Saturday, April 2, 2022

Ketanji Brown Jackson chose leniency even in baby sex torture cases

 Ketanji Brown Jackson even chose leniency in baby sex cases (

Neil Alexander Stewart

"The fuller record of her orders as a trial judge, detailed here for the first time, undercuts the White House’s and Senate Democrats’ argument that her sentences were within the “normal range” or “mainstream” of child porn cases, as they try to defend the Supreme Court nod against growing allegations she is soft on crime.

"Jackson, 51, who tried the cases as an Obama appointee from 2013 to 2021, was nominated earlier this year by President Biden, who pledged during the campaign to put the first “black woman” on the high bench. The Senate will vote on her confirmation next week.

"In July 2020, Jackson gave the bare minimum sentence to a defendant convicted of distributing images and videos of infants being sexually abused, and who had boasted of molesting his 13-year-old cousin, even though she knew the defendant refused “to take full responsibility” for his crimes, a transcript reveals. In 2018, Christopher Michael Downs was busted trading child porn in a private online chat room, “Pedos Only,” including images of adult males raping “a prepubescent female child,” according to court records. He posted 33 graphic photos, including an image of a naked female child as young as 2 years old. Downs, then 30, told the group, “I once fooled around with my 13-year-old cousin.” He also uploaded a 10-second video of “a prepubescent female lying in a bathtub and with an adult male inserting his penis into her mouth.' ”. . .

Reject Ketanji Brown Jackson - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "If confirmed, she’ll be even worse than Sotomayor and Kagan."   "The issue with Ketanji Brown Jackson, the 51-year-old federal appellate judge who is our senile president’s Supreme Court nominee, is not necessarily her on-paper qualifications. By most traditional metrics, she is “qualified”: She has served as both a district court and appellate court judge, served as vice chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission, formerly clerked for Justice Stephen Breyer (the man she has been nominated to replace) and is a double-Harvard alum. In terms of “objective” criteria, this is an impressive resume.

"Instead, the issue with Judge Jackson is that she is a left-wing ideologue who, if successfully confirmed by the Senate, will devote the next few decades endeavoring to move the Supreme Court far to the left. All relevant indications are that she will approach her job not like her (slightly) more pragmatic former boss, but like a leftist activist — in the mode of her possible future colleague, the midwit partisan flack Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Worse, Jackson, due to the outrageous race- and sex-conscious nominating process in which President Joe Biden selected her, is uniquely unfit to render equal justice under the law for legal issues affecting race and sex. Even worse, she is a proponent of critical race theory and, despite getting nominated solely due to her XX chromosomal structure, appears ignorant as to how to differentiate men from women. Worst of all, she has shown a peculiar juridical soft spot for some of society’s very worst offenders — pedophiles and child pornographers.". . .

Judge Jackson is chosen by the man who is a tool of the left TD

Inside Biden White House's ties to dark money group seeking to pack Supreme Court | Fox News
    "Demand Justice is part of a giant left-wing dark money network, the Sixteen Thirty Fund"

Ghislaine Maxwell Denied New Trial Despite Juror Who Falsely Answered Jury Questionnaire “About His History of Sexual Abuse”

 Legal Insurrection (Emphases in the original)

. . ."Here are excerpts from the opinion, USA v. Ghislaine Maxwell – April 1 2022 – Opinion and Order Denying New Trial (emphasis added):

Before the Court is the Defendant’s motion for a new trial pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 33 on the basis that a juror provided inaccurate information during jury selection. Maxwell contends the juror’s presence on the jury violated her Sixth Amendment right to an impartial jury. Bearing these principles in mind, the Court conducted an uncommon post-trial hearing. Although uncommon, the hearing was necessary because of incontrovertible evidence that Juror 50 failed to respond accurately during the jury selection process to a question on a written questionnaire about his history of sexual abuse. At the hearing, the Court questioned the juror under oath and under the penalty of perjury. The Court inquired about whether his answers were false, his explanation for giving those answers, and how he would have responded to follow-up questions if accurate answers had been provided at the time of jury selection. This inquiry was limited by Federal Rule of Evidence 606, which prohibits a juror from testifying about the content of deliberations or his mental processes in evaluating the evidence at trial. The rule embodies long-accepted federal law and is an important safeguard of the integrity of the jury trial system. The hearing was further limited by Supreme Court and Second Circuit law that permits inquiry only if there is clear and incontrovertible evidence of potential misconduct by the juror.". . .

