Sunday, December 18, 2022

Twitter Files: FBI Kept Busy Censoring Conservatives Instead of Chasing Crooks

Breitbart  In the sixth installment of the Twitter Files, journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that Twitter had a “one-big-happy-family” partnership with the FBI to censor content on its platform.

A 16,000-ballot discrepancy in Arizona? Another chip falls for Kari Lake

 Monica Showalter

. . ."For Democrats, that was fine and dandy, except that the documents about it got released in a Freedom of Information Act inquiry they never expected. 

"What else could be going on here? Obviously, somebody knows the answer as to why there were nearly 16,000 more ballots than estimated ballots to be counted, and they aren't saying anything. Weeks may pass and they may cook up some explanation, but if this were an honest operation, the answer would be right out there now, with no need for an FOIA query and unanswered calls for explanations to shake it out of them. Something is going on and those nearly 16,000 ballots need to be explained somehow.

"Were they 'ghost' voters from dirty voter rolls where ballots were mailed to errant addresses or vacant lots or nursing homes or group homes for the mentally disabled, as described by Jay Valentine here? Were they stolen ballots? Were they from some trunk stash of ballots collected with the cooperation of Arizona secretary of state Katie Hobbs who just conveniently for herself was both running for office and in charge of counting the ballots to her own election?

"Each and every one of these deets forms the mosaic puzzle that explains a monstrous picture of electoral fraud, which seems to have gone on in Arizona. Now another chip from this rickety edifice has fallen off. It's another bit-by-bit victory for Kari Lake in her quest to stop this electoral fraud and take her rightful office as elected governor of Arizona. If these mysterious 16,000 ballots issue cannot be resolved through transparent means, then the case grows for throwing these tainted election results out and calling for a new election, run by honest or at least transparent officials."   More at JusttheNews

Biden Tries to Impress Veterans with Story About Uncle at Battle of the Bulge ... Then Someone Did the Math

Western Journal  "Joe Biden seems to dole out a new falsehood every other month about his personal biography, and he’s done it again with the claim that he awarded his uncle with a Purple Heart for his service in WWII.

Speaking to veterans in Delaware on Friday, Biden, who was elected as Barack Obama’s vice president in 2008, went off script again with yet another fake story about his life, according to the New York Post.

“My dad, when I got elected vice president, he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’ He was not feeling very well now — not because of the Battle of the Bulge — but he said, ‘And he won the Purple Heart, and he never received it. He never got it. Do you think you could help him get it? We will surprise him,'” Biden said.

. . ."The thing is, Biden lies like this over and over again, at nearly every event where he speaks off the cuff. He seems to do this to ingratiate himself with any audience and to pander to them by putting himself and his family in the shoes of the people to whom he is speaking.

"Biden has delivered an avalanche of false stories this year alone.

"In October, for instance, he lied claimed that gasoline was over $5 per gallon when he took office. In fact, it was under $2.50 at the time.". . .

22-second video clip shows why you never trust a Biden

Biden Claimed He Created 1 Million Jobs. Actual Number, 10,500  "What’s a little rounding error between a corrupt hack and the country he’s running into the ground?

“In the second quarter of this year, we created more jobs than in any quarter under any of my predecessors in the nearly 40 years before the pandemic,” Mr. Biden said on July 8.

“The economy created more than 1.1 million jobs in the second quarter, or around 375k jobs per month,” the White House said in a statement on July 22.

"A million or ten thousand. Come on, man. Who’s keeping track?". . .

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Oh, Come All Ye Hateful! Why Leftists Are so Miserable on Christmas

 Kevin Downey

FACT-O-RAMA! I don’t personally know any conservatives who inherited “wealth,” but I know a TON of libs who live/lived off their parents well into their 30s. Maybe they’d have inherited some “wealth” if their parents didn’t have to feed, house, and clothe their lazy carcasses for over three decades.

