Friday, May 21, 2021

Black Lives Matter Sides with Iranian Backed Terrorist Organization Hamas

Katie Pavlich  "Black Lives Matter, an organization behind the most violent and costly riots in American history, is siding with Hamas as the Iranian backed terror group continues to launch rockets at civilian targets in Israel.

"Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians. We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. ( always have. And always will be ). #freepalestine," the group tweeted earlier this week, conflating 'Palestinian liberation' with Hamas terrorism. 

"Black Lives Matter has a history of anti-Semitism and its leaders have often praised Louis Farrakahn as a mentor. When the organization was founded in 2013, it falsely accused Israel of committing genocide and upholding an apartheid state. BLM supports the Boycott Divest and Sanction movement, which seeks to eliminate Israel from existence. Caroline Glick has thoroughly documented this. " . . .More...

What Really Is Behind the Latest Burst of Hamas Terror in Israel  . . . "After 1967, when Israel liberated east Jerusalem and reunited the city, the ousted Jewish owners went to court with their documentation to reclaim their seized property. Israel’s courts, which not only are fair but even lean over backwards to favor Arabs in such disputes, repeatedly have held that the Jewish claims are documented and legally valid. As the Jewish landowners were recognized legally, they did not try ousting anyone. Rather, the courts held they could charge rent to the squatters living in their homes, so they did." "After 1967, when Israel liberated east Jerusalem and reunited the city, the ousted Jewish owners went to court with their documentation to reclaim their seized property. Israel’s courts, which not only are fair but even lean over backwards to favor Arabs in such disputes, repeatedly have held that the Jewish claims are documented and legally valid. As the Jewish landowners were recognized legally, they did not try ousting anyone. Rather, the courts held they could charge rent to the squatters living in their homes, so they did."  . . . More...

BLM and Hamas; The Rockets and Ronald Greene

. . . The insidious evil of it is that one group of people have been used and abused for several generations by their own kind as political and actual cannon fodder to both destroy another group they view as a nemesis and to cover up their own failings. I’m not just referring to “Palestinians,” the Muslim World and Israel. Substitute blacks/minorities, the Democrat-Socialists and America as founded – and you will be astounded. I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it. The dozens of cities that burned last summer was in fact an artificially-created “intifada” (which was artificial itself). All based on the lie of “white privilege,” “systemic racism” and “black genocide at the hands of law enforcement” and so on.  . . .

Cheered on, I might add, by the youthful cheers of miseducated young adults .

Here’s How Fox News Spread A False Narrative Black Lives Matter Is Standing With Hamas. But yet... 

. . . "The BDS Movement responded to the BLM tweet saying:

“Thank you for your solidarity. From Ferguson to Palestine, our struggles against racism, white supremacy and for a just world are united!” . . .

 Black Lives Matter Declares ‘Solidarity’ With Hamas In Israel Conflict   . . . "Writing on Twitter, BLM’s official account noted that it “always will be” partnered with the cause of “Palestinian liberation.”

“ 'Black Lives Matter stands in solidarity with Palestinians. We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation. ( always have. And always will be ),” the organization said. 

"The sentiment echoes that of other progressive organizations and legislators, including Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the progressive “squad” who spoke out against Israel both in a floor speech, where she praised a Palestinian-American activist affiliated with Black Lives Matter who previously called for the death of police officers, and on Twitter, where she compared the conflict in Gaza to riots in Ferguson, Missouri." . . .


Bernie Sanders' bloody folly

 Lev Tsitrin   "Bernie Sanders cited "a moment when US-made bombs are devastating Gaza, 

and killing women and children" as a reason for his attempt to block a $735 million weapons sale to Israel .