Maher: 'Liberal Hypocrisy' Was 'Big Loser' of Will Smith Incident

 Maher: 'Liberal Hypocrisy' Was 'Big Loser' of Will Smith Incident (  Video

"On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher said that the biggest loser of Will Smith slapping Chris Rock was the “liberal hypocrisy” where people “who are always talking about microaggressions in the workplace” and believe “silence is violence and words can be violence” were okay with actual violence.

"Maher said, “It exposed, I thought, a lot of aspects of this society that we have that are not terribly positive, toxic masculinity, victim culture…liberal hypocrisy, I think, was the big loser.”

"CNN Senior Legal Analyst Laura Coates responded that she “couldn’t believe” that Smith still got a standing ovation.

"Maher added, “It does look like those people, these are the very people who are always talking about microaggressions in the workplace and how you should…not have to face an uncomfortable moment, or people shouldn’t touch you unwantedly. Suddenly, they were okay with this. It just seemed to show, to me, broken morals, like you really have no principles. When it’s a star that you like in the service of some vague principle of…intersectionality, like your wife shouldn’t be insulted even in a mild way, then it’s like, well, too bad. That’s what I like, it made me feel good. So, I forget my principles.”

"Coates then remarked in jest, “A part of me is concerned that that was the first moment you realized there [were] no principles in Hollywood, though.”

"Maher later said, “And what about — what do we make of what’s going on with violence and the word ‘violence’? Because it’s a common word among the woke. They seem to have broadened the definition, silence is violence and words can be violence, but then actual violence? Not a big deal. It’s like, violence is not an answer, except when I f*cking feel like it, and then it’s a great answer.”

"Coates jokingly responded, “I mean, your assessment is probably violent to them right now.”

Biden's inflation blame game: President insists his policies not behind high prices


Biden's inflation blame game: President insists his policies not behind high prices | Just The News  "With Americans feeling the economic pain of inflation, President Biden is deflecting blame for the ongoing surge in prices, insisting COVID-19, Russia, and corporate greed are the real causes.

"Experts disagree, however, arguing massive government spending by Biden and Democrats is far more responsible for the inflationary struggles the country is now enduring.

"The American people think the reason for inflation is the government is spending more money," Biden told lawmakers at a retreat for House Democrats in Philadelphia on Friday. "Simply not true."

"Biden argued prices are historically high right now for two reasons: COVID-19 and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

" 'Because of the pandemic, we've had disruptions in our supply chain materials and important materials," he said, before turning to Russia's months-long military buildup on the border and recent invasion of Ukraine.

" 'Make no mistake, inflation is largely the fault of Putin," Biden told House Democrats. "Democrats didn't cause this problem. Vladimir Putin did."

"Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas), ranking member of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, took issue with Biden's comments.". . .

Biden Dips Into The Well of Extremism Once Again (  "From his Inaugural Address to the State of the Union, President Biden has argued that he is a consensus builder. But looking at his key appointments shows the only consensus the president is building is between the Left and the far Left.
"The Biden administration and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are pressing hard to force a vote on two of the most extreme nominees ever to face Senate confirmation.Alvaro Bedoya nominated to sit on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and Gigi Sohn nominated to sit on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), recently advanced through the committee process on a tied committee vote.". . .

The abominable hypocrisy of Hollywood

Hollywood doing what they do best, speaking nonsense to power.
Jim Carrey this week:

American Thinker   "Most of mainstream Hollywood continues to be driven to insanity at the mere mention of President Donald Trump.

"If you ask the 'stars' the reason behind their unhinged displays, they will baselessly characterize Trump as a bigoted oppressor trampling upon the little people like Godzilla, while they see themselves as moral beings speaking truth to power. 

"So how has their overall record been on speaking the truth to power?

How did they react to Will Smith's unprovoked assault on comedian Chris Rock at the 2022 Academy Awards?". . .

