Saturday, November 21, 2020

Brady White Files: Big-City Cop Explains Why He Left That Police Department for Good

 PJ Media

"This may come as a shock to you, dear reader, but cop-hating Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty has failed to take responsibility for her awful behavior towards a Lyft driver.

I’ll give you a moment to recover.

"Last week, it came to light that Hardesty had been verbally abusive to her Lyft driver on a trip home from ilani Casino Resort on November 1, to the point the driver canceled the ride and dropped her off at a gas station to order another Lyft. In response, Hardesty called 911.


. . . "White has taken the step to speak out despite the threats to his job and his livelihood. “If I wrote under my real name and told you where I really work,” he said, “I would at the very least be suspended and probably transferred, taken off the streets and buried somewhere where no one wants to work, or possibly fired. That goes for most active-duty law enforcement.”

"Now, he’s written about his resignation from a riot-infested hell-hole of a big-city police department. He writes:

As I told you in my previous rants, many people are leaving law enforcement. Some are leaving altogether, and others like myself are leaving large departments for smaller ones.

I recently resigned from my big-city police department for a smaller agency. The citizens are more pro-law enforcement and the administration still backs its officers if you’re doing the right thing for the right reasons.  Even if you happen to go viral for doing your job. Even if a knife-wielding maniac tries to advance on you and you have to meet lethal force with lethal force. See: Philadelphia.

My old agency is in real trouble, but city hall isn’t really aware of it yet. Or worse, if they are—they don’t care.  Due to COVID-19  budget shortfalls, there’s a hiring freeze right now. People like me are leaving. A dozen to this agency here, thirty-plus to an agency over there, a little bit at a time over the next few months. When State Police opens their academy in the spring? Say goodbye to another dozen or more.

They’re also incentivizing early retirements by the end of the year. Meaning, those with enough time on, or through the incentives that can buy service time through unused sick/vacation time, they’re leaving too. One guy comes to mind, who called me today and told me, “Seeing you in street clothes smiling while turning in your sh– was it for me. F— ’em. I go Monday to start my paperwork.” Good for you, bro. You earned it. Now bankrupt them one month at a time for the next forty years [with the pension payouts].

So who’s left? The ones who can’t leave yet, the lazy, the connected. You think their loyalty will be rewarded?  You don’t do more with less. You do less with less. They’re going to be short-staffed and overworked. Like I said in a previous article, welcome to Delta City. Only there’s no RoboCop walking through the door to save anyone.

. . . 

If toilet paper could only talk to us

Common Sense Evaluation

Friday, November 20, 2020

Democrats and Israel now

Abbas Returning to Good Boy Tactics in Anticipation of Biden Presidency  ..."Suddenly, Abbas is prepared to offer the kinds of concessions that, had he presented them to President Trump’s advisor Jared Kushner, he could have had a Palestinian state by now. Such an intriguing man.///

..."Harris also said the Biden administration would reopen the US consulate in eastern Jerusalem which the Trump administration closed last year."

The Approaching Storm in U.S.-Israel Relations

. . . "Since Election Day, and since the networks proclaimed Joe Biden the winner, Israel’s media, along with its diplomatic and security establishment and political leadership busied themselves with scouring the lists of candidates for senior foreign policy positions in a Biden administration and considering the implications of So and So’s appointment to national security advisor over Whatshisname. The notion behind the name game is that the appointment of one person over another will significantly impact a Biden administration’s Middle East policy either to Israel’s benefit or to its detriment.

"There is nothing new about the name game. Israel’s political and national security leaders and its media know-it-alls play it every four years. And often, personnel has been policy. For instance, when Trump replaced his first secretary of state Rex Tillerson with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, things changed. Tillerson opposed leaving the Iran nuclear deal and opposed moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Pompeo supported both.

"But in the case of the apparently incoming Biden administration who fills what job is basically irrelevant. And worrying about it should certainly not be a priority. Biden’s policies are basically set in stone."...

..."Biden also committed himself to reinstating U.S. humanitarian aid to Gaza. Such a move will be a boon for the Hamas terror regime which now relies on cash payments from Qatar."...

...But one thing is clear, having committed himself to restoring the U.S. commitment to the deal, Iran will hold all the cards in any future negotiation on the terms of a U.S.-Iran nuclear rapprochement. And that means that the U.S. will back Iran’s nuclear weapons program more or less from the outset of a Biden-Harris administration.

..."Likewise, appeasing Iran and giving it an open road to a nuclear arsenal is a domestic political issue for Democrats.

