Monday, June 12, 2023

We must fear those who make up the Democrat Party

 The FBI has hunted Trump supporters anywhere near the U.S. Capitol on January 6, arresting them and serving them up to the Department of Justice for draconian prosecution.

'Banana Republic of America' - Washington Times   "The term “banana republic” describes a politically unstable country. What often comes to mind when one hears the term is a Central American or African country in which the ruling elites run their government as their own personal enterprise, exploiting the masses to keep power and enrich themselves. Government and select business officials manipulate the law of the land only for their own benefit. The well-being and needs of the population at large is not the concern of the ruler, and there are most certainly no rules under which a regular person can appeal a government decision. One remarkable similarity in virtually every banana republic is that confidence in government is non-existent.
"It appears the United States of America is well on the path to earn the less-than-coveted title of “Banana Republic of America.”. . .

America Has Become a Banana Republic - Rasmussen Reports®   "Dictators and tyrants arrest or murder their political opponents. Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, and Chavez are but a few examples. Their power is absolute, and any opposition is hastily eliminated, regardless of laws, ethics, or decency.
"Is America, under the reign of President Joe Biden, following a similar path? Will Biden be added to the above Banana Republic hall of fame?
" The Obama and Biden administrations weaponized the behemoth federal law enforcement, judicial, and intelligence agencies to advance their political agendas and stifle all opposition. We have traveled far from Ronald Reagan’s “shining city on a hill” to the current Banana Republic of America.". . .

Leaders who had their political opponents arrested

. . .
" Start with the FBI whose mission is “To protect the American people and uphold the US Constitution.” Their motto is “Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity.” They are failing on all counts and are now the muscled arm of the Democrat party.
"Start with revelations from the Durham Report, and previously the Weissman/Mueller reports. The FBI, CIA and DOJ knowingly and deliberately used bogus and unverified opposition research from the Clinton campaign to spy on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, his transition, and then his administration.
"They colluded with foreign agents, fitting the definition of treason, to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States. The FBI conspired with Russian agent Igor Danchenko who, along with British agent Christopher Steele, concocted the bogus “Steele Dossier” used as the basis of spying and undermining the Trump campaign and administration." . . .

Gavin Newsom Is Nothing But a Sad Joke

  Jennifer Galardi (

"In a tweet on Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom made a veiled threat to arrest Ron DeSantis for sending illegal immigrants to California, charging Florida’s governor with “kidnapping.” 

"He also decried DeSantis as a “small and pathetic” man saying the Florida governor is using migrants as political pawns.

"This comes from a governor who has been proud to claim California as a “sanctuary state.” 

"Newsom followed up with a tweet on Wednesday that began by saying, “Let’s level set here.” 

"I’m not quite sure what kind of Hollywood jargon “level set” is, but it was enough to make me spit out my morning coffee. 

"Given what he wrote next, I’m assuming he meant he wanted to lay out the facts of the case. At least as he saw them. 

" '“A governor had to send his taxpayer funded operation to ANOTHER state to find people to use as pawns. He lied to them. Bussed them to yet another state. Flew them on a taxpayer funded charter flight. Then dumped them on the steps of a catholic charity.' ” . . .

Normalizing sin: An open letter to the church during Pride Month


. . .The following is intended to be an intramural discussion. This message is for those who claim to hold to a biblical worldview and the redemptive truth of the Gospel. If you’re not a follower of Christ, you can listen in if you want, but please recognize the context: This is for the church and those who say they believe in Jesus.   

 Dear Church: Washington Times

What is wrong with you? How did you become so blind? Why did you stoop so low? Who removed your mind, and when did you darken your soul? 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times: When you buy the lie that your identity is nothing more than the sum total of your inclinations, there is no limit to the lengths you will go to normalize your sin. 

Surely you can see that this is the exact opposite of biblical holiness, can’t you? 

