Monday, August 2, 2021

Soon, no one in California will be able to bring home the bacon

I agree but, as always, California’s going about it the wrong way. This change should be organic, coming from the people and driving the marketplace, rather than a single state’s mandate that destroys businesses, wipes out a major part of people’s diets, and negatively affects the whole of the United States.

 Andrea Widburg  "In just five months, California may well be the first state in America that effectively bans any pork products. This is because, back in 2018, voters approved an animal welfare proposition setting out space requirements standards for those who breed pigs, egg-laying chickens, and veal calves. While chicken farmers and veal producers across America have mostly met those standards, it seems the hog farmers have had a harder time. This is an interesting story because it touches upon the laws of unintended consequences and the effect a state like California has on the rest of America.

"The story comes from the Associated Press:

At the beginning of next year, California will begin enforcing an animal welfare proposition approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2018 that requires more space for breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves. National veal and egg producers are optimistic they can meet the new standards, but only 4% of hog operations now comply with the new rules. Unless the courts intervene or the state temporarily allows non-compliant meat to be sold in the state, California will lose almost all of its pork supply, much of which comes from Iowa, and pork producers will face higher costs to regain a key market. . . .

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sneaky: Biden officials ordered workers to cover up COVID outbreak at migrant center, whistleblowers say
Monica Showalter  "Now that we know that migrants are spreading COVID throughout the country, here's a scandal that goes with it, which hasn't gotten the attention it merits.

According to the Daily Mail:

Two whistleblowers have accused the US Department of Health and Human Services of directing them to downplay the severity of a coronavirus outbreak among migrant children at a federal facility in Texas. 

Arthur Pearlstein, a director at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and Lauren Reinhold, an attorney-adviser at the Social Security Administration, detailed their allegations in a complaint sent to four Congressional committees and government watchdogs on Wednesday.

They said the outbreak erupted at the Fort Bliss Emergency Intake Site, near El Paso, between April and June of this year.  . . . 

Morning Consult Poll: Pelosi’s Jan 6th Panel...It’s almost like the more ridiculous and ludicrous the Democrats get, the more Americans tune out.

 Legal Insurrection

"Nancy Pelosi’s latest clown show—replete with weeping United States Representatives—isn’t riveting the nation; indeed, according to a new poll by Morning Consult, Pelosi’s January 6 hearings aren’t on the radar of any but the already faithful.  Hilariously, Morning Consult notes that the panel “is largely preaching to its own choir.”

:The poll was taken on July 28-29 and specifically addresses the hearings (archive link).

But outside of the nation’s capital, a new Morning Consult poll suggests that the panel — whose members were appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — is largely preaching to its own choir, as relatively few Republican voters viewed or listened to the daytime hearing and even more are seeking to disassociate their party and its leader from the deadly riot.'" . . .. . . " Not only are fewer Republican voters watching Pelosi’s most recent kabuki theater, but fewer Republican voters blame President Trump for the actions of the relatively few January 6th rally attendees who became unruly at or entered the Capitol building.

BAD NEWS FOR NANCY: Support for Pelosi’s Probe Into January 6th Crashes After Emotional Testimony . . . "Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn has done what no law enforcement officer should do. He politicized the law by lying during his testimony about January 6th. He is not an impartial witness because he lied about what happened to his coworker on that day to advance Nancy Pelosi’s agenda. (see below),
"Dunn should have erased his social media posts before he testified because he’s been outed as a Black Lives Matter supporter who is anti-Trump:" . . . 

The Liz Cheney Meltdown, and What It Means

Republican voters have absolutely had it with her politics. And for good reason.

 The American Spectator  "Bye, Liz.

"The abject implosion of a politician once thought to possess national prospects — though not due to her talent but rather her name and connections — might have been overshadowed by the alarming performance just a few hours later by our near-invalid president. But Liz Cheney’s bizarre performance on the U.S. Capitol steps Wednesday was nonetheless notable.

