The Biden White House isn’t uniquely beset by the forces of history. Indeed, so much of what the president and those in his orbit resent are conditions they either contributed to or incepted into existence.
Noah Rothman "An NBC News profile of the Biden White House details the classic strategies any listing administration employs to avoid reckoning with its own shortcomings. The president, we’re told, inherited a historic mess from which no mere mortal could extricate the nation. On top of that, new and equally momentous challenges suddenly presented themselves. Biden has been ill-served by his unfit and meddling staffers. And Republicans in Congress, who stubbornly continue to exist, won’t just roll over and die. It’s all rather vexing, and the White House wants you to know it.
"Biden is reportedly “unhappy” with staffers who feel that they must “clean up” his comments when those comments undermine longstanding U.S. policy, contradict his administration’s position on issues, or are generally incomprehensible. “Any assessment of Biden’s performance needs to take into account the epic challenges he faced from the start,” NBC’s dispatch conceded, citing one friendly author who claimed the president is contending with “the most daunting set of challenges arguably since Franklin D. Roosevelt.” In a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Monday under Joe Biden’s byline, which can only be read as a companion piece, the president lashed out at the Federal Reserve and Congress for failing to curtail inflation.
" 'I’ve heard him say recently that he used to say about President Obama’s tenure that everything landed on his desk but locusts, and now he understands how that feels,” one unnamed White House official told NBC’s reporters. That’s a revealing admission. Consciously or otherwise, the Biden administration is channeling the Obama White House’s self-indulgence.". . .
Noah Rothman is the Associate Editor of Commentary and the author of Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America.
Biden reportedly frustrated with WH comms team for undermining his authority, clarifying his comments
“Beyond policy, Biden is unhappy about a pattern that has developed inside the West Wing. He makes a clear and succinct statement — only to have aides rush to explain that he actually meant something else. The so-called clean-up campaign, he has told advisers, undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise. Worse, it feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command,” NBC News laments.
. . . “ 'The president has also told aides he doesn’t think enough Democrats go on television to defend him. A particular sore spot is his slumping poll numbers; he’s mystified that his approval rating has dropped to a level approaching that of his predecessor, Donald Trump, ranked by historians as one of the worst presidents in history,” NBC News stated.
“ 'He’s now lower than Trump, and he’s really twisted about it,” an unnamed source close to the White House reportedly said."
" 'The corrections are almost non-stop. It happened again in Japan at a joint press conference where Biden vowed military support to Taiwan if the country is attacked by China. Right on cue, aides panicked and sent out a statement that was meant to clarify what Biden actually “meant.” Again, it screamed weakness and made it appear as if the president was merely a puppet of those behind the scenes.". . .
Ben Schapiro: To be clear, the problem isn't that Joe Biden says that the US will intervene militarily if Taiwan is invaded. The problem is that it's totally unclear if that's true or if we even have the capacity to do so, and it's even more unclear when his own White House keeps shushing him.