Saturday, November 19, 2022

GOP Helps Dems Impose Gay Marriage on Everyone

The names of Democratic bills grow ever more Orwellian, from the laughable “Inflation Reduction Act” to the even more outrageous “Respect for Marriage Act.” The latter bill is a direct assault upon God-ordained marriage. It seeks to cement in place sham “same-sex marriage” and force all 50 states to recognize it. Far from respecting marriage, the bill undercuts the true definition. . .

The American Spectator

Twelve Republican senators join the Democrats in pushing the “Respect for Marriage Act” forward.

Matt Walsh: Republicans who vote for same-sex 'marriage' should be 'exiled from the party' - LifeSite (

The bill passed the Senate with a 62-37 vote, surpassing the 60-vote threshold needed to move the legislation through the upper chamber to a vote without a filibuster. Twelve Republicans joined with their Democratic counterparts in supporting the measure, including Sens. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Richard Burr (R-NC), Shelley Capito (R-WV), Susan Collins (R-ME), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), Mitt Romney (R-UT), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Todd Young (R-IN).

Some Republican senators indicated they would back the bill before it was brought to the floor for a vote, such as Johnson who noted that marriage equality has long been considered a settled debate for many Americans.

"We've shown here through this legislation that these rights can coexist, religious freedom on the one hand, LGBTQ on the other hand," Portman said before the Senate vote on Wednesday. "It is my hope that with the changes we've talked about today and we've all now agreed to, we can pass this legislation with the same kind of overwhelming bipartisan majority we saw in the House of Representatives and therefore settle this issue once and for all."

Maybe denial is the driving factor in the 2022 election outcome

Sheldon Bart   "The starkest image emerging from the 2022 midterm elections, in my view, is the electoral map of the gubernatorial race in New York. The criminal-friendly Democrat incumbent, Kathy Hochul, who succeeded Andrew Cuomo upon his resignation, won election to a full term by 53%. But if you look at a map of the returns, you’ll see that the whole state was swathed in red except for a few blue patches here and there representing populous counties where crime is rampant.

"How do you figure that?

"Democrat voters are not a monolithic bloc. Yes, some are hard-core ideologues who swooned over Bernie Sanders. Some are recipients of public assistance and dependent on Democrat party largesse. Some are students and recent graduates majoring in insurrection.

"But they’re not all community organizers, and they don’t all hate America.". . . 

. . ."But consider for a moment what the habitual Democrat would have had to acknowledge to vote Republican on November 8th:

1. That the President of the United States is a doddering mediocrity.

2. That the person (or persons) responsible for the policies and decisions emanating from the White House is a matter of conjecture.

3. That the administration’s policies are blatantly extremist and being implemented with ruinous effect.

4. That proper stewardship of the nation’s fiscal and energy resources is utterly lacking—to the point of precipitating a foreseeable crisis.

5. That large numbers of inner-city youth, trapped in broken homes or broken schools, are not being taught respect, self-control, or the difference between right and wrong.

6. That the freedoms, values, and checks and balances on which this country was founded are being left grossly unprotected.

7. That despite mounting challenges we are not presently capable of deterring our adversaries or defeating them on the battlefield.

"Perhaps it’s all too much to contemplate. The habitual Democrat voter prefers to remain incongruously oblivious. Look to the last scene of Life of Brian for the perfect analogy. The streets of Manhattan reek of marijuana. New Yorkers are being assaulted on the subways. Criminals have brazenly told their victims, “Go ahead, call the police, I don’t care.” But “always look on the bright side” and vote for Kathy Hochul.". . .

White House proposes blocking sunlight to fight global warming

And yet a U.S. regulatory agency now tells us that large swaths of North America may face blackouts and other energy emergencies during bouts of extreme cold this winter, due to coal and natural gas shortages.

 Eric Utter  "The White House recently announced that it was funding a five-year research plan for a controversial proposal to fight climate change by geoengineering — i.e., technologies and processes that can be used to artificially modify the Earth's climate.

