Friday, April 15, 2022

Joy Behar ridiculed as 'dumbest person in media' for saying SCOTUS 'poised to pass a bill' on open carry

 BPR  ABC’s “The View” is a very strange program.

"As New Republic senior correspondent Jim Geraghty wrote in a very pithy tweet: “‘The View’ is a show about current events, hosted by several celebrities who don’t know much about current events, and who adamantly refuse to learn anything new about current events.”

"That pretty much sums it up, and it’s a well-made point that was underscored on Wednesday when host Joy Behar made some peculiar comments in the wake of the Brooklyn subway mass shooting that injured at least 23 people earlier this week. Amid a generally inane and thoroughly pointless anti-gun conversation, during which a guest claimed that most gun owners shoot themselves (perhaps a case of wishful thinking, but not actually true,) Behar decided to weigh in and give vent to her considered opinion on the matter.

"First, she saw fit to open her opinions with a quick observation about the number of mass shootings that have occurred in the country so far. “So, we are 103 days into 2022,” she said, “and there have already been more than 130 mass shootings in America this year alone.”. . .

WHO are that thirty-three percent? Celebrities?

 Bruce Springsteen for sure; The ladies of The View and their Applause sign guy; Late-night TV hosts; Mitt Romney and Adam Kinzinger? Hollywood? 

"The next time some leftist robot tells you only racists could be against Biden’s open border, you can show them this poll. Why, it’s almost as if people who played by the rules and came here legally don’t really want every scumbag from their old homeland rolling into their new homeland and helping themselves to taxpayer goodies. Hispanics apparently pay taxes, too — who knew? 

I’m going out on a limb here and suggesting that people who uprooted their lives and left their homes to escape corrupt socialist countries didn’t go to all that trouble just to land in yet another corrupt socialist country.

This is even funnier when you remember that Democrats have been crowing for decades about how they are deliberately changing the demographics of America so that white voters will be canceled out because they thought Hispanic people would monolithically vote for them. Such is the danger when you are so racist that you can only see other human beings as members of skin-color groups to which you have assigned your own values.. . .

. . ."The next time some leftist robot tells you only racists could be against Biden’s open border, you can show them this poll. Why, it’s almost as if people who played by the rules and came here legally don’t really want every scumbag from their old homeland rolling into their new homeland and helping themselves to taxpayer goodies. Hispanics apparently pay taxes, too — who knew?"

Disney Stained by Wokism


Reality Bites by Broc Smith.

No one is hiding how pro-LGBTQ Disney’s latest movie is - American Thinker   "Earlier this month, an LGBTQ+++ buzz started circulating regarding Disney’s latest movie, Better Nate Than Ever. American Thinker covered that groundswell of excitement here. Given the collapse of Disney’s reputation as it put its corporate weight behind fighting a Florida bill keeping sexual identity talk out of kindergarten through third-grade classrooms, one might think Disney and other leftists might have tried to downplay the overtly LGBTQ+++ theme in a “family” movie. The opposite, however, is true.

"Since Disney went to war against Florida parents, and videos emerged showing Disney executives boasting about using the company’s platform and reputation to push LGBTQ content, Disney’s standing with families has plummeted. Earlier this week, almost 70% of Americans stated that they were less likely to do business with Disney. That is a catastrophic number for a corporation.

"While there are no data about the number of canceled subscriptions to Disney+, the streaming TV channel, there is evidence that people are boycotting the Disney resorts. Of course, Disney’s stand against the innocence of small children in Florida’s classrooms is just the last in a series of escalating attacks on family values. For example, many parents haven’t forgotten that Disney fired Gina Carano because she dared to poke fun at the woke left’s crazed pronoun madness and noted that America was becoming as divided as Germany was in the lead-up to WWII.". . .

Disney Stained by Wokism

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Subway shooter thinking shaped by CNN and MSNBC, or did he like them because he thought like them?

I can just hear Reid and Lemon giving the usual Maxine Waters trope; "We do not condone..."TD

 Suspect Frank James was spewing racist hate well before Brooklyn shooting ( . . . “ 'You hear black people [inspired by Jackson] say my daughter … dreaming to be a part of something that does not want you be a part of it … You’re not white, you’re not European … You want to force yourself on these people and they’re going to kill you.” 

"James, a fan of CNN, in many of his videos appeared in  front of a large TV tuned to the left-wing cable channel. His grievances against “whitey” could be ripped from the teleprompters of any of the race-baiting hosts of CNN and MSNBC. The only difference between the dehumanizing racial hatred he spews and the commentary by Joy Reid when she sneers at “white tears” and argues that Americans only care about the war in Ukraine because the victims are “white and largely Christian” is that James advocates violence. “I’m wanting to kill everything in sight,” he says in one video.

