"Biden is such a person writ large. He rejects Church teachings on abortion, marriage, sex and gender and is hostile to religious liberty. He embraces the most pro-abortion and anti-religious liberty public policy program in history. The case against honoring him is immeasurably stronger than it was against honoring President Obama, an action that alienated countless Catholics and brought upon Notre Dame the harsh criticism of 83 cardinals, archbishops and bishops.” [Source: Daily Wire]
CBS News |
The Bearded Patriot "Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has often touted his Catholic faith. That sounds real nice, right? A politician who cares deeply about spiritual matters, even a religion that has been around for 2,000 years.
"But is Biden as good of a Catholic as he claims to be? There’s more to be a Catholic than attending mass, right? And just because someone says they believe something—doesn’t mean that they do. (Especially career politicians, who will say anything to win an election.)
"It seems for Biden, Catholicism might be more of a tool to advance his career, than a deeply-held personal faith. At least, that’s what many leaders in the church seem to believe. Recently, prominent bishops have called out Catholic Democrats, for their support of issues that conflict with the church. Most notably, abortion.
"Some have urged the church to deny them Communion. The latest development was a petition, signed by thousands of Notre Dame students and faculty, demanding Biden be barred from attending their commencement. And it looks like they had their way.
Sources at the White House claimed the school had invited Biden to speak, but said the nation’s second Roman Catholic president is unable to attend because of a scheduling conflict…