Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Boris Must Not Squander His All-Important Summit With Joe Biden

 The Heritage Foundation; Boris Must Not Squander His All-Important Summit With Joe Biden

"Boris Johnson's U.S. visit this week will be his first transatlantic steps on the world stage since the start of the Covid pandemic. The Prime Minister will address the United Nations General Assembly in New York, meeting with President Biden at the White House and Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill.

"The Biden/Johnson meeting is potentially one of the most important U.S./UK summits of the post-9/11 era. This is a pivotal moment for the world’s most important bilateral partnership, as well as the West’s leadership of the free world.

"Joe Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal has inflicted serious short-term and long-term damage on the Special Relationship and the Nato alliance. His actions have significantly harmed America’s standing across the Atlantic. It will be extremely difficult to rebuild faith and trust in U.S. leadership while Biden remains president.

"This harsh reality will overshadow this week’s talks, and cannot be brushed aside for the sake of diplomatic niceties. While last week’s historic Aukus security pact is a major boost to Anglo-American cooperation in the Indo-Pacific, it will not repair the rift between London and Washington that exists over Afghanistan. Besides, much of the strategic vision and foresight for this deal was in place before Biden became president.". . . 

Formal Complaint Filed against Biden for Refusing to Answer Questions from Reporters | Neon Nettle  ..."In March, Biden's aide blocked reporters from asking him about the "crisis at the border" during a stop at a local hardware store in Washington, D.C.

"In August, Biden said "they" set the rules and determine when and where he’s allowed to take questions from the press and who from.

"Earlier this month, Biden implied his handlers are calling the shots from the shadows after he concluded remarks in honor of labor unions by saying what he was "supposed" to do.

"After finishing prepared comments in the White House, Biden said: "I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room.". . . 

People Keep Talking About Horses And Alleged Whips At The Border, So Here’s A Meme For Ya

 People Keep Talking About Horses And Alleged Whips At The Border, So Here's A Meme For Ya (  . . . "Democrats are accusing horseback border agents of whipping migrants who are breaking into America illegally.

"The agents don’t have whips, but they do have reins commonly used when you’re riding a horse. Of course Democrats all over social media will be like “OMG THEY ARE WHIPPING PEOPLE” and I’m over here like “OMG THEY’RE BREAKING INTO OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY” and that’s just how we differ on opinions."...

Notice in this photo, the agent is not using the reins as a weapon, but has dropped them to capture this man.

Kamala Harris Supports Investigation Of Border Patrol After Fake News Story About Whips  ..."Democrats and the media have been silent for days about the appalling situation in Del Rio, Texas, where over 10,000 illegal border-crossers have been packed under a bridge.

"It was only when a completely false narrative about Border Patrol agents using whips on migrants from Haiti that journalists and Democrats finally spoke up.

"Kamala Harris, who is supposedly in charge of the situation at the border, but has said nothing for weeks, is now advancing this false story."...

Mark Milley: Deep State Poster Boy -

...He just shook his head. After the decades of failures by the Deep State managing Afghanistan were exposed by President Joe Biden (D)'s horrific retreat, General Milley has become the failed, though still smirking, face of the Deep State.

 American Thinker "When you're the author of a book titled The Deep State Revolution, and you live in a lovely little town located much too close to New York City, you constantly run into the judgmental politics of the left. 

"When they will actually have a conversation — hardly a given with the woke — they say, if not with words, then with their expressions: "There is no Deep State."

"Not long ago, I would cite examples, but as neither The New York Times nor NPR nor CNN has not told those on the left about such things, their response was typically to dismiss me.

"Now all I have to say is "General Mark Milley."

"Suddenly, they mentally step back and have to consider the obvious truth before them.  After all, can there be any reasonable explanation for the fact that General Milley called a Chinese general — Gen. Li Zuocheng — to inform him, in October 2020, that if an attack was coming from the United States, General Milley would call the Chinese military first to warn them?

"Clearly, this is a Deep State actor moving behind the scenes to get his way — even if his way means committing treason down the line.  General Milley has thus become the personification of what conservatives mean when they say "Deep State": an arrogant, self-righteous, unelected, elitist official who thinks he can circumvent the American people's will via our elected representatives.". . . 

..."And here at The Babylon Bee, we're legit journalists, so we've got the exclusive scoop. Here are some excerpts from the upcoming revision of The Art of War: 

"If you think you might attack an enemy, pick up the phone and give 'em a heads up. It's only fair."

"You have to be careful not to surprise your enemy. They really don't like it."

