"Acosta added: "Yes, Tucker Carlson your suggestion that Kamala Harris isn't quite American because she spent part of her childhood in Canada has put you over the top. "We once honored you with the distinction of bulls*** factory employee of the month but now that 2021 is coming to an end, we decided to recognize you as our first ever bulls*** factory employee of the year. That is right Tucker, you earned it."
"Acosta went on to criticize the Fox News host and accuse him of spreading misinformation regarding the coronavirus pandemic and serving as a
"mouthpiece" for some white supremacists. He said: "You have just spent the past year peddling vaccine conspiracy theories about Bill Gates. You have served as a mouthpiece for white supremacists who embrace the great replacement theory.
" 'You also spread the false flag conspiracy theory that Trump supporters were not responsible for the insurrection on January 6, only to contradict yourself days later. Now your latest lowlight, you had a crew embedded with during his trial, yes, during his trial." headtopics.com". . .
Lunatics: Acosta & Guest Compare Unvaccinated to Committing Human Sacrifices | Newsbusters "Just when you think CNN can't go any lower they manage to prove us wrong. On Sunday afternoon's CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta, the leftist anchor brought on Atlantic writer Kurt Anderson to claim that those who are skeptical of the COVID vaccines are akin to the Aztecs committing "mass human sacrifices."
"Acosta commenced the deranged segment by asking Anderson about his article in the Atlantic which he argues "the anti-vaccine right has brought human sacrifice to America." Anderson wailed that:
Once the Republican Party decided under Donald Trump to politicize this so strictly, vaccine protocols, the public health protocols, and then once we had a vaccine that was so astoundingly effective and where refusing to take it, not taking it, led to deaths very clearly and has led to more deaths by far among people who watch Fox News, who are on the right it really -- I realized that it suddenly it wasn't just a figure of speech or a piece of rhetoric that people had used from the beginning. Left and right, mass human sacrifice but that it was real. . .