Sunday, June 18, 2023

Armed IRS Agents Shut Down Montana Gun Store in a 'Soviet-style Intimidation' Raid

 Armed IRS Agents Shut Down Montana Gun Store in a 'Soviet-style Intimidation' Raid (

"You’re not imagining this, folks. Armed federal agents are being weaponized to go after the Democrats’ political enemies, including industries they find disreputable. The liberal media’s echo chamber will work overtime to drown out these stories. They attempted to gaslight us on gas stoves. However, that pales compared to the Russian collusion hoax and how the Department of Justice has become the Democratic National Committee’s Stasi force. 

"The FBI is out of control, engaging in censorship schemes with social media companies, procuring illegal wiretap warrants, and seems hell-bent on protecting the Biden family even after their sources have compiled incriminating evidence of corruption. So, it’s not far-fetched to hear federal agents raided a Montana gun store, shut it down, and seized sensitive documents about private citizens (via The Blaze):

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) is demanding answers after he says a group of armed IRS agents raided and temporarily closed a Montana gun shop in Great Falls Wednesday. 

"This event is another example of President Biden weaponizing federal agencies to target and harass hardworking Americans for exercising their constitutional rights," Rosendale said in a letter to leaders of the Internal Revenue Service and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. . . .

Saturday, June 17, 2023

China is putting its soldiers on US soil, and thanks to Joe Biden's open border, it can —congressman

 Monica Showalter  . . ."It sounds fantastical, the figment of a fevered mind seeing Chinese conspiracies all over the place.

"But there's reason to think it's not.  The information is correlated with a striking rise in Chinese illegal border-crossers into the U.S. through our southern border — some 10,000 from October 2022, the beginning of the federal fiscal year, through April 2023, a sharp rise compared to about 2,000 who arrived from the same period last year.

"Virtually all of them are military-aged young men.  Might that just be the plan?  Green's point, that this was how Russia began its offensive against Ukraine, is likely important — this is the new style of warfare for nations that mean to win, at least, and the Chinese are famous for copycatting.

"Getting out of China, an openly communist country, is not an easy matter, even for those with high social credit scores.  You can bet that those who have actually challenged the regime do not have high social credit scores to be permitted to so much as buy a plane ticket out of the country and would very likely be denied passports or exit routes.  So all who didn't have trouble getting out of China in order to turn up at the U.S.'s open border need extra scrutiny, which they are not getting.

"There's additional evidence that the Chinese military is getting itself into the U.S., too.

"Journalist Michael Yon reported two weeks ago that Chinese migrants heading into the U.S. from Panama's Darien Gap were seen conducting a chicken blood–drinking ritual, which is something China's special forces do as a rite of passage. . . ."

Ohio Man in the U.S. Army Converts to Islam, Joins ISIS –

 Robert Spencer

Thousands of young Americans have followed paths similar to the one Bridges embarked upon, but then he took a sharp turn no one expected: on Wednesday, Cole James Bridges pleaded guilty to trying to aid ISIS’ efforts to kill American soldiers.


. . ."The second answer to the question of what got into Cole Bridges is just as unwelcome: America got into him. Our Leftist-dominated, rootless, materialistic, narcissistic, self-obsessed, reality-denying society is leading increasing numbers of young people to think that something, anything, that provides some standards and expectations will be better. With the churches all too often hanging up Pride flags and aping the secular culture, many are finding Islam’s absolute unwillingness to compromise with the spirit of the age refreshing. The only problem is that part of Islam’s rejection of the values of our society is an aggressive and supremacist impulse that leads many believers to want to do violence to unbelievers in order to compel them to convert or submit as inferiors to Islamic hegemony. If our culture had any sane values, this might not appear so attractive. In the meantime, however, we will see many more young men like Cole James Bridges." . . .

What if the Dodgers honored the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and nobody came? -

American Thinker  . . ."It made sense, because even the date of the Dodgers' "hero" award to the group was insulting -- coming on the same day as one of the holiest holidays in Catholic tradition, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, was celebrated. This was why among the crowd images, there were many hearts among the signs.

. . . "It was weird. They couldn't get anyone in West Hollywood to praise this group for them on camera? They had to go to ground zero for all things gay, the Castro district in San Francisco?

"That rather reminds me of the curious absence of boycotters in West Hollywood that I observed a several years ago when there was a controversy over Chick-Fil-A and the end result was massive "buycott" turnout of the fans of the chicken sandwich outlet -- including in West Hollywood.