""Talk of Biden’s joviality and personal warmth, and of moderates versus radicals are soothing distractions for Israelis who are about to face the most hostile U.S. administration in history. But the facts are the facts. And to meeting the challenge a Biden administration will pose to Israel’s national and strategic interests, Israel must steel itself for what awaits it, not worry who will occupy which post in a Biden administration."

POLL: Fox News Popularity Among Republicans Plunges in Wake of Election Coverage

News Thud  "A new Morning Consult poll shows the popularity of Fox News plunging in wake of their election coverage.

"Many conservatives were upset at Fox News for making an election night call that Joe Biden had won Arizona. The margin on the race, which at the time was much larger, ended up being a fraction of a percent.

"Per Morning Consult “in polling conducted Nov. 9-16, the network’s average favorability rating among GOP respondents has dropped 13 percentage points, to 54 percent, and the average share of those with an unfavorable view of the network nearly doubled, to 30 percent.”

Biden: Families Must Be ‘Wearing Masks’ ‘Inside the Home’ Over Thanksgiving

Democrat presidential nominee claims he's been advised by unnamed 'health experts'

Jay Greenberg

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has warned that families must be "wearing masks" during Thanksgiving celebrations, even when they are "inside the home."

"Biden made the call during his "COVID-19 briefing" as he continues to play "president-elect."

"The former vice president laid down the law for Americans to follow over the holidays.

"Citing unnamed "health experts," Biden said the public must limit their family gatherings on Thanksgiving and adhere to coronavirus protocols inside their private residences.

"Biden said gatherings must be limited to “five people, maximum ten people” who are “socially distanced, wearing masks.' ” . . .

Biden’s Shot at Success

Ian Macfarlane

Conrad Black

Joe Biden has one great chance to emancipate himself from the extremists in his own party and work with moderate Trump supporters and NeverTrumpers among the Republicans.

"There is a pathway to significant success for a President Biden. It is hard to detect, given the questionable nature of his apparent election, fragmented party, likely inability to enact anything that he currently supports in the Congress, and the probable Democratic loss of the majority in the House in the midterm elections, as well as his evident frailties. 

"Biden was retrieved from imminent candidate mortality by the party elders to spare the Democrats a Bernie Sanders candidacy and was saddled with most of Sanders’ quasi-Marxist program. But in his most impressive remark in the presidential debates, Biden said that in policy terms, “I am the party.” It was a forceful, and in a way, a reassuring statement. 

"Joe Biden, in his 48 years in Washington, has been on all sides of almost every issue. If he has never been strong, so too has he never been an extremist. He is not a true believer in the radical leftist program that he officially stood upon and from which he has in effect already departed. In any case, such a program has absolutely no chance of being adopted by a Congress with such a strong Republican presence as the next one.

"Since there is also no practical likelihood of his attempting a second term as president, the only way that Biden could build a record of achievement is to work with the Republicans in Congress along with whatever moderate Democrats remain. His party would run away from under him, or at least the Sandersite wing of approximately 40 percent of them would run. But they would have nowhere to go. " . . .

Conrad Black has been one of Canada’s most prominent financiers for 40 years, and was one of the leading newspaper publishers in the world as owner of the British telegraph newspapers, the Fairfax newspapers in Australia, the Jerusalem Post, Chicago Sun-Times and scores of smaller newspapers in the U.S., and most of the daily newspapers in Canada. He is the author of authoritative biographies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, one-volume histories of the United States and Canada, and most recently of Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other. He is a member of the British House of Lords as Lord Black of Crossharbour.

Some animals are more equal than others — Gavin Newsom edition

The Slammer

Kevin Boss  . . .

All Animals Are Equal.
But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others. 

Precisely.  I am a longtime California restaurateur and just one of many California business-owners on the verge of financial ruin by virtue of the near-total Gavin Newsom–ordered lockdowns of the past nine months.   How, I wonder, does the famous French Laundry chef and owner, Thomas Keller, feel about the attention this dinner has gotten?  I know he, like all of us in the hospitality business, has struggled with the lockdowns and the ever-changing, arbitrary COVID rules.  But I also know that the bill for Newsom's French Laundry dinner party was probably over $6,000.  Since Keller no doubt had a couple of other similar parties that night, the restaurant probably had sales in excess of $18,000 for the evening.  I'm happy for him and his staff.  But one of my businesses has had exactly $0 sales for the past nine months. 

I know from experience that Keller's businesses are suffering reductions in sales and increased costs due to the absurd government imposed COVID protocols.  Thomas Keller knows that many of his colleagues in California and nationwide have failed to survive the lockdowns or are on the verge of closing forever.  How does Keller feel about hosting and cooking an exquisite meal for Governor Newsom — the man who is singlehandedly destroying an entire industry in the name of questionable science?   

