Monday, November 13, 2023

Our best and our brightest gather in these places.

"Jonathan Cahn, in his book,Return Of The Gods , along with Letter to the American Church by Eric Metaxas, are but two additional “voices crying in the wilderness” (or “watchmen on the wall,” if you will) who are trying desperately to shake Christians from their slumber." Andrea Widberg

Even jaded people won’t believe why MIT didn’t suspend or expel threatening pro-Hamas students - Andrea Widberg  . . ."Just to set the stage, MIT is one of America’s most reputable institutions. Indeed, even as leftism swept one campus after another, especially in the Ivy Leagues, people thought, “Well, MIT is a STEM school. Surely those brilliant geeks won’t fall prey to woke madness.” But a little bit here and a little bit there…stories started leaking out. (E.g., climate madnessgender madness, and cancel culture.) Antisemitism was in the mix, and I say this because I knew a family that was deeply damaged by an antisemitic attack. But still, it wasn’t as bad as Harvard, Yale, or other schools.

"Still, MIT is an American university, so it’s going to be leftist, and leftists support nasty ideas. That’s why I didn’t report on this story, which seemed too sadly common:. . .

Just to set the stage, MIT is one of America’s most reputable institutions. Indeed, even as leftism swept one campus after another, especially in the Ivy Leagues, people thought, “Well, MIT is a STEM school. Surely those brilliant geeks won’t fall prey to woke madness.” But a little bit here and a little bit there…stories started leaking out. (E.g., climate madnessgender madness, and cancel culture.) Antisemitism was in the mix, and I say this because I knew a family that was deeply damaged by an antisemitic attack. But still, it wasn’t as bad as Harvard, Yale, or other schools. Still, MIT is an American university, so it’s going to be leftist, and leftists support nasty ideas. That’s why I didn’t report on this story, which seemed too sadly common:. . .

Campus Reform | IN THE NEWS: Report reveals identities, contact info of pro-Hamas Harvard leaders  "A Tuesday report from Townhall details the leaders behind the widely-condemned Harvard University student group joint statement asserting that Israel is “entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” following Hamas’ weekend attack.

All of a piece with the loathsome statement from White House Dissembler Karine Jean-Pierre, diverting from the Hamas slaughter to persecution of Muslims.

Campus Reform | Board member resigns from Columbia over university's 'moral cowardice': report   "Henry Swieca has resigned from the Board of Columbia Business School. He accuses the Ivy League institution of being “significantly compromised by a moral cowardice that appears beyond repair.” . . .

“The recent Hamas pogrom, including the torture, rape, and destruction inflicted upon thousands of innocent Israeli civilians, was deeply revolting to me, as it should to all decent people. Statements from the University are meaningless when pro-Hamas students march on campus yelling slogans calling for the complete destruction of Israel – that’s exactly what is meant by ‘from the (Jordan) river to the (Mediterranean) sea.’ This is abhorrent,” Swieca continued. “Any other minority group on campus would never have to face anything close to this level of intimidation and hatred as Jewish and pro-Israel students experience.”

The question is not whether you should condemn Hamas for raping you[r] women, kidnapping the elderly, and murdering and mutilating babies. The question is when and how. The answer is simple: RIGHT NOW and UNEQUIVOCALLY.

Soldiers Find Arabic Copy Of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Inside Children’s Room In Gaza |

 Today, there are multiple schools in the Palestinian territories — both in Gaza and in the Judea and Samaria Area — that have been named after Nazi collaborators, according to a report from Palestinian Media Watch

 "Act like Nazis, wind up like Nazis."

*Don Surber

The Daily Wire    The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found an Arabic copy of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — in a children’s room at a home inside Gaza — as its forces continue to root out Hamas terrorists inside the territory.

President Isaac Herzog first revealed the discovered book during an interview with the BBC and showed that terrorists had written various notes in Arabic and highlighted passages in the book.

“IDF forces discovered a copy of Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ — translated into Arabic — in a child’s bedroom used as a Hamas terrorist base in Gaza,” the IDF said on X. “The book was discovered among the personal belongings of one of the terrorists, featuring annotations and highlights.”

“Hamas embraces the ideology of Hitler, the one responsible for the annihilation of the Jewish people,” the IDF added." . .

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Nightmare on Martha's Vineyard

 Ann Coulter

The Biden administration has dumped nearly 4 million illegals on the United States in the past three years alone. Martha's Vineyard -- which voted 80% for Biden -- got 49 of 'em and immediately called the police. Within 36 hours, the National Guard had removed the unsightly newcomers.

