Saturday, October 9, 2021

Premature Premonitions of Civil War?

Portland, Oregon; 2021

 William Sullivan  "Anyone paying attention knows that America is fast polarizing to become two distinct factions. One is comprised of the coastal blue states commanded by dictators, for whom concepts like individual liberty are just speed bumps on the way to their newfangled visions of progress, and the other is largely made up of the red states in America’s heartland and Southeast, where leaders still generally fear the electoral consequences of putting their boots on their constituents’ throats.

"The latter faction’s ultimate victory in the war of ideas is the only chance we have of maintaining anything that resembles the American ideal, but that chance seems to be vanishing quickly as the blue states are consolidating their current ascendency to bring blue state authoritarianism to the red states via international corporate power, social conformity campaigns, and federal tyranny in Washington, including executive edicts, unconstitutional legislation, and threats to subvert the judiciary.

"It’s no wonder, you might say, that roughly two-out-of-three Republicans are open to the idea of secession, according to some polls. So, are we heading toward civil war, as many have openly asserted in recent years? And if so, what can we learn from the last one to inform us about the nature of today’s crisis? Looked at closely, there are important differences.

"The media would have us believe that the blue states are the modern analogs of the free states in 1860, and the red states are the modern analogs of the secessionist slave states. And yet, this dynamic has existed almost entirely in the inverse for some time.". . . 

‘Let’s go Brandon’? NBC reporter ‘mishears’ NASCAR fans chanting ‘F**K JOE BIDEN’ during post-race interview

This week, the phrase ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ has taken over Twitter.

Can’t wait for the CNN fact-checks to tell us that the crowd was in fact, saying “let’s go Brandon”

When they very clearly were saying “F@ck Joe Biden”

Journos have a difficult job to keep licking Dems and Biden as per their channel

— Manish Singh (@Manish_05Singh) October 3, 2021

Russia Today  "A snippet of an interview with the winner of the NASCAR Xfinity Series Race at Talladega, Brandon Brown, went viral after an NBC reporter reportedly misheard offensive chants rumbling down from the stands.

“ 'Dad, we did it, let’s go!” Brown shouted at the camera during a live interview shortly after he was declared the winner of Saturday's race. However, chants from the crowd were even louder, with ecstatic fans clearly yelling “F**k Joe Biden!”  again and again.

"The NBC Sports reporter acknowledged the wild chanting, although she either genuinely misheard it as an obscenity directed at President Biden, or as many observers suggested, attempted some desperate damage control.

“ 'Brandon… as you can hear the chants from the crowd: ‘Let's go Brandon!” she said, triggering a torrent of mockery on Twitter. The video apparently went viral after it was shared by NASCAR itself, but later deleted without explanation."

Tweet From Blocked By Pfizer For Calling Them Out Patch Lyds

           The NBC Sports reporter acknowledged the wild chanting, although she either genuinely misheard it as an obscenity directed at President Biden, or as many observers suggested, attempted some desperate damage control.

“Brandon… as you can hear the chants from the crowd: ‘Let's go Brandon!” she said, triggering a torrent of mockery on Twitter. The video apparently went viral after it was shared by NASCAR itself, but later deleted without explanation.

The "Let's Go Brandon" Meme Has Taken Over the Internet — Here's What It Means

That's basically what happened in the case of the "Let's Go Brandon" meme that has been making its way around the internet thanks to Twitter. But what does it actually mean? A small incident in an interview with a NASCAR driver has intersected with politics and brought new life to a chant about the president.

 Mike Ses  @MikeSes01    @Manish_05Singh

"Mishears?" Nobody misheard anything. Everybody knew what the crowd was chanting....everybody!

Friday, October 8, 2021

Only the grossly mis-educated would vote Democrat

One question must be asked of the regime that placed Biden in the White House.  Who is actually in charge?  Who is making the decisions?  Who is demanding these new Nazi-like rules/regulations/procedures?  Andrew W. Coy

George Orwell was Right  "From George Orwell's 1984 "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building renamed, every date has been altered.  And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.  History has stopped.  Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right."  And to paraphrase Orwell's Animal Farm, the paint is not yet dry on the side of the barn, and they are already changing the rules to benefit themselves...the Deep State.  

"This is Joe Biden's America today.

"It is so horribly unbelievable how far we have fallen since 2015.  The America of Biden and the Deep State is unrecognizable to when candidate Donald Trump came down the escalators at Trump Towers in 2015.  The Deep State has totally revealed itself, and thus far without impunity.  It is hard to call America a democratic republic today.  A liberal democracy under Biden, it is not.  It is difficult with an honest intellectual argument to say Americans are free today.". . .  