"The understory here is that this bigot group, which recently promoted itself with a pole-dancer writhing on a crucifix featuring a live crucified 'Jesus' actor on Easter so as to offend Christians, doesn't seem to have a lot of public support from the fans of the Dodgers, who voted with their feet to stay away from this offensive spectacle. KTVU quoted supporters of the prayer gathering, who were obvious Latinos -- and it's very well known that Latinos make up the bulk of the Dodgers fan base, too. That suggests that this spectacle isn't going over well with a gargantuan chunk of the Dodgers fans.". . . 

Highlights of the week -Don Surber

"ITEM 12: Catholic Vote reported, “Pittsburgh ‘Pride Mass’ CANCELED After Local Faithful and Bishop Protest.”

"Pride month? America needs a humility month because we have devolved into a paganist state led by corrupt politicians who sold us out to Ukraine and Red China."

"ITEM 17: The Washington Stand reported, “In this Year of Consumer Backlash, it may go down as one of the biggest coups of 2023. While Americans bring the country’s mightiest brands to their knees, Major League Baseball has decided to dodge the flak, quietly ordering teams to ditch their Pride uniforms entirely. The directive, which was issued at the height of the NHL’s players’ revolt, signals that the tables have, in fact, turned.' ”

"LGBTQQIAAP2S+ went after kids. Big mistake. As the song says, hey, T-girls, leave them kids alone."

Hunter Biden Finally Forced to Give Answers About His Finances in Deposition in Child Support Case –

His family has taken this posture as well. To the Biden family, she’s a non-entity who never gets mentioned when Joe Biden talks about his grandchildren; Navy gets no stocking in the Biden home at Christmas.

  RedState "Hunter Biden was finally forced to provide answers in a deposition about his finances in the child support case about his four-year-old daughter, Navy Joan Roberts.", , ,

"Biden brought the case, claiming that he could no longer afford to pay the $20,000 per month he agreed to pay in child support in 2020. He alleged things like when he went to Ireland with his father, he had to sleep on a cot in Joe’s hotel room , and that his car was repossessed. His attorneys claim he’s unemployed and has no monthly income. Yet he lives in a mansion in the Los Angeles area.

"The attorneys for Lunden Roberts, the mother of his daughter, accused Biden of stalling and refusing to turn over all the information so that no one could figure out his finances. They even moved to have him held in contempt for failing to turn over information to the court. That matter is scheduled to be heard on July 10. If he’s found guilty, he could be jailed (although that’s probably unlikely) or forced to pay $20,000 in legal fees.

“Mr. Biden does not want to disclose his income and assets, says that he is somewhat financially destitute, while he lives on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Malibu, has Secret Service protection, and enjoys his time abroad (which he has also lied about in discovery),” Roberts’ lawyer Clinton Lancaster wrote in a court filing last month.

Full article here...


WATCH: Empty Stadium before game as LA Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Group 'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' Amid Protests –

This is way early before the game. However, during the game:

"Others questioned whether the stadium was ever that empty at all, suggesting that the clip didn't show the exact reality of the night. "Game is sold out and maybe 1/3 of the seats are empty," tweeted the actor Kevin T. Williams, sharing a selfie taken at the stadium. "Like every other night in LA.' "

Savanah Hernandez  
I spoke to a member of guest services and asked if the “sisters” would be getting anymore recognition or receive the Community Hero Award from the Dodgers on field. He shared that far as he knows this announcement is all they would be receiving and we’ll see no more of the “sisters” tonight.


Friday, June 16, 2023

Obama wants to keep racial resentment going

 Obama wants to keep racial resentment going (  

Yet racial resentment has been Obama’s whole schtick. Obama fanned the flames of racial division when the Black Lives Matter movement popped up in 2015. 


 "One thing that is lost in the cultural fights and the rhetoric that has divided the country is that former President Barack Obama is one of the biggest culprits behind those divisions, especially when it comes to race.

"Obama this week took several shots at Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), saying that people are “rightly skeptical” of a Republican who “doesn’t have a plan for how do we address crippling generational poverty that is a consequence of hundreds of years of racism in this society” and that we can’t just “pretend as if everything’s equal and fair.” Along with that, Obama also said that the GOP has embraced resentment and anger.

"Yet racial resentment has been Obama’s whole schtick. Obama fanned the flames of racial division when the Black Lives Matter movement popped up in 2015. He said that the death of Michael Brown, who had assaulted officer Darren Wilson and attempted to grab Wilson’s gun during a confrontation Brown initiated, was proof of a “broken and racially-biased system.” He also claimed that “millions of Americans” were racists who were “spooked” by his election in 2008.

"Obama’s message now is that black people cannot have any success in America without some “plan” handed down by the government. It’s the same message you can find now being pushed in schools to children in the form of critical race theory. Obama wants black people to think that those same “millions” of racist people who hated him will stand in their way at every turn, and that the criminal justice system itself is “racist” because a criminal was shot by a police officer after attacking that officer." . . .