Based on MSNBC's recent special, "Martha's Vineyard v. DeSantis," even award-winning documentarians cannot produce a propaganda film about Gov. Ron DeSantis' "political stunt" of sending illegals to this wealthy liberal redoubt without the residents coming across as clueless, entitled douchebags.

"The documentary is the celluloid equivalent of stepping on a rake and having the rake hit you in the face.

"I will dispense with correcting the usual immigration lies scattered throughout the documentary. (No, the Venezuelans did not enter our country "legally"; and no, Venezuela's economic disaster isn't something that happened to them -- they did it to themselves. Can't wait to have these Aristotles voting here.)

"I'm more interested in the prodigious entitlement of the Martha's Vineyarders.

"The documentary begins with a bunch of New Englanders bustling around a dock, and a ruddy-faced woman holding up a fish for a picture (the closest liberals ever get to the working class). She is then introduced as Lisa Belcastro, director, Harbor Homes Shelter.

"Belcastro: "So I get a call at around 4 o'clock and I was like 'What? We have about 50 Venezuelans in the parking lot? And I ... why? What do you mean?'" . . .

. . ."Fernandes: "It's a very small island." Yes, small, but somehow big enough accommodate an extra 180,000 people during the summer -- unlike the hundreds of towns and cities in less well-connected parts of the country that have been compelled to accommodate 4 million illegals just in the last three years." . . .

Michal Cotler-Wunsh's powerful speech at the UN about the ever-mutating virus of antisemitism

 Who Would Have Believed The Singularity Would Be So Stupid?: Michal Cotler-Wunsh's powerful speech at the UN about the ever-mutating virus of antisemitism (

All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same unalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary. 

. . ."For the past 20 years parts of the American left have decried every single Israeli security measure as unjust and racist. Every wall is apartheid, every fence is oppression, every checkpoint is racism. Israel’s blockade, enacted after Hamas violently seized control of the Gaza strip in 2007, creates an “open-air prison.” I must have heard that phrase a thousand times, and I still have no idea what it means. Even the Iron Dome, which does not harm Palestinians and saves Israeli lives, you wanted to defund.
"Remember when you assured me that those rockets were just falling in fields and would never do real harm? You were wrong. Not only have the rockets gotten worse, but we now know Hamas can and will launch mass atrocities against Israel. If you oppose every attempt to keep Israelis safe, you are sending the message that Jewish blood is cheap — and encouraging groups like Hamas, which explicitly treat it as such."

"We sent our reporter Alexa Lavoie to London, England to cover the enormous pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protest that took over the city.

"We’ve posted a number of her videos at, and we’ll be adding more over the next few days. But I just wanted to bring this one video to your attention right away. Alexa was interviewing an anti-Israel protester who suddenly, apropos of nothing, went on an unhinged rant, praising the Nazis, saying Hitler knew how to deal with these people!

Take a look:

WATCH: Anti-Israel protestor says, 'Hitler knew how to deal with

these people!'

It’s bizarre to see a visible minority, and an immigrant himself, praising Hitler and calling for another Holocaust. But it’s becoming quite normalized. In cities around the world — including in Canada and other Western democracies — most of the chants and placards at these protests call for a form of genocide against the Jews.

For example, the chant “from the river to the sea” calls for ethnically cleansing every Jew between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea — a Nazi-style genocide. The call for “intifada revolution” is a call for violent pogroms.

Hearing a man shout about Hitler would shock us if it were in a German accent. But when the same words are spoken in Arabic or immigrant Muslim accents, for some reason the establishment accepts it.

I find it terrifying. Not just because I’m Jewish, and Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. But because this violent, barbaric war and its shouted propaganda is now in our peaceful homes in the West. And I can assure you they won’t stop with the Jews.

A hundred years ago, a Canadian Senator, Raoul Dandurand, said that Canada was “a fireproof house, far from inflammable materials.” That might have been true once, but it’s not true now.

We have brought the kindling into our house, and we’re watching as hateful people light up match after match.  Ezra Levant

Beloved gift recovered from site of Nahal Oz massacre | Nation and World | News (    Below: all gone by Hamas.

. . ."Ariel (face hidden) survived the bloodbath because just before the terrorists breached the Israeli border, he had left the house at Nahal Oz for a job. As Hamas terrorists invaded the kibbutz, he raced, frightened, to the first house in the commune. It was the home of the head of the local security team, who rushed Ariel to the safe room of the house before heading out to defend the kibbutz. The homeowner did not survive." . . .