"Treason is not treason if it is the lesser of two treasons."

"Know thy pronouns, and know thy enemy's pronouns."

"The supreme art of war is to surrender to your enemy without fighting."

“All war is white rage.”

"If you surrender, you can never lose."

"If thy commanding officer sends mean tweets, thou need not follow orders or the chain of command." . . .

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Independent Source Confirms Authenticity of Damning Hunter Biden Emails

National Review  "Two crucial emails included among the material reportedly taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop last year are genuine, according to new evidence presented in the book The Bidens by Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger.

"A 2015 email from Ukrainian businessman Vadym Pozharsky thanking Hunter Biden for “giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together” is genuine, according to a person described in Politico Playbook as having “independent access” to Hunter’s emails. Pozharsky was an adviser to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company on whose board Hunter Biden sat while his father was vice president.

"A second email from 2017 that reportedly outlines a deal between the Biden family and a now-defunct Chinese energy company is also real, the person said. That email, sent by Biden business partner James Gillar, includes the line “10 held by H for the big guy?” which Tony Bobulinski — Hunter Biden’s former business partner and a recipient on the email — said referred to Hunter holding a 10 percent stake in the deal for Joe Biden.

"Both emails were first reported by the New York Post, which purportedly recovered them from a laptop that Hunter left at a repair shop in Delaware and never retrieved.". . . 

John Durham’s Opening Salvo

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment spells danger less for Michael Sussmann than for others referenced in it.

"Special Counsel John Durham’s indictment of Democrat lawyer Michael Sussmann for making false statements to the FBI alleges in revealing and damning detail how the Trump-Russia collusion fraud was fabricated and disseminated on the eve of the 2016 presidential election. Far from being a departing valedictory, the 27-page indictment appears to be a teaser for coming attractions.". . . 

Michael Sussmann Indictment & Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative Investigation | National Review  "The special counsel’s final report on the Clinton campaign’s manufacturing of the Trump–Russia collusion narrative will be very interesting reading."

Indictment of Campaign Lawyer Demonstrates How Hillary Clinton Is The Most Systemically Manipulative Politician Of Our Lifetime. (

Hillary Clinton operatives perpetrated a massive Russia-collusion fraud on the American public which not only manipulated the 2016 election process but also froze the Trump presidency and nearly paralyzed the nation politically for years.

..."But, the 27-page Indictment is a wealth of information, and hopefully a roadmap to wider and more substantial prosecutions (you can’t take my hope away!). What the indictment demonstrates is that the Russia collusion claim leveled against Donald Trump and the Trump campaign was a fabrication of Hillary Clinton operatives who peddled the fraud to the media and FBI, allowing Clinton to use the media reports in the campaign against Trump.

"Much like the fabricated Steele Dossier, also paid for and arranged by Clinton operatives, Hillary Clinton and Clintonworld perpetrated a massive fraud on the American public . . . 

Durham Indictment: ‘Powerful’ Tech Executive 'Exploited His Access to Non-Public Data' to Dig Dirt on Trump | CNSNews   . . . "The indictment says the FBI eventually concluded there was insufficient evidence to support the allegations of a secret Trump-Russia communications channel.

"In fact, the FBI investigation revealed that the email server exchanging data with the Russian bank "was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization at all. It was administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and hundreds of other clients.

"The indictment signed by Special Counsel John Durham, dated Sept. 16, 2021, runs for 26 pages.". . . 

How Durham Bombshell Made a ‘Birther’ Out of Me - American Thinker  . . . "Exhibit 1 in his case against Trump involved Obama’s origins. Said Bauer, “Trump repeatedly hawked the lies that Obama was born in Kenya.” This was false. Trump did question the mystery surrounding Obama’s origins, but despite their digging, the media could find no instance in which Trump claimed Obama was born in Kenya. As reported in 2012, it was the young Obama who -- falsely, I believe -- claimed Kenyan birth when first positioning himself in the literary marketplace.

"As Exhibit 2 in his presentation, Bauer claimed Trump “had gone out of his way to defend the white supremacists rampaging in Charlottesville.” Trump did no such thing. As reported by CNN, what Trump actually said about white supremacists was this: “Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.” In fact, CNN headlined the article, “Trump calls KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists ‘repugnant’.” It was hard to miss.

"A month after Bauer’s article, Joe Biden launched his campaign around the very same lie. Said Biden, “When [Trump] said after Charlottesville that there were, quote, ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he gave license and safe harbor for hate to white supremacists, Neo-Nazis and the KKK.” This parallel spin was not a coincidence. Bauer’s wife Anita Dunn was running Biden’s campaign, and Bauer was actively advising." . . .