. . ."In assaulting Chris Rock, Smith was punching down both literally and metaphorically.

"The fact remains that words have to be countered by words, so Smith’s act of violence was totally, completely, and utterly wrong. There are no complexities in this issue.

"But Smith is a major Hollywood star with considerable clout, which is why Hollywood is not speaking truth to power or comforting the afflicted.

"But this isn’t the only time Hollywood has displayed cowardice and selfishness.

"Harvey Weinstein was a serial abuser who subjected women to unspeakable violence. Most within Hollywood knew what Harvey was up to.

"But Harvey was very powerful in Hollywood and could make and indeed break careers. Hence everybody chose silence.

"In fact, they were eager to honor and flatter Weinstein.

"Jennifer Lawrence who once bragged about hurling obscenities at Trump indulged in an obsequious display before Weinstein. When Meryl Streep received a lifetime achievement award at the Golden Globes, instead of thanking her peers and her fans, she dedicated her speech to bashing Trump. But Streep too was an ardent admirer of Weinstein.". . .

Jim Carrey then:  SEE IT: Jim Carrey Paints Gruesome Death Of Trump Sons | The Daily Wire

Hollywood in general is the bully on campus who picks on the kid who can't defend himself... just to show off:   7 Times Hollywood Celebs Wished Violence Against Trump in 2018:
1. Peter Fonda Calls for Barron Trump to Be Kidnapped, Put in Cage with Pedophiles   And...
7. Tom Arnold Challenges Trump to a Fistfight on Twitter

DeSantis and Disney in High Noon showdown

Stay tuned.  We all know that the progressives are persistent, but they've never been up against a guy like the Florida governor. 

DeSantis and Disney in High Noon showdown - American Thinker   . . ."The fact that the Disney Corporation was run from the People's Republic of California didn't seem to be a problem.  Disney had been shifting a large number of its workers to the more tax-friendly Florida in recent years.  But then along came Florida's HB1557, a seemingly innocent bill aimed at prohibiting sex education for kindergarten through grade 3 in Florida's schools.

"We all know the nonsense propagated about the 'Don't Say Gay" law and the progressive drivel offered by the supporters of the LGBTQ, etc. agenda.  The Disney Corporation at first remained silent on the matter.  Then, prodded by "woke" members in their midst, they decided to condemn the bill, saying it never should have been passed and asking the courts to strike it down.  A determined Governor Ron DeSantis says it is a good, commonsense bill that will be enforced.  Woke progressives, lacking common sense, will try to defeat it.

"Gov. DeSantis will prevail.  The Disney properties, conservatively estimated to be worth just slightly less than $4 billion, cannot be picked up and relocated to a more 'woke" location.  Florida, for its part, cannot afford to lose the billions in tourist dollars and the resultant hundreds of millions in sales and hotel tax dollars that Disney brings in.  Not if it wants to continue to be a no-income-tax state, that is.

"Picture a Gary Cooper High Noon gunfight, with DeSantis facing off against some trans, or pan, or whatever sexual member of the Disney Crew.  I like the governor's chances.  If a state loses revenues, it can, though grudgingly, raise taxes.  If the Disney Corporation so turns off its tourist trade by appearing to be pandering to a group indifferent to the innocence of children that they stop coming to the park, or lose state-provided tax incentives, there's comparatively little they can do.". . .

DeSantis Suggests Ending Disney's Special Self-Governing Status – PJ Media


Friday, April 1, 2022

Biden Angry About His Administration Being Blamed For Inflation: ‘I’m Sick Of This Stuff!’

 Biden Angry About His Administration Being Blamed For Inflation: 'I'm Sick Of This Stuff!' (VIDEO) (

"Joe Biden met with House Democrats on Friday and lost his cool at one point.

"He is apparently tired of his administration’s spending being blamed for inflation. The truth hurts, apparently.

"Bide n is simply not living in reality.

"Townhall reports:  Biden Loses It Over Americans Correctly Knowing the Cause of Inflation   Speaking to House Democrats at their winter retreat in Philadelphia Friday afternoon, President Joe Biden started yelling at Americans who pin inflation on excessive government spending.