Do you no longer believe in 2 Corinthians 5:17? Are you not a new creation in Christ? Hasn’t the old passed away? Haven’t all things become new? Have you given up the blessed hope of transformation? Have you actually come to the point where you think you’re defined by your desires? Have you forgotten that Jesus himself explicitly said, “You must be born again,” and that he never affirmed anyone simply because they were “born that way”?

Your message of “love is love” is not love. It is enablement, and it is cruel. It is the opposite of sanctification. It is sinful, and it is wrong. 

Your “affirming” mantra is not only bad theology, but it is terrible ontology and anthropology. When you accept the definition of the person as being “gay, trans, bi, queer,” or even cis, for that matter, you are admitting that you think those who have a given sexual appetite are defined by that desire. You are essentially saying that you think, “That’s just who they are.” You implicitly place no value on repentance, revival, renewal, confession and self-control.   

This is the ultimate insult to God and God’s creation. We are the imago Dei; we are made in the image of God. We are not defined by our bellies or our libidos. We are not animals. We are not the imago dog. 

We (the body of Christ) should never cede any ground in Satan’s game to redefine God and redefine His people. The entire nomenclature of LGBTQ and Pride, by definition, consigns people to their own unique “communities,” i.e., gulags. This balkanization is not the way of Christ or the way of the church. We are better than this. We are more than this. We should love people enough not to label them in such a demeaning way. 

To our shame, even nonbelievers such as Gore Vidal and Michel Foucault understood this. Foucault once said, “We are creating a hermaphrodism — a false species.”

Vidal later added: “There is no more such a thing as a homosexual person than there is a heterosexual person. These are behavioral adjectives.”

A final word: It never ceases to amaze me how those of you who wave your rainbow banners of “love trumps hate” in your respective churches become so vitriolic when presented with a cogent argument that challenges the vacuity of your moral paradigm: Head pastors and parachurch leaders posting ad hominem attacks dripping with mockery and sarcasm. Youth pastors call anyone who is 10 years their senior “judgmental and old.” And all under the banner of “acceptance,” “respect” and “inclusion.”

Do you not see the irony? Are you blind to the fact that you are sawing off the very branch upon which you sit? The words of Jesus come to mind here: “Physician, heal thyself.” Or perhaps those of Isaiah: “Woe unto him who calls good evil and evil good.” And dare I add, woe unto him who calls love hate and hate love? 

Yours is not the good news of the Gospel. It is not the message of Christ. It is sin, and if Jesus were still in his grave, he’d be rolling over. But as it is, he sits upon his throne, preparing to utter some of the most frightening words known to man: “Depart from me; I never knew you.” 

• Everett Piper (, @dreverettpiper), a columnist for The Washington Times, is a former university president and radio host.

Churches Across the Country Promote ‘Pride Month’ Celebrations › American Greatness    . . ."These and other similar, church-hosted events reflect the growing trend of allegedly Christian churches and other religions turning against the long-honored teachings of the Bible, which specifically state that homosexuality is a sin. The growing divide comes as “pride” faces a greater backlash in 2023 than in previous years, with multiple companies facing widespread boycotts over their support for “pride,” and particularly for supporting the false concept of transgenderism."

‘Don’t Speak Out, You’ll Regret It’: UPenn Swimmer Breaks Silence

Two days later, the athletic department scheduled a meeting with the women’s team — this time without Thomas. “Don’t talk to the media,” the team was told. “You will regret it.” 

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics   "Earlier this week, Paula Scanlan, a former University of Pennsylvania swimmer and teammate of transgender swimmer Will “Lia” Thomas, shared her story for the first time. Scanlan had previously participated in the Daily Wire’s What is a Woman documentary, appearing in shadows with a computer-edited voice for anonymity.

“ 'There were a lot of things we couldn’t talk about that were very concerning, like our locker room situation. If you even brought up concerns about it, you were transphobic,” she said. Concerned about the almost-inevitable backlash, she asked to remain anonymous. “[Penn] made it pretty clear that if you speak up about it and you say anything negative that your life will be over,” she said in the documentary.

"But since last year, Scanlan has changed her tune, and she’s set to make a splash by setting the record straight: UPenn manipulated female swimmers, and Scanlan won’t stand for it. 