"If you haven’t followed the lead-up to Wednesday’s meltdown, it involved the sham 9/11 Commission–style inquiry being built to examine the Capitol riot of Jan. 6. That inquiry, to be chaired by partisan hack Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson on behalf of Nancy Pelosi, is obviously not built to fully examine what happened that day; it’s built to assign blame to the Republican Party for what Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party is determined to present as a casus belli against half of the American people.

"Pelosi’s Jan. 6 commission is a big deal, because she has turned the Capitol into an armed camp behind razor wire for most of the past six months and change over the dubious assertion that the protesters who descended on the building and briefly disrupted the vote to certify a presidential election that still reeks of irregularity and worse presented an “insurrection” and a “grave threat to democracy” to trump (pun not intended, but whatever) anything else since the Civil War." . . .

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Biden's past lies resurfaced this week

The simple truth is, Biden is a serial, compulsive, chronic liar.  Many of his lies contain multiple lies.

 Joe Biden was kicked out of running for president for plagiarism! Apparently he hasn't learned, or worked, just made himself rich!:

American Thinker: ..."Some of President Biden's many past lies caught up to him this week.

Biden himself got it all rolling with his false claim on July 28 that at one time he drove a tractor-trailer.  The following day, Fox News and Tucker Carlson in particular developed that story and found several clips of Biden in February 2020 falsely claiming he'd gone to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela and get himself arrested on Mandela's behalf, who was in jail at the time — for terrorist activities.

Tucker aired these following three clips:

1:02 — This lie was stated in February 2020 in South Carolina before the SC Primary. ... "I had the great honor of being arrested with our UN Ambassador, ah on the streets of Soweto, trying to get to see him, on Robben's Island."...

1:09 — This one also is from February 2020. ... "One of fo fun saintly guys, I ever knew, because I got arrested trying to see him, when I went down to South Africa.  Nelson Mandela." ... 

Mark Steyn and 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host mock the president for claiming he drove an 18-wheeler and recount his other unbelievable tales.

OMG! THE most disturbing sign of Biden's senility yet

 Thomas Lifson  "This sort of behavior is straight out of the dayroom of a mental hospital.  Joe Biden may be a habitual liar and the head of a corrupt family selling influence to foreigners, but pity, not anger, and fear for the nation are the only feelings I have on seeing the following.

"First the president of the United States received a note from staffers informing him that he had something on his chin.  For some reason, he stared at the back of the note while the rest of the world read the words, "Sir, there is something on your chin.". . . 

Friday, July 30, 2021

California's recall is America's final warning

Mike Cargile  . . . "We the People.  The recall signature effort shocked the world just by forcing the vote to happen.  The establishment greatly underestimated how much Californians loathe this governor.  He's toast.  Damaged goods.  The challenge now is to mitigate his impact going forward.

But the California Republican Party (CAGOP) has no interest in seeing Gavin Newsom recalled.  They didn't support the recall effort until the eleventh hour and then basically used it as a fundraiser.  Minimal effort, maximum credit taken. 

"Realizing the inevitable, they positioned their de jure candidate early on in Kevin Faulconer and lined up all the right consultants to make sure the money would flow in the right direction.  And we're talking millions.  

"But then the unimaginable happened.  Larry Elder entered the race, and suddenly Faulconer is barely polling in the top five!  What is the CAGOP to do?  Aha!  New strategy — we will endorse Faulconer!  But since the CAGOP has no mechanism for a special recall endorsement, it decides to change the rules.  And that's exactly what the Republicans have done.  Rep. Kevin McCarthy's surrogate, Chairwoman Jessica Patterson, convened a "special session" of the Executive Committee to force an emergency amendment to the bylaws." . . .

