Wednesday, June 8, 2022

If I were to write a dystopian novel…

You know utopian is the opposite of dystopian, don't you?

Terry Paulding

We get profoundly dangerous neighborhoods in which people routinely attack one another, strife fomented between ethnic groups and, concurrently with the vilification of the police, loss of the means for control. Police are to be “fried like bacon.” Why should they defend us citizens, if we are attacked!

. . ."These beings are masters of subtlety, at least for the first 80 or so years. But then, they up their game, because their planet is endangered, and not going to last much longer. They accelerate their manipulations, seeding the natural tendencies of earth beings to enhance greed in certain chosen people, while others get paranoia and violence. They can’t affect every single being, but they’re strategic, infiltrating governments, media, and institutions of higher learning so that, eventually, all of society is affected as the educated become teachers to the youth, the televisions blare the media message, and the government starts down the destructive path on which we now find ourselves.

"Their plan works perfectly. Society starts to crumble, just as the beings wanted.

"The plot is complex—these beings are very smart, capable of multi-tasking, and quite motivated to be ruthless. They take so many seemingly disparate actions, none of us earthlings can ever see the whole. Some people are fed delusions of grandeur, while deliberately made stupid enough to create nothing but chaos, destruction, and failure. Wrong thought becomes normal and the compulsion to destroy is given power and glory, under the guise of saving the earth.

"If we are made to think that we are destroying our planet, it acts as great cover—everyone is guilt-tripped, self-doubting, worried, and preoccupied. All the better to destroy our defenses against the coming invasion. We believe we are destroying the earth by populating it—hence the rationale for easy abortion, our lower impetus to procreate, and the now swarming masses migrating from one country to another, sowing ill-health, changing demographics, and stressing systems that have stood for centuries.". . .

Voters in San Francisco topple the city’s progressive district attorney, Chesa Boudin

 NY Times

Locally, the resounding recall suggested that many in San Francisco’s Democratic hierarchy are out of step with — and further left than — the city’s voters, one of the most liberal electorates in the country.

These people must dwell in safety under Boudin

"Voters in San Francisco on Tuesday put an end to one of the country’s most pioneering experiments in criminal justice reform, ousting a district attorney who eliminated cash bail, vowed to hold police accountable and worked to reduce the number of people sent to prison.

"Chesa Boudin, the progressive district attorney, was removed after two and a half years in office, according to The Associated Press, in a vote that is set to reverberate through Democratic politics nationwide as the party fine-tunes its messaging on crime before midterm elections that threaten to strip Democratic control over Congress.

"Early returns showed 60 percent of voters in the city approving of the recall.

"Ultimately the election was a contest between progressive Democrats who saw Mr. Boudin as a key leader of a national movement to address mass incarceration and a backlash by more politically moderate San Franciscans — a coalition of Democrats, independents and Republicans — who grew agitated by persistent property crimes and open drug use during the pandemic. The backlash won." . . .

In San Francisco, voters give Chesa Boudin, a Soros D.A., the boot  "In 2019, Chesa Boudin openly campaigned on a hard-left, soft-on-crime platform—and got elected as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor. On Tuesday, San Francisco voters gave him the boot, having discovered that the reality of hard-left governance is much less appealing than the theory and promises."

And yesterday, Tuesday, June 7, Chesa finally had to face the music for the damage he’s done to the quality of life in San Francisco: 61% of San Francisco voters said “yes” to the recall measure.. . .

WaPo Slammed For Blatantly Unethical Journalism, Decides To Address Twitter Joke Instead


“Lorenz is one of the most inept, reckless and unethical reporters ever at a major paper. But this framework prevails: criticizing her means you’re a misogynistic bully; defending her is how liberal male journalists prove they’re Good Allies.”   Glenn Greenwald 

"Once upon a time, The Washington Post was a credible news and investigative journalism organization. In fact, they broke the Watergate story back in the day. But they are no longer a credible news and investigative journalism organization. Now, they are simply partisan propaganda hacks who prioritize agenda and narrative over truth and objectivity. And the last few days have been a barrage of firsthand anecdotal evidence of this fact, with numerous people laying out the evidence of WaPo’s complete lack of journalistic ethics and morals. Blatant lies, carefully manipulated and edited information, insufficient corrections, stealthy edits after publication, and so much more. And as The Washington Post is at the center of a number of stories on the subject of their amorality and unethical journalism, how do they respond? By very publicly reprimanding and suspending a reporter who retweeted a joke they deemed to be “sexist” about how “Every girl is bi, you just have to figure out if it’s polar or sexual.”

