An Eagle was soaring through the air when suddenly it heard the whizz of an Arrow, and felt itself wounded to death. Slowly it fluttered down to the earth, with its life-blood pouring out of it. Looking down upon the Arrow with which it had been pierced, it found that the shaft of the Arrow had been feathered with one of its own plumes. “Alas!” it cried, as it died, “We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.”
"Glory and honor to the fallen in the Kabul bombing. Glory and honor to those Marines who defend the free world with courage and dedication, who fight our enemies, and resist, often despite the negligence of politicians. Love and prayers for them, their families and friends. God bless them. And all the contempt in the universe for their cowardly murderers.
"For today, I had written another installment of “Summer Satire,” that saga of articles with which we are having so much fun. But I have decided to press pause on it today. I am all for taking refuge in humor, especially when everything goes wrong, but today I felt that I had to make an exception. There are a lot of people who don’t feel like laughing. And, above all, there is something I simply can’t put off saying: Joe must resign. He has the last chance in his life to do something truly patriotic for America: resign. He must accept his ineptitude and walk away. Being at the helm of the White House is not child’s play. And while terrorists are to blame for what happened, Joe must take responsibility for the most disastrous and dangerous war retreat ever to have been witnessed. Even Siri, with a virus and no battery, would have planned the Afghanistan withdrawal better than Joe Biden.". . .
..."But I just have one question, guys: after how many unnecessary deaths is it acceptable to ask an inept person to relinquish the controls of a vehicle he is incapable of controlling?"...
What does Joe Biden’s record on foreign policy look like? - Quora Here are few concerns which the Atlantic included in a recent article:
- He was against the raid that took out Osama Ben Laden.
- He was in favor of the war in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
- He was against eliminating Baghdadi and Qasem Soleimani
- He was in favor of the deal with Iran over allowing Iran to become a nuclear power.
- He is a fellow traveler of liberal interventionism
- He hasn’t shown much original thought or initiative in foreign policy,
- Biden has a cold war mentality.
- Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.. . . More on Joe here...