"Suppose Bernie really cares for Palestinians and wants them not to suffer. How does a weaker Israel help achieve that goal? It will produce the opposite effect, for two totally different reasons. Firstly, sensing Israel’s weakness, Hamas will become more emboldened, daring and adventurous, and more willing to try its luck. The more frequent the flare-ups inspired by the perception of Israel's vulnerability, the higher the count of Palestinian casualties there will be. So, Senator Sanders, if your mind worked aright and you wanted to reduce Palestinian suffering, you would have wanted Israel to be strong, rather than weak -- and to be seen as strong, America solidly standing behind it. Deterrence is one way of avoiding conflict, and therefore, casualties. Your attempt to make Israel weak will hurt Palestinian civilians, not help them.

"It will hurt them for another reason, too. Palestinian civilian casualties are relatively low because Israel uses precision weapons to achieve its military goals. Suppose the Senate follows Bernie's lead and refuses to supply modern weaponry to Israel. Sanders of course expects that in that situation Israel will just roll over, surrendering to Hamas' demand -- and there will be peace (per Bernie, "the weapons sales fuel conflict between Israel and Palestinians"). But the Israelis know full well the kind of peace they can expect from Hamas -- the "peace of the grave." Israel will still fight Hamas tooth and nail, with whatever weaponry is available. Less precise weapons available to Israel will cause even worse "collateral damage;" there will be more, not fewer civilian casualties on the Palestinian side.

"We know why the "squad" wants Israel disarmed. Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are the spearheads of the Islamist fifth column that, among its other goals, wants Israel destroyed. That's easy to understand. The fellow travelers like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hate America and hate Israel by extension. But Sanders? His suggestions, if effected, would have results that are the polar opposite to his desire to protect Palestinian civilians." . . .

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Minneapolis Residents Agreed Not to Call the Cops, Then the Rapes Began

They didn't know that going in?

 Daniel Greenfield  "Last month, the New York Times brought its readers the heartwarming story of the Powderhorn neighborhood in Minneapolis whose residents had decided not to call the police.

"If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it?" Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender had demanded. "Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?"

"Powderhorn residents had taken that message to heart and refused to call the police.

"A few days later, a “juvenile” girl was assaulted. The Associated Press reported that, “the people who took the victim to the hospital did not call police.” . . .

"By July, the encampment had grown to 800 people and 3 sexual assaults.

"The oppressive system of “white supremacy” was being dismantled one rape at a time." . . .

Democrats Destroyed New York Once. They’re Doing It Again.

The occupiers renamed the historic park, Abolition Park, demanding the abolition of the NYPD, while behind them are the ghosts of two fallen towers where so many of New York’s Finest gave their lives.

You will never believe what Jen Psaki called Joe Biden

  Andrea Widburg   "Listening to the exchange between Fox New's Peter Doocy and White House press secretary Jen Psaki regarding the administration's sudden announcement that masks are no longer necessary for vaccinated people, it was hard to tell what was worse: Psaki's prevarication and condescension or the way she referred to Biden.  Having thought about it for a little while, though, I'm pretty sure it was the name Psaki gave to Biden." . . .

. . . Only in a party that is defined by a cult of personality could someone say that.  Even those of us who loved the Trump presidency and, as I did, often found him very amusing did not worship Trump at that level.  We believed that his policies would benefit America, which they did, but everybody understood that Trump was a larger-than-life figure whose flaws could also be larger than life." . . .

Nice Guy Joe; Biden is a phony—and a mean one, at that.

American Greatness  "As Peter Wehner put it in The Atlantic“In the entire history of American presidential campaigns, there may never have been a wider gap in empathy than between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. And it has rarely mattered more.”

"This was no outlier. Forbes ran a story headlined, “How Empathy Defines Biden.” CNN quoted his many endorsers, all of whom invoked his empathy. Slate summed it up: “Joe Biden is the empathy candidate.”

"Observers typically trace Biden’s empathy to his life story: a modest upbringing and connection to working-class voters, the death of his first wife, and the early passing of his eldest son and heir apparent, Beau Biden. These events undoubtedly shaped Joe Biden.

"But, notwithstanding the tearjerker life story, ample evidence exists that Joe Biden is not such a nice guy. 

