Tuesday, September 21, 2021

81 Million People (Allegedly) Voted For This Incompetent Fool…

Also, he said that terrorists wouldn’t be able to strike the United States which added to his reasoning for withdrawing from Afghanistan. Well, he’s wrong. Al-Qaeda will have that ability again within two years. It’s not shocking since the man has been wrong about foreign policy for over 40 years.

"There are few politicians on either side of the aisle for whom I have more disdain than lily white Irish-American former-Rep. Robert Francis O’Rourke.

"His nickname has long been “Beto,” but I’m not sure the legacy media understands that 
he is not even 1/1024 Hispanic or Latino (archive link).  Or that they would care if they did know, which is odd given how much race purportedly matters to them.

"Robert Francis O’Rourke skateboarded and grandstanded his way to a failed bid to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz. Failing to become a U.S. Senator, the unaccomplished, inexperienced, completely unfit to run even a lemonade stand, O’Rourke set his sights on the White House. This is a guy who can barely tie his own shoe laces without adult supervision.  Surreal.". . . 

 Biden Has Lost the Middle...But a Lingering Question Remains (townhall.com) "The man is lost in space. He’s weak. He’s stupid. He’s slow. And he simply cannot do the job. There’s too much. President Dementia just doesn’t have the stamina. You can’t govern from the basement, Joe. You can’t. Everything you promised has devolved into a smoldering pile of crap. The adults are not back. Diplomacy is not back. America is not back. And you didn’t stop COVID. The French are recalling their ambassador because of a defense pact you signed off on with Australia and the United Kingdom; the former will be acquiring nuclear-powered submarines. The Afghanistan fiasco pissed off everyone in Europe, with the special relationship we have with London sinking to its lowest point since the Suez Crisis in the 1950s. You also left Americans behind and then blamed them. You proudly said that terrorists were taken out with a drone strike. That was a lie. It was an aid worker and his family. Who gave them this intelligence that this family was a terror target—the Taliban? It would not shock me since we gave them lists of Americans and key Afghan allies when we quasi-deputized them to be the TSA at the Kabul airport in the waning days of our deployment there. It didn’t cross these peoples’ minds that these are 'kill lists.' 

"Inflation is soaring.  Violent crime is spiking; it’s now one of many top concerns among voters, including Democrats. Job creation has slowed, and we’re not even a year into this so-called presidency. Biden is a president who thinks if you just give a speech, the situation has been resolved. No. And calling it something else doesn’t make it go away either. The border is a total mess, but Biden needs vacation time. So, given the serial failure here, are we shocked that his approval numbers are circling the toilet (via NY Post):". . . 

"He's Still Sleeping": Elon Musk Mocks President Biden for Utter Incompetence (trendingpolitics.com)

...“The President of the United States has refused to even acknowledge the 4 newest American astronauts who helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for St. Jude. What’s your theory on why that is?” asked one Twitter user.

“He’s still sleeping,” Musk trolled"...

CRINGE VIDEO: Biden Badly Stumbles Again During Speech to The United Nations (trendingpolitics.com)   "Once again I ask…WHAT’S WRONG WITH JOE?

"Yes I feel bad for America…but I also feel bad for Biden’s sign language interpreter. Give that woman a raise because she is doing God’s work. The daunting task of interpreting a JOE BIDEN speech must give her nightmares."...

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