Watch Biden Get Angry for Voters Not Believing Democrat's Inflation Lies | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report (

Joe Biden Angrily Slams Americans for Blaming Him for Inflation in Lie-Filled Remarks

. . ."I don’t know about you, but I’m convinced. If economists like Paul Krugman, a man who has been wrong about nearly every economic issue of the last three decades, says Biden is in the clear, then that’s that.

"Seriously, though, doesn’t it feel like the White House’s messaging is starting to crack? They’ve clearly got no real answer to the inflation problem, and instead of at least feigning a solution, they are just doubling down on shouting about Russia and hoping no one notices how much gas was before Ukraine was invaded. At some point, a politician who never takes responsibility for anything just comes across as pathetic, and to be sure, there have been Republicans who have fallen into that trap.

"Contrary to conventional wisdom, never admitting blame is not always a winning political strategy, especially when things are objectively bad. Many voters appreciate a leader who says “that didn’t work, we are going to try something else.” But Biden is so stubborn and egomaniacal that he will never do that. He’d rather run the entire country off a cliff than stray from his far-left ideology, and that’s assuming he’s even in control of his own administration.

"Case in point? In the same remarks, he decided to also lie about oil production in the United States.". . .

The idea that oil companies just don’t want to pump more and sell more is asinine. Rather, the reason oil companies aren’t rushing to up production is almost solely due to government regulation and interference. It’s not enough to just have the rights to a federal lease (and the profitability of leases vary wildly). The investments needed to put the infrastructure in place to produce more range into the tens of billions. Why would an oil company take that kind of enormous financial risk in the current environment? What happens a year from now when Biden decides, on a whim, to shut down more leases? Or close down more pipelines? Are you starting to see the problem?

Transgender Cyclist Booted from Championship Race After Female Opponents Threaten Boycott

 Thie kid probably got sick of those long lines in gas station restrooms. TD

Transgender Cyclist Booted from Championship Race After Female Opponents Threaten Boycott (

"A man who identifies as a woman has been ruled ineligible to participate in a women’s championship cycling race in the United Kingdom after female competitors reportedly discussed boycotting the event.

"Emily Bridges, 21, competed against other men as Zach Bridges before coming out as transgender in October 2020.He had been planning to participate as a woman in this week’s National Omnium Championships in Derby.

"However, because Bridges was registered as a man, the Union Cycliste Internationale said he cannot compete against women until his registration as a male expires, USA Today reported Thursday.

"The UCI’s decision came after a number of female riders discussed boycotting the event because of Bridges’ participation and unfair advantage, the U.K.’s Guardian reported.

"In 2018, Bridges had set a national junior men’s record over 25 miles. He was on the Great Britain Academy program as a male rider but was dropped in 2020, according to the Guardian.". . .

Psaki prefers MSNBC to the White House. What does that say?

Where else, but the home of the Angry, Racist Joy Reid? A future associate of Ali (fiery but mostly peaceful) Velshi

 Psaki's Leaving the White House...For the #3 Cable News Network (

"President Biden's White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki will reportedly leave the administration later this spring to join MSNBC, according to an Axios scoop published Friday morning. Sources told Axios Psaki is "in exclusive talks with MSNBC" that are "nearly final" to jump to the network that trails Fox News and CNN in ratings after she leaves the Biden administration ahead of the midterms. ". . .

MSNBC needs Jen's reporting style; a perfect match.


. . ."It also seems Psaki will host an MSNBC show on Peacock, NBC’s streaming service.

I wonder who will take over Rachel Maddow’s 9 PM ET spot on MSNBC since Psaki won’t get it. Then again, things could change.

Report: Jen Psaki Leaving White House for Peacock Streaming Show (

. . . Axios reported the news citing “a source close to the matter.”

"Biden’s press secretary will be the host of a show for MSNBC on NBCUniversal’s streaming platform, Peacock.

"Psaki, who is currently on leave after a second case of coronavirus, will leave the White House “around May” according to the report.

"Psaki worked as a political pundit on CNN before joining the White House, and will also participate in that capacity at NBC and MSNBC.