                                                    The Biden Reality

"Biden showed the other side of his character this week while giving a commencement address to the Coast Guard Academy. This is a normal enough task for a president, which typically includes a chance to voice a few thoughts on defense policy. Attempting to butter up the crowd, he said, “I can only assume that you will enjoy educating your family about how the Coast Guard is quote, ‘the hard nucleus around the Navy forms in times of war.’” 

"No one laughed, perhaps because he rearranged the quote into meaningless word salad. " . .


Ted Cruz’s Time Is Coming to Lead a Resurgent Right

American Greatness

The Texas senator is a mature, formidable, and potent emerging force among nationalists and populists.  

"The road ahead for renewing democratic values and an open, transparent, and once again credible political system in the United States is becoming clear. That is the emergence of Senator Ted Cruz to eventually unify a resurgent nationalist Right.

 'In my 2015 book Cycles of Change, an overview of more than 200 years of U.S. political history, I predicted both the nationalist insurgency of Donald Trump in the Republican Party and the progressive shift unexpectedly spearheaded by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Democratic Party that transformed U.S. politics in the 2016 election cycle.

 "The “Big Lie” that Russia influenced or decided the shock outcome of the 2016 presidential election was, in reality, cooked up by defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton—a bungling loser of historic proportions—on the very same night she was still reeling from her rejection at the Javits Center in Brooklyn after the results were clear.

"Since then, the old Republican and Democratic establishments alike have eagerly clung to the Big Lie because it offers them an excuse to deny and ignore what really happened: The American people for once rose up to express their ringing rejection of the ruinous policies of totally unregulated free trade, globalization, and ludicrous pretensions to world empire to which both parties have subjected them for the previous 70 years.

"President Trump, however, however, was ruthlessly opposed, undermined, betrayed, slandered, and blocked on his honorable and responsible foreign policy and national security goals to restrain NATO, improve relations with Russia, and pull U.S. combat forces out of both Iraq and Afghanistan over these next four years and by the time of the next national election in 2024, he will be 78—as old as Joe Biden is now. Undoubtedly, the efforts to destroy and discredit Trump will continue unabated from now until then." . . .

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Only in Florida: Crazed Woman Stalks Governor

...Jones’ ongoing hysterics resulted in criminal charges against her for vandalizing Sweeterman’s car, robbery and stalking. She was fired by the university, jailed at least three times and committed to a mental institution. ...*

Ann Coulter  "In another Very Florida story, a woman with a colorful criminal history has spent the last year collecting media accolades and a half-million dollars in donations by accusing the Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, of fudging the state’s COVID numbers. 

"Rebekah Jones, website designer (not “scientist,” as the media insistently claim), falsely accused DeSantis of doing what Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York actually was doing with the COVID numbers. From the extensive media coverage, I figured maybe the DeSantis administration was taking advantage of gray areas to make the state’s record look as good as possible. Not as bad as what Cuomo was doing, but something.

"Nope! This whole story was the fantasy of a crazed stalker, as explained in detail by Christina Pushaw in Human Events and Charles Cook in National Review.

"I forgot my own admonition that you can’t believe anything the media say.

"The canonization of Rebekah Jones is only the latest example of the press latching onto any lunatic who attacks a Republican. Remember Bill Burkett? (CBS’s deranged source for the fake Bush Air National Guard story.) Jamie Leigh Jones? (Falsely claimed she was gang-raped in Iraq by Halliburton employees.) How about media star and Democratic presidential hopefulMichael Avenatti? (He was going to vanquish Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh with Stormy Daniels and Julie Swetnick, until his criminal past caught up with him.)

"Hey, whatever happened to Haven Monahan?

"Contrary to Jones’ allegations, she could not have been asked to falsify Florida COVID numbers, for the simple reason that she didn’t generate the numbers. She designed and updated the state’s website using data given to her by actual epidemiologists, but had no role in the collection of the information and no earthly idea what it should be.

"On the other hand, she did:" . . .   More... 

*Other that all that, we must believe the woman who is not Tara Reid.

