Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Trans school shooter Audrey Hale's final messages are revealed | Daily Mail Online

 'I'm planning to die today... you'll probably hear about me on the news': Trans school shooter Audrey Hale's final messages to a friend before she shot six people - including three kids in private Christian school  
. . ."During an appearance on CNN on Tuesday morning, she said Hale had been suicidal in the past. 

'Audrey has shared with others that she had been suicidal in the past and I knew to take this serious.'  

"She also revealed that she was on hold for seven minutes before someone answered her call to the non-emergency police line.

" 'I called Nashville's non-emergency line at 10:14am and was on hold for nearly seven minutes before speaking with someone who said that they would send an officer to my home.

" 'An officer did not come to my home until 3:29 pm,' she said. 

"The first 911 call of a shooting came in at 10.13am. 

"By 10.27am, police were at the school and had killed Hale on the second floor of the building. 

"Hale shot her way into the school, firing through one of the locked doors.". . .

. . ."Patton immediately called the cops to report the messages but it was already too late. 

"By the time she called, Audrey had begun shooting children at the small, church school. 

"Patton told News Channel 5 Nashville that another message read: 'One day this will make more sense. I've left behind more than enough evidence behind.

" 'But something bad is about to happen.' ". . .

Audrey Hale: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com

"Here’s what you need to know about Audrey Hale, The Covenant School shooting suspect:"... 

Why the Nashville Christian School Shooting Is About to Disappear From the News Cycle (townhall.com)

EVs Are The Yugo Of The 21st Century –

 Issues & Insights

"Way back in the mid-1980s, communist Yugoslavia exported the Yugo, a compact car that sold for around $4,000. It was so poorly made that bumping into a pole at 5 mph could total it.

"Fast forward to today, and a new class of cars has a similar problem. A minor accident can cause a total loss, even if the car’s been driven only a few miles. The only difference is that these cars aren’t cheap imports from some godforsaken socialist state. These are state-of-art electric vehicles that come with an average sticker price of $55,000.

"Why are insurance companies totaling low-mileage EVs that have been in a fender bender? For the same reason you could total a new Yugo when backing out of a parking spot. The cost of repair is exorbitant.

"As Reuters reported recently, “For many electric vehicles, there is no way to repair or assess even slightly damaged battery packs after accidents,” which means the only viable option is to replace the battery, which represents about half the cost of the car.". . .

Trans School Shooter Neutralized in Body-Cam Police Footage

 WATCH: Trans School Shooter Neutralized in Body-Cam Police Footage (townhall.com)  "The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has released the body-worn camera footage of the heroic officers who took down 28-year-old transgender shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a former Covenant School student who went by the trans name "Aiden."

"In the six-minute video posted to YouTube, two points-of-view are compiled, showing the perspectives of Officer Rex Engelbert, a four-year MNPD veteran, and Officer Michael Collazo, a nine-year MNPD veteran, the officers credited with fatally shooting Hale:". . .

"As RedState reported, a militant transgender shooter with a manifesto murdered multiple people at a Christian school in Nashville on Monday. The tragedy that rocked the community was revealed to be politically motivated in short order with prior calls for a “Trans Day of Vengeance” permeating the situation. That Tennessee had recently passed a law banning child mutilation under the guise of “gender-affirming care,” something the left described as a genocide, clearly played a role in the shooter’s psyche.". . .

Monday, March 27, 2023

The Rise and Fall of American News Media

 Ben Shapiro

"We are going to discuss the entire history of American journalism. I dive into the origins of journalism in the U.S., discuss the beginnings of the media establishment, and explore how digital media rapidly changed the entire industry. "

At about 15.00 we get to the news as we currently live it.

Turley: Alvin Bragg Has Handed Trump 'Proof Positive' of His Long Narrative — 'This Is a Political Prosecution'


"On this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” George Washington law professor Jonathan Turley criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s aggressive push to prosecute former President Donald Trump.

"According to Turley, Bragg’s attempt will prove Trump’s narrative that it is a “political prosecution.”

“ 'Well, they have discretion, but they don’t have discretion to create their own laws,” he said. “ 'And what is being done is something that most of us consider really beyond the pale, that is Bragg is taking a New York misdemeanor, which, by the way, has expired, only a two-year statute of limitations, and he’s potentially bootstrapping that into a felony. But he intends, according to reports, to prove a federal crime that the Department of Justice itself declined to prosecute. Now that effort, he’s losing already the court of public opinion. A poll came out showing roughly 60 percent of people viewed this as politically motivated. But he’s playing to a jury pool in New York.”