81 Million People (Allegedly) Voted For This Incompetent Fool…

Also, he said that terrorists wouldn’t be able to strike the United States which added to his reasoning for withdrawing from Afghanistan. Well, he’s wrong. Al-Qaeda will have that ability again within two years. It’s not shocking since the man has been wrong about foreign policy for over 40 years.

"There are few politicians on either side of the aisle for whom I have more disdain than lily white Irish-American former-Rep. Robert Francis O’Rourke.

"His nickname has long been “Beto,” but I’m not sure the legacy media understands that 
he is not even 1/1024 Hispanic or Latino (archive link).  Or that they would care if they did know, which is odd given how much race purportedly matters to them.

"Robert Francis O’Rourke skateboarded and grandstanded his way to a failed bid to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz. Failing to become a U.S. Senator, the unaccomplished, inexperienced, completely unfit to run even a lemonade stand, O’Rourke set his sights on the White House. This is a guy who can barely tie his own shoe laces without adult supervision.  Surreal.". . . 

 Biden Has Lost the Middle...But a Lingering Question Remains ( "The man is lost in space. He’s weak. He’s stupid. He’s slow. And he simply cannot do the job. There’s too much. President Dementia just doesn’t have the stamina. You can’t govern from the basement, Joe. You can’t. Everything you promised has devolved into a smoldering pile of crap. The adults are not back. Diplomacy is not back. America is not back. And you didn’t stop COVID. The French are recalling their ambassador because of a defense pact you signed off on with Australia and the United Kingdom; the former will be acquiring nuclear-powered submarines. The Afghanistan fiasco pissed off everyone in Europe, with the special relationship we have with London sinking to its lowest point since the Suez Crisis in the 1950s. You also left Americans behind and then blamed them. You proudly said that terrorists were taken out with a drone strike. That was a lie. It was an aid worker and his family. Who gave them this intelligence that this family was a terror target—the Taliban? It would not shock me since we gave them lists of Americans and key Afghan allies when we quasi-deputized them to be the TSA at the Kabul airport in the waning days of our deployment there. It didn’t cross these peoples’ minds that these are 'kill lists.' 

"Inflation is soaring.  Violent crime is spiking; it’s now one of many top concerns among voters, including Democrats. Job creation has slowed, and we’re not even a year into this so-called presidency. Biden is a president who thinks if you just give a speech, the situation has been resolved. No. And calling it something else doesn’t make it go away either. The border is a total mess, but Biden needs vacation time. So, given the serial failure here, are we shocked that his approval numbers are circling the toilet (via NY Post):". . . 

"He's Still Sleeping": Elon Musk Mocks President Biden for Utter Incompetence (

...“The President of the United States has refused to even acknowledge the 4 newest American astronauts who helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for St. Jude. What’s your theory on why that is?” asked one Twitter user.

“He’s still sleeping,” Musk trolled"...

CRINGE VIDEO: Biden Badly Stumbles Again During Speech to The United Nations (   "Once again I ask…WHAT’S WRONG WITH JOE?

"Yes I feel bad for America…but I also feel bad for Biden’s sign language interpreter. Give that woman a raise because she is doing God’s work. The daunting task of interpreting a JOE BIDEN speech must give her nightmares."...

Beto O'Rourke Launching Pointless Run For Governor Of Texas For Some Reason

 Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke Plans To Skateboard Into The Texas Governor’s Mansion (

"There are few politicians on either side of the aisle for whom I have more disdain than lily white Irish-American former-Rep. Robert Francis O’Rourke.

"His nickname has long been “Beto,” but I’m not sure the legacy media understands that he is not even 1/1024 Hispanic or Latino (archive link).  Or that they would care if they did know, which is odd given how much race purportedly matters to them.

"Robert Francis O’Rourke skateboarded and grandstanded his way to a failed bid to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz. Failing to become a U.S. Senator, the unaccomplished, inexperienced, completely unfit to run even a lemonade stand, O’Rourke set his sights on the White House. This is a guy who can barely tie his own shoe laces without adult supervision.  Surreal.". . . 

Mike LaChance

"Far left Democrat Beto O’Rourke ran for Senate in Texas and lost. Then he ran for president and lost. Now he is reportedly going to run for governor of Texas, another race he is likely to lose.

"You may be asking yourself why he is even bothering to run. 