 'These white motherf—ers, this is what they do,” he says in a video about the Ukraine invasion, claiming it presaged a black genocide in the United States.

“ 'Ultimately at the end of the day, they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass? …”

"He also criticizes New York City Mayor Eric Adams and black people who don’t perceive themselves as victims. “You got your Ph.D. career and nice shoes. You got an education but now you’re just a carbon copy of the person who made you a slave … you’re there to serve these motherf—ers.”. . .

. . ."Hate crimes are abhorrent and should be denounced whenever, and against whoever, they happen.

"There is no excuse for hating people based on their race, religion or sexuality. Full stop.

But that is not exactly how Lemon sees it. Responding to Cuomo the CNN host said that white men are the biggest threat to America.

Truth: Democrats Feed Racism to Control Our Black Community – PJ Media


Unapologetic Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America

 Unapologetic Tony Dungy Smokes Out Obama’s Betrayal of Black America - American Thinker  "Tony Dungy, the first black coach ever to win a Super Bowl, might have escaped notice this week had he merely supported Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s Responsible Fatherhood Initiative.” His real sin was to explain why.

"Dungy, a Christian father of eleven, recounted a conversation he had years back with the Rev. Abe Brown about Brown’s prison ministry. At Brown’s request, Dungy accompanied him to prison. Expecting to find hardened criminals, Dungy found instead “19- and 20- and 21-year-old kids who looked like my boys.” When Dungy asked what accounted for the young men’s incarceration, Brown told him, “Its not socioeconomic. Its not racial. Its not education. Its none of that. Ninety-five percent of these boys did not grow up with their dad.”

"Said Dungy, “That hit me.” Predictably, Dungy’s truth-telling stirred the woke beehive. “Dungy standing there cackling,” tweeted former ESPN commentator Keith Olbermann, “a fascist political prop.”

“ 'Fathers are extremely important, but yeah,” tweeted Jemele Hill, also formerly with ESPN, “that ain’t how this works. If a father is in the home and can’t find a job, then what?”

"Deadspin, which comically positions itself as “sports news without fear, favor, or compromise,” headlined its article on the DeSantis initiative, “Tony Dungy is constantly used as a prop by bigots.” Reporter Carron Phillips could find little to fault in the initiative itself but took offense that Dungy would appear with DeSantis who, in his unbiased opinion, had made Florida “arguably the worst state in the nation.”

"Undaunted, Dungy fired back exactly as warranted. “2 days ago I spoke on behalf of a Florida bill that supports dads & families and it offended some people,” tweeted Dungy. “14 yrs ago Pres Obama said the same things almost verbatim. Im assuming people were outraged at him too.” Added Dungy defiantly, “I am serving the Lord so Ill keep supporting dads and families.” . . .

'Wake up and smell the coffee': Democrats issue stark midterm warnings to Biden and tell him to stop blaming Putin because he isn't on the ballot as White House defends its messaging strategy

It is much more than Joe Biden; humiliated around the world are the American populace, those choosing the leaders we send to Congress and the public figures we applaud who have brought America to such a state of ridicule. TD

 Democrats issue stark midterm warnings to Biden as White House defends its messaging strategy | Daily Mail Online

"Democrats warn it's time to wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to the upcoming midterm election as the White House defended its messaging strategy amid sagging approval ratings for President Joe Biden

"Six months out from the election that will determine which party controls Congress, Democrats are facing an increasingly nightmare scenario that involves the war in Ukraine, high prices for food and gas, immigration problems at the Southern border and the remains covid pandemic. 

"It has them worried they will lose control of the House of Representatives and possibly the Senate in November.   

Michael Stratton, a Democratic strategist who has worked on campaigns in the competitive state of Colorado, said it was a 'perfect storm' that Democrats are facing.

'Democrats need to you know, wake up here, smell the coffee, and start to get ready,' he said. 

"The White House has defended its economic record, touting high job numbers and increased wages, but Democrats worry that message is being lost when Americans are being hit in the pocketbook at the grocery checkout counter and the gas pump.  

"White House press secreary Jen Psaki said it was the war in the Ukraine that is making it difficult for the administration to get its economic message out but she defended the job they were doing.". . .

In Historic First, 5'5", 130-lb Woman Confirmed to Supreme Court

 Ann Coulter

"No, wokeness is real. And it can get us killed -- when, for example, off the top of my head, a murderous psychopath is on the run and the media refuse to tell us what he looks like."