The doomed dance festival

'SO WRONG': American who survived Hamas attack calls out anti-Israel protesters

To see those people at work and witness the fruits of their desires go here, if you dare:

WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC! Video out of Israel shows room full of children massacred by Hamas (

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Maher admits Obama’s attempt at ‘moral equivalency’ over Israel-Hamas war ‘disappointed’ him

Dovetailing back to Maher, he also slammed 750 journalists who’d reportedly signed a letter encouraging newsrooms to start using terms like “apartheid” and “genocide” to talk about Israel’s alleged mistreatment of the Palestinians.

 BPR (   "Liberal comedian Bill Maher slammed former President Barack Obama on Friday over his recent remarks about the Israel-Gaza conflict.

"As previously reported, during a recent event the former president labeled the war a “moral reckoning for us all,” called for Israel to end its so-called “occupation” of Gaza, and also claimed “all of us are complicit” as per the recent events in Israel/Gaza.

" 'What Hamas did was horrific, and there is no justification for it. And what is also true is that the occupation, and what’s happening to Palestinians, is unbearable. If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And then you have to admit nobody’s hands are clean, that all of us are complicit to some degree,” he said.

"The remarks prompted massive backlash, including from conservative commentator Megyn Kelly, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz, Rep. Ted Cruz, and now Maher, who lashed out at Obama during Friday’s edition of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Barack, Rashida, this is for your consideration: Children being killed by Hamas, those seen to move are shot again.   WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC! Video out of Israel shows room full of children massacred by Hamas (

More on this: Israel's miscalculation, Biden's appeasement: A disaster cocktail   . . . "How could the Israeli intelligence system have gotten it so wrong? Their legendary intelligence agencies including the Mossad and Aman were held in the highest regard by the world’s military establishments. They were known for the wizardry of their spy networks, their technical acumen and their ability to see around the corner into the Arab World.

"How then could such a huge blind spot have developed only a short distance away from Mossad headquarters, right in their own backyard? Could it be that they had begun to believe their own publicity? Were they suffering from a kind of victory disease that bred self-congratulations and overconfidence? Were they distracted by unrest in the West Bank? Did the long period of inactivity from Hamas lull them into a relaxed complacency as it was probably intended to do?  Did Mao Zedong’s observation that “an arrogant opponent is easy to beat” apply even to the savvy and battle-hardened Israelis?"

Don't do business with Hamas; don't even buy a pet parrot from them!

"I Think He Always Had a Deep Hatred of Israel in His Heart" - Alan Dershowitz RIPS Barack Obama Over His Israel Comments (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit

 “To compare those disputed claims with the rapes, beheadings, burnings, kidnappings, it’s just obscene and despicable,” Dershowitz said. “And what it does is it lends support to those students basically, who are saying, ‘Well, what Hamas really did was not so bad… It was in response to the occupation.’” — Mornings with Maria (@MorningsMaria) 

Wauwatosa Christmas Email Urges City Workers To Avoid Red & Green, Calls Snowmen 'Snow People'

 Wisconsin Right Now

Here come the E and I words! “In our ongoing efforts to foster a more equitable and inclusive community, we believe it is crucial to be considerate of how we decorate public spaces during this season,” 

"The City of Wauwatosa’s deputy city administrator has instructed city workers that they should avoid using red and green in public spaces to celebrate Christmas. Instead, top city officials are urging them to decorate counters with purple and blue and “snow people,” what the administrator appears to be calling snow men.

"The email went out this week from Deputy City Administrator Melissa Cantarero Weiss. It also notes that City Administrator James Archambo is on board with the instructions.

"In it, she urged city workers to embrace “inclusive decorating practices” and make Wauwatosa’s municipal buildings a “place that everyone can feel comfortable visiting throughout the holiday season.” City workers were urged to “opt for more neutral and inclusive decorations.”

"We received the email from multiple sources who questioned why Wauwatosa was making this a priority when the city has far more pressing issues. Even the White House doesn’t go that far; after all there is a National Christmas Tree.

"In the email to city employees, Weiss wrote that “as the holiday season approaches,” she and Archambo are asking people to “reflect on our commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.”

"She wrote that “currently, Christmas decorations are prevalent throughout public counters at City Hall and perhaps other buildings as well.”“In our ongoing efforts to foster a more equitable and inclusive community, we believe it is crucial to be considerate of how we decorate public spaces during this season,” Weiss wrote." . . .

As in WW2, what so far has been America's part in defending Jews from nazis and Islam?

