Patricia McCarthy "Most folks who were paying attention during the Obama administration realized he was racializing and weaponizing each and every one of our law enforcement institutions, among others. The damage done to law enforcement has been catastrophic.
"How did he do it? By appointing people who were loyal to him and not because they were particularly smart or competent. Like the quote above about the personnel who ran Chernobyl, Obama's people were chosen or kept for their dedication to the Obama agenda, which they assumed Hillary would continue. By the time President Trump took office, all of these agencies were geared up to do Clinton's bidding but instead set out to destroy Trump and his administration with a series of hoaxes, all of which have been debunked. From Comey to Holder to Brennan, Clapper, and McCabe, all of them were dedicated to one project, one project only: Sabotage Trump. And sabotage him they did, at every turn, right up to blatantly rigging the election and then falsely accusing him of orchestrating the January 6 event. " . . .
. . ."All of this brings us to the hapless Biden administration and its collection of people chosen for their skin color, sexual orientation, or mindless dedication to the destructive policies of radical leftism.
"Could Biden's Cabinet be any more incompetent? Not likely. Jake Sullivan, his national security adviser, was part of the Russia hoax for starters and has been hopelessly awful at his job. He will be forever tainted by the horrendous, ill-conceived withdrawal from Afghanistan. Then there is Jennifer Granholm as his energy secretary, the failed former governor of Michigan who, when asked about our rising gas prices, could only laugh like a hyena. How about Pete Buttigieg as transportation secretary? From unpopular mayor of South Bend to transportation czar? He was chosen because he is openly gay, not for any expertise on our national transportation and all that that entails — supply chain, shipping, interstate highways, etc. Buttigieg is clueless and barely shows up to work for three months, claiming parental leave. He cannot even manage a traffic tie-up in the snow that left hundreds of drivers stranded for 24 hours. And what of Ron Klain, who continues to retweet dumb tweets that reveal his cluelessness about the world outside his swamp bubble? He too bears responsibility for the betrayal of Afghanistan and for the Americas abandoned there, just as Anthony Blinken does, who is even more pathetic than Klain." . . .
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