Back in 2011, Ms. Coulter showed her words should be heeded in her prescient article forecasting Antifa and BLM:

Ann Coulter on the 'Liberal Mob' of the American Left

"Just as fire seeks oxygen, Democrats seek power, which is why they will always be found championing the mob whether the mob consists of Democrats lynching blacks or Democrats slandering the critics of Obama Care as racists," Coulter writes."

Demi and Alok; Guardians and birthers of Western culture speak their truth

 Demi Lovato comes out as non-binary, changes pronouns to they/them

The singer revealed Wednesday they are happy to share the very personal moment on their "4D with Demi Lovato" podcast.

. . . "Lovato and Vaid-Menon also discussed pronouns, and the "Dancing With the Devil" singer said "it would mean the world if people could start identifying me as they/them. However, she'll "be accepting" if people "slip" and use she/her pronouns. Lovato just requests that people are "making the effort."

Biden's military will still be proud to accept, er, them.


Biden Snatched War From the Jaws of Israel Peace Deals. Pence Explains How He Did It

PJ Media  "A new era of peace was dawning in the Middle East with President Donald Trump in office. Last year, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Muslim-majority Kosovo, Sudan, and Morocco formally acknowledged the state of Israel, and Saudi Arabia was well on the way. Yet, barely four months into President Joe Biden’s term, thousands of Hamas rockets have targeted Israel, killing ten Israelis and likely killing Palestinians, as well. Israel has responded with targeted strikes taking out key terrorist leaders, and Hamas has claimed that these attacks have killed at least 201 Palestinians.

"What happened? How did the Middle East go from historic peace deals to the brink of war? Former Vice President Mike Pence provided a salient answer in a National Review op-ed on Monday.

"Pence argued that the violence between Israel and Palestine is “a direct result of the weakness shown by the Biden administration from its first day in office.” 

"Pence argued that Biden and congressional Democrats enabled the recent Israeli conflict by abandoning unambiguous support for Israel, emboldening America’s enemies, and turning their backs on Trump’s legacy of peace in the Middle East.

“ 'Under the Trump-Pence administration, we made it crystal clear to the world that America stands with Israel,” Pence explained. “We withdrew from the dangerous Iran nuclear deal brokered by the Obama-Biden administration, which put the world’s leading state sponsor of terror on the path to nuclear weapons while sending pallets of cash to the mullahs in Iran. We acknowledged Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. And President Trump kept the promise made by countless Republican and Democrat politicians by actually following through in moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of the state of Israel.' ” . . .

Biden Praises Rashida Tlaib As She Pushes Antisemitic BDS Movement During Conflict

 The Federalist  “ 'I want to say to you that I admire your intellect, I admire your passion, and I admire your concern for so many other people,” Biden said at a Ford plant in Dearborn. “You’re a fighter, and God thank you for being a fighter.” . . . 

 . . . "The president’s praise of Tlaib follows just days after the Michigan congresswoman reiterated calls to divest from Israel and condemned the nation as embracing apartheid, elements of which she said existed within the United States.

“ 'What we are telling Palestinians fighting apartheid is the same thing being told to my black neighbors and Americans throughout that are fighting against police brutality here,” she said on the House floor."

Tlaib, the first member of Congress of Palestinian descent, has long been one of Hamas’s fiercest defenders, branding Netanyahu as “Apartheid-in-chief” and demanding the U.S. stop “enabling” Israel as Israelis face rocket attacks from Hamas." . . .

Kamala Harris; Is she the best Democrats have?

Kamala Harris can't keep staff 

. . . Seems that being around Kamala is a hideous experience, given the slew of news stories coming out.  This raises another question: why is the mainstream press seemingly bringing out all these negative stories about Kamala?  Might it be that the media realize they've got a lemon in her when they manage to push senile old Joe out to pasture and need a replacement?  Could be most anything — best thing to do now is watch for that motive.