"Well, Beto is one of those people who can’t NOT run for office, no matter how many times the voters say no.

"Running for office is the only thing that gives his life purpose. He married into a very rich family and has nothing else to do.

Axios has the story:

"Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke is preparing to run for governor of Texas in 2022, with an announcement expected later this year, Texas political operatives tell Axios.

‘He’s Apologized For Being Born’: Bloomberg Takes On Beto’s Unusual Campaign Approach | The Daily Caller

"One of the prerequisites for running in 2020 is the need to go on an apology tour, Bloomberg said during a Bermuda Executive Forum in New York. The billionaire businessman gave former Vice President Joe Biden and former Texas Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke as examples of politicians willing to prostrate themselves."

Don Surber: Why I don't have faith in John Durham

 Don Surber: Why I don't have faith in John Durham


"Thomas Lifson wrote, "I am cautiously optimistic over the indictment handed down yesterday, accusing attorney Michael Sussman, then of Perkins Coie, representing the Hillary Clinton campaign, of lying to the FBI. It has been very easy to despair that anything would ever come of Durham's special counsel probe, especially after the slap on the wrist delivered to Kevin Clinesmith, an FBI lawyer who lied to a court by changing evidence 180 degrees in order to facilitate a FISA warrant extension. For an officer of the court to lie to a court ought to be a career-ending event for, without integrity, the judicial system falters. But Clinesmith never spent a night in jail and has been readmitted to the bar. Durham asked for six months, but Judge James Boasberg thought otherwise."

"Writers whom I respect, such as Don Surber and John Hinderaker, make me look Pollyanna-ish. Surber: 'I am unexcited because none of the co-conspirators — Hillary, Obama, Comey, and the media — were indicted.' Hinderaker: 'Durham harvests more small potatoes.' ". . . 

. . . "But I go by track record, and John Durham's track record shows he is a good investigator and a smart bureaucrat. He will go just deep enough in his prosecutions to satisfy the public but not so far as to endanger the establishment.

"I base this on the Whitey Bulger case. He was a gangster in Boston who was politically connected. His brother Billy became President of the Massachusetts Senate. Upon retirement, he became a well-paid bureaucrat in the state college system." . . .

Bud & Lou Discuss the Pandemic


AfterMath - Home (

Lou: Let me get this straight. Vaccinations work because they protect us from the virus, but unvaccinated people must get vaccinated because they can give the virus to people who are already protected from the virus because they have been vaccinated, but the vaccinated can still catch the virus even though vaccinations work.  Bud: Precisely!

Bud: I got my vaccination. I am now protected from the virus.
Lou: Not me. No one’s gonna jab a needle in my arm.
Bud: You must.
Lou: Why?
Bud: To protect me.
Lou: From the virus?
Bud: Yes.
Lou: But I thought you said you were vaccinated.
Bud: I am.
Lou: You’re protected?
Bud: Correct.
Lou: From the virus?
Bud: Yes.
Lou: So, I don’t need a vaccination.
Bud: But you do.
Lou: Why?
Bud: To protect me.
Lou: I thought you were vaccinated.
Bud: I am.
Lou: And the vaccination protects you?
Bud: It does.
Lou: So, I don’t need to get vaccinated to protect you because you’re already protected from the virus by the vaccination you already got.
Bud: No, you must get the vaccination to protect me from the virus.
Lou: You mean the vaccination doesn’t work?
Bud: It does work.
Lou: If the vaccination works and you’re protected from the virus because you already got the vaccination then it doesn’t matter if I don’t get vaccinated.
Bud: But it does matter. Because if you don’t vaccinated you can give me the virus.
Lou: Let me see if I have this straight.
Bud: Okay.
Lou: You got the vaccination?
Bud: Yes.
Lou: The vaccination protects you from the virus?
Bud: Correct.
Lou: So, it doesn’t matter if I don’t get the vaccination because you’re already protected from the virus?
Bud: No.
Lou: Are you telling me the vaccination doesn’t work?
Bud: No, I’m telling you the vaccination does work.
Lou: Then why must I get the vaccination?
Bud: To protect me from the virus.
Lou: This doesn’t makes any sense.
Bud: But it does make sense. Why don’t you understand? Besides, you are required to get the vaccination, whether you like it or not.". . .   Read on, there's more

Why does half of America vote for such horrible things?

 "In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes" (Judges 21:25).  My fear is that America may soon want an actual king to fill civilization's incoherent void.  

