Monday, May 31, 2021

Biden vs. Alzheimer's - American Thinker


Biden vs. Alzheimer's - American Thinker

Furthermore, most Alzheimer's patients spend their final days and months and years either at home or in nursing homes, not hospitals.

Whatever the case, we'll need to earmark one of those beds for one public official in particular. 

Memorial Day


How Memorial Day began and how it was transformed - American Thinker  "Sadly, many people — especially younger folks — don't even know why we celebrate Memorial Day, let alone how and where the commemoration began.  It is an interesting and moving story, indeed.

"The roots of the remembrance reach back to Civil War days.  As the war that took the lives of 620,000 Americans neared its end, thousands of Union soldiers, being held as prisoners of war, were placed into camps around Charleston, South Carolina.  Conditions at one of these camps, a former racetrack near Charleston's Citadel, were so bad that more than 250 prisoners died from disease and exposure.  They were buried in a mass grave.

"Three weeks after the Confederate surrender, on May 9, 1865, over 1,000 recently freed slaves, accompanied by regiments of the "U.S. Colored Troops," as well as a handful of white Charlestonians, entered the camp.  They created a proper burial site for the Union dead.  Then they gave readings, sang hymns, distributed flowers around the new cemetery, and dedicated it to the "Martyrs of the Race Course."

"In May of 1868, General John A. Logan, the commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, a Union veterans' group, issued a decree that May 30 should become a nationwide day of commemoration for the soldiers who had died in the recently ended Civil War, also known as the War between the States.  General Logan dubbed this official remembrance "Decoration Day" and encouraged Americans to lay flowers and decorate the graves of the war dead across the land.  Many believe that he chose May 30 because it was a rare day that didn't fall on an anniversary of a major Civil War battle." . . .

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Jason Whitlock says Kwame Brown’s ‘anti-woke’ message a cultural gamechanger for blacks

 Jason Whitlock says Kwame Brown's 'anti-woke' message a cultural gamechanger for blacks (  "Independent journalist Jason Whitlock, formerly of Fox Sports and Outkick, is heaping praise on ex-NBA player and now YouTube phenomenon Kwame Brown for his non-woke content that has taken social media by storm and could be a cultural game-changer, as it were." . . .

"Brown appears to be a fan of Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, and Candace Owens and has expressed support for free speech and criticized the cancel culture.

"Brown “is not remotely woke. He’s actually on the other side…he’s unpacking these bigger ideas about changing this very negative culture that has been defined for black people and we’ve embraced, and black people are loving it. They’re running towards him….they’re saying, ‘yes, we’ve been waiting on someone to say this and represent this,  in a way we believe in’,” Whitlock claimed, speaking of Brown’s pro-masculinity, pro-fatherhood message.

“ 'People are running to Kwame Brown, and everybody in the black Internet space is talking about him, and having a reaction. And there’s been nothing but support…He’s representing working-class people of all races…he’s anti-elite…I’m hopeful the tide is really turning,” Whitlock added about a possible tipping point." . . .

Democrats swarm Portland hotel trying to kill Andy Ngo…

 Democrats swarm Portland hotel trying to kill Andy Ngo… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Portland Democrats Chase, Tackle and Punch Someone They Believe to Be Andy Ngo

. . . "The staff of The Nines didn’t seem to have any knowledge of who Ngo is. They repeatedly asked the crowd to clarify what was going on. Eventually they asked for the group to leave. The person believed to be Ngo was not observed leaving the hotel, so the crowd waited in front of The Nines for at least an hour, telling people entering the hotel that it was “sheltering a Nazi.” 

"A group of five to 10 people in identity-obscuring clothing called “black bloc” followed the person they suspected of being Ngo for blocks, inquiring who he was. At one point, the person they pursued said his name was Jake. In front of the AC Marriott, the group tried to unmask the unknown man. He ran for blocks until someone in the pursuing group tackled him—at Southwest 4th Avenue and Morrison Street—and punched him several times after his head hit the brick sidewalk." . . .

On Memorial Day weekend, Kamala outdoes Obama’s self-centeredness

"Ask any Marine and she will tell you..."

— Vice President Kamala Harris (@VP) May 29, 2021

American Thinker   "Obama earned rightful derision for the fact that, no matter the occasion, his tweets were always about Obama. Memorably, when he marked the 58th anniversary of Rosa Parks's refusal to sit on the back of the bus, his tweet, rather than picturing Parks, pictured Obama on the bus, gazing wistfully out the window. However, at least he acknowledged the occasion. Kamala Harris took things to a whole new level when her Memorial Day tweet had a picture of her smiling, along with the breezy message to “Enjoy the long weekend.” . . .