"This research would be dedicated specifically to a form of geoengineering known as "solar radiation management," which involves spraying fine aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth.  The hope is that, once the sunlight is reflected, less heat will be generated, and ergo temperatures will go down.  Presto: actual anthropogenic climate change!  A global SPF 100, as it were!

"The research reportedly will attempt to model how solar radiation management might impact the atmosphere, as well as assess its viability as a potential technique to be employed to "manage near-term climate risk." 

"They're hoping to fight the scourge of climate change by blindly trying to change the climate?  What is it with Democrats?  They're also fighting racism with racial quotas and making race the primary consideration in, well, everything.  That's working well, isn't it?  Next, they'll propose fighting drug abuse by giving out free needles and crack pipes.  Oh wait, they're already doing that.  Why haven't they yet suggested we combat STDs by having indiscriminate sex with as many other people as possible?

"Now they're going to "cancel" the sun, without which life on Earth would be impossible?  What could go wrong?!

"And would this be a unilateral decision?  "Hope the rest of you guys don't mind, but we're blocking the sun!  Oops, we didn't expect that!  Our bad.  Sorry, might be a bit chillier than we'd like for a while!"

"And yet a U.S. regulatory agency now tells us that large swaths of North America may face blackouts and other energy emergencies during bouts of extreme cold this winter, due to coal and natural gas shortages.". . .

If they can't find it, Democrats will make it:

Friday, November 18, 2022

Will store owners pay reparations to smash - and - grabbers looting their stores?

I know of so many instances of insult and mistreatment of African-Americans over the course of my 83 years, and wish deeply there was a way to make up for the wrongs done to heros like the Tuskegee Airmen, the draft race riots in the 1860s, buses in the Jim Crow days and so many instances not listed. Those victims should be compensated. But not the rioters of Ferguson, Missouri; Watts, Rodney King nor those scowling elected officials who speak words to inflame Americans against each other. The Sharpton's, Waters', Joy Reids,  Raphael Warnocks, Obamas. et. al. are an infection in the national political body. We need more like Ben Carson, Larry Elder.Candace Owens, Tyrus, Sheriff David Clarke, Rep J.C. Watts, Rep Tim Scott and so many more.  TD

Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Claims Slavery Reparations Would Have Stopped Covid From Spreading…  "So a person who has never owned a slave is expected to pay money to someone who has never been a slave. Makes perfect sense."

 Sheila Jackson Lee cites study claiming reparations could have cut Covid infection rates - USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page.  Lee stated, "There is no doubt that we have been impacted, the… the DNA in the trans, the trajectory of slavery til today. For example the COVID, black African Americans got COVID at nearly a rate of one and a half times higher than that of white people, or hospitalized at a rate nearly four times higher, three times likely to die. COVID hit us very desperately,” Jackson Lee contended.

“ 'Interestingly, a recent peer-reviewed study from Harvard medical school suggests that reparations for African Americans could have cut COVID-19 transmission and infection rates both among blacks and the population at large,” she went on to claim.

“ 'Reparations are curative. They Are not punishment. The analysis continued to look at data throughout the nation. And so as we move in this lame-duck session, it is important that we come together for reconciliation to restoration and provide the commission to study slavery and to develop reparation proposals. I thank my colleagues for their support and I believe together we make America strong, America free, America just, and America equal,” she conclsHuded.

"Jackson Lee did not give the exact reference for her claim but the study does actually exist, unfortunately. But that does not make it factual or correct."

What the heck is going on in Arizona?

  George W. Ford   "What is going on in the governor's race in Arizona?  The media have called it for Katie Hobbs, after the Nov. 14 Monday night "drop," supposedly raising the total counted to 99% of the expected final total.  According to NBC News, the remaining uncounted vote total is estimated to be 25,494, far above the margin of 16,644 that we are told separates Hobbs from Kari Lake.  It's reasonable to assume that there are areas where Lake won with 75%, and these would be the uncounted areas, where it's possible that corrupt election officials might be holding back and delaying, or "curing," votes.  So calling the race does not make sense, if you were to suspend disbelief and assume that the vote-counting is honest.  But of course we know that those who call the races are politically biased.". . .