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Nazi

The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Nazi (2008) - YouTube

Comments to this post "I think an important take-away from this is to know and remember that, before the atrocities started, these hundreds of thousands of people weren't serial killers, they were good soldiers, store clerks, administration workers, clerks, etc.... people like the people around you today, every day of your life. These people didn't just fly in one day when mass-murder and torture were suddenly deemed "normal" things to do to other people. They were always there. Here's the thing you must realize: people like this are STILL there, around you, right now. By the thousands. All it would take is another slow normalization of the demonizing of a particular cross-section of your fellow citizens, and many of the people around you, that you think you know well, would step up into their roles as monsters, to repeat history once more. Starting to sound familiar yet?"

"The horror and pain in the elder woman's voice and the haunting still in her eyes just did something to me. It's like obviously the horrors and the murders and brutal treatments happened. You'd have to be really stupid and inhuman to think they didn't happen. But for me, hearing and seeing it in that lucky survivor (lucky to survive but unlucky to have been there and have vivid memories to the day she passed of old age) hearing and seeing it coming from her and off of her made it 101% real. Like, I know it happened but now I KNOW it happened, if that makes sense.

"Seeing the upper soldiers/heads of the horror just... Did something to me also. They were real. Those pics of those men are real, THEY were real, that's all of them in living flesh - though in pic form now, obviously. It's just so messed up that if we could step through those pics, we'd be standing right in front of those men - and they'd have zero pity. Zero. Curiosity, yes. But then we'd be killed for witchcraft, just appearing like that.

"I've never been to Auschwitz or any of the camps, and I don't think I could do it. To stand where victims and torturing murders stood, to see what the victims saw, to lay eyes on what the nazis looked at... I could not handle it. Then again, it would be good to go for a good reason: those who were forced to be there didn't want to go, just like I don't want to visit - but to visit would be the best way I could say, "Your suffering, trauma, horror, and even deaths, I see you. I'm from the future, but I see you. I know the hell you went through. Your voices and pleas are heard. It may be too late, but your stories are heard. I walk where you walked to remember you and keep your memory alive."

If You’re Going To Use The Word ‘Fascism,’ Learn What It Means –

 Issues & Insights (

“The left, which has marched through our institutions, won’t rest until the civil society we have flourished in has been replaced with a political society. It craves a societal breakdown, to bury the political and social norms that stand in its path to unchallengeable power.”

"A couple of days ago, we posted a satirical piece, call it a sati-torial, with a list of headlines we’re never going to see. One of them said “Democrats Realize They’ve Been Using The Word ‘Fascist’ Wrong For Decades.” There’s a lot of truth in there. The way the political left tosses around that word shows that they have no idea what it means.

"Or maybe they do. And they’re intentionally applying it wrongly because they’re driven by their depravity.

"Either way, we’ve been hearing it for decades. And its use has accelerated in recent years along with the irresponsible usage of “white supremacy” and “white privilege.”

Exactly two months ago, Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Reich wrote a column for the loose-screw Guardian under the headline “​​The modern Republican party is hurtling towards fascism.”

"The Independent, another British propaganda sheet, in 2021 ran the rantings of columnist Patrick Cockburn, who declared Republicans were replicating “the structure of fascist movements in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.”

"In a bizarre speech last summer heavy with Third Reich overtones, Joe Biden said “the entire philosophy that underpins” Trump-supporting Republicans is “like semi-fascism.” His press secretary the next day said “It is very clear” that “what MAGA Republicans have done” fits “the definition of fascism.”

"Years earlier, George W. Bush had “come to embody the f-word” – fascist – “for a whole generation of activists.”

"Our Power Line friend Steven Hayward was prescient in 2008 when he said “the left will go on deploying ‘fascism’ as a conversation-stopper against conservatives, even though the term ought to be associated overwhelmingly with” the political left.

"Though they make their claims with a stomach-turning self-assuredness, never in their ravings do the accusers point out even approximately what fascism is, or what fascists do. But, for the record, here’s what fascists don’t do:" . . .

Good Morning America, Wake up and Smell What's Happening: ABC Reporter Says It's Too Dangerous to Film in Downtown SF –

Union Square used to be the beating heart of San Francisco. But a recent survey found that since 2019, nearly 50 percent of all the stores here have left. Now it’s empty storefront after empty storefront… after empty storefront. 

