"Idiot Joy Behar Suggests Columbus Cops Shoot ‘Shot in the Air,’ Police Union Slams Her for Being an Idiot" . . . "Leftists have made it clear there is NOTHING police can do that will get in the way of their political agenda. Let’s say police did fire a warning shot. Instead of Bryant being stopped, it would be the other girl who was stabbed to death. Then the shrill yaks on The View would be attacking the cop for NOT stopping the murder. It would probably be the cops’ fault for not stepping in the way of the knife.
"A combination of politics and not wanting to admit they screwed up is making media personalities side with someone who was about to kill someone else. Just because that’s the anti-cop side. These are the idiots who control our “national” discussion." . . .
Joy Behar: Don't tell Americans before you take their guns "Politicians seeking to confiscate guns from Americans shouldn't share their plans with the public beforehand and should seek to maintain an element of surprise, Joy Behar said on "The View" Monday." . . .
Fraternal Order of Police VP blasts Joy Behar's comments about policing: 'not grounded in any facts'
Why don't we have a discussion about warning shots, Joy? They're prohibited in every single police agency and, oh yeah, a simple law of physics: what goes up must come down. So those bullets are going to come down somewhere. And this other idea of shooting someone in the leg, first of all, someone had the femoral artery in their leg. Not only that, we shoot center mass because that is the largest target. If that officer misses and hits the girl next door and the one who is the actual victim in all of this, how is that going to play out?
Behar does have a verbal track record: ‘The View’ star Joy Behar mocks Mike Pence’s Christian faith: ‘That’s called mental illness’
You can say anything stupid as long as the guy who controls the Applause machine works for you. TD