Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Our President-in-waiting


How the Teachers Union Politicized COVID



How the Teachers Union Politicized COVID - American Thinker   . . ."Parents learned the extent of Weingarten’s attempts to shutter schools through an unlikely source: The New York Post had leaked e-mails between Weingarten and her AFT’s contacts in the CDC. In the embarrassing exchange, Weingarten offered the CDC recommendations that she asserted would “strengthen” the agency’s guidelines in the education sector. She proved most helpful as a nonscientist. The CDC caved in and adopted new guidelines, prolonging school closures.". . . 

Woke Classrooms: University Education Programs Source of Problem | National Review   "In the past few months, there have been countless stories of K–12 schools succumbing to and endorsing the excesses of progressive ideology — teachers required to make public anti-racism statements, the canceling of AP tests if black students do not score as well as whites, class materials that celebrate communism, and “ethnomathematics” which de-emphasizes the need to find the “right answer.”
"Thankfully, most teachers that I know don’t align with such extremes. My own colleagues whisper their concerns and discuss their disapproval after such meetings. A poll from Education Week found that most teachers identify as moderate.". . . 

Critical Race Theory & Education: How Dems Will Push Protest Civics and CRT on Schools | National Review  "The national rebellion against Critical Race Theory, leftist indoctrination, and enforced political activism in our schools grows larger every day. Sadly, the current assault on K-12 is but a foretaste of what is to come. President Biden and congressional Democrats are pulling out the stops to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) and “action civics” (better called “protest civics,” because it trains students to be leftist protesters) onto every school in the country.". . . 

The left is working overtime to sexualize your children

 American Thinker  "When my children were under five and underfoot, I would occasionally use the original Blue's Clues as a babysitter.  It was a safe, sweet show for little ones, who watched Blue give Steve clues about finding a scarf or apple.  The 21st-century reboot, Blue's Clues & You, is a whole new ballgame.  Based on its latest video — The Blue's Clues Pride Parade sing-along featuring Nina West — it's a babysitter if your sitter is a sex fiend."


"Gay Pride (which celebrates a gazillion non-normative sexual orientations and "identities") is an inappropriate topic for preschoolers.  The only thing that distinguishes LGBTers from other people is sex.  Take away their sexual practices or sexual identities, and suddenly there's no Pride.  They're just ordinary people."

"Preschoolers shouldn't be forced to focus on or think about sex.  They're curious about the difference between what boys and girls have in their pants, but once you name the parts, you're done.  Indeed, one of the classic ways to tell if a child was a victim of pedophilia was if that child was too sexually precocious.  That precocity was a sign of abnormal adult behavior toward the child.  By inundating children with sexual material, the pedophiles are creating haystacks in which they can hide their needles.". . .

Nina West - Wikipedia

Sign lists rules for white people at George Floyd memorial

 Sign lists rules for white people at George Floyd memorial (  "The sign then urges people to honour the space before listing rules specifically for white visitors. 

"The first rule asks people to "decentre" themselves while visiting the site.

" 'Listen, learn, mourn and witness. Remember you are here to support, not be supported," the first point on the list says. 

"The second requests people to be mindful of whether your volume, pace and movements are supporting or undermining efforts to decentre yourself." 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Joe Biden Is Sick

 Joe Biden Is Sick by Jeff Crouere (  "The 78-year-old President of the United States, Joe Biden, is not well. He is suffering from an obvious mental decline. Americans are not sure of his exact condition because he has not released any mental competency test results. When he was asked about it during the presidential campaign, he responded in anger and accused the news reporter who posed the question of being a “junkie.”

"Clearly, Biden does not exhibit the same mental acuity that he did as a United States Senator. Comparing videos of Senator Biden versus President Biden shows he is a shadow of his former self.". . . 

. . . "While his mental ability has changed over the years, he has retained glaring character flaws that he exhibited throughout his career. As a Senator and failed presidential candidate, Biden was often labeled a plagiarist. In multiple speeches, he quoted passages from Robert F. Kennedy and British politician Neil Kinnock among others without attribution. It was one of the many reasons his previous presidential campaigns failed so miserably." . . . 