. . ."Perhaps we could turn voting over to the state legislators.  That may generate more interest in statewide elections.  As we plumb the depths of election fraud, I would like to salute Kari Lake for not conceding a race that has not been completed.  She deserves our support.

Arizona's numbers don't add up   "The media and the Democrats want us to believe that Kari Lake, along with others, lost because the "Red Wave" did not exist, and that close association with President Trump was the kiss the of death for Republicans.  Really?

"Let's take a closer look at the numbers to see what actually occurred in Arizona.". . .

Blake Masters Calls For State AG Investigation into Maricopa County’s Botched

 Election   . . ."Masters scorched Maricopa County’s election officials, saying, “the best you can say is that they are grossly negligent.”

They knew Republican turnout would be heavy on election day. And they didn’t make sure the machines worked? 20-30% of them failed, mostly in R-leaning places? Merits dismissal and investigation for ill intent.

No normal person looks at what happened in Maricopa on election day, or since, and says “yeah, looks good, well-run.” It’s an absolute disgrace. We may never know how many thousands of voters were disenfranchised. And yes this would have made a difference in Abe and Kari’s races.

One hopes there is substance to Masters' claims. We must be more honorable than this crop of Democrats that include Abrams, Pelosi, Schiff, Waters, Biden know...the thing! TD

 Richard Terrell

(Updated Nov 19) Rep. Mike Waltz to Lead Heritage Foundation Panel on Combating Wokeness in the Military

Rep. Mike Waltz to Lead Heritage Foundation Panel on Combating Wokeness in the Military   "Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL), an Army Green Beret, is chairing a think-tank panel that will combat wokeness in the military and look at how to turn around its recruiting crisis, he said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Thursday.

"The panel, hosted by the Heritage Foundation, will take a deep look at how to refocus the military on winning wars versus initiatives aimed at diversity, equity, and inclusion — many of which were begun under the Obama administration and have been redoubled under the Biden administration.

"Waltz, an Army National Guard colonel slated to become the chairman of the House Armed Services Readiness Subcommittee, spoke to Breitbart News. “This is about a warrior culture that we need to maintain — one that is focused on winning our nation’s wars. And I think the big theme that you’ll hear from me and from this panel is it’s about standards — not gender or race, or socioeconomic background,” he said.". . .

Don Brown  . . ."All this foolishness embodies the Democrat party's political aims, rammed down soldiers' throats, detracting from force readiness and undermining morale among the troops.  And there's your "woke" in the military, Madame Secretary.

"The secretary claims that the Army is operationally ready, as if she is somehow qualified to assess military readiness, though she never served a day in uniform.  She knows this, she says, because she's visited posts and installations at home and overseas.


"Just over the last few weeks, the Heritage Foundation published its 2023 Index of U.S. Military Strength, noting that for the first time since it began publishing the annual study, the military is "weak" and "at growing risk of not being able to meet the demands of defending America's vital national interests."

"Let that sink in.  Under Biden's stewardship, the American military has become "weak."

"Perhaps Secretary Wormuth should explain how the Army can sustain operational readiness when it can't come close to meeting its recruiting goals.

"Fox News reported on October 1 that the Army missed its recruiting goals by  25% this year — a dangerous shortfall.  Why the shortfall?  The wasteful woke, morale-devastating policies rammed down the Army's throat kill reenlistment.  That's why.

"No wonder the Heritage Foundation concludes that the United States military is "weak."

"The military's goal is to defeat the enemy, not get sidetracked with progressive political poppycock.

"Madame Secretary, the Army is not your social breeding ground for woke experimentation.". 

