Thursday, April 8, 2021

Top Republican Kevin McCarthy demands absent border 'czar' Kamala address capture of Yemeni terrorists crossing from Mexico

 UK Daily Mail  . . . "House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants Vice President Kamala Harris to address the capture of two Yemeni nationals on the terror watchlist who crossed into the U.S. from Mexico. 

"McCarthy told Fox News that he requested a classified briefing from the FBI and CIA on the matter and said Harris should attend.   

" 'I know she hasn't been to the border,' McCarthy told Fox. 'I don't know if she's ever been briefing on this, but I think it'd be important that all leaders, because this isn't about Republican or Democrat, this is about the security of our nation. And everybody should be making sure our nation is secure.' 

"McCarthy's call for Harris to finally address the crisis came as more images emerged of migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador crossing the Rio Grande and packing shelters in Texas.

"Families are pouring into the US from Mexico on a daily basis and have pushed crossings up to their highest level in 15 years. Customs and Border Protection revealed that 18,000 unaccompanied children crossed the border, the most in history. More than 172,000 migrants were taken into custody last month, a 71 percent rise from February and the highest number in 15 years. 

"A shocking video of an abandoned migrant boy telling border agents he feared he would be kidnapped and footage of Ecuadorian sisters, aged three and five, being dropped over the wall have exposed the dire situation.

"Harris hasn't made a border trip in the 15 days since she was charged with dealing with the root causes of the immigration crisis.  The White House has insisted her role is based on 'diplomacy' with Northern Triangle countries.

"Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will travel to El Paso and McAllen, Texas on Thursday - holding events that are closed to press. 

"Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also piled the pressure on the administration by blaming Biden for migrant children being 'starved and sexually abused' at overcrowded San Antonio camp that is housing 1,370 children." . . . 

‘Because I’m White, You Think I’m Racist? That’s BS.’ Eric Bolling Slams Debate Opponent During BBC Discussion On Georgia Election Integrity

Daily Wire

. . . “ 'And how dare you,” Mills continued, “try to act like you are somehow a proponent of black people and businesses just to make a point and try to create a wedge? It’s ignorant and it’s just disrespectful.”

“ 'You know what? That’s disgusting,” Bolling replied in response to Mills’ continued apparent accusations of racism. “I’m done. Put me off. That’s disgusting. I am nowhere near anything you are painting me to be, and the problem with American politics is exactly that. Because I’m white, you think I’m racist? That’s BS. I’m done.”

"After Maitlis asked Bolling to remain for one question, he responded “I don’t know why I’m staying here. I need an apology.” 

"Mills replied, “I’m not going to apologize for being offended,” to which Bolling left, saying, “I’m done.' ”


Coulter On The Chauvin Trial: "Minneapolis Vs. The Evidence"

Ann Coulter explains the status of the Derek Chauvin trial by Andrea Widburg   . . . "You know the rest: America caught on fire; Black Lives Matter got in the driver’s seat of the American political, social, and economic establishment; every white person who wasn’t bowing to the mob became a racist; Trump was driven from office; and we now have an administration dedicated to “equity,” which means enshrining racism into federal law and regulations, something that’s highly unconstitutional but our quisling Supreme Court probably won’t care." . . .

 Ann Coulter  . . . "Apparently, no one is watching the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer on trial for the murder of George Floyd. Otherwise, the media couldn’t get away with their spectacular lying to the public about how the prosecution is killing it.

"It’s quite the opposite. In fact, in less than a week, the prosecution’s theory of the crime has subtly shifted from MURDER! to “failed to provide what we would say, in retrospect, would be a full and complete duty of care during the one- to three-minute interval between Floyd’s resisting the police to his dying, as a hostile crowd screamed obscenities at the police officers.”

"The defense hasn’t even begun to make its case, but the prosecution’s witnesses keep helping Chauvin. (The only exception to the wild media lying is Headline News, where the lawyer commentators go the extra mile by watching the trial.)" . . .

. . . "One especially distraught witness, Charles McMillian, an elderly black man, testified to seeing “foam” coming out of Floyd’s mouth.