"Psaki’s choice to jump to MSNBCUniversal takes place just a month after she mocked cable news in an interview with actor Rob Lowe on his podcast,

“ 'Cable news is dying. Right? The ratings for it are dwindling. Right?” she noted, speaking of the challenges of the changing news environment.

"In February, Psaki was asked about reports that she was in talks with both CNN and MSNBC for a job in the cable news business.

“ 'I have more than enough on my plate here,” she replied. “And so you can’t get rid of me quite yet.' ”. . .

Hunter Laptop Story Confirms: Rein in Big Tech or Cease To Be a Free People


A look back at L'Affaire Hunter, with the clarity of both hindsight and the Times' and Washington Post's recent self-serving admissions, ought to provide a clarion wake-up call. There are few more pressing imperatives in American political life in the year 2022 than to rein in the Big Tech oligarchs and to reclaim "We the People"-rooted democracy from Silicon Valley technocracy. . . .

"On the precipice of the regime-defining 2020 presidential election, Facebook and Twitter committed their "Pearl Harbor attack" against the incumbent president, Donald Trump, and in dutiful favor of the regnant regime's favored candidate, Joe Biden.

"In an October move that would presage the collapse of the "public"-"private" distinction during the Biden presidency -- as seen in press secretary Jen Psaki's open bragging last summer of collusion with Mark Zuckerberg to censor COVID "misinformation," and Eric Schmidt's recently revealed role helping shape administration science policy -- Big Tech oligarchs dropped the hammer on the New York Post, a high-circulation newspaper, for its reporting on Hunter Biden's now-infamous "laptop from hell." The laptop's files demonstrated the notoriously troubled Hunter's venality, abuses of power and general sketchiness of his foreign dealings. He and some of his cronies remain under federal investigation for possible tax and money laundering violations." . . .

Blue State Blues: The 2020 Election* Gets a Giant Asterisk over Hunter Biden Laptop (  "The 2020 election must forever be tagged with an asterisk, given that the country’s establishment media have finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop, which they suppressed during the campaign, is authentic, despite President Joe Biden’s denials.". . .

. . ."Only later, after the election, did the public learn that Hunter Biden was in fact under federal investigation for tax violations. And now, 18 months later, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN have admitted the laptop is, in fact, authentic.

"There is much more reporting to do: if the laptop is authentic, then so are emails alleging that Biden was to have held a 10% stake in a joint venture with a Chinese company controlled by the communist regime; so are emails confirming that Biden, while serving as Vice President, met with an executive from Burisma, the controversial Ukrainian energy company on which Hunter Biden was a board member; and that Biden met with his son’s other foreign business associates while in office.

"Regardless, the 2020 election can no longer be recognized as free and fair.

"You cannot have a free and fair election when the media, the tech companies, and the intelligence community censor information about the foreign business connections of one of the two presidential candidates.". . .

The Madness of King Joe

Provocateur Astrology - YouTube

As Biden’s blunders fuel talk of invoking the 25th Amendment, Kamala steps up to support him by proving that she would be worse - American Thinker  

"When it comes to evaluating the elevation of Kamala Harris to the vice presidency, you can’t be too cynical. Everything about the woman invites contempt, from her entry into politics by becoming the mistress of a married man decades older than she, to the absolute disaster that was her presidential campaign that didn’t even last until the Iowa caucuses, to the rash of staff resignations and the pervasive talk of her laziness and irascibility on the part of departed employees.

"But there is one task she is more than capable of fulfilling: serving as an insurance policy against removal of Joe Biden from office by invocation of the 25th Amendment or impeachment. Almost as if she took this role as her charter and devoted uncharacteristic creativity and energy to the task, she has been delivering public statements of such triteness and imbecility that no rational person could really want her to succeed to the presidency.

"Thursday saw another contribution to Joe Biden’s hold on his office when she delivered comments on Jamaica (her father’s native country) that helped tamp down the recently rising talk of invoking the 25th.". . .