"I’ve made no secret that I used to be a New York City liberal. I know how they think. I know their motivations. They are tragically unhappy people, victims of their own victimhood. Most importantly they hate you for enjoying the holidays. Let’s laugh at them as we have some Christmas fun!

"The leftists hate Christmastime for a handful of reasons. Let’s take a peak and see what lurks in the warped mind of a miserable, Yuletide leftist.

" ‘Tis the season to be a lonely, hateful stain on humanity if you’re a bolshie.

"For starters, “woke” is a buzzkill. It’s hard to get into the Christmas spirit when literally everything the libs hate is on display.

" 'Family dinner tables are covered in tasty dishes, yet all the leftists can think of is the “inequity” that comes along with “generational wealth.” Never mind that most well-to-do leftists probably had a person of color cook their holiday feasts when they were kids."

"I think for some libs there is deep, hidden guilt during the holidays. I know of several lefties who have thus far “Hunter Biden-ed” their way through life — meaning, they live off of mommy and daddy. Imagine pretending you’re “down with the cause” when you’ve spent your entire existence with a full fridge, located in a neighborhood where every driveway is home to a Lexus. You show me an Antifa meeting, and I’ll show you a bunch of rich kids who have never worked and whose parents never said no to them. Yet they don their Che Guevera t-shirts and play the role of the revolutionary, knowing full well that when their little commie meeting is over, mumsy left some organic, plant-based meatloaf for them in the fridge back home.". . .

A Twitter Files footnote

So compromised are the national reporting staffs of the Washington Post, the New York Times and other outlets that they can’t be trusted on the biggest story of the day. 

Power Line  "The Twitter Files reveal the suppression of the New York Post’s reporting on Biden family corruption at the behest of the deep state authorities with whom Twitter was collaborating. The absurd letter by 51 former intelligence officials reported by Natasha Bertrand and published by Politico was a key piece of the puzzle (to the extent it was a puzzle). Holman Jenkins takes it up in his Wall Street Journal column “Hunter Biden’s Laptop and 2020’s First Big Lie.”. He puts it this way:

When 51 ex-intelligence officials said the laptop’s emergence “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” they were lying. In the long history of Kremlin dirty tricks, there’s no precedent for so implausible a caper. The officials couldn’t even say clearly what they meant. A real laptop had been stolen by the Russians and leaked to the press? A fake laptop had been created with thousands of uncannily real-looking documents, photos, videos and emails, most of them diabolically designed to have no news or scandal value? The New York Post produced not only a complete and sufficient account of how it obtained the laptop data. It produced a dated subpoena showing the FBI was already in possession of the original laptop for months and would know if the data were fake.

The absurdity of the intelligence veterans’ claim was obvious at the time. The people who run America’s major news outlets (at least those who aren’t idiots) knew it.. . .

Drag Queens are the Democrats’ New Mascot

Diogenes' Middle Finger   "Inviting a drag queen to celebrate respect for marriage is like dancing about architecture, to borrow a phrase. Yet here we are:

Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act flanked by Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, and gay drag queen story hour performer Marti Cummings.
"Cummings is the symptom, not the disease. There are always fringe people out on, well, the fringes. Although we didn’t use to invite them to the White House to celebrate what might be humanity’s oldest institution. It’s niche entertainment, to say the least. In fact, there’s been such a rush to normalize this particular fetish — even make it “family-friendly” — that actual pedos are being glamourized.

"Why the sudden and very official respect? 

"It has nothing to do with gay rights. It has a lot to do with putting women in their place. The Left is waging a war on women, on genuine femininity and all of its unique strengths. And they do it, in part, by raising up obnoxious (and often just plain noxious) pantomime females as “real” women.

"Progressive women take the abuse, too, because they’ve been conditioned to believe that they deserve it. There’s enough battered spouse syndrome going on here to turn that 90-minute Farrah Fawcett TV movie into the next Yellowstone.  Arguably worse, the Left has purposely conflated a mental health issue — gender dysphoria — with a civil rights struggle. That makes a mockery of natural rights, which is exactly their goal. And why else would they have no objection to biological men playing women's sports?". . .