QUIZ: Is foam coming out of the mouth a sign of:

a) a head wound?

b) strangulation?

c) a drug overdose?

ANSWER: c) a drug overdose.  More...

 LIVE: Chauvin Trial Day 9 – State’s Evidence Begins to Align with the Defense Narrative of Innocence   . . . "Today begins the 9th day of the prosecution in the Chauvin trial presenting their case-in-chief to the jury, and from the perspective of this small-town lawyer things don’t appear to have been going well for the state so far.

"Indeed, things appear to be degenerating for the state, and badly.

"Followers of this trial will remember how the state began its narrative of guilt to the jury.  Lots of emotion, sorrow over the loss of George Floyd, a man struggling with demons but dearly loved by his family and community.  We had an entire series of bystander witnesses still exhibiting the shock of having watched Floyd apparently die in the street. Many of those witnesses openly sobbed and cried on the witness stand, some to the point where court had to be recessed to allow them to recover and continue their testimony.

"Powerful stuff, on an emotional level.

"But eventually the state ran out of sobbing  and crying bystander witnesses, and the prosecution’s narrative was obliged to begin talking about facts.  And the apparent trend to my eye is that the more the state talks about facts, the more their narrative of guilt begins to closely resemble the defense narrative of innocence." . . .

CNN’s ratings are in the toilet and they hope to regain some of their lost viewers by broadcasting every single second of this trial.
  . . . It has nothing to do with “sharing the pain of George Floyd’s family members.” It has everything to do with ratings and advertiser dollars. And don’t doubt me on this one. CNN is hoping like hell for an acquittal. Because with an acquittal will come another wave of riots. And riots are ratings gold.

Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs

The vapid lullaby of social justice ensures we close our eyes.

Cui bono: Who benefits from razing our great country to the ground?   . . . "Certain politicians, educators, media elite, business leaders, and their enablers in the communication industry daily inform the citizenry and the rest of the world of the racist beginning, middle, and now end of the United States — illogically, at the very time all manner of minorities flock to our southern border to gain access to our alleged racist country.  Every color, creed, religion, sex, and race are present throughout the social order of our communities.  Nobody would allege a perfect society, but it's arguably a good one.  As a general rule, everyone can drive on the roadways, fly on an airplane, shop at any grocery store, drink from any drinking fountain, vote, mail a letter, send his children to public school, live in any community he can afford.  Who benefits from the allegation of an irredeemably racist country of daily group conflict?" . . .   More...

Woke me to sleep, why don’t ya?  . . . "Did you know that there are people, regular Americans who came to D.C. on January 6th and did nothing more than walk into the Capitol, who are still rotting in the fetid D.C. jail without bail? Yet Kamala had a bail fund for Antifa in Minneapolis, and rarely do they get charged." . . .

Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs [His handlers, that is]

Buried deep in Biden's monster $2.3 trillion "infrastructure" stimulus package is a sneaky little notation that would mandate a federal takeover for local zoning for any district that takes the pro-offered federal money, coming off such zones' already-paid taxes.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

AOC "knows so much that isn't so"

"The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so."  Ronald Reagan

Sky News  "Sky News host Rita Panahi says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gone “full blown nincompoop” for suggesting the use of the word “surge” when it comes to the crisis at the border is attempting to invoke a “militaristic frame".

“They want to say ‘but what about the surge?’” she told her millions of Instagram followers.

“First of all, just gut check, stop. Anyone who's using the term ‘surge’ around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame. “And that's a problem because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a white supremacist idea-philosophy, the idea that if another is coming in the population that this is an invasion of who we are.”