 .Don Brown, a former U.S. Navy JAG officer  and former special assistant United States attorney, is an attorney and  the author of 15 books, including the book Travesty of Justice: The Shocking Prosecution of Lieutenant Clint Lorance and the national bestseller Last Fighter Pilot.  He was one of four former JAG officers serving on the Lorance legal team.  President Trump pardoned Lorance in November of 2019.

UPDATE: Madame Secretary, Your Woke Policies are Killing the Army

. . .You're driving your own soldiers away and can't find enough replacements to fill the ranks.  Your claims that the Army is operationally sound are not credible.  Your insistence upon this woke foolishness threatens national security.

Let's axe "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," cut the wokeness, and get back to combat readiness.

Let us wage war on "woke," with a vengeance, and cut it from our midst, like a surgeon removing a deadly cancerous tumor.  Throw woke on the rotting garbage heap of history, and return the Army to Trump-era levels.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

MSNBC['s] Hater Joy Reid Falsely Claims Georgia Limiting Voting To Honor Robert E. Lee (UPDATE)


"There’s a reason MSNBC is referred to as the official network of nasty liberal rage, hate, and stupid, lying liberal propaganda. Actually, there are a lot of reasons. But one of the most recent was provided by racist conspiracy theorist Joy ReidShe falsely claimed that Georgia was limiting voting to honor Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

“As the Georgia Senate runoff campaign kicks into high gear, Senator Raphael Warnock announced he’s filing a lawsuit to allow Georgians to vote early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving,” Reid said during her Tuesday hour of lying propaganda.

“ 'Because of a law Republicans passed in 2016, it is currently illegal in Georgia to have early voting on any day that immediately follows a state holiday. And Friday, November 25th, is technically a state holiday. Celebrating the birthday of none other than Confederate general and literal traitor Robert E. Lee,” she added.

The law actually states two days from a holiday and Saturday is two days after Thanksgiving as COO in the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State Gabriel Sterling explained to David Axelrod on Twitter:

Update: So you see why Abrams chooses to sit down with Joy Reid, not a credible anchor or journalist.

. . ."Abrams can’t chat on the record with most interviewers at the risk they might ask her about spending an entire day with masked school children while she, an overweight adult, remained maskless. Nor can Abrams risk a host holding her accountable for calling Georgia the “worst state in the country” despite owning two homes there in the state.

"With Reid, Abrams has no such worry. Reid only props her up and quickly transitions away from Abrams’ blunders. She is not interviewing Abrams. She’s promoting her. 

"Reid is useful to politicians spreading the fabrication that voter suppression exists in Georgia. Reid is assisting in Abrams’s campaign for governor.". . .

NBC is consistent; NBC News Paints ‘Moms for Liberty’ as Racist After a South Carolina School Board Fired Its Black Superintendent  "The report buried the fact that the new superintendent is also black.  

"The conservative activist group ‘Moms for Liberty’ recently won South Carolina, effectively taking over a school board.

"Within hours, they banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory and fired the school superintendent.

"NBC News covered the story but used a racial (and dishonest) angle. Here’s what they tweeted:

Another sex scandal reveals Hollywood's true colors  . . ."They talk about gun control and slam gun-owners while always being surrounded by armed bodyguards when they leave home.

"They donate to BLM and push for a diverse cast in order to engage in racist behavior privately.

"They claim to care for LGBT people but willingly censor their films containing LGBT content when their films are released in Islamic countries or China.

"The performance is not just on-screen, but off-screen as well.

Conversely, you may be the kindest of human beings, who treats everyone with compassion, but if you do not support the climate change paranoia, Black Lives Matter, and the Democrats in every cause, you will never, ever get work.

"James Woods revealed that he too was blacklisted by Philip Berk for his conservative politics."

Thanks To Republicans Aggressively Curing and Harvesting Ballots in CA and NY, We Won The House

 Wayne Dupree

"The midterms were a shock, not because of “bad candidates” or because Trump did something wrong. It was a two-fold situation — there was an internal sabotage job by Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Ronna McDaniels, but the main reason was ballot harvesting and curing ballots. See, in the not-so-distant past, Dems didn’t really vote much in the midterms. They would win the “early vote” and then we’d clobber them on election day. But things have changed. Dems are now voting like gangbusters in midterms wherever there are mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting. And that insane new advantage has canceled us out on election day.