Thomas Joins the Team

"It all started in the fall of 2019, at the beginning of Scanlan’s sophomore year. She and her fellow teammates were called into a special meeting and were informed that Will Thomas, who had previously swum on the men’s team, would be transitioning to the women’s team the following season. The meeting was led by none other than Thomas himself. 

"It was a brief announcement, Scanlan said, and there was no opportunity for discussion, with or without Thomas present. " . . .

This is a joke that will be repeated over and over by the media and other Dems: 'No one is above the law' -

 Jack Hellner  "Here is a short list of people who have essentially been above the law, no matter how many lies they tell under oath or how many crimes they commit. 

  • Hillary Clinton
  • Lois Lerner
  • Eric Holder
  • James Clapper
  • Adam Schiff
  • Fifty-one former intelligence officials who vouched for a fictitious document to elect a corrupt Democrat.
  • Andrew McCabe
  • James Comey
  • Joe Biden
. . ."But if you are a Republican who wants to drain the swamp, question an election, or dare ask that foreign officials investigate the corrupt Biden family, you will be impeached and investigated endlessly in search of a crime."

Where's Pete? Major highway artery shut down in Philadelphia and will take 'months' to rebuild


Where's Pete? Major highway artery shut down in Philadelphia and will take 'months' to rebuild - Monica Showalter   . . ."He's also larded up government projects with new regulations and reporting requirements, plus minority contracting requirements, which don't match the urgency of the situation. That will certainly keep the repair of the broken highway in the "months" state for repair as commuters curse the stop and go traffic from even less well-maintained back roads.

"And let's not even get started when he starts in about rebuilding with "green" specifications. It's coming...

"Just rebuild the thing and skip the green. Skip the DEI regulations, skip the red tape and get it done. If this were any place other than the leftist-led U.S., the repair of the highway would be taking weeks, not months, and all stops would be pulled out to get it done on time if not ahead of schedule, the way Florida's Gob. Ron DeSantis was able to do with the washed away bridge to Sanibel Island in the wake of a recent major hurricane near Fort Myers and Naples. 

"Can Pete beat Ron for getting the roads moving again?

"Not at this point. These guys plan to take "months" and Buttigieg should be all over them cut regulations and speed the process up. The reality is, he's at least one of them slowing the repairs down.". . .

Here’s an idea. Hire trump to do it.
Why does it take MONTHS to fix one small section of the highway. They built the Empire State building from scratch in 13 months 15 days. The US built 2400 Liberty ships between 1942-1945.
What is our malfunction?

Here we go again: Another supply chain crisis hits America's ports, and where's Pete Buttigieg? - American Thinker  . . ."A Google search of news headlines reveals what Mayor Pete's been up to in the first ten days of this month:

Buttigieg mourns after losing pet dog Truman: ‘We are heartbroken’

Buttigieg Says Anti-LGBTQ Attacks Are Distraction from GOP’s “Radical Policies”

"That doesn't sound much like supply chains. I didn't see any headlines to that effect all.

"It's Pete living his best life, doing a little travel and public relations, glad-handing, and giving us his opinion about issues that have nothing to do with supply chains. He doesn't actually seem to be working.". . .

Why LGBTQQIAAP2S+ is losing

Americans are catching on to LGBTQQIAAP2S+. We cannot decode the acronym but we know very well the agenda. They went after our religion. They went after our kids. They even went after our beer.
Don Surber  

I have no idea what most of the letters stand for in LGBTQQIAAP2S+ and neither do its adherents because it is hard to keep up with the ever-changing founding principles of this religion. Well, it was built on sand, wasn’t it?
"I do know that gay pride month 2023 has been a huge loser for LGBTQQIAAP2S+ Marxism despite its status as a media-approved political movement that is funded by Corporate America and promoted by the government. Boycotts of Bud Light and Target are taking hold and showing Corporate America the price it could pay for peddling LGBTQQIAAP2S+ instead of their products.
"LGBTQQIAAP2S+ has turned Americans off.
"The Washington Post reported, “A 57% majority of adults said a person’s gender is determined from the start, with 43% saying it can differ.”