Biden, At Mack Truck Facility, Brags He Drove 18-Wheeler

 Why would he do it? What conceivable kind of insecurity could drive him to make such a ridiculous and useless claim at this point in his life and career

Biden, At Mack Truck Facility, Brags He Drove 18-Wheeler

. . . "Even leftist Shaun King took aim at Biden for his history of prevaricating, saying in 2020, as the Washington Times reported:

Since the early 1970s, Joe Biden has been a serial liar … In 1987, when Joe Biden was running for president for the very first time, his campaign got swallowed up in a swarm of lies that [he] told about himself all over the country. First, Biden was caught plagiarizing a famous speech from, then, British Labor Party Leader Neil Kinnock — including parts of the speech that came straight from Kinnock’s personal life that were not true for Biden.

Then, he plagiarized yet another speech from the late Robert Kennedy and another from JFK and another from Hubert Humphrey … Soon, it was discovered that Biden had not just plagiarized those four speeches, but had lied about academic awards [that he never earned], lied about scholarships [that he never received], and lied about his ranking in law school [stating he graduated in the top half of his class when in fact he finished 76th out of 85]. . . .

The award-winning talents of Pelosi's cast of characters

A Capitol Police officer who's a BLM activist?   "Among the many weeping people paraded before the House on Tuesday to testify about how deeply traumatizing it was for conservatives, rather than the usual left-wing activists, to protest at the Capitol, was one Harry Dunn, a giant of a man who claimed that he was intensely traumatized by the fact that protesters called him the "N" word.  The horror of it all!  Except there's reason to believe that Dunn may have been lying.  There's no footage of this alleged racial outrage.  Additionally, it turns out that Dunn is a BLM activist, a Trump-hater, and a supporter of political violence — his political violence, not your free speech or protest.

"Leftists were incredibly affected by Officer Dunn's testimony.  As far as they were concerned, he proved that not only were the people at the Capitol on January 6 (who killed no one, looted nothing, and set no fires) the worst mob ever in the history of America, but they were racist." . . .

Congressmen weeping on television embarrass themselves and us  . . . "No matter how many medals appear on the chests of the Capitol policemen, they mean nothing if those officers continue to hide the killer of Ashli Babbitt.  That's cowardice — not heroism."  . . .

Release the Videos Showing Capitol Rioters Calling the Crying Police Officer the 'N Word'   "The hearing was front-loaded with crying law enforcement officers who depicted the outrageous riot as an “insurrection” and the protesters and rioters as “terrorists.”

"As readers of PJ Media know, we abhor the violence from that day as we abhor the violence over the years by BLM and antifa rioters, looters, liars, and arsonists."

Conspiracy Theorist Gavin Newsom Says the People Leading His Recall Are Capitol Rioters Who Want to Implant Chips in People

Capitol Hill Officer: Jan. 6 ‘Bigger Threat’ than Violent BLM Riots in 2020  "Dunn warned that “we need to make sure we’re prepared and we continue to shoot down all rhetoric that could possibly lead to violence” in what seemed to be a reference to the public exchanges before Jan 6." . . .

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympic Schadenfreude

 Charlemagne Institute  "If there are two sports more ferociously woke than NBA basketball and women’s professional soccer, I am unaware of their existence.

"Unfortunately for athletes in these two sports, their commitment to wokeness and the language of equity is increasingly backfiring, so much so that I have found their recent Olympic adventures delectable. They are so rich in Schadenfreude that I am tempted to use a neologism I only just discovered: “Schadenfreudelicious.”

"From the first moments after the death of George Floyd, professional basketball players and their league have emitted a constant bleating of support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) narrative, which claims that the situation in America has never been worse for blacks. The league’s biggest star, Lebron James, characterized BLM as a “lifestyle” and, in stupendous ignorance of American history, denied that there had ever been any social movement dedicated to improving the situation of blacks. The NBA’s commitment to the BLM perspective is so complete that at least one player’s agent anonymously observed how this stance has damaged the league’s brand with fans who do not share the movement’s radical leftist worldview.

"Not surprisingly, Olympic men’s basketball is in total disarray. Many of the leading lights in the NBA, including James and the equally woke Stephen Curry, felt such a surge of patriotism over the Olympics that they declined to play on the national team.