"It’s really that simple. 

"The choice we have is to either beat Dems at their own game or die as a party. Because clearly, we can’t seem to get Republicans in state leadership to do away with this mail-in nonsense, so we must figure out a new way to win again… and we don’t need to look very far to see how to do it, because Republicans actually beat Dems at their own game in 2022 in two very liberal states.

"So, if they can do it there, we can do it everywhere…

"This woman, named Harmeet K. Dhillon , in case you don’t know who she is, is amazing. She’s a lawyer, and she and her team of activists won the House for us by aggressively curing and harvesting ballots in New York and California. She’s the founder of The Center for American Liberty, and she and her group just proved that we can beat the Dems at their own game.". . .

The Biden Thanksgiving


Smaller turkeys, bigger bills: Average Thanksgiving meal cost up 20% over last year – Orange County Register

"Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that economic pain will be inevitable in the Federal Reserve ’s fight against inflation. As he put it, "While higher interest rates, slower growth, and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they will also bring some pain to households and businesses."

"Powell was not joking. Consumers are being squeezed hard by the highest inflation rates in 40 years. Over the past year, adjusted for inflation, real hourly wages are down 3% . And because of a decline in hours worked as the economy slows, real weekly earnings are down even more, 3.8%.

President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party say that they are the party of the working man and woman. Really?

"The data say that Democrats want to put the typical household in the poor house. Democrats are responsible for the worst inflation outlook in four decades. The Federal Reserve is not the bad actor on inflation. Powell, and the other members of the Federal Open Market Committee, which sets monetary policy, are just trying to clean up Biden’s mess. Biden embraced modern monetary theory, believing that massive deficits don’t matter. What a joke. Now, he scratches at the fleas of that discredited theory.

"From 2008 until the massive deficit spending of the Biden administration, short-term interest rates were fixed near zero; yet inflation remained quiescent, averaging about 2% from 2009 to 2019. In 2020, however, federal spending surged. The first cause was then-President Donald Trump's failure to contain trend spending growth and his spending response against COVID-19. The second cause was Biden taking office and the Democratic Party dropping money on the economy. Under the Democrats, excess federal spending surged by 18% of GDP, or $4 trillion. Deficit spending does matter .". . .

Hobbs’s Lead Over Lake Narrows in Arizona Gubernatorial Race

Epoch Times

"Republican Kari Lake has narrowed Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’s lead in the state’s race for governor in a Nov. 15 update.

"Hobbs’s lead of 19,382 narrowed to 17,249, according to unofficial results from the office of Hobbs, a Democrat, based on new reports from Maricopa County and other jurisdictions. Hobbs gained nearly 9,700 votes in the new tranche, while Lake gained 11,829.

"Hobbs now has 1.276 million votes, while Lake now has 1.259 million. The margin between the candidates is about 0.6 percent, close to recount territory.

"Under a new Arizona law, a recount is triggered if the margin is at or below 0.5 percent when all the votes are counted.

"Some 27,545 uncounted ballots remain, according to the office of Hobbs, who is Arizona’s top election official. That estimate may not be reliable, however—the estimate was 28,033 before the latest count, but more than 20,000 votes were reported.

"According to the estimate, 11 Arizona counties have ballots that need counting. Maricopa County, with 12,277, has the most uncounted ballots.

"However, according to the Maricopa County election website, 16,830 ballots still need to be counted.". . .

Nancy Pelosi, 82, will announce decision on her future TODAY: Anti-Squad Hakeem Jeffries tipped to take Dem House leadership - amid rumors she will step down from Congress and hand seat to daughter

UK Daily Mail

UK Daily Mail  "With Republicans set to take over the House of Representatives and Democrats slated for leadership elections at the end of the month, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's will tell people her plans on Thursday.