Who is Really Running the Destroy-America Biden Regime?  (Oct. 7, 2021) — “Guilty as hell, free as a bird—America is a great country.” Bill Ayers, Weather Underground founder

The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. George Soros,
hedge-fund billionaire.

"In today’s chaotic political landscape, it is obvious that the Democrat Party in power is comprised largely of far-left radicals, many of them shockingly anti-American and predictably anti-Semitic  (as are all deranged leftists)."

Tucker: Who is really in charge?   " 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host sounds off on Biden's 'dazed and confused' conflict with France"

Gallup: Trust In The Media Sinks to 36 Percent, Second Lowest Ever

 Newsbusters  "Can the mistrust of the media get much greater? Gallup pollsters reported on Thursday that American trust in the media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly has edged down four percentage points since last year to 36 percent, making this year's reading the second lowest in Gallup's trend."

"Overall, just seven percent of U.S. adults say they have "a great deal" and 29 percent "a fair amount" of trust and confidence in newspapers, television and radio news reporting -- which, combined, is four points above the 32 percent record low in 2016, during the Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton battle. 

"More than half of respondents sound fed up: 29 percent of the public currently registers "not very much" trust and 34 percent say they have "none at all."

"Whether you find the media trustworthy depends on how liberal you are. Gallup found 68 percent of Democrats said they trust the media a great deal or a fair amount. But that number is only 11 percent for Republicans, and also just 31 percent of independents. "Confidence in the media among Republicans over the past five years is at unprecedented lows."

"When Democrats have a great deal of trust in the media and Republicans have almost no trust, that is an obvious sign that the media favor Democrats! ". . . 

Does this take you back to MSNBC's reporting of the "mostly peaceful" demonstrations?

"Facebook, whistleblower Frances Haugen says of her former employer, is this generation’s Big Tobacco, 'hooking kids' on its products and lying about its business practices...."

 Althouse  "'It’s just like cigarettes,' Haugen said this week in testimony before a Senate Commerce subcommittee. 'Teenagers don’t have good self-regulation. They say explicitly, "I feel bad when I use Instagram, and yet I can’t stop."'... Society doesn’t have an interest in keeping children away from these technologies entirely as it does with cigarettes; rather, there is a public interest in preventing predatory targeting of minors and a countervailing interest in protecting free expression and encouraging innovation.... Haugen, a product manager until she resigned in the spring, argued that Facebook is even less transparent than tobacco companies in their heyday. For instance, outside scientists could independently invalidate claims about the safety of filtered cigarettes. By contrast, Facebook’s secret algorithms and refusal to fully cooperate with academic researchers protects the company from independent review. Haugen called for Congress to make them open up their black box...."

"Recognizing the imperfection of the analogy only gets you so far. Clearly, "It’s just like cigarettes" is manifestly false. But then what? That doesn't establish that Facebook must show us its secret algorithms! Hohmann is saying that it's not like cigarettes in one way — cigarettes are physical objects that can be tested independently — so let's legislate to improve the analogy and force Facebook to reveal its secrets. He's clinging to the importance of working with the cigarette analogy. But why?!"
Lengthy discussion on this in the comments section. TD

China has an 'opportunity' to seize Taiwan with Joe Biden as POTUS

 Youtube  "Beijing knows that with Joe Biden in charge it has an "opportunity" to seize Taiwan, according to Sky News host Cory Bernardi."

Xi Jinping’s calculus as he ponders attacking Taiwan, possibly starting World War 3
"China’s aggressiveness in the face of Biden’s weakness could plunge thew world into war. Its dictator Xi Jinping is thinking about issues that few Americans understand or even know about.". . . 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Where Democrats Rule

2SLGBTQQIA+ people are ‘running out of letters’   "NSW One Nation leader Mark Latham says the LGBTQIA+ community are “running out of letters” after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau paid tribute to 2SLGBTQQIA+ people.
“ 'They’ve doubled up the Q – they’ve actually left one out there that’s practiced in NSW high schools, unbelievably,” Mr Latham told Sky News host Andrew Bolt."

Thank You Mitch McConnell For Keeping Merrick Garland Off The Supreme Court

 Legal Insurrection

Did you catch that? “Foment hatred.” Wait, didn’t he just say earlier in the speech that “hateful ideology” would not be the focus? To quote a great sage, “I’ll let you ban hate speech if you’ll let me define hate speech.” The government and Big Tech will be defining “fomenting hatred” in this all-government effort.