"Actually, sex is determined at creation by the Lord who creates each of us as a male or a female.  

" 'The story said, “The Pew Research Center found 60% last year saying one’s gender is determined by the sex assigned at birth, up from 54% in 2017. Even among young adults, who are the most accepting of trans identity, about half said in the Post-KFF poll that a person’s gender is determined by their sex at birth.”

"Public Religion Research Institute’s poll had similar results as Americans are coming to their senses.

"PRRI reported, “In the past several years, views have shifted on gender identities. In 2021, nearly six in ten Americans (59%) said there are only two gender identities, man and woman, and 40% of Americans believed there are many gender identities. The following year, in 2022, 62% of Americans believed that there are only two gender identities, and more than one-third (35%) said there are many gender identities. This divide slightly increased again in 2023, with 65% saying there are two gender identities and 34% saying there are many.” . . .

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Turley: Trump Indictment Will Either Lay Ground to Charge Biden or Look Crafted to Avoid Having to Charge Biden

 Breitbart   "On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Fox News Contributor and George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley stated that if the Department of Justice charges former President Donald Trump with mishandling classified information, “it’s going to make it difficult not to charge Vice President Biden with the same crime.” But if they don’t, then it’ll seem like they crafted the indictment of Trump in a way to avoid having to charge Biden.

"Turley said, “[W]e have to see what’s in this indictment. There are a couple of things that we’ll be looking for: Obviously, the obstruction charge is the one that most of us have been talking about for months. That, to me, has always been the greatest threat to Donald Trump. But there’s also the question of whether they will charge possession of classified documents. That’s going to put the Department of Justice in a tough position, because if they charge possession, it’s going to make it difficult not to charge Vice President Biden with the same crime. But if they don’t charge him on that, some people may view it as an effort to avoid the necessity of a charge against the President.”

"He added, “The mishandling of documents is the one that is going to be the most interesting reading, because Joe Biden mishandled documents in multiple locations for a much longer period of time.' ” . . .

Jesus of the Bible is a figure who lives meagerly and repeatedly opposes the rich and powerful


Resist the Mainstream.
Taylor Swift Tops List of Celebs Who’ve Taken the Most Private Flights – Rolling Stone

. . ."Drake and Jenner both appear on the list, but they’re actually nowhere near the top, which is occupied by none other than Taylor Swift. According to Yard, Swift’s jet flew 170 times between Jan. 1 and July 19 (the window for the Yard study), totaling 22,923 minutes, or 15.9 days, in the air. That output has created estimated total flight emissions of 8,293.54 tonnes of carbon, which Yard says is 1,184.8 times more than the average person’s total annual emissions. (At least one more flight can be added to that list, too: The flight-tracking Twitter account Celebrity Jets notes that Swift’s plane flew today, July 29.) '. . .

"In Les Misérables, Victor Hugo imagines his Bishop of Digne as a consummate “Man of God.” He exemplifies kindness, compassion, grace, and forgiveness, and is so charitable he foregoes his own priestly carriage to spend that money on the needy in the name of God and goodwill toward men.

"These “Men of God” have a different idea.

"In 2015, John Oliver ran a story on Last Week Tonight about popular Evangelists and their exorbitant spending, with private jets being one of his focuses.

"There is something undeniably odd about the combination of pastors and private jets. Whatever your personal views on Jesus, Christianity, and Religion, there is no denying that the Jesus of the Bible is a figure who lives meagerly and repeatedly opposes the rich and powerful.

"Yet for many mega pastors across America, it’s all part of their “Prosperity Gospel.” This Neo-Calvinist theology asserts that things like massive wealth – as exemplified by, say, private jets – are apparently a sign of God’s favor.". . .