"Ladies and gentlemen, The Washington Post’s priorities. Horrifying breaches of journalistic integrity, ethics, and morals are no big thing, but how dare you retweet a joke about women, sexuality, and mental health! Here’s a quick rundown of how it’s been for The Washington Post the last couple of days.

"On June 4th, Glenn Greenwald posted a Twitter thread about how “The Washington Post has now been caught publishing multiple lies as part of the Lorenz article.” Here is the thread from Greenwald for reference. It’s well worth a read.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Biden throws last-minute nod to D-Day as disgust for second-year snub grows


BPR  "An increasingly unpopular President Joe Biden gave a last-minute nod to the 78th anniversary of D-Day on Monday, after whiffing on it last year spurring national outrage and disgust.

"He issued a statement to honor the historic day at 8:45 pm ET which is actually early morning on June 7 in Normandy, France.

"Last year, the Biden administration failed to acknowledge the anniversary in any way, shape, or form, and this year’s recognition of the day was perceived as merely perfunctory during an election year.

" 'Today, we mark 78 years since D-Day and honor those who answered duty’s call on the beaches of Normandy,” Biden belatedly tweeted. “We must never forget the service and sacrifice in defense of freedom, and we must strive every day to live up to the ideals they fought to defend.' ”. . .

Joe Biden Ignores D-Day Anniversary Again, Demands Gun Control Instead – Military Veterans of Disqus

Beto O'Rourke Calls for Guns to Be Confiscated from Law-Abiding Citizens

Neon Nettle  "Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O'Rourke is calling for guns to be confiscated from law-abiding American citizens.

"On Tuesday, Beto flipped on his stance regarding the Second Amendment by declaring
that Americans who already owned AR-15s and AK-47s should not
 “be able to keep them.”

"O'Rourke has been flip-flopping on the issue recently as public opinion has been shifting in the wake of mass shootings.

"He announced several months ago that he had abandoned his push for gun confiscation after it had been the centerpiece of his failed 2020 presidential bid.

"However, as his campaign for Texas governor is also failing, Beto is now desperate to capitalize on the public sentiment following the recent Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde.". . .

O’Rourke’s current position — apparently once again in favor of confiscation — matches the position he took on the campaign trail in 2019 when he told crowds, “Hell yes, we are going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!”

CNN personalities; shape up or ship out


The progressives who consume CNN won't tolerate fair coverage, and conservatives have been burned by CNN enough to never go back. The middle lane is pretty empty these days, but if CNN wants to make a play for the center, it'll be fun to watch who gets on the same page as CNN's new boss and who doesn't make the cut.  

"Three CNN sources tell Axios that new network boss Chris Licht is "evaluating" the channel's talent to gauge their ability to than the partisan hackery CNN hosts have become infamous for even as their ratings tank. "If talent cannot adjust to a less partisan tone and strategy, they could be ousted," the scoop reports. 

"Apparently, "Licht wants to give personalities that may appear polarizing a chance to prove they're willing to uphold the network's values so that they don't tarnish CNN's journalism brand," although CNN's "journalism" has not exactly been sterling, to put things kindly. 

" 'For on-air talent, that includes engaging in respectful interviews that don't feel like PR stunts," Axios' report explains — presumably that means no more Avenatti-level groveling. "For producers and bookers, that includes making programming decisions that are focused on nuance, not noise." Seems like CNN's employees have an uphill climb to make. 

"NN, which didn't respond to Axios' request for comment on the evaluation set to take place, is seemingly trying to find some steady ground again to start rebuilding its brand as a news organization rather than a resistance-to-Trump channel.". . .

