"But try telling that to Emanuel Cleaver (and I still can't get over the fact that this man is a pastor who graduated from the St. Paul School of Theology in Oklahoma City). When Cleaver, a Democrat United States representative from Missouri, gave the prayer for the 117th Congress on Sunday, he decided to de-gender the word "amen" and added "a-women" to his prayer:.
Andrea Widburg "On Saturday, news broke that the Democrats are going to remove all gendered words from the House of Representatives. On Sunday, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a pastor, opened the 117th Congress with a prayer. At its conclusion, he said "amen," and then added "a-women." What he said was both stupid and sacrilegious.
I wrote here about the newly "woke" House's push to remove gendered language. I pointed out that, in English, at least, gendered words fall into two categories. There are words that describe a job using both male and female terms, such as "chairman v. chairwoman" or "steward v. stewardess." For the most part, it's not a big deal to change those words. Indeed, most of them have already been changed in ordinary usage. We speak of the "chair" or of "flight attendants."However, the House is also going to do away with gendered words that apply specifically to the realities of human biology. No longer will there be "sons and daughters" or "mothers and fathers," or any other descriptors that are tied to genetic codes that make people male or female. Instead, there will be "parents" and "children," as well as other "gender-neutral" language, as if there is no difference between the sexes.
This is not an inconsequential change. It is, instead, part of the left's entire push to force Americans to deny reality. Reality is that humans, like all mammals, break down into two sexes: male and female. The sexes have different body types, different brain structures, and different reproductive functions.
The prayer to open the 117th Congress ended with "amen and a-women."
— Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (@GReschenthaler) January 3, 2021
Amen is Latin for "so be it."
It's not a gendered word.
Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable. pic.twitter.com/FvZ0lLMDDr