American Thinker  "My wife and I passed some people relaxing on their porch here in California. I wondered how long their "NO RECALL" sign would grace their railing.  They are happy, I assume, that Gavin Newsom is still in office.

"But why are they happy?  What is so truly scary to those Newsom-supporters that they can't imagine him not being in office?  Is it that without Newsom, the homeless population might go down?  Is it that the tax burden might get reduced?  Is it that too many hardcore felons will remain in prison?  Is it that California forests haven't yet been completely consumed?  Maybe health care needs to be dismantled and defunded, just like the L.A. police, and then rebuilt from the ground up.  Do they like Newsom because he sees illegal immigration as the best way to accomplish that by overwhelming the state's health care resources?  (My wife and I spent nine hours in the emergency room the other night, and we were disappointed that it didn't take longer.)  Or maybe it's just that water shortages need to be more severe?  Whatever the reason, Gavin Newsom needed a second chance to make California worse. 

"Let's leave ballot cheating accusations out of it.  There are too many people who actually voted not to recall Gavin Newsom.  I know California is its own call of the wild, but nationally, too many people also lined up to cast votes for Biden, Pal Joey, that guy from down under, that basement down in Pennsylvania.  What is it about Democrats that they love what their politicians utter but couldn't care less what they do?  It's as Jeremiah said: "Every [m]an's words shall be [h]is own burden," 23:36.  What burden?  Democrats seem not to notice any connection whatsoever between the increasing discomforts of living in America and the policies of their chosen leaders.  I know that Biden's approval rating is way down, but even after that "righteous hit" of General Milley's blew up the truck loaded with terrorist water containers and seven children, Biden still has supporters.". . .  

Case in point: San Francisco's mayor Breed highlights the elite's disdain for their own rules -    ..."Bottom line: Because Breed's important, when she has fun, the rules just don't apply.  Tough luck to all you other losers, because you can bet that you'll get in trouble for flouting London's rules."

My Going Maskless Is Different, Says San Francisco Mayor, Because 'I Was Feeling the Spirit' | National Review
..."Under the current rules, my three-year-old has to wear a mask when traveling on airplanes. Like many children, he, too, likes to dance when he feels the spirit. And, like many children, he, too, is less than fond of the fun police. But do you know who cares about any of that? Nobody, that’s who. As I write, millions of American kids are on their way to school with masks strapped over their faces — a fact of which London Breed’s political party not only approves, but is willing to sue in order to universalize. If, as Breed implies, these rules represent unnecessary and intrusive micromanagement that can’t possibly survive contact with reality, then maybe we should do the obvious thing, and blow them all up?"

Michigan lawmakers to look at what Zuckerberg's millions did in election


Facebook billionaire handed out money to leftists to help them with 2020 ballots

"Lawmakers in Michigan are preparing to look into just exactly what was bought and paid for with the millions of dollars leftist Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook handed out to state and local elections officials for the 2020 presidential race.

"That race, won by Joe Biden by a few thousand votes over a number of swing states, raise suspicions because of the odd circumstances, such as backpacks full of ballots being dumped into ballot boxes late at night.

"One circumstance that could have altered the result is that state and local election officials simply ignored, or changed, state laws regarding mail-in ballots for the election, even though the Constitution allows only state lawmakers to do that.

"Another [suspicious] circumstance that has yet to be full explored is the $350 million that Zuckerberg handed out to mostly leftist vote counters.

"Now, the Starnewsnetwork is explaining that Michigan lawmakers reportedly on planning hearings on that controversy.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Man's bone-chilling demonstration casts doubt on the safety of hotel rooms: 'Another thing to be paranoid about'

 Man's bone-chilling demonstration casts doubt on the safety of hotel rooms: 'Another thing to be paranoid about' (  Video at the link.

"If you aren’t already inspecting your hotel room or Airbnb before settling in, you might want to start. 

"Airbnb’s regulations require hosts to inform guests where any cameras are located, but if those hosts had sinister intentions from the start, breaking rules wouldn’t make much of a difference, as various cases have proven in the past. The same goes for many hotels.

"Airbnb’s regulations require hosts to inform guests where any cameras are located, but if those hosts had sinister intentions from the start, breaking rules wouldn’t make much of a difference, as various cases have proven in the past. The same goes for many hotels.

"Former hacker Marcus Hutchins (@malwaretech) shared a video with his TikTok followers in which he demonstrated how to use your own snooping skills to find hidden cameras in a rented room.

"He first recommended looking for devices “conveniently placed where a creeper would want to look,” then pointed out locations where people often move and sleep.