fathers knew that in order to preserve liberty, we couldn't trust politicians with concentrated power. If the Republicans do not prevail in one Senate race in Georgia, the American people will receive a crash course in the Founders’ wisdom.

"Before the November 3 election, a foundational principle of the American republic – checks and balances – was on life support. The same inaccurate pollsters who predicted a blowout win for Biden also predicted the Democrats would take control of the Senate. With one-party Democratic control, America as we know it would disappear.

"The results of the election didn't match the polls. On January 5, 2021, if the Republicans win one of the two Georgia runoff Senate races, Republicans will retain control of the Senate and two-party governance will be preserved.

"America has recently experienced one-party rule, both under Republicans from 2017 to 2019, and under Democrats from 2009 to 2011. But times have changed. This time, one-party rule under Democrats promises permanent governmental changes, such as an end to the Senate filibuster and the addition of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia as states. It also promises to pack the Supreme Court with additional justices, to avoid having new laws declared unconstitutional.

"These foundational changes obliterate checks and balances, the core design feature built into the Constitution to prevent abuses of power. Losing these would cause America to lose her tried-and-true form of government for good.

"James Madison explained why checks and balances "should be necessary to control the abuses of government" in Federalist Paper No. 51. No matter what you believe about the goodness of Joe Biden and the Democrats, their character is not enough to prevent abuses to liberty:

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. 

A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions.

More here...

The 2020 Democratic Party Platform – Understanding the Opposition

The 2020 Democratic Platform reads as if it was written by Sandy O and her entourage.  Joe Biden cannot honestly face the 70 million who voted for his opponent and call for unity while subscribing to such a platform.  One also questions how the moderate Democrats can remain in their party while claiming that the socialist talk cost them too many seats in the House.

  Jim Forbes "Joe Biden is claiming to be everyone’s president and the leader who will unite us and solve all our problems.  Whether Biden becomes the victor in the presidential election or not, understanding the beliefs of his supporters and admirers is fundamentally important.  They are a force that will continue to have to be reckoned with.  In this regard, critical review of the Democratic Party platform is enlightening and still relevant.

"First, for context it seems wise to have a comparison, but not to the Republican platform, for that would be comparing apples to oranges.  As a historical perspective, why not compare to the 1960 Democratic Party platform on which John Kennedy was elected President?  The 1960 platform celebrated the party of Jefferson, instead of the movement today to remove, deface, or destroy his national monument in Washington D.C. and rename hundreds, even thousands, of public schools.  It promoted a strong military and economy to defend against the Soviet Union and Red China, rather than replacing the superiority of American military and economic strength with ineffectual diplomacy.  It promised housing for everyone and the end of urban blight, as consequences of a strong economy, instead of government handouts and welfare.  It recognized God rather than claiming that government is the only hope.  It established the need for the end of pollution and the wise use of resources instead of the blind religion of environmentalism and climate change.  It blamed previous Republican administrations for not accomplishing what the Democrats claimed they could only achieve, but without hatred.  It understandably was political propaganda, but it was strikingly different than what the Democratic Party states they believe today." . . .

There is no amount of reasoning or compromise that can influence those who truly believe and support the tenets of the 2020 Democratic Platform.  They are the foundation on which a Democrat-controlled presidency and Congress will formulate policy.  There is no common ground. 

Obama Defames 'Millions of Americans' as Racists in New Memoir

Many Chautauquans voted for you in the hope that race relations would improve on your watch.  As you know, they collapsed.  In January 2009, 79 percent of whites and 64 percent of blacks held a favorable view of race relations in America.  By July 2013, those figures had fallen to 52 percent among whites and 38 percent among blacks.  This had nothing to do with Donald Trump and much to do with your Tourette's-like instinct to cite "race" as the cause of your own and your administration's failings.  

Jack Cashill   " 'For millions of Americans spooked by a Black man in the White House," writes Barack Obama in his new memoir, A Promised Land, "Donald Trump promised an elixir for their racial anxiety."

Rather than speak for the millions of Americans whom Barack Obama casually defamed, I am going to speak for the 130,000 or so residents of Chautauqua County, New York, a semi-rural "rust belt" county tucked away in the far southwest corner of western New York.

I know the county well.  I spend a good chunk of each year there and set my first published novel, 2006: A Chautauqua Rising, therein.  (Word to would-be writers: do not use names in book titles that no one can pronounce: sha-TAWK-wa).