A bakery, a water plant and her LA home: Everywhere Kamala has flown in the 14 days since she was placed in charge of migration crisis (but not, obviously, the border)

 UK Daily Mail

Kamala's schedule since becoming 'Border Czar' 

March 25 - Washington DC: Virtual Passover

March 26 - New Haven, Connecticut: meeting with Boys and Girls Club and education leaders

March 27-28 - Washington DC: no public commitments

March 29 - Washington DC: Covid briefing and delivering pandemic remarks

March 30 - Washington DC: Signed the PPP extension into law and spoke with Guatemalan President

April 1 - Washington DC/Los Angeles, California: Met with stakeholders before traveling to her Brentwood home

April 2-4 - Los Angeles: At home with no public commitments

April 5 - Oakland, California: Met Gavin Newsom, toured water treatment plant and met business leaders

April 6 - Chicago, Illinois: Toured a Covid vaccination site before returning to Washington DC                                                                                                             



Burnt Out Portland Police Officers Are Fleeing the City in Droves

The end of the noble experiment called America, poisoned by the sheer silliness of leftism that is mocked even by communist countries, TD

Legal Insurrection

“The city council are raging idiots, in addition to being stupid. Additionally, the mayor and council ignore actual facts on crime and policing in favor of radical leftist and anarchist fantasy.” 


. . . "Edmund DeMarche reports at FOX News:

Portland police look for exit, say they’re ‘burned out’: report

Late last year, Portland’s police department said it received an “unprecedented” number of officers leaving their jobs midcareer to take lower-paying jobs elsewhere — and on Sunday the city’s main newspaper published an article offering a glimpse into the reasons why many decided to leave.

The Oregonian reported that a total of 115 officers have left the department since July 1, 2020, representing “one of the biggest waves of departures in recent memory.”

The paper said it reviewed 31 exit interview statements from these officers that showed a certain level of disillusion with the job. A retiring detective reportedly wrote in one that the community showed officers “zero support.”

“The city council are raging idiots, in addition to being stupid. Additionally, the mayor and council ignore actual facts on crime and policing in favor of radical leftist and anarchist fantasy. What’s worse is ppb command (lt. and above) is arrogantly incompetent and cowardly.” . . .More...

It's a lot more than a game

 Silvio Canto, Jr.  . . . "Down in Atlanta, the commissioner's decision is going to hurt big time, as we see in this report:

Opponents of MLB's decision Monday to move the 2021 All-Star Game to Denver because of Georgia's new voting law suggest the move could end up hurting Atlanta's Black residents rather than helping them.

They note the move will deal an economic blow to Atlanta, which is 51% Black, and provide a boost to Colorado's capital, which is only 9% Black, according to U.S. Census figures.

"Yes, the restaurants, the hotels, the activities around town.

"And let's not forget that Atlanta was going to honor Hank Aaron, who passed away earlier this year.  I'm sure that other places can honor Aaron, but it would have been different in Atlanta, where he hit his historic home runs, from #500 to #715, to break Babe Ruth's record.

"Bad move by Commissioner Rob Manfred, who has not had a press conference to tell the world just what he found so wrong about the law."

Biden adds stupidity to his lies about Georgia’s voting laws

. . . "If you step back from the hysteria and look at what Democrats are actually saying it’s this: Blacks are too stupid to get an ID."  . . .

Andrea Widburg  "If Biden were merely senile, I’d fear for America, but perhaps summon up some sympathy for him. But he’s not merely senile. He’s a vicious, creepy, stupid man, and his non-stop attacks on Georgia are Exhibit A in the case against him. In his latest pronouncements, not only did Biden continue to lie about the Georgia law, but he implied that the Masters Tournament should move from Augusta, Georgia, where it’s been held since 1934 as if golf courses are fungible, not unique." . . .

 Biden’s Lies About Voter Law Cost Georgia The All-Star Game

President Biden and White House press secretary Jen Psaki continued to make false claims about Georgia’s voting law even after they were debunked. Within 48 hours of Biden’s ESPN interview, MLB announced they were pulling the All-Star game.

. . . "Just a few days later, Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler – who is no friend to Republicans – wrote a detailed fact check debunking Biden’s repeated claims about Georgia voting hours:

One could understand a flub in a news conference. But then this same claim popped up in an official presidential statement. Not a single expert we consulted who has studied the law understood why Biden made this claim, as this was the section of law that expanded early voting for many Georgians.

Somehow Biden managed to turn that expansion into a restriction aimed at working people, calling it “among the outrageous parts” of the law. There’s no evidence that is the case. The president earns Four Pinocchios.

