Monica Showalter - American Thinker "The strange outburst of pro-Hamas, antisemitic demonstrations on multiple college campuses in recent weeks suggests that it's more than a fringe of the student body that finds this repugnant kind of protest appealling.
"Now a new Harvard/Harris poll confirms it:" . . .
New Harvard/Harris poll results: 67% of respondents aged 18-24 agree that "Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors," 60% of respondents aged 18-24 agree that Hamas’ October 7th massacre can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians, and 31% of…
— Eden Cohen ✡︎ עדן כהן (@edencohentweets) December 16, 2023
. . . "This antisemitic freak was a leader, telling other teachers what they should do, and her activities stretched over months and months without so much as a blink from her fellow union leaders. Obviously, a rotten culture is happening there, as if we didn't know it already based on other indicators.
"Besides having hideous people like this allowed to be around children, a second problem is that very little teaching -- about the Holocaust, about Israel, about Jewish people, about antisemitism -- goes on at these places of higher learning. What kind of Holocaust education do kids get these days? It may well be that the only people they hear from are the deniers.
"Obviously, the picture is unfolding, and this needs far more study, but it signals some kind of moral crisis. It's astonishing that the young generation should sound like the Hitler generation, while older generations harbor far more reasonable and fair minded people.
"Something has contaminated the youth pool and the suspect list needs much, much, more examination if it is to be rooted out. Jew-hate should be an ugly memory, not the next hot trend among the young people.
Satan welcomed. Jews must hide. - Don Surber ( . . ."Now let me try to wrap my head around this. When you want to display the Judeo-Christian Ten Commandments, freedom of religion blocks you.
"But if you want to display Satan’s seven fundamental tenets prominently in the Rotunda of the state Capitol that is covered by free speech. The Rolling Stones are not the only ones with sympathy for the devil.
(Representative Brad) "Sherman said, “The outrage and disgust for this satanic display is widespread, but few people think there is much that can be legally done about it because of free speech and freedom of religion. However, I disagree.”
"I do too. Our rights come from the Lord. I am sure He would not protect Satanism because He wants to protect mankind from evil. God isn’t a RINO.