 Why couldn't we have been as the Danes were? Not as America's college-educated liberals who destroy so much that they will not save. TD

Denmark's Daring Rescue of Jews During World War II | TIME  "During the first years of the Nazi occupation, Denmark protected its country’s Jews, but when that government resigned in August 1943, the Germans promptly prepared to deport them. Danish civil society, however, stood up and took over their protection. A sealift operation, unparalleled in history, brought more than 7,000 Jews to safety in Sweden. While some ended in the Theresienstadt ghetto, less than 100 of Denmark’s Jews died in the Holocaust—the lowest death toll in all of Nazi-occupied Europe." . . .

Thus, most Danes who got in touch with fleeing Jews, chose to help—and made no difference between Jews of long-time Danish residency and recent immigrants and refugees from other parts of Nazi-occupied Europe.

Why didn’t the US save more Jews from the Nazis’ clutches? The American people were against it. - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (  "Why didn’t the United States do more to help Europe’s Jews during the Holocaust?

"This question haunts the history of the United States and the Holocaust, and lurks behind practically every storyline in the new film on the subject from Ken Burns, Lynn Novick and Sarah Botstein, to be aired for three consecutive nights on PBS beginning Sept. 18.

"The question, of course, isn’t just about the Holocaust, but about the years before the war, when the Nazi vise tightened around the Jews of Germany and more than half of them sought to obtain visas to immigrate to the United States. The vast majority never made it in.

"The simple answer to this question is that the American public was against granting Jews refuge in the United States, and in this area President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration hewed close to public opinion." . . .

. . ."Why didn’t U.S. forces bomb the rail lines leading to Auschwitz, or even Auschwitz itself?

In the first years after the United States declared war, when the Nazis’ killing machine was at its most intense in 1942 and early 1943, U.S. aircraft based in Britain were not capable of reaching any of the killing centers by air, according to the documentary. By the time U.S. troops first reached mainland Europe, in southern Italy in September 1943, 75% of the Holocaust’s 6 million Jewish victims already had been killed.

The Allies did discuss bombing the rail lines to Auschwitz-Birkenau, but the War Department claimed that the lines would have been quickly and easily repaired, and that it was best to devote air resources to fighting the Nazis directly.

In addition, the documentary notes, bombing in World War II was hardly precise. One study showed that just one bomber out of five hit within five miles of its intended target. At least once, Allied bombs intended for a nearby forced labor factory actually hit Birkenau, several miles away, killing dozens. Although one prisoner later said he and his fellow prisoners were terrified by the bombing, others, including author Elie Wiesel, who was an inmate at Auschwitz, said they would have been willing to die by U.S. bombs if it would have ended Nazi exterminations.

“We were no longer afraid of death; at any rate, not of that death,” Wiesel later wrote. “Every bomb filled us with joy and gave us new confidence in life.”

The Squad: Hamas' fifth column - American Thinker  The “Squad,” Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna, Pressley, and Cori Bush, in supporting Hamas actions are clearly a fifth column in America. They are ignorant about the facts around the war of Israel against Hamas." . . .
"The unresolvable conflicts between Israel and Palestine began centuries ago and particularly recurred violently since the creation of the two nation states in 1948 by the benevolent efforts of the United Nations. Wars and violence have repeatedly erupted against Israel ever since. October 7th, 2023 witnessed the emergence for the first time of pure evil by Hamas terrorists.". . .

The left’s Palestinian cover girl has revealed herself to be a proud, ghoulish Nazi - Andrea Widberg   "Despite their fealty to “People of Color,” members of the media just love blonds, especially when those blonds are photogenic young women who slap around Israeli soldiers. No one was more beloved than Ahed Tamimi, a young woman from a village in the West Bank who got the star treatment after a video of her violent act went viral. The same outlets that once thrilled to her dynamism, though, have been strangely silent since she’s revealed an openly expressed, antisemitic genocidal bloodthirstiness that makes actual Nazis look kind of colorless." . . .

Israel is Defending the Living, Not Avenging the Dead - Robert Amos  . . ."Hamas’s goal is to hide behind civilians and make the situation so ethically complicated that all the average man on the street can see is Israel bombing Gaza and killing civilians. 

The truth of the matter is that no country in the West, in defeating ISIS or any form of evil that embodied such de facto states, was able to avoid taking the same steps as Israel has done in this urban conflict.   

Obama: Avatar of the New Anti-Semitism

As Nellie Bowles, who is no longer taken in by the man, accurately parsed it: “It takes two to tango. Hamas killed infants point-blank; I never replace the toilet paper roll.”
"Tell me again about "Hymietown", Al"

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  . . ."Barack Obama has always loved to dissemble. He treats the ideals and mores of America, the ones that motivated generations to give their last measure of devotion, as mere memes, to be played with and discarded once they have served their purpose. Famously, he described himself as a screen onto which others project their own wishes and expectations. He allows that, not ever committing himself, always ready to say, when pinned down, that others have parsed him incorrectly, and it’s their bad. He draws a line in the sand and then blows wind over it until it disappears.