 The Deep Unpopularity of Kamala Harris (1)  . . . "Harris has never shown much skill or appeal as a politician. Her path to the top in California, essentially a one-party state at this point, was paved by her illicit relationship with Willie Brown. I am not sure what it is about Harris that repels voters, but it should scare the Democrats. It is highly unlikely that Joe Biden will be a candidate for re-election in 2024, assuming he survives that long. The Examiner comments:

That Kamala can’t even get a simple majority of independents is a problem, and if Donald Trump doesn’t try to reclaim his throne, she’ll be an absolute disaster for Democrats.

Imagine a race without the burden of Trump’s personality, bombast, and utter lack of loyalty to the GOP. According to nearly every early poll, [Ron] DeSantis, Florida’s governor, is the undisputed front-runner for a primary and one that should make Democrats shake in their boots. His politics include all of the best parts of Trump’s agenda but none of the bad or the baggage, and unlike the mild-mannered Pence, DeSantis could destroy Harris on a debate stage.

"Heck, Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Harris on the debate stage. But in all likelihood, the Democrats are stuck with her. If Biden dies or becomes incapacitated between now and 2024, Harris will be the incumbent. If Biden survives but graciously steps down after one term, it would be fratricidal for the Democrats to try to push Harris aside and nominate someone else. So, for better or worse, the Democrats are probably stuck with her."

The Deep Unpopularity of Kamala Harris (2)

. . . The problem isn’t “turf battles.” It is always a bad sign when a politician can’t good keep staff (or any staff), and Harris has long been known for being a terrible boss, going back to her time as California Attorney General. When you can’t keep eager political staff. . .

   . . . Seems that being around Kamala is a hideous experience, given the slew of news stories coming out.  This raises another question: why is the mainstream press seemingly bringing out all these negative stories about Kamala?  Might it be that the media realize they've got a lemon in her when they manage to push senile old Joe out to pasture and need a replacement?  Could be most anything — best thing to do now is watch for that motive.

 Report: Kamala Harris Maintains an 'Enemies List' of Journalists

. . . "In many ways, Harris is merely a non-white version of Hillary Clinton. Both women are possessed by ruthless ambition, yet lack the necessary skills to succeed in politics at the national level. They are most comfortable when regurgitating talking points and platitudes. Objectively speaking, they share a knack for unsettling laughter and launched their political careers by dating powerful men." . . .


Identifying Lt. Colonel Matthew Lohmeier’s real sin

Eric Swalwell, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, and the Democrat party are a disgrace to this nation -- not worthy of the title of American. Drew Allen

 American Thinker   "Lt. Colonel Matthew Lohmeier, who commanded the 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base in Colorado, was recently relieved of command. Why?

"The Communist News Network, or CNN,
 reports that a Defense Department official told them that “Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command…due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead.” What did the lieutenant colonel do to betray trust and confidence?

"Did Lohmeier sleep with a Chinese spy, making him a National Security threat? That would certainly result in a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead. No, but Democrat Congress-pronoun Eric Swalwell did. Swalwell was rewarded with an appointment to the House Intelligence Committee following revelations that he was compromised by a sexual relationship with a known Chinese spy.

"Did Lohmeier receive questionable payments from shady business dealings with the Communist Chinese? Was he compromised by financial ties to China? That would certainly be suspicious and result in a loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead. No, but Joe Biden and Hunter, his immoral, useless, criminal embarrassment of a son, did. Joe Biden is unpopularly believed to be the “President.”

"Did Lohmeier encourage rioting and mob rule? That too would result in an erosion of trust and confidence in his ability to lead. No, he didn’t do that either. But Congress-pronoun Maxine Waters did when she called on protestors to “stay in the streets” and “demand justice” during the Derek Chauvin trial. Maxine Waters is still in Congress." . . .

. . . In the interview, Lohmeier discussed the impact of “a neo-Marxist agenda at the ground level within our armed forces.” He condemned Critical Race Theory, explained its Marxist roots, alerted the American public to its proliferation within the American military, and warned that this agenda “will divide us; it will not unify us.” In other words, Lohmeier told the truth. This is verboten — illegal in our post-constitutional America.  . . .

Drew Allen is a Texas-bred, California-based conservative author and speaker, who writes a weekly blog promoting conservative ideals at