"Pelosi, 82, announced through a spokesperson that she'll 'address her future plans' later today with speculation already having begun as to whether she'll remain the leader of the Democrats. 

"Rumors have suggested that Pelosi would step down from Congress entirely, potentially leaving her extremely left-leaning district in San Francisco to her daughter Christine. ". . . 

. . ."Christine Pelosi, 56, often appears with her mother at various events and even wrote a book about her in 2019: 'The Nancy Pelosi Way: Advice on Success, Leadership, and Politics from America's Most Powerful Woman.' 

"Her political work goes into California Democratic Party positions, including a decade-long stint as chair of the state party's women's caucus. 

"She's also served in Washington as a staffer in the Clinton White House as a special counsel in the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Pelosi was a Chief of Staff to Representative John Tierney from 2001 to 2005. 

"The speaker's daughter also has been affiliated with the Young Democrats of America. Most prominently, she was one of California's delegates to the Democratic National Committee and an elector for the state in 2016. 

"In the wake of the #MeToo movement, she also served as legal counsel to an ongoing campaign to end workplace harassment, going so far as to tell lawmakers in Sacramento: 'There are rapists in this building' during a public address. ". . .

Pelosi has created controversy in recent years with some of her comments online, including a since-deleted tweet that 'Rand Paul's neighbor was right' after the Republican senator was assaulted by a man who lived next door in 2020

 Pelosi Steps Down from Leadership, Will Continue Serving in Congress  NRO

The California lawmaker will relinquish her position as head of the Democratic caucus, which she’s held for 19 years, to make way for a “new generation to lead.”

Sunny Hostin of The View brings back term used during Rwandan genocide

There is a great evil that has descended upon this nation. TD


 Jack Hellner    "What is it about the Democrats that makes them so willing to embrace the political ideology of 20th Century terroristic regimes?

"The media and Democrats are king when playing dirty politics, and instead of attacking policy, they attack the person. They claim they support and respect women and minorities but they never support women and minorities who dare think differently than leftists. They do not believe in diversity of thought. Republicans are racists, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, and bigots. We are described as “deplorables” who “cling” to religion and guns. We are labeled “divisive” and “hateful.” We’ve been told by the president himself, we are a “threat” to the American way of life.

"Perhaps though the most recognized and unrelenting group of Democrat mouthpieces who push these overused talking points is the women of The View, most notably Sunny Hostin.

"Sunny Hostin is so kind and tolerant (like every Democrat) that she recently compared White suburban women to roaches if they voted for Republicans. If you ask me, that seems nastier than anything Trump has ever said. I can’t imagine my White suburban wife of 46 years would take kindly to being called a “roach” — but what do I know since I am just a “divisive deplorable”?". . .

. . ."Yes, the party that wants to preserve the Electoral College, believes states rather than the federal government should run elections, disagrees with stacking the Supreme court, wants to maintain the filibuster, and stands against threats to Supreme Court justices regardless of ruling is the party that would end Democracy. Uh huh, sure, okay.

"Obama said if “democracy” is lost the media will be controlled and corruption will go unpunished. 

"Obama can only be talking about Democrats! They have used the media to spread lies about Russian collusion, to suppress the truth about Biden family corruption, and to silence differing information on COVID among countless other things.

"It certainly wasn’t Trump who politicized federal agencies and used them to destroy political opponents — I seem to remember a time when Obama’s IRS under Lois Lerner went after Tea Party groups". . .

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."  Edward R. Murrow

. . ."Trump was and remains the most dangerous challenge to their agenda.  They will stop at nothing to destroy him.  His intention to run again has them addled and desperate.  They even want to make it illegal for him to run again!  

"They fear Trump because he is everything they are not.  He loves the country and all of its citizens, not just the nest of swampy globalists who make up our wholly corrupt government and who look out only for themselves.  This is why they have no qualms about cheating.  Their sole interest is their own wealth and power. ". . .