. . . "Did you catch that? “Foment hatred.” Wait, didn’t he just say earlier in the speech that “hateful ideology” would not be the focus? To quote a great sage, “I’ll let you ban hate speech if you’ll let me define hate speech.” The government and Big Tech will be defining “fomenting hatred” in this all-government effort.

"It’s pretty clear what is going on here. Team Obama, which weaponized the IRS against political enemies, is running the show, and the guy they wanted on the Supreme Court now is leading the charge at DOJ. Garland is a functionary in this regard, anyone Biden nominated for Attorney General would do the same. But we are much better off grappling with Merrick Garland as Attorney General for a few years, than with Merrick Garland for life on the Supreme Court. We don’t need a functionary on the Supreme Court.

"This all-government effort will be abused, count on it. “Fomenting hatred” will be defined to include lawful non-leftist political opposition (as it already is on campuses). The ideological purge will make Lois Lerner blush.

"Now Garland has proven again his unfitness not only to be Attorney General, but for the role he aspired to on the Supreme Court." . . .

Across America, Parents Refuse To Be Intimidated By Biden’s Attorney General Labeling Them Domestic Terrorists

The attacks are clearly directed at the thousands of parents who have valiantly overcome their own fears of retaliation, public speaking, and confrontation to advocate in defense of their children, from Beaverton, Oregon, to South Kingstown, Rhode Island, only to be made a caricature by media outlets from NBC News to CNN and Saturday Night Live.

 The Federalist

Instead of recognizing a mom as the hero that she is for protecting children from porn and pedophilia in school libraries, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has issued a declaration of war on America’s parents.

"Local mother Stacy Langton stood before the Fairfax County School Board in a suburb of the nation’s capital two weeks ago, boldly exposing explicit examples of child porn and pedophilia in library books in area schools, available to children as young as 12 years old.

"Langton’s witness ended in mayhem because the school board failed to do something very simple: listen to the stakeholders — and taxpayers — who are parents. Board members rudely interrupted Langton during her two minutes of allotted speaking time and called a hasty recess, a board member later incorrectly claiming that he faced two “exorcisms” by parents praying during the meeting.

“ 'Shame! Shame! Shame!” shouted parents, horrified at the cowardice of the board members.

"Now, however, instead of recognizing Langton for the hero that she is for protecting children, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has issued a declaration of war on America’s parents.

“ 'I am directing the Federal Bureau of Investigation, working with each United States Attorney, to … [address] threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,” he wrote in a memo to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the U.S. attorneys generals on Monday night.". . . 

. . . "Garland’s memo may chill free speech – and parental opposition to waste, fraud, corruption, and incompetence by school boards. His association of parents with “domestic terrorism” is not only a slap in the face to sincere parents, it is — tragically — a cruel insult to victims of terrorism around the world. As parents, we are accidental activists in service to our children and our country, rejecting violence and actual terrorism."...

My mother the terrorist   . . . "Our cities are engulfed in crime.  Gasoline is higher and higher.  Inflation is real.  Nevertheless, the Biden administration wants to go after terrorist moms." And George Soros politicians rule our cities!

Biden AG Threatens He’ll Use FBI As a Tool To Intimidate and Silence Parents Who Disagree With School Boards, Administrators Pushing For CRT or Mask Mandates (for starters:) "Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose critical race theory in public schools, citing “threats.”

Cruz Grills Biden Official Over Parents’ Right To Protest Critical Race Theory At School Boards

After Latest Report, Decision to Give Up Bagram Looks Worse Now Than Ever Before

Leah Barkoukis  "The ISIS-K terrorist who carried out a suicide attack at the Kabul airport in August, which killed scores of Afghans and 13 U.S. service members, was released by the Taliban from the Bagram Air Base prison just days before the bombing, according to CNN reporting.

"The U.S. handed Bagram over to the Afghan military on July 1, but a little more than a month later, on Aug. 15, they surrendered it to the Taliban, who promptly released thousands of prisoners--the vast majority of whom are terrorists. 

. . . " The Parwan prison at Bagram, along with the Pul-e-Charkhi prison near Kabul, housed several hundred members of ISIS-K, as well as thousands of other prisoners when the Taliban took control of both facilities hours before taking over the capital with barely a shot fired in mid-August, a regional counter-terrorism source told CNN at the time. The Taliban emptied out both prisons, releasing their own members who had been imprisoned but also members of ISIS-K, which is the terror group's affiliate in Afghanistan.

