I just feel these people with their record of oppression and violence cannot be believed. TD
The American Spectator
Like the most intolerant zealots of the past, they believe they have the only truth and will override forcibly all who contradict them.
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
— Winston Churchill, House of Commons, Oct. 22, 1945
. . ."Replacing all gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles won’t be enough to prevent the world from overheating. So people will have to give up their cars.… Progressives’ dirty little secret is that everyone will have to make do with much less—fewer cars, smaller houses and yards, and a significantly lower standard of living.
As Finley makes clear, that is only the beginning of the problem. To replace your gas heating and stoves with electric and to junk all internal combustion cars and trucks is far beyond the power of our grid to generate or deliver. And on top of that, we have the catastrophists’ urgent demand to replace all fossil fuel power generation without the use of nuclear power. That in turn creates a necessity to build up a battery-storage capacity that is capable of smoothing out the immense dips in wind power that come with every calm day and the even greater dips in solar power that come with every night and every overcast day.
"Even supposing that were practically possible to some degree, the catastrophists are facing the fact that tripling the output of batteries would require a green imperialism that would exploit the environment and cheap labor of places like Congo for cobalt and lithium and other elemental needs that we are unwilling to dig closer to the power centers of the ruling class of the Green Empire.
"There don’t seem to be material solutions that can do what the first easy ad campaign of the climate catastrophists sold us on. It is becoming apparent that it is going to take more than EVs to green the planet.
"For the catastrophists, at least the ones still thinking, it is clear that there is no technology that can deliver what they require in time to deal with the doom they believe is imminent.
"So, what should we do? Their emerging suggestion is: Do what our grandparents did — do without.". . .
On the one hand, you can't expect to endlessly dump toxic chemicals into the air and water without expecting harmful environmental repercussions. On the other, what began as common sense anti-pollution and conservation efforts decades ago has morphed in its own religion where Mother Earth is worshipped and man is viewed as the anti-Christ. The Reign of Error of the Eco-Nazis must be stopped.
The lies government will tell to force green energy
. . ."And now we see how little they care about actual pollution, and an actual threat to the people, with a massive chemical spill in Ohio. They see the fish dying and the chemicals in the water, but they tell the people the water is safe.
"I bet the people in this town are comfortable with coal plants and gas-powered vehicles. Biden and Mayor Pete haven't even cared enough to visit. Maybe Kerry, Gates, Obama, and Gore can fly in on their private jets to warn them about climate change and to watch their carbon footprint.
"Of course the same people that talk about the existential threat of natural resources spread multiple lies about COVID and silenced anyone who dared disagree with the dictatorial edicts.
"Is it any wonder that the people have so little trust in big government and in the media establishment that promotes its policies?". . .
Comment to this post: The arrogance of elites betrays them: There is no God but there is "climate change" and CO2 is their devil and they can control the environment. We should give them more billion$$$$$. Yet all they give us is death, inflation, drugs, fear, disease, and despair. Leftists are those who never "received a love of the truth."