Thursday, April 8, 2021

Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs

The vapid lullaby of social justice ensures we close our eyes.

Cui bono: Who benefits from razing our great country to the ground?   . . . "Certain politicians, educators, media elite, business leaders, and their enablers in the communication industry daily inform the citizenry and the rest of the world of the racist beginning, middle, and now end of the United States — illogically, at the very time all manner of minorities flock to our southern border to gain access to our alleged racist country.  Every color, creed, religion, sex, and race are present throughout the social order of our communities.  Nobody would allege a perfect society, but it's arguably a good one.  As a general rule, everyone can drive on the roadways, fly on an airplane, shop at any grocery store, drink from any drinking fountain, vote, mail a letter, send his children to public school, live in any community he can afford.  Who benefits from the allegation of an irredeemably racist country of daily group conflict?" . . .   More...

Woke me to sleep, why don’t ya?  . . . "Did you know that there are people, regular Americans who came to D.C. on January 6th and did nothing more than walk into the Capitol, who are still rotting in the fetid D.C. jail without bail? Yet Kamala had a bail fund for Antifa in Minneapolis, and rarely do they get charged." . . .

Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs [His handlers, that is]

Buried deep in Biden's monster $2.3 trillion "infrastructure" stimulus package is a sneaky little notation that would mandate a federal takeover for local zoning for any district that takes the pro-offered federal money, coming off such zones' already-paid taxes.

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