Eleven days later, on August 26, it was one of those prisoners who carried out the suicide bombing at Abbey Gate, killing the 13 US service members, including 11 Marines, one soldier and one sailor. […]

ISIS-K took credit for the attack and named the suicide bomber as Abdul Rehman Al-Loghri. Two US officials confirmed the identity of the attacker. FirstPost, an English-language news site based in India, was first to report that he had been released from the Bagram prison. (CNN)

Joe Biden’s Bungled Afghanistan Pullout Obliterates U.S. Counterterrorism Capabilities . . . "Inserting Special Operations troops into Afghanistan to carry out counter-terrorism missions will become increasingly difficult due to Biden’s poor decision.

"Groupthink won the day. Satisfying President Biden’s deadline to get out of Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of 9/11 without any consideration for security or the need to maintain stability seems to have been the only consideration. Biden refused to allow adequate troops to secure Bagram and to create a security perimeter in Kabul."

And thanks to the Taliban’s capture of U.S. databases it likely knows who provided intelligence to the U.S. military and can now kill them. Signals intelligence isn’t a substitute for boots on the ground or human intelligence.

Giving Up Bagram Might Have Been A Terrible Mistake   "Might have"?

 ...At the time, the Joe Biden administration stated that it was confident that the Afghan forces had what it takes to defend Afghanistan. The Bagram Air Base Prison was under the control of Afghan authority as it had been for years.

..."There are still many unanswered questions, but one thing is clear; the loss of lives on August 26 could have been avoided."...

Department of the Indefensible: Who Decided to Close Bagram Air Base and Why?  . . . "Bagram Air Base had already been abandoned. That decision had been made weeks, if not months, before Afghanistan’s fall. It formally went dark in the dead of night, with no warning given to our allies, on July 5, 2021. Abandoning Bagram meant ending intelligence and air support for the Afghan military, which proved to be consequential as the Taliban routed the military that the United States had spent 20 years building up.

"During the briefing on August 18, a reporter asked Austin about the loss of U.S. aircraft to the Taliban, and Milley about that decision to close Bagram. Austin appeared to be stumped by the question but then proceeded to answer. Milley interrupted and then after Austin finished, defended the decision to close Bagram."...

Additionally, Biden himself is of questionable capacity, is an extremely weak and indecisive man, and has a track record going back decades for getting everything wrong.

Thanks, Joe! Taliban Gives Tajik Jihadis U.S.-Made Weaponry and Vehicles

HORRENDOUS: U.S. General Allegedly Abandoned Allies in Afghanistan for Souvenirs

Jen Psaki Defends Targeting Parents Who Oppose CRT, Responds to Them Being Called ‘Domestic Terrorists’

Trending Politics  "White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki did not refute a teacher’s union’s characterization of parents who oppose Critical Race Theory as “domestic terrorists” and defended the Department of Justice dispersing the FBI to target CRT critics. 

"On Wednesday, Fox News’ Peter Doocy confronted Psaki on the heated controversy:". . . 

Peppermint Patty

. . . “Something you said on Monday after some protesters were hounding Kyrsten Sinema into a restroom,” Doocy followed up. “You said the president stands for the fundamental right of people to protest, to object, and to criticize. So, does the president support the fundamental right of these parents to protest at school board meetings?”...

Psaki didn't like it when Doocy criticized Joe's foreign policy mistakes either.  Hey, it's what Joe does.

Exclusive— Victor Davis Hanson: ‘Open Borders,’ ‘Globalism,’ ‘Tribalism’ Are Reminiscent of Rome’s Collapse

"Victor Davis Hanson, historian, professor, and author of The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America, said on Wednesday that “open borders,” “globalism,” and “tribalism” are contributing to a collapse of the United States reminiscent of the fall of Rome.

"Borders, language, and culture are essential for national continuity, Hanson stated in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

"He remarked, “Every nation that has survived has had borders that were defensible and clear, and the idea was that they have their own space to inculcate their language or traditions or customs, then enhance their constitution. Without that, it’s just short of a migratory, 5th century A.D. Rome where people come across the Danube River and destroy the nation-state.”

"Growth of “identity politics” predicated on ethnicity and race, Hanson warned, would contribute to American collapse if unchecked.

"He stated, “Identity politics is another natural human pathology where we identify by our superficial appearance, and when we start to do that we regress to something like the former Yugoslavia or Rwanda. And that trajectory will be in our future unless we stop it and realize that we’re a very rare multiracial democracy that’s given up — each of us — our primary identities as race or [ethnicity] and have absorbed, instead, the idea of Americanism.”

"American values of civic nationalism transcend ethnic and racial lines, Hanson held.". . .