"So was his foreign policy. 

"He seemed to stand tough in Syria but, in the end, blew wind over his line in the sand and asked Russia to take over. Poison gas, shmoison gas. You were a fool to parse my words incorrectly. And Putin, shmutin — he’ll cut him some slack if he doesn’t make trouble before 2012 elections, and he’ll set up Romney with the complicit media for looking like a fool about distrusting Russia. And then the bill came due, and Obama said nothing about Putin’s invasion of Crimea and the Donbas, regularizing treaty-breaking and territorial war in Europe. Of little lasting consequence as long as Obama got to keep power.

"My moment where I saw the Jagger’s devil underneath the cool and brilliant veneer was when the 2008 primary campaign made public Obama’s 20-year discipleship under Jeremiah Wright, the rabidly anti-Israel pastor, champion, and friend of the rabidly Jew-hating Louis Farrakhan. Wright, whose reaction to 9/11 was to command God to damn America and to say the murder of thousands of civilians was just “America’s chickens coming home to roost.

"Association with that kind of thought back then was deadly. Obama announced he would
have something important to say about it, and I and many Americans were hopeful that this intelligent and well-spoken man might show depth of character and humility and, thereby, achieve redemption. As a person of faith, to whom the struggle for redemption through humbly returning to God is the great theme of human history, I hoped that this might be a tremendous turning point in our society, a moment for moral grandeur.

Branco Toon added by TD

"We all know what happened. Instead of expressing any humility or regret for his association with such hatred, he chose the path of toxic narcissism, and like an accomplished psychopath, projected his own sin onto others in a truly mind-boggling fashion.

"And naïve America, always ready to seek redemption, all too aware of its proclivities to sin, swallowed it.

"He was and remains no less the anti-Semite than his preacher. " . . .

Washington Post takes down cartoon showing the truth about Hamas after readers complain it is racist

Townhall:  Given how radically left-wing so many “prestigious” newsrooms have become, I really shouldn’t keep getting surprised by stories like this — but I still do.

 Blaze Media (  "The Washington Post is apologizing for publishing an anti-Hamas cartoon that some readers complained was offensive and racist.

"On Wednesday, the newspaper published a cartoon drawn by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Michael Ramirez depicting a Hamas spokesman with an Arab mother and children literally tied to his body.

"A speech blurb connected to the Hamas official reads, "How dare Israel attack civilians."

"The point is obvious and profoundly true: Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields but blames Israel when civilians are caught in the crossfire of a war that Hamas started. The terrorist group, moreover, physically blocks those civilians from fleeing for safety because, as the cartoon demonstrates, civilian deaths help Hamas in the global court of public opinion.

"The truth be damned, readers of the Washington Post were outraged over the cartoon." . . .

Well...wouldn't seeking out families to kill because they are Jewish be considered, um, racist? TD

Conservative Media Bash Washington Post for Deleting Ramirez’s Hamas Cartoon - The Daily Cartoonist    Legal Insurrection:  "In February 2017, a month after Donald Trump was sworn into office, the Washington Post proudly announced a change in its online masthead, with it reading “Democracy dies in darkness.”

"These days, democracy is dying in anti-Semitism thanks to the Post‘s cowardly decision to yank a cartoon done by Las Vegas Journal-Review cartoonist Michael Ramirez, which was originally published Monday, because it sparked an outcry among triggered anti-Israel staffers, readers, and other assorted Useful Idiots who claimed it was “racist” and allegedly unfairly put the lion’s share of the blame for civilian deaths in Gaza on Hamas terrorists and not Israel." 

The Washington Post made a huge mistake in killing this cartoon  "But the apology is the mistake, not the publication.  

"In it, artist Michael Ramirez makes a powerful point about what’s really going on in Gaza: Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields while blaming Israel for the result.

"Indeed, the terrorists savor every innocent killed as Israel moves to eliminate the terrorist group that slaughtered roughly 1,400 of its civilians, along with mass rapes and the kidnapping of 200-plus hostages it still holds — and is also using as human shields." . . .

"Opinion editor David Shipley says the cartoon  “was seen by many readers as racist” — though the drawing is simply, and plainly, a caricature of an actual Hamas spokesman who celebrated the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks across southern Israel."

These young men below must be honored and respected. CodePINK would agree.