"Weird that the media didn't cite Ketanji Brown Jackson's height and weight as her most important characteristics. When it came to THE FIRST BLACK WOMAN ON THE SUPREME COURT, it was all about her race. But after a guy shot up a New York City subway car this week, the last thing the media wanted to tell us was his race.
"For more than three hours after the attack, we got urgent alerts: Suspect at large! Police request public's help! Be on the alert for a male, about 5'8", 160 lbs."
"In this particular case, the media's rule of never telling us the suspect's race (unless he's white) was more deranged than usual. This wasn't a carjacking. It wasn't a shooting at a block party. It wasn't an attack on an Asian or Jew. This crime had all the earmarks of a terror attack -- smoke bombs, fireworks, a gas mask, and about a dozen people shot while trapped in a subway car.
"The police desperately needed the public's help, but most people were looking for a Middle Easterner.
"We're always told "wokeness" is just about being polite and that those who ridicule it are trying to "discredit the claims of traditionally marginalized groups for respect." (Thomas Zimmer, history professor, Georgetown University) Or they are engaging in "white backlash." (Seth Cotlar, history professor, Willamette University). . .
[SIDEBAR: Don't go to college, kids!]

. . ."A black person becoming a Supreme Court justice or police commissioner makes black people feel good about themselves! But a black man being identified as the perpetrator of a heinous crime makes black people feel bad about themselves. Therefore, you can't say it.". . .

Women’s Sports Too Often Are Their Own Worst Enemies

 Women’s Sports Too Often Are Their Own Worst Enemies – RedState

"In the fight for athletic equality women’s sports have been hurt less by men than by their infighting.

"Over the past few years, we have been served with the next wave of gender equality. From #MeToo to pay inequality,to every inequity being blamed on toxic masculinity, there has been a desire to wage anew the Battle of the Sexes. Look at the strained effort to get the Equal Rights Amendment finally passed, although that strikes me as odd. I’m not sure how you are advancing women’s issues by adapting legislation from 50 years ago.

"One of the other issues in this realm has been the fight to get respect for women’s athletics. There have been some legitimate complaints, such as the NCAA women’s basketball issue at last year’s final tournament, where the men had a sprawling workout room apparatus at their disposal, yet the women’s teams were granted a solitary rack of free weights. Other battles, however, have brought less obvious arguments.

"In women’s soccer, there has been an ongoing battle with USA athletics to get compensation for the women’s team equal to the men’s team. The demand has long been centered on the equal-pay-for-equal-work premise, despite the fact that the disparity is a result of unequal results. The reality is the women draw far less in attendance and ratings — a reality the women obviously do not want to address.

"Also hurting their cause was the very avowed activism, especially from star Megan Rapinoe. She has led the team with her pronounced kneeling during the national anthem, something that has both caused some discord on the roster and has blunted support for the team in general.

Former star goalkeeper Hope Solo mentioned that it was used as a force in the locker room. “I think the kneeling thing can be very divisive,” Solo added. “I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling.’’

"This had led to backlash. Going into the Tokyo Olympics, the women’s team appeared bent on diminishing any of its recently earned public support. They failed to show up for the opening ceremony, and the consistent kneeling before the Games even began led to a number of Americans rooting against the team, and taking pleasure in their missing the Gold Medal Game due to a loss.". . .

Mexican Official Warns That Revoking Title 42 Will Mean 'Chaos' for U.S. and Mexico

 Mexican Official Warns That Revoking Title 42 Will Mean 'Chaos' for U.S. and Mexico – PJ Media

. . .but what we can all agree on is that lifting Title 42 is a terrible, short-sighted idea that’s beneath even the stupidity that Biden and his circle have engaged in since taking office. Maybe someone more reasonable will prevail and keep Title 42 in place, but I think instead more chaos is on the way.

"We’ve heard a lot lately about the Biden administration’s plans to revoke Title 42, the portion of a 1944 public health law that allows the federal government to turn migrants away due to health emergencies. The Trump administration invoked Title 42 during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the United States has used it to expel 1.6 million illegal immigrants, most of them single adults. But the Biden administration is looking to lift Title 42 effective May 23.

"One Mexican government official is warning of what could happen if the administration does revoke Title 42, and it ain’t pretty. The Daily Mail spoke with Enrique Lucero, director of the Direction of Attention to Migrants of the Municipality of Tijuana, about Title 42, and he said that lifting it would bring “chaos.”

“ 'We hope that the United States is very clear about how it will receive all those asylum applications once Title 42 is eliminated because it is not clear whether they will do it in person at the border or if they will do it online,” Lucero told the Daily Mail. “If they do it in person, there will be chaos at the border because everyone will want leave the shelters and arrive at the border and stand in line. So that’s going to create chaos for them and us.' ”. . .

Mitt Romney Seems to Know That He's Jeff Flaked Himself

 Mitt Romney Seems To Know That He's Jeff Flaked Himself – PJ Media

. . ."If an incumbent senator is going to be ousted, the odds to make it happen are far greater after just one term than at any other time. Those six-year terms give them too much time to pass out goodies. Get through the first term and the next thing you know, you’re Dianne Feinstein.