. . . "For Harris, the military is a social justice experiment. If you need any proof of that, just think of Kamala’s humorless, woke joke at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, when she spoke at the recent graduation. The joke was stupid, her delivery was awful, and it was only her anguished cackle that earned some polite applause and laughter from the graduates, who were too nice to leave her looking like the tone-deaf political abortion she is:" . . .

"Vice President" Harris is officially the most self-centered, out-of-touch politician I have ever heard of. Neither her nor her staff can acknowledge the meaning of Memorial Day, let alone its name, and has to make every single thing about her. #MemorialDay

Michelle Obama promotes police hatred

WND "There was a time witches were burned at the stake to the joyous applause of the villagers, because doing same was one specific avenue of ridding the village and the

surrounding countryside of their evil. Today witches (and no I didn't misspell the word) are celebrated by factions only marginally less demonic than the malefic witch, herself. Take, for example, the Obama woman.

" Obama may not exhibit the oft-mentioned eccrine bromhidrosis of Hillary Clinton; but the woman is grotesquely more unattractive in appearance and much less accomplished. However, she is able to play the skin-color and "white people out to get me" card. And play it she does – at every opportunity, especially in situations she is able to co-opt and prostitute skincolor animus that undermines civility and promotes a toxic environment for law enforcement.

"The woman recently made the laughable claim that she fears for her daughters, Sasha and Malia, "every time they get in a car by themselves." It's apparent that either this woman is the worst liar in history or she thinks all black people are led-by-the-nose stupid and ill-informed. And let there be no doubt whatsoever; her comments were singularly intended to incite more protest and encourage instantaneous combustion, the moment another lifelong hoodlum is confronted with the consequences of their wicked and wasted lives with a finality that circumvents another lengthy prison" . . .

Even by her low standards of propriety, this performance was a disgrace. The circus atmosphere and the unchallenged claims are typical of a Gayle King interview. I guess something could be said for her not wallowing around on the floor, doing pushups and jumping jacks, as she once did to the perverse pleasure of lesbian Ellen DeGeneres. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Bad times for the NeverTrump bunch over at Fox News

 Monica Showalter   "News organizations are bound by shareholders to be forward-looking. So what does it say about Fox News, whose popularity took a hit over its election night coverage, that all of a sudden, it's moving its obvious #NeverTrumpers away from the broadcast action as it seeks to regain market share?

"Here's a tweet from NewsMax's Emerald Robinson, outlining a rough pattern:

Donna Brazile is out at Fox. Juan Williams has been minimized. Jedediah Bila

  was cut last week. Martha McCallum minimized. Melissa Francis gone.

      Bill Sammon gone. Chris Stirewalt gone. 

The Never Trumpers are paying the price for hitting the iceberg on election night.

Almost forgot to mention: Leland Vittert and Kristin Fisher were let go at Fox News the same week in May. That’s quite the body count. Marie Harf and Chris Wallace are probably sleeping with one eye open these days. . . .

. . . "Yet there does seem to be a pattern of #NeverTrumps now losing dominance, even as Tucker Carlson continues to go strong, " . . .

Once again, creepy Joe is obsessing over little girls

 Andrea Widburg  "One of the constants in Joe Biden’s political life for the past 12 years is his completely inappropriate obsession with little girls. Over the years, we’ve seen endless videos of him groping, sniffing, and whispering to prepubescent little girls. Well, he’s back, this time flirting with a little girl and commenting on how old and attractive she looks. There’s a reason we talk about “dirty old men” and Joe is it.

"There is no evidence that Joe has ever sexually assaulted a child. However, there is evidence that his public behavior with children is creepy and inappropriate. If you doubt that, watch this video that pairs Biden’s conduct around little girls with a completely unrelated audio in which a specialist gives a TED talk about how pedophile predators groom little girls:

Creepy Joe Biden Tells Little Girl She ‘Looks Like She’s 19’ – PJ Media  . . . "Two years ago, Biden’s remarks towards a ten-year-old girl at a campaign event raised some eyebrows. He’s been photographed many times over the years being very handsy with young girls and women. Eight women also came forward accusing Biden of inappropriate behavior, including one woman, Tara Reade, who accused him of sexual assault. In 2019, she said that Biden used to touch her inappropriately while she was a staffer in his Senate office in 1993. “He used to put his hand on my shoulder and run his finger up my neck,” Reade said. “I would just kind of freeze and wait for him to stop doing that.”  

