Sunday, March 6, 2022

Ted Cruz Warns of 'Dangerous' Censorship from Biden's 'Woke' FCC Nominee

| Neon Nettle

"My principal concern with Ms. Sohn is that she has expressed a significant willingness to use government power against political enemies and to use government power as a tool of censorship," Cruz said.

"Republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has warned the Senate that approving Democrat Joe Biden's "woke" nominee to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) would be "dangerous" for free speech.
"As the Senate Commerce Committee voted on a party-line basis to move the nominee to a full vote in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Cruz raised the alarm about the threat of censorship from putting Gigi Sohn in charge of the FCC.
"Speaking before the Committee after the vote, Cruz warned that Sohn has a history of advocating for censorship of conservatives.
"Cruz argues it would be "dangerous" to allow Biden’s pick to become FCC Commissioner.
""[I have] significant substantive concerns with this nominee,” Cruz told the Senate.". . .

Controversial Nomination of Sohn to FCC Reported to Senate Floor in a Tie Vote ( . ."The Chamber added that Sohn’s advocacy for “overly aggressive and combative regulation of the communications sector” evidenced by her support of the 2015 Open Internet Order, “which regulated broadband like a public utility under Title II of the Communications Act…led to the decline in private sector broadband investment for the first time outside a national economic slowdown.' ”. . .

This new reality makes the Biden administration’s nomination of Gigi Sohn to the FCC all the more troubling given her track record of disregard for our sensitive secrets and outright hostility to intellectual property, which could dangerously empower America’s enemies namely Russia and China, if she is confirmed.  She is an utterly inappropriate choice, and the administration should withdraw her nomination straight away.

 Biden Pushes Pro-Censorship Partisan Leftist Gigi Sohn for FCC Commissioner (  . . ."But the FCC is a double-edged sword. Just as the commission can protect consumers from tech censorship, it can also use its regulatory might to pressure tech companies to submit to a partisan left-wing agenda.

"There is a convention that the five commissioners should remain relatively nonpartisan, even though they are allocated along party lines, with three commissioners from the party occupying the White House and two from the opposition.

"The Biden administration has broken that convention, sending a far-left radical, Gigi Sohn, to the Senate for confirmation.

"Sohn was the co-founder and CEO of the leftist advocacy group Public Knowledge, which recently called on cable and satellite providers to drop the conservative One America News Network (OAN).". . .

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