"It’s possible that Romney may have gotten himself in trouble much the same way Jeff Flake, who is now one of Joe Biden’s ambassadors, did here in my home state of Arizona. Here’s a refresher from something I wrote last year:

Flake has been a darling of the Democrats ever since he threw in with the sad-sack Never Trump crowd a few years back. He did that after having failed his Republican constituents in Arizona so utterly that he had to end his bid for a second Senate term more than a year before the election.

"It’s obvious that Romney revels in his own “darling of the Democrats” status.

"Flake tried to make it all about Trump but he was toast here long before then. I hadn’t moved back here yet but my conservative friends were disappointed in him almost from the moment he transitioned from the House to the Senate.

"One big difference between Arizona then and Utah now is that the likelihood of Romney getting replaced by another Republican is greater.". . .

Comedians Mock Joe Biden on Saudia Arabia TV

Frankly, the only thing Studio 22 got wrong with the skit is that they made VP Kamala Harris seem way more competent than she really is. It’s more likely that instead of deftly guiding POTUS back on track, she’d probably cackle maniacally .. Kamala Harris Has Dismantled Her Reputation for Competence – PJ Media
Image by Ghenghis Gary. added by TD

Every so often, if we watch closely enough, both our friends and our enemies will tell us what they truly think of the U.S. This time the truth appeared in an SNL-like Studio 22 comedy skit shown on Saudia Arabia’s government-owned television network. Australia’s Sky News reported that “the big takeaway from the skit was how much Joe Biden’s cognitive ability was mocked.”. . .
. . ."And if our friends recognize Biden’s decline, we can be sure our enemies do as well, yet there wasn’t one single solitary article written in the MSM about this mocking skit. Why is that? Perhaps they know it hits too close to home? We can rest assured that had this skit mocked President Trump, they would’ve written dozens of articles and had so-called comedians like Joy Behar would have dissected its comedic brilliance.". . .

Surely the world's nations know this side of Joe as well: Another Biden phony family fable - American Thinker        "President Biden is fond of telling fictitious family stories.  His maternal grandfather was an All-American football player at Santa Clara University in California — this at a time when All-Americans only came from Army, the Ivy League, or the Big 10, and Santa Clara had no All-American players at all until the 1960s.  He used to take his children, then grandchildren, individually, when they came of age, to Europe to tour Nazi death camps.  When a teenager, on Sundays, he moseyed on over to the local Black Baptist church in Wilmington, Delaware to assist and even guide those unprivileged parishioners in their Civil Rights activities — though nobody from the church recalls ever seeing such a boy at the time, and no one recalls seeing him until he became a candidate for public office in the 1960s.

"In recent months, Biden has grown fond of telling another family story . . ."

Kamala Embarasses Herself Badly With Her Solution to Inflation – RedState   "The deficiencies of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have, unfortunately, become public knowledge for all the world to see, not just Americans. It’s a bad thing for America and the world when foreign countries are mocking the competence of the alleged leader of the free world.

"A comedy program on Saudi TV even made fun of them in a skit that went viral. It focused on Biden’s incoherence and sleepiness, with Kamala Harris having to save him and demanding people clap for him. The program was on the mark in a lot of ways from the suit they had Kamala wearing to her basic role of being a backup for Biden.

"Unfortunately, the backup isn’t much better and it’s one of the things that gives 25th Amendment hawks pause.". . .

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Title 42: The Flood

 Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, of the Department of Homeland Security, has publicly stated that Title 42 is “driven by the public health imperative. It is not a tool of immigration. It is a tool of public health to protect not only the American people but the migrants themselves.”

Immigration 101: What is Title 42? (    "Title 42 is part of U.S. health law, specifically Section 262 of U.S. Code Title 42 which prohibits entry into the United States when the Director for Disease Control believes “there is a serious danger to the introduction of [a communicable] disease into the United States.” The rule allows any customs officers—which includes officers of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) such as Border Patrol agents—to implement any such order issued by the CDC.

"The CDC order does not apply to U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and their spouses and children, nor does it apply to U.S. military personnel or those who arrive at a port of entry with valid travel documents, although the CDC maintains that it has the authority to expel U.S. citizens under Title 42 if it chooses. The rule also includes an exemption for anyone that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) determines should be allowed into the United States on “consideration of significant law enforcement, officer and public safety, humanitarian, and public health interests.' ”. . .

Record-Shattering Illegal Border Crossings Likely to Start After Biden Revokes Title 42 | CNSNews  "President Joe Biden is about to blow open the floodgates on illegal immigration at the border, and the governor of Texas is vowing to push back.

“ 'To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said at a Wednesday press conference.

"That may not resolve the issue, but at least it sends a message to Washington that this is a Washington-caused crisis that’s becoming intolerable for beleaguered border states.". . .

Much more on this here.

Exclusive–Hauman: Vulnerable Democrats Are Pretending to Care About the Border, Don’t Fall for It