"Over the years, I’ve teetered between a lone gunman and a conspiracy. However, in the last six years I’ve moved steadily towards the conspiracy theory. Why? Because of President Trump and the treatment he’s received." Sloan Oliver
A Plausible Explanation for JFK’s Assassination? - American Thinker
. . ." Sure, conspiracies happen. Lincoln was killed as the principal target in a conspiracy."The Deep State is collusion. Persons in “permanent government,” a.k.a., the federal bureaucracy, with intelligence and law enforcement agencies as the nexus, act to protect their turf, accrue power, and line their pockets at the America people’s expense. Eisenhower flagged the “military-industrial complex” and Truman warned about the CIA.
"When Trump came on the scene, the Deep State began shedding its shadowiness. Whether through arrogance or fear or both, Deep Staters proved they existed. As Chuck Schumer famously said, “You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
"JFK’s assassination happened 60 years ago today, November 22, in Dallas. Assassination “investigators” agree on very little, other than Kennedy was killed. Why JFK was assassinated and who did it are the stuff of elaborate theories, a veritable grocery store full of them. An entire industry has been created from them. All claim to have solved the 60-year-old whodunit. But most of it is highfalutin conjecture. Facts are stretched. Supposition is often presented as fact. Solving Kennedy’s death is bad for business." . . .
Where were you when Kennedy was shot? . . ."The JFK assassination has captivated the nation (and the world) for decades. Everything about it is questionable. Was there a conspiracy to kill the president or was it a lone, commie kook? Arguments have been both ways. However, nothing shouts conspiracy louder than the accused killer (Oswald) conveniently gets killed by a guy who conveniently has terminal cancer; and the official autopsy results (done at Bethesda) are different than what the emergency room doctors (at Parkland Memorial Hospital) testified to." . . .
JFK assassination: 60 years later we know the truth about the real killer "On Nov. 22, 1963, we lost not only a popular young president, but we also lost our national innocence. We lost our trust in government. Once lost, it has not returned and never will.
"The rifle shots fired at the president’s motorcade changed my own life as I watched TV coverage of my bloodied "friend" Lee Harvey Oswald dragged into the Dallas Police Station. When the Secret Service knocked on my door the morning after the assassination, they came for me as someone identified as a "known associate" of the presumed JFK assassin.
"My involvement with Lee and Marina Oswald began in June 1962. I saw them last as they ran to catch the Fort Worth to Dallas bus on Nov. 22, 1962. A year later, my father translated for Marina from Nov. 24 to 28 as the Secret Service probed her knowledge of a conspiracy." . . .