“ 'And the likelihood of finding a Trump supporter in the New York jury pool is about the same as finding a triceratops,” Turley added. “I mean, it’s not that likely. But he also has judges in New York who I think are going to look askance at this and say, wait, you’re a state prosecutor, and you’re going to prove a federal crime? I think he’s got a rough road ahead. But what he has done is handed Trump proof positive of his long narrative. This is a political prosecution.' ”

Democrats and Double Standards Week at Legal Insurrection

Mike LaChance

"This week we learned that Hunter Biden allegedly has a mole in the FBI.

"And when Joe isn’t taking time off in Delaware, he is making things worse for the rest of us.

"But Republicans are apparently the real problem.

"What’s going on with the Trump case?

Stanford Law Diversity Dean Placed On Leave, Student Disrupters Will Be Re-Educated Not Disciplined

 Legal Insurrection

"Law School Dean Jenny Martinez: “the hate mail and appalling invective that have been directed at some of our students and law school administrators in the wake of March 9 are of great concern to me.' ”

The latest development in the Stanford Law School shout-down of 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan has focues on the antics of Stanford Law School Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tirien Steinbach. I concluded that The Stanford Law School Culture, Not The Diversity Dean, Is The Problem (but I repeat myself).

Then things got worse when it was revealed Stanford Law Protester Screamed At Conservative Judge: “We hope your daughters get raped!”

The latest news is that the Diversity Dean is on leave, though the exact circumstances and terms are not known. That was revealed in a letter sent to the Stanford Law Community by Dean Jenny Martinez. You can read the full letter here. The main focus of the letter is to portray Stanford Law as the victim because of the negative reaction from the public:

She then addressed the claim by some students that heckling and disruption was their own free speech:

. . .Some of the protestors at last week’s event stayed within the bounds of permissible, non-disruptive counter-speech, while others crossed the line in sustained heckling that disrupted the event. Some students contend that the judge invited the heckling with offensive comments or engagement with protestors. These arguments misunderstand the nature of the disruption policy. The policy would not be meaningful to protect the carrying out of public events and the right of attendees to hear what is said if it applied only when a speaker said things protesters in an audience found agreeable. Nor does the fact that the speaker departs from their planned remarks and engages with the hecklers justify further heckling that disrupts the event. The Stanford disruption policy prohibits not just conduct that literally drowns out the speaker, but also that which “disrupt[s] the effective carrying out” of the event (emphasis added).

Joe Biden: the target on America's back

"A warrior works all the time because when he is not working, someone else is, and when those two meet on a battlefield, only one will walk away. That is not the mindset of today's woke armed services.  Whining, psychobabble, coddling, and grievance-conditioning do not create a superior fighting force.  "Safe spaces," fear of "triggering" words, and fixation on personal pronouns make minds weak."   J.B. Shurk

The Biden disgrace that unleashed the ongoing torrent of foreign policy disasters - American Thinker   . . ."Our lying media will cover up this disaster as long as it can: until it becomes impossible. Bad things are in prospect, as our enemies know that we have become, in the prophetic words of Richard Nixon, “A pitiful, helpless giant.”

“If when the chips are down, the world’s most powerful nation, the United States of America, acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces of totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations and free institutions throughout the world.”

Warriors Don't Want to Fight for a Woke, Anti-American Military - American Thinker  "The House Armed Services Subcommittee for Military Personnel held a hearing last week to discuss the growing national security crisis arising from the military's cratering recruitment numbers.   A potpourri of Pentagon nincompoops all universally lauded the Defense Department's ideological obsession with "lived experiences" and "diversity for diversity's sake." While championing the Marxist military's decision to waste over six million man-hours of training on the dangers of "extremism" and "white privilege" and the seminal importance of "diversity, equity, and inclusion," not one Pentagon official could muster a real answer as to why recruiting numbers are so disastrous.

"The touchy-feely, group hug–loving mandarins proved experts in Critical Race Theory but poor problem-solvers when tasked with the actual duties of their jobs — building and maintaining lethal military forces filled with top-notch warriors who will fight to win.". . . 