Avenatti's Hundred-Plus Appearances on CNN Skipped in Report on His Sentencing . . ."Conveniently missing from the report is just how much CNN and other cable outlets such as MSNBC were in bed with Avenatti by hyping him as perhaps no other guest in the history of television. In fact, during a one year period, Avenatti made a grand total of 254 appearances, with CNN leading the pack at 122 guest spots

"The hosts continually fawned over him to the extent that they shoved renowned lawyer Alan Dershowitz out the door. So why would CNN ditch the highly respected Dershowitz for Avenatti? Dershowitz himself gave the best explanation:. . .

‘Defund the Police’ Narrative Crumbles as Big City Dems Make Fighting Crime Central to Election Campaigns

  Legal Insurrection  "For a good two years now, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have pushed a false narrative that defunding the police is something that is supported by a majority of the American people, even as poll after poll has shown that simply isn’t true, including among those whom woke activists suggested supported the idea the most: black and Hispanic voters.

"Even after some so-called “moderate Democrats” in swing districts blamed the party’s embrace of the Defund the Police movement for the double-digit seat losses House Democrats experienced in the 2020 elections, some – like members of “The Squad” – have still clung to the belief that defunding the police is a winning slogan.

"Although the 2022 midterm elections are expected to be brutal for Democrats, some of their candidates in reliably blue parts of the country are trying out what they hope will be a “winning” message on police and fighting crime, singing a much different tune than what we continue to hear from the AOCs of America:". . .

Parody: Man who accidentally left 300,000 guns for Taliban gives lecture on gun control

Genesius Times

"The man who accidentally left 300,000 guns for the Taliban and is sending millions of dollars in weapons to the most corrupt country in Europe has given a lecture on gun control.

"In a speech on Thursday, President* Joe Biden called for the ban of assault weapons in the United States following several recent false flag mass shootings, including those in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, N.Y.

“ 'Just do something. For God’s sake, do something. After Columbine, after Sandy Hook, after Charleston, after Orlando, after Las Vegas, after Parkland — nothing has been done,” Biden said. “How many kids do we have to kill in false flag attacks before you people give up your rights?

"Biden left $80 billion in weaponry to the Taliban after abruptly leaving Afghanistan in 2021. Biden also presided over sending billions of dollars in unmarked weapons to Ukraine.

"Robert Hunter Biden,” the president’s son, who lied on ATF Form 4473, also known as a Firearms Transaction Record, about concealing his history of illegal drug use during a firearms purchase in 2018 and left it in a dumpster."

How's the Washington Post doing lately?

A week of disgrace for the Washington Post

. . .The WaPo also smeared the Covington Teen Nick Sandmann alleging that he displayed bigotry towards Native American elder Nathan Phillips’s path. Sandmann then filed a $250M defamation lawsuit against WaPo, which the disgraced paper was compelled to settle.

The WaPo isn’t always mean, they have displayed compassion on rare occasions. When ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed after President Trump issued an order. The WaPo described him as an “austere religious scholar” who “maintained a canny pragmatism” and that “acquaintances would remember him as a shy, near-sighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the local mosque.”

Their record is disgraceful, yet do not expect any course correction on their part.

The self-righteous never see their own mistakes.. . .

 The WaPo trumpets its dysfunction to the world

With the spat entertaining the conservative blogosphere, Sally Buzbee, the executive editor, finally sent a memo around the office telling reporters to “treat each other with respect and kindness.” Respect and kindness, though, weren’t the things the enraged women wanted. Instead, on Monday, they got their scalp: The WaPo suspended Weigel without pay.

So the Washington Post's pooh-poohing of '2000 Mules' gets a little comeuppance in Arizona  . . ."The Washington Post ran this Associated Press story, not bothering, despite its stable of well paid reporters, to report the matter itself.  The AP, based on what I could tell from a Google search, was the only non-local news outlet that did.  A few outlets cribbed from the AP story, but nobody else on the national scene put the hours in to cover the actual story.

"Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza felt a measure of vindication to see the story on the Washington Post's site:. . ."

But bad as this reporting was, the Washington Post's was worse.  Longtime national correspondent Philip Bump, who's known as the water-carrier for the WaPo's top management, pooh-poohed the whole thing in the post-2020 election scenarios as baseless and the work of "conspiracy theorists."  He focused on some inflammatory wording in his piece here instead of the substance of the charges and used that as the basis of his argument that there's no such thing as election fraud. 