"Lauren Holiday, a former professional soccer player herself and the wife of Jrue Holiday—one of the NBA stars who did sign up for the U.S. Olympic team—publicly and shrilly denounced police as racist for briefly handcuffing her husband when he showed up at the scene, bringing her driver’s license, when she was stopped by police and eventually ticketed for overly tinted windows. Other team members—Damian LillardBradley BealBam Adebayo—backed BLM’s radical agenda and attended protests." . . .

Biden raises eyebrows with claim he 'used to drive' 18-wheeler truck

"We had two family members that told us stories about great things they did in the past, none of it true of course. Both ended up in rest homes for a few years before passing as there is no cure for mental decline." From comments

 Fox News

The White House struggled to defend Biden's claim  

"Forty-eight-year political veteran President Biden raised eyebrows on Wednesday when he claimed to have driven an 18-wheeler truck — a claim the White House struggled to defend.

"Biden was visiting a Mack Truck facility in Pennsylvania when he made the claim to have driven the massive trucks before, which require a special kind of license.

"I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man," Biden said on Wednesday in a video posted to Twitter. "I got to."

"There is scant evidence that Biden has ever driven an 18-wheeler truck.

"When asked if the president had ever driven such a truck, a White House spokesperson pointed to a December 1973 article from the Wilmington Evening Journal that showed Biden rode in an 18-wheeler on a 536-mile haul to Ohio.

"Fox News pressed the spokesperson about the president’s claim – noting that riding in a truck is not the same as driving one – at which point the president's spokesperson pointed to a United Federation of Teachers post that touched on Biden driving a school bus in the past as a summer job." . . .

The Two Bidens; father and son

Leaked Video Appears To Show Hunter Biden Smoke Crack During Argument With His Dead Brother’s Wife  "A newly leaked video appears to show Hunter Biden, the oft-disappointing son of Joe Biden who has recently become an artist, smoke a bowl of crack cocaine while arguing with his deceased brother’s wife, Hallie Biden, with whom he had a relationship following Beau Biden’s death.

"The argument seemed to begin after Hunter expressed outrage that Hallie would call him so soon after the publication of an article by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, ostensibly an article from 2015 in which Dowd claimed that Beau begged his father, Joe Biden, to run for President in the 2016 election moments before his death. In the video, reportedly leaked from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, it appears Hunter told Hallie he was seeking treatment for his drug abuse, when in reality, he appears to be in a hotel room smoking crack." . . .


Benny Johnson: "This is the most devastating video on the Internet"

VIRAL VIDEO Shows Split Screen of Hunter Biden Smoking a Crack Pipe and Joe Biden Bragging About Severe Punishment for Drug Crimes

 EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden was living with his brother Beau's widow Hallie while sending raunchy texts and FaceTiming in the shower with her married SISTER as they declared their love and she called him her 'prince'   "Hunter Biden had a controversial affair with his brother Beau's grieving widow Hallie, while exchanging raunchy texts, 'partying', and even renting a house with her sister, can exclusively reveal.   

"Hallie Biden's older sister, Elizabeth Secundy, who was recently separated from her husband of 15 years, referred to Hunter as her 'prince' and told him she loved him, in a series of text messages dating back to 2016." . . .

The Most Devastating Video on the Internet? Joe Biden Makes the Case for Son Hunter to Go to Prison  "The video is a split screen with Hunter Biden smoking crack on one side and his father, then-Senator Joe Biden, making the case in 1991 on the Senate floor for a new law requiring a mandatory prison sentence for those caught in possession of a small amount of crack cocaine.
“ 'If you have a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter that I’m holding in my hand […] we passed … a law that says ‘You’re caught with that, you go to jail for five years.’ You get no probation. You get nothing other than five years in jail. The judge doesn’t have a choice.”

Biden also points out in the video that under that forfeiture statute, the government “can take everything you own. Everything from your car, to your house, your bank account.”

"According to then-Senator Biden, “We have an obligation to cordon them off from society.' ” . . .