Does Anyone Actually Like Adam Schiff?

 What kind of character flaws or personality defects could his opponents have had that would lead the people of his district to think “Adam Schiff is my guy!”?  

Does Anyone Actually Like Adam Schiff? by Derek Hunter (  "There are some Members of Congress you see and think, “I get it, I can see how that person got elected.” Either they’re charismatic, smart, attractive, have that “it” factor, or some combination of those traits and you get it. Then there are some who have you thinking they made some kind of deal with the devil to get there – personality-less, weird, creepy, almost soulless people who’d say or do anything if it helped them, even a little. California Congressman Adam Schiff is the perfect example of that.

"He hasn’t been in the news much, which should tell you something about all the allegations he threw around during the Trump administration. For someone who swore the Russian government had installed a puppet in the White House, it’s a bit odd that he’d drop all investigations into it the second he had a President in the White House who’d offer up access to any and everything within the executive branch, doesn’t it?" . . .

 So, with the lies, the creepy personality, the willingness to do or say anything, you really have to wonder what the alternatives are every two years that make Adam Schiff the most appealing option to voters of his district. Because I can’t imagine anyone actually likes him.

Is Amazon Trying to get Cops Killed? –

PJ Media

Hatred Is a Business and Business Is Good

In a year where 141 police officers have died in the line of duty, seven of whom were shot to death in May alone, Amazon is still selling tons of hateful, anti-police apparel, including “Blue Lives Murder” t-shirts, hoodies, and masks. Three of the last four officers who died in the line of duty were Hispanic, so quit with the “cops are white supremacists” nonsense.

"Uber-woke Amazon started selling the hateful swag less than a month after the death of George Floyd. Blue Lives Matter founder Sgt. Joe Imperatrice spoke out against the outrage last year,

“ 'It shows that Amazon is bending over backwards for this movement like many other companies are. That’s not OK,” Imperatrice stated. “People can’t be making shirts up, turning people against cops. It’s going to cost somebody, more than likely a police officer, their life. It needs to be taken down immediately,” he added. “No reason to let something like this slip through the cracks. This is making people believe it’s OK to have this mentality and it’s not.”

"Amazon is happy to show the world how woke they are. Their own site claims diversity is good," . . .

Former NBA Star Rips on the Democrats, Calls them the KKK

Joe Biden Meme Gallery - Politically Incorrect Humor
  Conservative Cardinal  "Kwame Brown, an NBA star in the early 2000s, criticized the Democrats as being fake woke. He specifically targeted Democrats who voted for Joe Biden, saying that they are the worst thing for the black community.

"The video revealing Brown’s rant was originally posted by The Daily Caller and immediately caused a stir online. The video revealed brown calling the Democrats who voted for Biden fake woke n****s among naming liberal Democrats who bully others as a new version of the KKK.

"He pointed out that black people who don’t agree with the mainstream narrative are exiled and canceled by the left. He added that the mob acts righteously when it gets its way; then, he stated that people who say ‘the Democratic party is our people’, are just hurting other black people because of a white man that they happen to like, referring to Joe Biden, no doubt." . . .

Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Days of Biden and Barry


Aversion to victory, kindness to deserters, strength through “diversity,” and mass murder of American soldiers as “workplace violence.”

"The last American president with actual combat experience, in a conflict where the United States proved victorious, was George H.W. Bush. During World War II, Bush served as a pilot with Torpedo Squadron 51 (VT-51) and on his 58th mission he was shot down by the Japanese and rescued by a U.S. submarine.

"Joe Biden never served in the military but from 2008-2016 he was vice president to the composite character David Garrow described in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama. The former Barry Soetoro never served, and for the Obama-Biden team, the role of the U.S. military was not to defeat America’s enemies.