Lyin' Biden does it again - American Thinker  "Just as with his breathing, fibbing, fudging facts, telling tall tales, or outright lying has become so natural to President Joseph R. Biden (D) that it is automatic, done without thinking, and necessary to remain viable.  Certainly, many in the media don't notice — do they also operate in this manner?

"Consider Biden's recent big lie

MAGA House Republican proposals would slash funding for border security — a move that could allow nearly 900 pounds of fentanyl into our country. We need more resources to secure the border. Not less.

. . . " 'You're either lying or your dementia is so bad that you reversed your entire ideology," summed up one retort, while another accurately noted, "This is so craven.' ". ..

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Trump Rally Goes Silent After He Attempts to Mock DeSantis


 Trump Rally Goes Silent After He Attempts to Mock DeSantis (resistthemainstream.com)  . . .“ 'So, he came, and he really wanted [my endorsement]. I said, ‘You can’t win, can you? How do you – can [you] win?'” Trump said, recalling the alleged conversation with DeSantis. “‘Sir, if you endorse me, I’ll win. Please, please, sir, endorse me,'” Trump continued as he acted out a crying, begging voice.

"While similar jabs against political opponents have been a hit with Trump’s crowds during past rallies, those in attendance were noticeably more silent as Trump took aim at DeSantis. Though some in the crowd could be heard laughing or clapping as Trump continued to be critical of DeSantis, the reaction of the crowd was much more silent than when Trump went after other targets, such as the mainstream media.

"DeSantis, who has yet to declare a 2024 White House bid, is largely regarded as Trump’s biggest rival in the Republican primary field. Having just won reelection in Florida in a landslide, many analysts have noted the governor’s growing national profile and popularity in the key swing state as a reason DeSantis could be a legitimate challenger to Trump.". . .

Full article here...

My problem with Joe isn't that he forgets what he's said and done, it's that he expects me to forget as well.

But first..What's behind the sudden media focus on Biden's big lies? (nypost.com)

Biden’s obsessive lies – small and large – are big trouble for America (nypost.com)  . . ."Look: You can show empathy without an actual shared experience. Insisting on making one up isn’t truly relating, it’s a calculated con job.

"It would be bad enough if Biden only told personal tall tales. But his reality distortion field now extends to national policy. He routinely insists “all the economists” back his plans, writes off inflation as a temporary spike, insists the border surge is just “seasonal,” even calls his disastrous Afghan bugout a “success” (while falsely claiming his generals didn’t object).

"Truth just doesn’t matter: He’ll say whatever he likes to get past the moment. He got away with it for most of his life because nobody bothers to fact-check a Delaware senator.

"Now he’s president, and his lies are going to hurt us all.". . .

Biden Blasted for Claiming GOP Would Slash Border Funding: 'Must Be a Parody' (resistthemainstream.com)  "Biden and Democrats blocked Republican efforts to hire 18,000 Border Patrol agents."

The Full List Of Every Lie Biden Has Told As President: 139 And Counting (thefederalist.com)  "One hundred thirty-nine lies and counting. One year into his time in the White House and the end to President Joe Biden’s lies is nowhere in sight. Here is part two of The Federalist’s rigorous coverage keeping the Biden administration accountable with substantive fact-checking throughout the president’s tenure. You can find part one of “The Full List Of Every Lie Joe Biden Has Told As President” here. 

"Biden, many members of the corrupt media, and other Democrats touted the false narrative that the people who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 killed Capitol Police officers, including Brian Sicknick, but the medical examiner determined that he died of natural causes after the incident. The only person who did die during the Capitol riot was Ashli Babbitt who was shot by a cop.

Joe Biden's Top 15 Most Outlandish Lies (breitbart.com)  13) Gas Prices

Biden falsely claimed the price of gas is “down from over $5 when I took office.” The day before former President Donald Trump left office, the national average price of gas was $2.38. 

 Joe Biden: Our modern-day Walter Mitty   . . ."Walter Mitty’s got nothing on Joe Biden.  "For the record, I don’t like Donald Trump or Biden. Neither is an honorable man.

"But I do think our country was better off under the Trump administration than we are now. I just wish the news media reporting and editorializing was less biased and presented the whole story.". . .

