Greg Crosby ( "Definition of insane: exhibiting a severely disordered state of mind. Irrational. Not consistent with or using reason. Unreasonable. Not showing good judgment. Deranged. Nuts. Screwy. Demented. Bonkers. And that old standby, bat guano crazy.
"Any or all of the above descriptions of insane would certainly apply to what I've just read online concerning the latest from the "LGBT community." The article began with the headline, "LGBT activists are pushing to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as "male" or "female," arguing that scientists cannot know how ancient individuals identified themselves."
"Emma Palladino, a Canadian idiot studying for a Master's degree tweeted her dismay over the fact that transgender individuals "can't escape" their sex, not because it's physically impossible to change one's sex, but because archaeologists who find their bones one day "will assign you the same gender as you had at birth.""Horrors!
"She believes that assigning biological sex to ancient human remains is "bullshit." (You have to be in graduate school to use such eloquent, descriptive language.)
" 'The 'bioarcheology of the individual' is what we aim for, factoring in absolutely everything we discover about a person into a nuanced and open-ended biography of their life," she argued. "There's absolutely more work to be done, and more education, empathy, and sensitivity is very much required in the field of archaeology."
"The screwball went on to reassure the transgender community that even if "some shitty archaeologist in the future misgenders" them, they will still get to be whoever they want to be, even when they're dead. But if you think she's the only psycho on board with this, think again. There is a group calling themselves the Trans Doe Task Force, its aim is to "explore ways in which current standards in forensic human identification do a disservice to people who do not clearly fit the gender binary.' "
"Hold on to your binary, here's their mission statement:...
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