Take a peek under the Orwellian hood with this clip of dozens of oBjEcTiVe media outlets literally reading the EXACT SAME SCRIPT telling you what to believe


Joel Abbott   "I have a fair number of people in my life that wonder why I get so irked by our nation's media. In the last decade, millions of us have seen how biased and Orwellian the media machine is, and how it wields its power and influence to control the lives and futures of so many.

"But no matter how often I discuss the rampant partisanship in newsrooms, the one-sided daily attacks on conservatives, the narrative pushing, and the language manipulation, there are millions of Americans who still trust the media establishment. Many of them just voted for Joe Biden because said establishment has spent four years saying Donald Trump is an Orange Hitler and a threat to democracy.

"I often encourage people to look for trigger phrases such as "threat to democracy" to see the media's bias. Who do they overwhelmingly attach such labels to? What do they mean by the phrase? How do they want you, the viewer or reader, to feel?

"It's easy to take aim at the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC, and even my most left-leaning acquaintances usually understand there's "some" bias on those national shows.

"But what about their local news? Surely they can be trusted, right? Surely they wouldn't read from some Orwellian Big Brother's script to get you to distrust something, right?

"If anyone is in doubt, show them this haunting clip this holiday season. There's a new nightmare before Christmas in town." . . .

James Woods exposes dozens of local news shows reading from the same (Biden) script  . . . "This time, with a video that effectively raises the chilling reality that local TV news across the country has been co-opted into dutifully mouthing the same scripts, written to indoctrinate the public with leftist propaganda.  In this case, beware of "disinformation" (from you know who), cloaked in self-righteousness.  By combining the voices of multiple TV broadcasters on their respective stations into a chorus, with a collage of their images, this tweet exposes a genuine scandal in an impactful way." . 

. .

If We Want Better Policing, Eliminate Qualified Immunity

 People's Pundit Daily

"Yesterday’s column focused on how police unions protect the bad apples who misbehave and therefore cause some people to resent law enforcement, especially in the minority community.

"Curtailing the role of those unions would be an important step to create better bonds between the police and the citizenry.

"Today’s column will explain the need to repeal or substantially curtail the doctrine of “qualified immunity,” which was created by courts to protect cops who trample on people’s rights.

"It’s not a complete answer, just as fixing the union problem isn’t a complete answer. But getting rid of the doctrine at least will give citizens the opportunity to bring lawsuits when cops disregard their civil liberties. This tweet is a good summary for those who don’t have time to dig into the topic." . . .

"David French condemned the practice in a piece for National Review in 2018.

Judges created qualified immunity, and they can end it. It’s past time to impose true accountability on public servants who violate citizens’ constitutional rights. First, some background. Since 1871, federal law has permitted Americans to file lawsuits against public officials who violate their constitutional rights. It’s a powerful tool that essentially deputizes members of the public to defend their own liberties.

…However, after generations of judges have interpreted the statute, the phrase “shall be liable” has come to mean “may occasionally be liable.” …In 1982, …the law changed. In a case called Harlow v. Fitzgerald, the Supreme Court concocted the modern doctrine of qualified immunity. …As the doctrine developed, to prove that a right is clearly established, the plaintiff generally had to find and cite a remarkably similar case, with nearly identical facts, decided by a court of controlling jurisdiction. …the entire notion of “clearly established law” rests on a series of absurd, fantastical premises. Are we really to believe that a police officer doesn’t know he shouldn’t pound on the wrong door and blow away the innocent occupant unless a court said so in a case, say, five years before?

‘End Qualified Immunity’ by David French, National Review, September 2018

Full article...


A Vegas oddsmaker’s take on Fox News and the election grift


Image by Ken Swope.

. . . "After describing a famously fixed football game in 1978 (the New York Giants versus the Philadelphia Eagles), Root wrote,

Gamblers feel the same way about this presidential election. This presidential election is rancid. It feels as fixed as that Giants-Eagles NFL football game. Let me give you the details of this election- from a gambler’s perspective.

"Once the polls closed on Tuesday and the counting began, gamblers took note of the onrush of Trump votes. Trump quickly moved from a 2 to 1 underdog to an 8 to 1 favorite:

What does all this mean? Bettors putting their money on the line during Election Night have always proven to be deadly accurate. Smart bettors can clearly see what direction a race is taking. Bettors around the world clearly saw what I saw, when they stared at the electoral map- Trump was headed for an electoral landslide.

