With President Biden’s disastrous State of the Union speech on Tuesday night, a very strong argument could be made to declare our esteemed Commander-in-Chief as the week’s top knucklehead – again. But that would be akin to beating a dead horse… with our apologies to dead horses. So, we’re going to cut Sleepy Joe a break this week and opt instead for that stellar sidekick of his: the one and only, Vice-President Kamala Harris. |
The Blue State Conservative . . ."This is how Kamala Harris thinks, apparently. ‘Laymen’s terms’ means that we assume everyone is about five years old. It’s worth noting that she really didn’t come across as if she was talking down to anyone, she seems to legitimately think everyone is just stupid. It’s also worth pointing out that she didn’t come across as sarcastic either. This is how Harris handles herself with people; she’s extremely clumsy. She has the social skills of a rock.
"Only a few hours later during Biden’s State of the Union address, we saw one of the more terrifying scenes in recent memory. All in one screen, we saw our senile president stumbling through his speech, and behind him on the dais were his Constitutional successor: Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi… shutter the thought. During Biden’s speech, he struggled several times to make his points, and ultimately Kamala just couldn’t help herself.
"As Biden was attempting to explain his position on Vladimir Putin and Ukraine, he stated “Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he’ll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.” As far as Sleepy Joe is concerned, there’s no doubt his thinking was ‘Iranian, Ukrainian, whatever.’ But Kamala Harris picked up on the gaffe and could be seen mouthing the word, “Ukrainian,” obviously trying to correct Biden’s mistake. Vice-President Harris, you see, is very smart, and she knows all about that country in Europe called Ukraine, and she knows how you’re supposed to refer to the people who live there.". . .