In 2008, Mr. Obama, you won Chautauqua County.  In that the county is only 2 percent black, it was the white people of Chautauqua who elected you.  In that many residents have not seen a black American since the Buffalo Bills moved their training camp, "racial anxiety" is preposterously low on the list of local motivators.  You appeared just as black in 2008 as you did in 2012, and you scared no one." . . .


"In 2016, the county that you carried in 2008 gave Trump a 20-plus margin over the very white Hillary Clinton.  Did her sex "panic" Chautauquans more than your race?  Or did they catch on that coastal elites had nothing but contempt for the "deplorables" in working-class America, what with the way they bitterly cling to their guns and religion?

"In 2020, Chautauquans again gave Trump a 20-point margin (More than 30 percent before the mail-ins were counted).  In fact, the whole southern tier of New York, like the northern tier of Pennsylvania, had turned deep red.  This had absolutely nothing to do with you or with race, Mr. Obama, but everything to do with the fact that your party has written these "fragile" white people off.

"Barack Obama owes the people of Chautauqua County an apology.  No, he owes the people of America an apology.  And he sure as hell owes Donald Trump an apology.  Thank God he didn't use the word "spooked.' "...

Friday, November 13, 2020

Leftist cabal's sleazy plan to blacklist Trump-supporters blows up in their faces

But it also attracted disgust from more than just the GOP.  Anyone with any human decency is repelled by fascist blacklists, which might be why the group refuses to put its own names out there.  Even some establishment journalists, such as CNN's Jake Tapper, were repelled, . . .

Monica Showalter  "It looks as though the Trump Accountability Project, a vile, literally fascist scheme to hound and persecute former Trump supporters big and small in the presumed post-Trump era, is shutting down.  It had been touted by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former Pete Buttigieg spokesman Hari Sevugan as the next order of

action.  According to Breitbart News:

The Trump Accountability Project, which targets supporters of President Donald Trump by adding them to a list and "holding them accountable" after the election, has announced that it is "no longer active."

"As of Nov. 12, the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, featuring a photo of Obama-era migrant cages, they had this declaration on the front of their site:

We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.

We should welcome in our fellow Americans with whom we differ politically.

But those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart. The world should never forget those who, when faced with a decision, chose to put their money, their time, and their reputations behind separating children from their families, encouraging racism and anti-Semitism, and negligently causing the unnecessary loss of life and economic devastation from our country's failed
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. . . .

 . . . "Why stay up as a public relations liability when the slimework has already been spread far and wide? Easier to shut it and avoid becoming a target themselves. According to this

complaint posted by the Daily Caller, it looks like it's the doing of professional smear artist David Brock and his minions, which if so, wouldn't be surprising. Smearing and blacklisting others is Brock's sorry lifework." . . .

. . . "Yes, it had to shut down, but the venom that fuels some quarters of the Democrats carries on.

"In any case, good riddance, it tells us there are still some lines that aren't to be crossed, and some leftist fascists still aren't to show their faces." . . .

Feinstein Begs Graham to Stop Confirming Judges and 'Allow Biden-Harris' to Appoint, Graham's Response Is Perfect


But the audacity after all the Democrats have done to even ask this, it’s “imperative.” My response might have been just to laugh in her face for several minutes. No, maybe if you hadn’t lied and tried to smear good people for decades, people might give you any consideration at all. But since you didn’t, people should just tell you to pound sand. And that’s exactly what Graham did. ...

"The behavior of the Democrats in regard to the appointment of federal judges, especially Supreme Court justices has been abysmal for decades, starting with Robert Bork and finishing with Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

"It has been so bad for so many years that the Republicans finally learned to fight back during the attacks on Brett Kavanaugh during his hearing and stood their ground with Amy Coney Barrett despite the Democrats throwing a tantrum and leveling all kinds of attacks at them.

"Now, with a supreme lack of self-awareness, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to the Committee Chair Lindsey Graham, asking that he stop confirming judges until after the inauguration.

"Claiming that Joe Biden had won and Americans “overwhelmingly” rejected President Donald Trump, Feinstein said it was “imperative that the Judiciary Committee cease to process judicial nominations” to wait and allow Biden to appoint them. This despite the fact that was demonstrably untrue, the election was very close, with the counts and the legal challenges still going on."