 RedState  "Two stories this week illustrate just how decadent and dangerous the formerly proud city of San Francisco has become. In the first, RedState‘s Sister Toldjah reported on how conservative author Shelby Steele and his filmmaker son Eli were robbed of tens of thousands of dollars in equipment Wednesday as they tried to film a documentary. The police were overwhelmed—as they always are in San Francisco due to defunding—and were of no help. The irony? The movie the Steeles were making “explores how defunding the police has hurt society.' ”

"Then on Wednesday, ABC reporter Matt Gutman told his live audience that downtown San Francisco was simply too dangerous an area for his crew to film in. I remember watching news crews covering the ’92 L.A. riots, and during the George Floyd mayhem, you’d always find a reporter in a helmet roaming around describing the “mostly peaceful protests.”

"Gutman himself was “a Jerusalem-based reporter for seven years, covering every major conflict in the Middle East,” according to his ABC bio. But downtown San Francisco? No—that’s simply too perilous.

"Gutman’s piece aired on “Good Morning America” and focused on the “growing real estate dead zone” in the City by the Bay, exemplified by the mall company Westfield’s decision to stop paying on the over $500 million mortgage it carries for a property that is down to only 55 percent occupancy. But it was his last line that said more than all his other statistics and examples combined:

What Are the Traits of a 'Wannabe Dictator'? Tucker Carlson's Monologue Holds Nothing Back (


If Biden were a wannabe dictator he'd also be giving speeches that "look liek Nuremberg rallies, a blood red backdrop, armed soldiers by his side, screaming about crushing his eternal enemies." Biden definitely didn't do that in Philadelphia last September, he said.

. . ."[O]f course Joe Biden is not a wannabe dictator just because he's trying to put the other candidate in prison for the rest of his life for a crime he himself committed. That doesn't mean he has a totalitarian impulse, come on, that's absurd," Carlson said, explaining it takes a lot more than "jailing your political rivals" to earn the title of a wannabe dictator. 

"First off there is the money," he began. "The one thing that all dictators have in common is they enrich themselves and their families, their tribe, even as the countries they govern grow steadily poorer and more desperate."

"People also can't demonstrate in large numbers to protest or else they'll be arrested or even shot to death, as in the case of Ashli Babbitt, Carlson said. Making matters worse, relatives can also be arrested "for daring to complain that their children were killed for complaining."

"He then pointed to the arrest of Ashli Babbitt's mother. 

"But suppressing criticism wouldn't stop there. A wannabe dictator wouldn't allow citizens to express their "unauthorized opinions" on the internet, either.

"And there's more: 

" 'In any case you're in the process of being disarmed anyway along with everyone else who has shown questionable loyalty to the leader," Carlson said. "Those who support the regime can keep their weapons and use them freely including on public transportation. That's a core civil right for them, but for those who dissent from the program, self-defense is an unaffordable privilege - turn in your guns, Mr. & Mrs. peaceful opposition, you're a danger to society and We Know Who You Are. And in fact, the wannabe dictator does know who they are because he knows everything. Technology has made him All-Seeing." 

" 'So the administration now knows everything: where you spend your days, who you talk to, what you think, your porn habits. Not a big deal," he continued. "The administration already knows what you buy, of course, because they've leaned on the big banks to turn over your confidential credit card information not because anyone here is a wannabe dictator, to be clear, but just because it's nice to have that information just in case, in the words of the Fox News PR department, a situation arises that needs to be quote 'addressed.'". . .

Ben Shapiro Explains How Daniel Penny Case Illustrates ‘Two-Tiered’ Justice System In Blue Cities

 The Daily Wire

"The treatment of New York subway Samaritan Daniel Penny is just more proof that there is a “two-tiered system of justice” in blue cities, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro said Thursday.

"Shapiro was responding on his podcast to the news that Penny, a former Marine who is accused of killing Jordan Neely, was indicted by a grand jury in Manhattan. The Daily Wire co-founder said that the law is being enforced inconsistently in Democrat-run cities, especially if a white person is accused of harming a black person. 

“ 'So take, for example, in the case in which a crazed white homeless person is subdued by a law-abiding black American Marine, and then the white person dies, do you think that black person is going to end up in the dock, indicted by a grand jury and prospectively spending the rest of his life in prison?” Shapiro wondered. 

"Shapiro noted the complexity of the Penny case, as several witnesses on the train reported that Neely, who had a violent past, was making threatening comments toward passengers on the train. Video shows Penny putting Neely in a headlock on the floor of a subway in an attempt to subdue him alongside other passengers." . . . 

Why Daniel Penny’s arrest led THIS mom to WANT cowardly sons ( ‘Get out of there…get away before it escalates.’ In fact, Keenan wrote in a recent op-ed that she regrets not teaching her sons earlier in life to be cowardly. She joins Glenn in this clip to explain why, for the men in her life, she’d much rather they watch the danger from afar than to get involved: ‘It’s really sad.’

Beware the Al Sharpton's lurking in the bushes