Karine Jean-Pierre Blames Trump for Border Crisis, Claims Biden is Securing the Border

Why does she say these things that she knows aren't true? She has been molded into Joe Biden's image!

 Legal Insurrection

“The president has done the work to deal with what we are seeing that border since day one.”

"Raise your hand if you saw this coming!

"The fiscal year 2023 is already on the way to breaking records regarding the border.

"Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre even said Trump gutted the immigration system:

JEAN-PIERRE: “ — especially because of what the last administration did, and they completely gutted the system. And we know that this has been a multidecade-long problem. We need to modernize the system, and this is something that the President has put forth and we are looking for Congress to act. We are asking Congress to act.”  . . . 

. . .Biden went to Arizona a few weeks ago.

"Biden said he had more important things to do than go to the border and see the mess caused by his empty promises during the presidential campaign.". . . 

Fact-Check: Kinzinger Says Standing for 'Truth' Cost Him His Job – But Here's What Really Happened (UPDATED)

Kinzinger’s defeat should serve as a lesson to other RINOs trying to curry favor with the left. The Democrats are not your allies. They may tolerate you, but at the end of the day, they would prefer to elect one of their own. 

 IJR  "llinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the RINO who has spent the last few years relentlessly attacking his own party, recently used his farewell speech to Congress to explain the heroic reason why he is on his way out of Washington.

"Kinzinger did not run for re-election after redistricting pitted him against a strong conservative in the primaries.

"That meant that both of the token Republicans on the Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee lost their seats. Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney lost her race to a Republican challenger.

"Yet Kinzinger has been defiant in defeat. Twitchy reported that on Thursday, Kinzinger delivered his farewell address and outlined the reason he believes he was not re-elected: He stood up for the “truth” against the evil Donald Trump.

" 'Had I known that standing up for truth would cost me my job, friendships and even my personal security, I would, without hesitation, do it all over again,” Kinzinger told the House.

"What a wonderful image that makes. The selfless statesman standing for his principles and falling on his sword to defend the American people from the evil MAGA Republicans.

"There is just one problem — it’s not true.". . .

UPDATE: Tucker Carlson Bids an Epic Farewell to Adam Kinzinger    "During his opening segment tonight, Tucker Carlson bid an epic farewell to Illinois Republican Adam Kinzinger.  This is really, really funny.

"I will obey grandmas rule for this one, saying only that Will Rogers never met Adam Kinzinger.  WATCH:"

The Babylon Bee reveals the source of Kamala’s word salad ways

 American Thinker  "I agree that Vice President Kamala Harris has a unique and demented-seeming oratorical style. The public’s reception of her in-person wisdom is likely a prime cause of her 2019 withdrawal from her candidacy for president. Anyone would have wanted to avoid the inevitable public shaming the primaries would have brought her.

"Nevertheless, I’ve often thought she sounded just like what she was—a mediocre prosecutor addressing the lowest common denominator jury pool. She consistently describes simple processes, uses repetition to pound home simple ideas, and sets up trigger words like those a prosecutor wants a jury to catch during trial testimony.

"Compilations of Kamala’s juiciest public speaking moments abound. Fox News pulled together one a few months ago. There are lots more out there.

"And now, at long last, The Babylon Bee has brought to light the truth behind the Vice Presidential utterances and her remarkable consistency. And a big hat tip to Twitchy for drawing attention to this remarkable piece of investigative journalism.

"Here it is:". . .

Kamala's Pivot: From Failed 'Border Czar' to 'Point Person' on Abortion Rights

Tucker: Hating America is a position rewarded by Biden

 Tucker: Hating America is a position rewarded by Biden  

Brittney Griner: "I'm going to protest regardless, I'm not going to be out there for the National Anthem. If the league continues to want to play it, that's fine. It will be all season long, I'll not be out there" Pro Tip: I highly suggest you be out there & STAND!!