Nobody can fake intense sincerity like Joe. The key for our national leaders is sincerity; if you can fake that you've got it made. TD

On the way out the door, CNN’s Brooke Baldwin disses her employer of 13 years

. . . you finish this journey of holding space with women like Gloria Steinem, and Stacey Abrams, and Megan Rapinoe, and Indigenous women fighting, you know, for the planet, or the women cofounders of Black Lives Matter. . .(Wokeness 101)

Peter Barry Chowka     . . . "In fact, things are bad at CNN – and getting worse. After a bump in the ratings between last November’s election and early this year, things have returned to normal with CNN way back in second or third place, far behind the traditional cable news leader Fox News. Meanwhile, as the scandals involving Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) continue to roil, his brother Chris’s role as the governor’s #1 cheerleader on CNN have hardly enhanced the network’s flagging reputation for credibility." . . .

. . . "Interestingly, it is Fox News – a favorite target of CNN news and opinion shows – that features far more women in prominent hosting, reporting, and contributing roles than CNN ever has. Meanwhile, the CEO of Fox News is Suzanne Scott – the first woman to run a cable news channel. Prominent on-air personalities on Fox include Laura Ingraham, Shannon Bream, Harris Faulkner, and Martha MacCallum (who co-anchors the channel’s special programming with Bret Baier), and contributors or frequent guests Kayleigh McEnany, Candace Owens, Mollie Hemingway, and many others." 

"Baldwin’s interview is a classic example of wokeness 101 . . ."

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Caitlyn Jenner Weighing Run for California Governor amid Newsom Recall

Will Jenner run?
National Review

"Caitlyn Jenner, the reality TV personality, is considering a run for California governor, three sources with knowledge of the matter told Axios on Tuesday.

"Jenner, a Republican, would run against incumbent governor Gavin Newsom, a Democrat who is facing a recall election this year. Newsom faces opposition from California Republicans as well as Democrats frustrated over his response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"Jenner is consulting with GOP fundraiser Caroline Wren. The two met while Wren was working with the American Unity Fund, a Republican non-profit that advocates for LGBT causes. Wren has also worked at Trump Victory, a campaign fundraising organization, and helped organize the former president’s January 6 rally that ended with supporters rioting at the Capitol.

"Both women declined to comment to Axios." . . .

Will Jenner throw the old javelin into the ring?

Rule by Left-Wing Lunatics

Further aside that it annoys me to have to make: There are African Americans, American Indians, immigrants and loads of Mexicans in the Proud Boys. Pretty crappy membership drive for a “hate group.'

Ann Coulter  "A governing principle of the Democratic Party is to ask, “Who is in the dock?” before deciding whether to enforce the law.

"As we have seen throughout the last year of antifa/BLM riots, in blue states, it’s now legal to commit arson, attempted murder, assault on a law enforcement officer and destruction of property — provided the perp is antifa or antifa-friendly. Andy Ngo’s smash bestseller

Unmasked” gives chapter and verse on antifa’s shocking violence untouched by criminal penalty.

"On the other hand, if you’re a conservative, don’t commit a misdemeanor in a blue state. Proud Boys, Capitol Hill protesters, police and other presumed Trump supporters are getting more prison time than actual murderers for minor infractions. Even a couple of personal injury lawyers (liberals) are being criminally prosecuted in St. Louis for brandishing guns at violent looters coming toward their home. The rioters, you see, were BLM protesters.

In all these cases, local Democratic officials gleefully announce that they are locking up “white supremacists.”

"Prepare yourself for a lot of witch-trial hysteria in the upcoming trials of Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis and the Capitol Hill trespassers in Washington, D.C. We’ve already seen it with the Proud Boys in New York City.

"In a nation of laws, a crime is a crime, and it shouldn’t matter whether it’s committed by Mother Teresa or Charles Manson, but, as long as they brought it up, OF COURSE THE PROUD BOYS AREN’T “WHITE SUPREMACISTS”!

"The organization is a tongue-in-cheek men’s group, promoting masculinity and Western civilization in humorous ways. Most of what they tell members is healthy: Get out of your apartment, work out, get a girlfriend and don’t masturbate.  ” . . .