Recuse Yourself, Joe Biden – PJ Media 

 . . .Now that the New York Times and Washington Post have both authenticated the Hunter Biden emails — a story that was suppressed by the media and tech conglomerates on the flimsiest of pretexts to help Joe Biden win the 2020 election — it’s also what’s right for democracy. That’s how this works, right?. . .

Madness and corruption: Democrats have all their bases covered.

The big slap in the face, seen around the world! Ouch! - American Thinker   "The big "slap" witnessed worldwide was not actor Will Smith's slap on comedian Chris Rock.  That was mere "theatre" compared to the slap in the face all Americans experience with current U.S. policies.  All Americans experience the big slap when "leaders" (so-called) dismissively perpetuate brazenly grotesque lies, hypocrisy, and fraud!

"When Biden and his administration attempt to assert that the economic pain we're experiencing is wholly due to "Putin," this is a grotesque lie!  This lie is being proffered by people who are not serious.  They have no intention of solving economic woes; they created them.  Economic chaos was created when Biden decided to restrict oil production in the U.S. to cater to Marxist "green" environmentalists, irrespective of the harm all Americans will feel in trying to heat their homes and drive their cars.  After progressively gaining momentum over the past year, many now experience a doubling of their grocery and gasoline costs!  "Putin did it" is pure projection and a slap in the face of all Americans who began experiencing the pain of Biden's policies in the early spring of 2021.

"When various "leaders" assert that their "defund the police" mantra is not encouraging more crimes, they are proffering a grotesque lie.  Their denigration of law enforcement has caused more assaults, death, and destruction in our communities.  Additionally, the "defund" movement has resulted in a significant increase in police ambushes and death.  It is a slap in the face of all Americans who sees the carnage and feel the increased threats of crime and violence as they walk the streets of their respective communities.  Attempts by city council members, city mayors, governors, and members of the House and Senate to obfuscate the obvious disastrous impact of the "defund" movement are cynical, hypocritical, and fraudulent.". . .

Kevin McGary: entrepreneur, author, and keynote speaker.  Serves as president of Every Black Life Matters, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, and executive with the Douglass Leadership Institute and the Northstar Leadership PAC

Ricky Gervais Reveals What Joke He Would Have Told About Jada Smith on Oscar Night –


Chris Rock is one of the most successful and respected comics of the last 25 years and he told a mild joke last night about Will Smith’s wife, Jada. Make no mistake about it, that was a mild joke because if Rock had wanted to, he could have gone into the infidelity that Jada has admitted to in their marriage.

So if anyone thinks that Chris Rock’s peers are going to sit by and allow one of their own to be attacked over a joke, you are going to watch a magnificent display of how good comics can dissect you in a heartbeat. I’m not talking just about big names either — you are going to have up-and-comers, people who are somewhat known, all dive in on how Smith totally overreacted to this joke.

There is no escaping the verbal arse-kicking Will Smith is now going to take and he deserves every bit of it.

This is exactly what I was talking about in my post above, anticipating comics were going to start to unload on the award-winning actor. There is way too much material about the off-the-wall stuff that Will and Jada Smith have talked about and done for it not to be open season on them after Will attacked a beloved comedian. This is further proof in my mind to answer the question of Brandon’s video above — that this was not a fake event, but that Will Smith acted irrationally and is going to suffer humiliation at the hands of professional and amateur comics for the rest of his life and beyond.

"Ricky Gervais reveals in one single line that cuts to the heart of the matter of how all these wackjobs in Hollywood act and how they see themselves. Gervais did this at the Golden Globes a couple of years ago, where the last part of his opening act absolutely destroyed Hollywood and their detachment from reality. So it is no surprise that he focused on the one really odd thing about Will and Jadas’ relationship (being in an open marriage), which puts into perspective Will Smith’s thin-skinned reaction to a joke about hair.

"The dude is a broken man.

"Now that Ricky has kicked open the gate of ridicule I look forward to what else is coming in the next days and months about this lunacy."

The Left's Reaction to Will Smith's Slap Attack on Chris Rock at the Oscars Is Nothing New (   "In the name of alopecia, we shall slap you silly. It's just amusing. The folks who say that "words are violence" or "silence is violence" are now cheering on actual violence. What we saw last night was assault and battery. ". . .

We knew this all along!