Friday, December 16, 2022

Gays, You're Not Black

For the rest of you, memorize this, recite it in the shower, write it on your hand: "Unless I'm being discriminated against on the basis of my race, I will stop being a pain in everyone's ass."

Ann Coulter  "For at least a half-century now, every special pleader in America has made the following argument: Yeah, but what if we were black?

"This is supposed to be rhetorical kryptonite, capable of anathematizing "discrimination" against any group: atheists, women, gays, immigrants, illegal immigrants, the disabled, Muslims -- basically anyone except a fully abled, cis-gendered, white male born in this country.

"Oh my gosh! You're right -- we DO have to let girls try out for the Green Bay Packers!

"OK, fine, we'll hire more blind lifeguards.

"Of course, Shadi Abdullah is welcome to be president of our campus Hillel group.

"Naturally, the "What if they were black?" argument came up ad nauseum at the Supreme Court last week during oral arguments over Colorado's "anti-discrimination" law. According to Colorado, making two gay guys who are married to one another feel "unwelcome, objectionable, unacceptable or undesirable" is the equivalent of separate water fountains for black people.

"A web designer had petitioned the court, objecting to the law's requirement that she design a website celebrating a gay marriage, in contravention of her religious beliefs. But if you'd heard only the questions from Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson, you'd think the petitioner was refusing to design websites for black people.

E.g.:  JUSTICE JACKSON: "[C]an I ask you a hypothetical ... [What if] they want to have a sign next to the [shopping mall] Santa that says, 'only white children.' Why isn't your argument that they should be able to do that?" [The hypothetical went on for hours, but that was the gist of it.]

"These were a few of Justice Sotomayor's questions:. . .

The Left’s Anti-Nationalism Is the Ideology of Western Suicide; Biden and Obama have continued progressives’ endless apology tour for America.

It is no accident that Burnham marked the beginning of America’s descent toward suicide in the early 20th century. Anti-nationalism, to paraphrase Burnham, is now the ideology of Western suicide. 

The American Spectator  "If there is one idea that unites the American Left and motivates its public policy positions it is anti-nationalism. Anti-nationalism pervades the Left’s domestic and foreign policy preferences. This is one reason why the Left so vigorously opposed President Trump’s “America First” agenda, but the Left’s antipathy to nationalism precedes Trump and what some call “Trumpism.” In fact, the Left has used Trump in an effort to delegitimize nationalism, and it appears to be working.

"President Barack Obama wore his anti-nationalism on his sleeve. He derided the notion of “American exceptionalism.” He went on an apology tour to the Middle East, professing contrition for America’s past and present sins. Shortly before he left office, Obama warned against the rise of “a crude sort of nationalism” that was taking root in the United States. After his presidency, he repeatedly spoke out against nationalism.

"And the Biden administration in this respect is simply the third Obama administration — the same elites are in charge using the same anti-nationalist rhetoric and pushing the same anti-nationalist policies. But the Left’s attitude toward nationalism long preceded Obama and Biden.

"In 1964, the political philosopher James Burnham diagnosed the ideology of liberalism in Suicide of the West. He described the liberal ideology as “rationalist,” rooted in reason and science as opposed to faith, custom, or intuition. Liberals, he explained, believe therefore in “progress” based on the spread of education and enlightenment. And they believe in progress not just for their nation but for all mankind. A key tenet of liberalism is “equality,” both domestic and global. The American Left frequently criticizes its own country for the disparities in wealth between rich and poor at home and abroad. Burnham noted that Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), an influential liberal organization of the time, included in its platform “support of the principles of the United Nations” but made no reference to America’s national security interests. ADA’s founding charter, Burnham also noted, stated the following: “The establishment of a world government with powers adequate to prevent war must be an objective of the United States foreign policy to be achieved at the earliest possible date.” Though leftists today rarely openly espouse world government, they do favor “global governance,” especially in the areas of climate, human rights, peacekeeping, arms control, and global economic disparities.". . .