Let's Face It: Joe Biden's Serial Lies and Embellishments About His Biography Are Shamelessly Weird (townhall.com)  . . ."What makes Biden's biography-related distortions and tall tales unique are their volume and frequency.  Take, for instance, Biden's unsubstantiated claims about not one, but two, arrests.  Some people might lie by denying they were arrested; Biden has wrongly claimed that he was arrested in contexts that make him seem progressive or heroic.  The most egregious example, stated multiple times, blew up in his face:. . .

“The rumor about alcohol being involved by either party, especially the truck driver (Dunn), is incorrect,” Herlihy said recently. Police determined that Biden’s first wife drove into the path of Dunn’s tractor-trailer, possibly because her head was turned and she didn’t see the oncoming truck. Dunn, who overturned his rig while swerving to avoid a collision, ran to the wrecked car and was the first to render assistance. Police filed no charges against Dunn...

"This man's family has spent years trying to get Biden to stop smearing their loved one.  The more you think about it, the more disturbing it seems.  Then there's the plagiarism scandal that helped derail his first presidential campaign in 1988.  Biden had 'angrily' denied the allegations before finally admitting to them.  And it wasn't just one lapse in judgment, either:

Who funds Antifa protests? We all do

"The cities, led by Democrats, don’t even bother to fight the cases, preferring to write a check."  Antifa should be labeled what it is — a hate group

 Who funds Antifa protests? We all do (nypost.com)  "Last week, the city of Philadelphia agreed to pay $9.25 million to 343 left-wing protesters who alleged they suffered “physical and emotional injuries” when police used tear gas and pepper spray to clear them off a major highway in downtown at a Black Lives Matter-style direct action in 2020.

"Videos recorded at the time showed the mob shut down the highway while vandalizing public property. 

"As a journalist who reports on the militant far-left and its rioters, the question I’m asked most often is, “Who funds them?”

"Some believe billionaire George Soros is responsible.

"And they would be partially correct. Soros funds groups that form part of the support apparatus of left-wing militants — district attorneys, biased media and legal groups.

"But his money doesn’t directly reach the pockets of militants on the street.

"Who ends up paying far-left rioters like Antifa? Too often, taxpayers like you and I.". . .

Antifa Terrorists Violently Smash Windows Trying to Shut Down Charlie Kirk Event At UC Davis (Video) - The Lid (lidblog.com)  Looks like a bill for this will come in the mail...

"Good questions. More to the point, how high must the body count get before action is taken against these terrorists?"

"When will they ever get designated legally as the domestic terrorists they are? How much more damage and violence must they commit?"

Victims of black crime matter, too

It’s time to remember that, among the lives that matter in America are those who find themselves victimized by the people who Black Lives Matter funds. We have a moral obligation to help them.
American Thinker   "Two black teenagers brutally attacked an Asian mother of three, causing severe physical damage. Once the news finally picked up on her story, generous Americans donated more than $300,000 to a fund for her medical care. "However, most victims of black crime are blacks, and few benefit from a GoFundMe. Worse, none benefit from the tens of millions of dollars that Black Lives Matter collected. That needs to change.". . . 

 . . ."I prayed about this situation at my peaceful and beautiful prayer place in rural Texas. I could not shake my sadness about Nhung Truong’s brutal assault and horrific injuries, and the desperate financial situation her family finds themselves in. Nor could I forget the desperate plight in which many black Americans find themselves trapped, their voices unheard, their sufferings unnoted, their murders ignored. In Chicago, 71 black victims have been shot and killed since January 1, 2023. Since these 71 people were victims of black criminals, BLM has not a tear to shed or dollar to give them.

"I asked God why do you permit this to happen? And I realized that God is in anguish over the situation his children find themselves in. He could change the situation in a second, yet that is not the way He works. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He has depended upon us to do our part to solve the problems that we face in the world. For him to stand back and permit these atrocities by evil persons is the most exasperating challenge he faces. Yet only that way can we, His beloved children, fulfill our responsibility and fully become the Children of God.". . .  Emphasis mine, TD

Do Joy Reid of MSNBC and her many guests, Sunny Hostin, and Whoopi Goldberg along with all the Soros-selected Districts Attorney and recently unelected mayors have any answers for this issue? TD

More from Daniel Davies here

BLM Executed A Historic Shakedown Of American Corporations (thefederalist.com)

The list goes on, and should be further explored by journalists in order to understand the full extent of the shakedown. By caving to BLM, American companies not only became the tools of radicals but also laid the groundwork for future violence and extortion.