“ 'Troops risking their lives need to be told that their goal is to ‘defeat’ those trying to kill them,” former Secretary of State Robert Gates explained in Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of State at War. But when Gen. Stanley McChrystal announced a counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan, Obama national security advisor Tom Donilon “bridled,” and blasted the U.S. military as “in revolt” and “insubordinate.”  As it happens, Donilon was an advisor to Joe Biden’s first presidential campaign in 1988, and in 2012 Donilon orchestrated the move to put Biden at the head of China policy.

"Back in 2009 in Afghanistan, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl deserted his outpost and wound up in custody of the Taliban. In 2014, the composite character president traded Bergdahl for five Taliban commanders held at Guantanamo Bay. They included Mohammed Fazi, who massacred minority Shiites; Khairullah Khairkhwa, close to Taliban founder Mullah Omar and Osama bin Laden; and Abdul Haq Wasiq, the Taliban’s deputy intelligence minister and close confidant of Mullah Omar.

"Once freed, they joined the Taliban’s political office in Qatar. In effect, the Obama-Biden team traded Pvt. Slovik for the German high command.". . .  (Emphasis added by TD)

Black Lives Matter St. Paul Founder Says He ‘Resigned’ After Learning the ‘Ugly Truth’

Black Lives Matter St. Paul Founder Says He ‘Resigned’ After Learning the ‘Ugly Truth’ (" Black Lives Matter chapter founder in Minnesota has resigned, claiming that the organization isn’t concerned about helping black communities or helping improve the education quality in Minneapolis, according to a video published last week.

"Rashard Turner, the founder of a Black Lives Matter chapter in neighboring St. Paul, said he started the branch in 2015 but became disillusioned roughly a year after becoming “an insider” within the left-wing organization, according to a video released by TakeCharge—a group that rejects various provisions promoted by Black Lives Matter, including critical race theory-linked claims that the United States is inherently racist.

“ 'After a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis,” Turner said in the video.

“ 'That was made clear when they publicly denounced charter schools alongside the teachers union. I was an insider in Black Lives Matter. And I learned the ugly truth. The moratorium on charter schools does not support rebuilding the black family. But it does create barriers to a better education for black children. I resigned from Black Lives Matter after a year and a half. But I didn’t quit working to improve black lives and access to a great education' ” . . .

Disturbing video captures vicious unprovoked attack on Asian woman in NYC

Clarion  . . . "A vicious unprovoked attack on an Asian American woman was caught on surveillance video Monday and posted to social media by a state lawmaker from New York.

"The disturbing video was posted by New York Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou on her Twitter account.

Federal Commission Wrongly Puts ‘Antietam’ On Confederate Names Chopping Block

 The Federalist

To include ‘Antietam’ in a list of names that supposedly honor the Confederacy is to completely misunderstand history.

"There is a move these days to revisit our monuments and the names we choose to publicly honor. This movement is good and just. It is a sign of our mature democracy that we can choose to stop honoring things that do not reflect our American ideals and celebrate those that do. In this process, however, we must guard against the lazy choice of merely casting off the past, of portraying as evil or immoral anything that is historical.

"Congress has directed the U.S. Department of Defense to create a commission to review the names of military installations and vessels after Confederate figures or victories. It’s called the Commission on the Naming of Items of the Department of Defense that Commemorate the Confederate States of America or Any Person Who Served Voluntarily with the Confederate States of America. The commission will brief the secretary of defense and Congress on its work by October 2021 and present a final report by October 1, 2022.

""Incredibly, the name of a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer, the Antietam, may be included in the commission’s “broad review” of names, according to the retir'ed admiral heading the commission. To include “Antietam” in a list of names that supposedly honor the Confederacy is to completely misunderstand history." . . .

The people of the Union in the 1860s knew well what Antietam stood for. They had poured out a tremendous measure of sacrifice onto that battlefield. It seems we, in 2021, have forgotten. But we must not. Keeping this name is one way to always remember.

Whispers of Antietam: Then and Now (