The Devouring of a Christian Baseball Player -

  American Thinker   . . ."Bass can attest to the media-driven swiftness of the mob's fury.  On May 29, he shared an Instagram post headlined "The Biblical Reason Christians should Boycott Target" from @dudewithgoodnews, Ryan Miller.  By May 30, the Blue Jays had coerced Bass into an apology.  "I recognize yesterday I made a post that was hurtful to the Pride community, which includes friends of mine and close family members of mine.  I am truly sorry for that," said Bass.

"In 2015, when Scarlet Letters was published, I thought 17th-century Puritans made for a useful point of comparison with today's witch-hunters.  At the time, I thought our Neo-Puritans had gone about as far as they could go.  I also thought the "trans" movement too absurd to gain transaction.  I was wrong on every count

"The prideful woke have gone well beyond Cotton Mather and his God-fearing crew.  Waving their rainbow flags — with, now, a pink modification — the woke proudly follow the Mao model on their long march through our institutions.  In a godless world without mercy or redemption, they promise only vengeance, and vengeance has no end point.

"As in the Summers case, and in most such cases, an apology is not enough.  If anything, it is a further provocation.  Canadian LGBT activists wanted more.  To help them ring in Pride Month, a big deal in Toronto, they wanted groveling.  To that end, Bass had met with Pride Toronto executive director Sherwin Modeste on Tuesday and was scheduled to catch the opening pitch on Friday to launch Pride weekend festivities.  That should have been humiliation enough." . . .

Here we go again: Another supply chain crisis hits America's ports, and where's Pete Buttigieg? -

 Monica Showalter...American Thinker   "Is Pete Buttigieg taking more time off, for, who knows?  Pride month?

"What else can one make of an emerging new supply chain crisis, at West Coast ports, that threatens to unleash a new round of shortages and price hikes to the public with no Pete in sight?

"According to The Hill:

Ships are piling up in some West Coast ports, and commercial shipping prices are spiking amid a labor fight between port operators and workers, threatening to trigger a new round of supply chain disruptions that could lead to shortages or higher prices.

The fight is sparking concerns among lawmakers who worry surging container prices could ripple through the economy and hit all sorts of consumer goods in a repeat of supply chain problems following pandemic shutdowns.

Data from logistics platform Go Comet shows median delay times trending upward this week in several key West Coast ports, including Los Angeles, Seattle and Long Beach, Calif. Wait times at the port of Seattle are now more than a week.

"Didn't he tell us after the last one that he had it all under control? Back in 2021, he touted meetings with "stakeholders," got his hands on billions in new infrastructure spending, appointed a ports czar?

"Remember this?

"Here was his first ports czar, appointed in August 2021, shortly after he got back from his lengthy paternity leave as the first supply chain crisis raged:" . . .

Alan Dershowitz: Trump indictment doesn't pass the Richard Nixon test

 Fox Business  "The law has been 'stretched' to indict Trump: Harvard Law's Alan Dershowitz."

"Harvard University law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz says this is the first time in U.S. history that a leading candidate against an incumbent president is criminally indicted by that president."

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz warned of the "dangerous" consequences posed by the federal charges launched against former President Donald Trump, arguing the indictment's "weak" appearance does not meet historic precedent.

Alan Dershowitz: Trump indictment doesn't pass the Richard Nixon test | Fox Business  "It has to be at least as strong as the case against Richard Nixon, which we will remember led not to Democrats to demand his resignation, but Republicans, his own colleagues came to him and said, this case is so strong that we can't support you," Dershowitz said Friday on "Mornings with Maria."

"I haven't seen any suggestion that Republicans agree with this indictment," the professor continued.

Trump himself announced the indictment Thursday on his social media platform, Truth Social. Seven federal charges have emerged out of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s months-long investigation, and reportedly involve obstruction of justice, conspiracy and illegal retention of classified government material.

"It has to be at least as strong as the case against Richard Nixon, which we will remember led not to Democrats to demand his resignation, but Republicans, his own colleagues came to him and said, this case is so strong that we can't support you," Dershowitz said Friday on "Mornings with Maria."

"I haven't seen any suggestion that Republicans agree with this indictment," the professor continued.". . .