The Fraud That Dare Not Speak Its Name | The Heritage Foundation

Why Donald Trump Should Not Run for President in 2024

 Steve McCann

Donald Trump and his family have already sacrificed and paid a massive price on behalf of the American people.  It is time for others, younger and unbowed, to come to the fore, to accept the shield and sword from Trump and follow in his footsteps.

"Donald Trump should not run for president in 2024.  His place in the pantheon of American presidents is secure as he was the right president at the right time and will go down in history as among the nation’s indispensable presidents.  In the upcoming no-holds-barred war for the soul and future of America, it is time for the mantle to be passed on to others he has effectively mentored and who have shown a resolute willingness to follow in his footsteps.

"Trump’s accomplishments are legion and among the most important are not only awakening the citizenry to the potentially irretrievable headfirst dash into a permanent one-party-socialist oligarchy, but doing so by doggedly battling these ideological elites and exposing their duplicity, extrajudicial procedures, megalomania, and premeditated election fraud and manipulation. 

"He showed a nation stuck in a 28-year morass of political mediocrity and collectivism that fearlessness, determination, an implacable devotion to the principles of the nation’s founding, together with a genuine empathy for the America people, would defeat a radical left-wing Democrat party and a feckless Republican establishment.

"Donald Trump’s inclusion on the list of indispensable presidents derives not only from his political, judicial and legislative accomplishments but the dramatically positive impact he had on the psyche of a hitherto despondent Middle America.  They are now keenly aware of who the ruling elites and their bedmates in the radical left are and that they are not invincible.

"By renewing and recasting many of the economic policies of Ronald Reagan and initiating an America First foreign policy, Trump not only reversed the downward trend of the nation but with these overwhelmingly effective policies showed the American people that there were viable alternatives that worked.". . .

Monday, June 6, 2022

D-Day, Normandy

 June 6, 1944; D-Day: German killing fire jammed our troops up on Omaha Beach as you can see by the vehicles stacked along the water's edge

REVIEW: Visiting the Normandy Invasion Beaches and Battlefields  

Visiting the Normandy Invasion Beaches and Battlefields: A Helpful Guide Book for Groups and Individuals delivers. The itineraries are thorough, but not overwhelming. The guide is beautifully illustrated with black and white photographs on almost every page, detailed endnotes after each itinerary, and eight military maps that highlight particular actions. The maps are located with the appropriate text rather than grouped together in a separate section of the book. This cuts down on unnecessary page turning. I highly recommend it to knowledgeable battlefield explorers and general tourists. It has something for everyone.

Nicholas Sandmann’s Lawyer Joins Kyle Rittenhouse’s Legal Team To Help With Defamation Lawsuits

 Analyzing America

Not only does Kyle have to deal with that, but it is compounded with the overwhelming stress and trauma of the character assassination taking place against him,” Sandmann said.

. . ."McMurtry is the attorney of former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann who successfully sued CNN, NBC and others for an undisclosed amount.

McMurtry confirmed that he will lead the effort in deciding who Rittenhouse will file lawsuits against for publicly defaming him during his trial.

"McMurtry said Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is at the “top” of the “list” because Facebook allegedly labeled the Kenosha shootings as a “mass murder” event, which McMurtry said is “factually false.” Rittenhouse was acquitted of murder charges because a jury found he acted in self-defense.

"“I’ve been hired to head the effort to determine whom to sue, when to sue, where to sue,” McMurtry said. “We’re going to look at everything that’s been said, determine which of those comments are legally actionable and proceed from there.”

"“Let’s just use for an example what Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg said about [Rittenhouse]. They said that he was involved in a mass murder incident,” McMurtry explained.

"“This was not a mass murder incident. It was clearly factually false. To call somebody a mass murderer is seriously defamatory,” McMurtry explained.

“ 'And then to use the power of social media to basically censor any views that would take opposition to that mass murderer statement is a serious effort to destroy his character. And it was seriously mistaken and seriously defamatory.”. . .