Isn’t it interesting, though, that the same people who want to vilify males as rapists and murderers are the same ones who want to do away with the TRUTH of the matter, which is, there REALLY ARE only TWO genders: male and female.
News With Views "There’s a new “buzz phrase” going around these days — and it’s catching on; becoming another MOVEMENT — promoted by Leftist, “Progressive,” feminist activists. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s called “Toxic Masculinity.” “Toxic Masculinity” is a new mindset these “progressive” feminists are attempting to force into the cultural talking points, which vilifies traditional manhood and all things “masculine.”
"The Leftists have been incredibly successful over the past few years in pushing their crazy ideas. What was once UNTHINKABLE in America has now become the “norm.” Good has become “bad,” and BAD has become “good.” While most of these ideas are only accepted now by a small, but VOCAL minority, if things do not change, it won’t be long before this nonsense is embraced by an overwhelming majority…like everything else they’ve come up with.
"So what IS ‘Toxic Masculinity?’ According to FEM Magazine,“toxic masculinity harms all genders. It promotes sexism, misogyny, violence and rape culture, while enforcing dangerous sterotypes of masculinity and femininity. It is a fundamental pillar in the patriarchy and its normalization throughout cultures demands action. Next time you hear comments that promote toxic masculinity, remember to call them out; taking actions to disband this mentality are necessary in order to dismantle the patriarchal structure.”
"There you have it, in their own words…. the ultimate goal is the demise of manhood, the dismantling of what they call the ‘patriarchal structure.” In other words, “Men BAD, women GOOD.” More division. You see, the Left is not content to divide us by ethnicity, religion, or political ideology. Now they must ALSO divide us by gender, which I find ironic, because it is these same Leftists who want us to accept as fact that there are now as many as 13 different “genders” — an insane idea which they insist we must all embrace as truth. And WOE to the poor soul who makes the “mistake” of calling someone by the “wrong” pronoun!
"FEM Magazine goes even further in their fight to destroy manhood. In an article from December of 2016, they wrote, “Machismo leads to homophobia, sexual harassment and murder, as violence becomes a channel through which to acquire control.” And so these radical feminists are now portraying men as sexists, misogynists, rapists and murderers. It was not long ago that it would have been unthinkable for people to accept the idea of “transgenderism,” much less the idea that there are now THIRTEEN distinctly, different “genders.” But now, “transgenderism” is being forced upon an unsuspecting, but largely apathetic populace under the force of law… “Get your mind ‘right’ and accept all these different genders or you will pay the consequences.”. . .
Bigoted Pairs Figure Skating Event Suggests There Are Only 2 Genders | Babylon Bee So toxic...