"At that point, something very weird occurred. It didn’t happen at CNN or MSNBC, it happened at Fox News. You all remember that Fox refused to call Florida, Ohio, or Texas for Trump, even though Trump was miles ahead in those three states. Additionally, even though Trump was also significantly ahead in Virginia, Fox nevertheless called the state for Biden. But that wasn’t the worst:

And then it happened. It was the most bizarre call in Election Night history. Fox News called Arizona for Biden. Why? It wasn’t even close to over. There was no reason on earth to make that call. Arizona is STILL not over 8 days later. CNN still hasn’t awarded Arizona. ABC pulled it back from Biden only 24 hours ago. [Root’s article was published on Nov. 14.)

"The moment that call occurred Trump’s 8 to 1 odds collapsed back to 2 to 1. One of Root’s major bookmaking friends called him:

 “Wayne, something is wrong. I’ve never seen a drop like that, let alone a drop that fast. How can Trump go from 8 to 1, to 2 to 1. Someone knows something. We’ve got a problem.” . . .

Fox News continues to alienate its viewers  "Fox News continues to insult its audience. This time, the insults came from Kristin Fisher, who was speaking from either ignorance or malice when she attacked Rudy Giuliani after Trump’s legal team gave a press conference."
 .If Fisher had listened to Ellis, she wouldn’t have whined about the absence of evidence. Ellis could not have made it plainer that the conference was to summarize the case, not to prove it. . .

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Democrats' PLEA for 'UNITY' Rings HOLLOW

Biden/Harris team takes its time responding to leftist violence at Trump 'MAGA March'


"What kind of people have to be hectored into issuing a weak, petulant sentence about violence exacted upon their political opposition?

"The Biden/Harris team and Democratic leadership, that’s who.

"Saturday, Nov. 14 was a day of tens of thousands of President Trump supporters peacefully (completely, not “mostly”) at the “MAGA March,” in Washington, D.C. Marxist Black Lives Matter and Antifa were there, too, but outnumbered, but when the crowd began to disperse did those usual suspects show up and proceeded to harass, threaten and exact violence against those simply showing support for the president.

"This was not a new scene. Supporters of Mr. Trump have faced verbal, emotional and physical assaults throughout his presidency, in addition to attempts by media to destroy the lives of others, like Covington kid Nick Sandmann. Whether it be adults getting screamed at in restaurants, being attacked for their support of the president, to children being assaulted by adults and other children for wearing Trump 2020 hats, Democratic political violence has become commonplace.

"Ironically, the Biden/Harris campaign laughably made calls for “unity” a cornerstone of their campaign, as they pledge to “heal the soul of the nation.” This, as video from the MAGA March of BLM, Antifa and Black Box anarchist assaults on families, older Americans and Trump supporters in general, went viral on social media. 

"In one case, an older man walking alone was sucker punched from behind by a masked rioter. When the victim fell face first on the cement another masked rioter came up to kick him in the head. Video of a young family being hounded, threatened and terrified was shared on social media, as well as footage of diners at a D.C. restaurant being shot at with fireworks, exposed the obscene and repugnant acts usually reserved for banana republics run by leftist maniacs.

"Most people only knew this was happening because it was shared on social media platforms. The legacy media for the most part ignored these events, like they ignore the continuing violence in Democratic cities across the country." . . .

Tucker Carlson: Time for Sidney Powell to show us her evidence

Everything in this country depends on fair elections, and it's obvious even now that we don't have them when access to basic information is restricted and weaponized by a partisan billionaire class. Google and Facebook are far greater threats to our system than Russia has ever been, and we need to fix that immediately.

Fox News  "On Thursday, Rudy Giuliani and a number of President Trump's other lawyers held a press conference on the topic of voter fraud. If you didn't actually see it, you've probably heard about it by now.

" 'Giuliani, along with former federal prosecutor called Sidney Powell and a number of others, alleged that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. To demonstrate that, they exhibited some of what they found after two weeks of investigating. The presentation went on for 90 minutes with many different threads, about which more anon.

"How you viewed it depended largely on who you voted for. Trump voters seemed hopeful that it might change the election results. The left and virtually every single person in all of the news media immediately dismissed it as an embarrassing clown show as well as a threat to the republic. That's right: the very same people who swore that Vladimir Putin's agents controlled the U.S. government called it a conspiracy theory. 

"A lot of Americans believe this election was rigged. They're not saying that because they're crazy and they're not just saying it because they're mad. They mean it. And that's a potentially fatal problem for this country. Elections aren't merely "central to democracy", elections are democracy. Voting is the way the public expresses its will. It's all people have. If elections don't work, our entire system doesn't work.. . . 

GIULIANI: She was assigned to voting duties in September and she was trained by the city of Detroit and the state of Michigan. She was basically trained to cheat. She said that "I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than when they were actually sent in. The supervisor made that announcement for all workers to engage in that fraudulent practice." That's not me saying that. That's just American citizens saying that under oath.