For the good of the country, and the entire free world, it is time to start the process of replacing Joe Biden with a government of national unity that can steer our country through the crises that loom just ahead. This simply cannot wait until January 20, 2025.
The American Spectator "It is time to schedule a recall election for both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. They are clearly in over their heads and incapable of governing. Their tepid response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is only the latest example. (Did you see that the Russian stock market went UP by 14 percent after Biden announced his weak sanctions against Russia?).
Chip Jackson took much umbrage over some of the author's solutions:Holy sheep dogs. This is one of the most far-fetched fantasies I have ever read in a "mainstream" (allegedly) Conservative publication and there are more than a few to compare it with. But not by much.
Mr. Elliot, you spout the 25th Amendment as the premise for Mr. Biden's removal then go on to recommend Mr. Clinton or Mr. Obama take the reins, yet conveniently forget that the 22nd Amendment explicitly forbids a president from serving more than eight years.
Secondly, and in typical RINO fashion, you go out of your way to say that Mr. Trump should not be the choice. The irony of that is that prior to this statement you go on a tear about the "will of the electorate" being the ones leading the charge for this parenthetical recall then propose thwarting the people's will of those who would WANT Mr. Trump back in office. Even more ironic in this drivel is that you don't say President Bush would be a better choice. I'd be careful with such a glaring omission lest ye risk your country club membership.You will have no argument from me that the Biden Administration is an abject failure and embarrassment, but this scenario you've made up from whole cloth is positively moronic.
Don't you have a tee time scheduled?
. . ."Who in his or her right mind believes that Joe Biden is competent to lead the free world in these times of crisis, most of which he has caused? A majority of Americans now recognize that he is not up to the task. We cannot afford to wait until January 2025 to get him out of office. The people are supposed to be sovereign in America; it is time for us to assert our sovereignty and send a clear message to Biden that it is time for him to resign." . . .
Joe Biden - Impeach President Joseph Biden | Maga Petition; Accountability | Recall Joe Biden
. . .In summary, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has engaged in a years-long criminal conspiracy with immediate members of his family to sell access to and peddle influence within the executive branch of the United States government to foreign actors and governments in exchange for lucrative payments, contracts and sham employment arrangements. The “pay-for-play” schemes perpetrated by Mr. Biden and his family members involved foreign actors and governments who are hostile to the United States and its interests.
Ukraine's heroes aren't impressed with wretched Joe Biden - American Thinker
In Ukraine, though, Biden draws sidelong comments and significant contempt.
. . . "As Ukraine shows the world what heroes look like, and every civilized nation in the world gathers to offer some kind of support -- from prayers, to lit buildings, to demonstrations, to Internet, to arms -- Joe Biden isn't looking too good in this matter.". . .