"Reade later expanded on those allegations, claiming in March 2020 that Biden sexually assaulted her by pushing her up against the wall, kissing her and sliding his hand up her shirt and up her skirt. Reade says she attempted to file a claim, but Biden was ultimately protected by loyalists on his staff. The credibility of her claims was boosted by the release of a clip of the Larry King Live show during which her mother called in anonymously asking the panel for advice on how to handle a situation with her daughter and a prominent U.S. senator." 

Creepy Joe Biden Posts Photo of Himself with Ice Cream Chatting with Little Girl for Memorial Day Weekend (

Wokeness and Victimhood

 Wokeness and Victimhood - American Thinker   "If there’s a topic the woke like talking about most, it’s themselves.  This is not unusual for people obsessed with their own well-being, status, and influence over others. Which pretty much sums up the mindset of most of

the woke.  A culture based on such values easily tips over into narcissistic exhibitionism -- the obsessive desire to parade one’s self before others: nothing could be more important than satisfying the craving for attention, approval, and adulation.

"This activity has now been elevated into entertainment masquerading as documentary.

"I don’t wish to denigrate the suffering of those who experience mental health problems.  But parading themselves around on TV ‘continuing the global conversation’ about mental ill-health borders on the grotesque.  They’re all willing participants, of course, and as adults can give consent to their use as fodder for a project that is in effect normalizing trauma by turning it into a lifelong obsession.  Because that is the message: if you suffer disabling trauma (or merely believe you do) at some point in your life, this is a threat to your mental health and emotional well-being for life, and to ease the resulting distress you need the help and care of ‘experts.’  For as long as you live.  This is a false humanism.

"Ever since Sigmund Freud -- who systematized the idea that life necessarily involves psychological conflict and trauma -- theorists, academics, therapists, novelists, and many more have pushed the idea that to live is necessarily to be tormented from within.  True believers -- the emotionally fragile or otherwise psychologically vulnerable -- spend their entire existence seeking out the cause of their torment and then searching for the ideal therapy.  Life-coaches, life-style gurus, chat-show hosts, and other promoters of ‘well-being’ have now turned this into a constant searching for the ‘real me’ or the ‘me you can’t see.’  The performative display of this quest for authenticity consists of celebrating fragility instead of overcoming it.  This is existentialism woke-style." . . .

Friday, May 28, 2021

Support for Black Lives Matter Movement Collapses Among Whites and Hispanics, Drops For Blacks

 Legal Insurrection; "While the Black Lives Matter movement remains an incredibly powerful force, fueled by hundreds of millions of dollars, it is losing popularity across demographic groups, as the NY Times laments the lack of a “racial reckoning” after George Floyd’s death.

"The NY Times, in a run up to the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd, is publishing a series of opinion pieces looking back at the death and aftermath.

"One of those opinion pieces has some very interesting polling data, Support for Black Lives Matter Surged Last Year. Did It Last? The opinion part of the opinion piece is pretty much what you would expect from the NY Times, numerous malicious side-swipes at Republicans, such as casually describing it as “a party often characterized by its racial insensitivity and antagonism toward racial minorities.” So the opinion part is pretty worthless, but the data part is important." . . .

. . . "But the other charts and data shed light that perhaps this is not just whites and Republicans. After Floyd’s death, support for BLM surged among whites and Hispanics to the extent that net favorability was higher for a period before falling precipitously in the following months. Here’s the chart:

Biden voters were safe

Rutgers University chancellor and provost apologize for condemning rise in anti-Semitic attacks

 American Thinker  "Apparently, higher education in America has been so poisoned by the radical left that condemning a rise in physical attacks on innocent American Jews is now forbidden — unless one simultaneously indicates support for the very cause being advocated by the groups most prominent in the current attacks.

"Greg Price writes in The Daily Caller:

The chancellor of Rutgers University-New Brunswick apologized Thursday after sending a university-wide announcement condemning the recent spike in anti-Semitic attacks around the country.

Dr. Christopher J. Molloy, chancellor of the university, and Dr. Francine Conway, provost and executive vice chancellor for research and academic affairs, originally sent a message to their students on Wednesday that spoke out against the widely reported increase in hate crimes against Jews.

"The original message, sent out on May 26, expressed concern over all acts of hate and oppression:

Last year's murder of George Floyd brought into sharp focus the racial injustices that continue to plague our country, and over the past year there has been attacks on our Asian American Pacific Islander citizens, the spaces of Indigenous peoples defiled, and targeted oppression and other assaults against Hindus and Muslims.  (snip)

We call out all forms of bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, xenophobia, and oppression, in whatever ways they may be expressed. [emphasis added]

But, apparently, that was not enough to satisfy the "community" at the main  campus of the eighth oldest university in America, as an apology followed the next day: . . ."