Monday, January 31, 2022

Mansion Marxists

Black Lives Matter’s founders are known for property they like to buy — but there’s more to BLM’s spending and it’s upsetting rank-and-file members. 

 That includes the recent BLM “Black Xmas” campaign, which denounces “white-supremacist-capitalism,” given that “capitalism doesn’t love Black people. "Capitalism seems to love Patrisse, and she it.

The American Spectator   "The term “mansion Marxist” is an oldie and a goodie. It’s right up there with “limousine leftist,” but richer (pun intended) because it denotes an especially outrageous kind of left-wing hypocrite: For instance, the Soviet party apparatchik basking in the warmth of his seaside dacha while the masses shiver in breadlines. Or the self-proclaimed fighter for the working man who yaps about income equality while filling his pockets with profits pilfered from party coffers. Gus Hall, the corrupt head of Communist Party USA from 1959 to 2000 was a master of the craft, dutifully stuffing his wallet with cash from the Kremlin before sparing a dime for his union brothers on the factory floor.

"I wrote a long piece on this phenomenon for The American Spectator last fall. Titled “Marxist Greed,” it looked at cases from the Kims of North Korea to Xi Jinping to Nicolai Ceausescu, who had castles all over Romania. Fidel Castro, for instance, was worth a cool $900 million at the time of his death, while all Cuban workers subsisted off an annual salary of $120. You couldn’t own a home or boat in Cuba, but Fidel damn well owned the island. Raul Castro, too, is a multi-millionaire.

"Marxism, you see, is for the ruled, not the rulers; it’s for the masses, not the masters.

"When I Googled “mansion Marxist” yesterday, what popped up were three news articles about the founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrice Cullors, a homegrown American Marxist.

" 'We are trained Marxists,” said Patrisse of her and BLM co-founder Alicia Garza. “We are super-versed [in] ideological theories.” Particularly critical race theory.". . .


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