Sunday, January 28, 2024

Alina Habba's Courtroom 'Circus' May Be Donald Trump's Strategy

 "Former federal prosecutor Neama Rahmani told Newsweek Habba's behavior, though a "shameful display of courtroom decorum," is likely her "taking direction from her client.' "

Alina Habba's Courtroom 'Circus' May Be Donald Trump's Strategy

"Donald Trump attorney Alina Habba's behavior during his civil trial involving journalist E. Jean Carroll has drawn scrutiny, but legal experts told Newsweek that her conduct could be part of the former president's strategy.

The defamation trial involving Carroll, a former Elle magazine columnist who has accused him of assaulting her in a New York City department store changing room in the mid-1990s, kicked off this week in a New York courtroom. Last May, a New York City jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse and defamation against Carroll, ordering him to pay $5 million in damages. Her attorneys now are seeking an additional $10 million in damages after the former president said she was lying about her accusations, saying he has no idea who Carroll is and that she was not his "type." Trump maintains his innocence in the case." . .  .

The E. Jean Carroll case against Trump shows our morally corrupt legal system - Andrea Widburg

. . ."In 2022, New York State upped the ante against Trump by passing its “Adult Survivors Act,” a law intended solely to create a window of time in which Carroll could file a civil sexual assault suit against Trump. Carroll promptly filed suit against Trump and reiterated her defamation claim. Incidentally, Reid Hoffman, a major Democrat party and Nikki Haley donor, helped fund her litigation." . . .

Why is no one wondering why the Trump trials have such idiotic jurors? -Patricia McCarthy   . . ."Exactly what would the ideologically biased prosecutors in each of the absurd lawfare trials of President Trump be looking for?  

"That is an easy question. They would be looking for Trump-haters, people who watch MSNBC and The View, for example; people easily led and relatively ignorant of American history and current events beyond leftist talking points.  They would know nothing about the fact that Trump led the U.S. to energy independence that made our gas prices low and brought in huge profits to workers' 401(k)s because we had enough oil and gas to sell to other nations.  They would not know that Trump brought peace to the Middle East. They would most likely buy into the climate change hoax.  They would be persons who leapt to be vaccinated with the wholly experimental mRNA jab that has caused thousands of deaths (perhaps more), especially of young people.  They would be people who wanted to jail the vaccine-hesitant.  In short, they would be people who are easily manipulated by the media and easier still by clever and deceitful lawyers intent upon destroying Trump.  They would be sheep. " . . .

Case in point: "In Wednesday’s season finale of “The People v. O.J. Simpson,” the juror raised his left arm in a clenched fist salute to O.J. as the panel left the courtroom. His name is Lionel (Lon) Cryer, and as The New York Times reported on October 4, 1995, he was “a former Black Panther whom prosecutors had inexplicably left on the panel.”

This never ends: Internet wants Joy Reid fired as she claims 'White Christian' Iowa Trump voters want people of color to 'bow down' before them - MEAWW News

Biden Freaks Out in South Carolina and Starts Screaming About Trump

President Trump didn't "Refuse" to visit the cemetery, he could not go because of weather restrictions. a motorcade was out of the question as well.

RedState   . . ."That practically screams 25th Amendment. But that wasn't even the worst part. 

"This part was even worst where he completely lost it while repeating a debunked hoax about what former President Donald Trump supposedly said about a cemetery visit where American soldiers were buried in France. 

" 'Donald Trump, when he was Commander-in-Chief, refused to visit a cemetery, a U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers and he referred to those heroes, and I quote as 'suckers and losers.'" Then Biden lost his mind and started screaming, "He actually said that!! He said that! HOW DARE HE say that! How dare he talk about my son and all [unintelligible] like that." 

"This has been roundly debunked and no, there's no evidence that "he actually said that." Moreover it's just completely untrue that Trump "refused" to go. He wanted to go but they didn't go because of concerns about weather, as emails revealed." 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Under Biden, America has entered its darkest chapter in history

 Zoe Strimpel; The Telegraph

"It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent or allegiance is completely unknown.”

Barbed wire barricades at the US border wall

"The US has always had bits so horrifying that too close a look could leave your face permanently frozen in horror. When I was growing up in a relatively enlightened Massachusetts in the 1980s and 1990s, there was the spectre of police brutality and racism – you couldn’t miss it, from park benches in Boston where black men were hassled and taunted to the casual, unprofessional menace of the local force.

"But if the police are more woke than racist in 2024, oh how the horror has grown and multiplied on other fronts. Last week a man on death row in Alabama was executed by nitrogen gas. And the death penalty, a measure no civilised state has had for decades, isn’t going anywhere. Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida’s ex-presidential hopeful, used the promise of more capital punishment to lure voters through a “tough on crime” stance, with the state of Florida in 2023 executing more people than at any time since 2019.

"Opioid addiction is out of control. Abortion rights at the federal level were overturned in 2022, instantly triggering their savage removal in 21 states, most of which have implemented total bans and criminalisation of anyone seen to aid and abet terminations. Horrendous, entirely predictable stories of desperate pregnant women nearly dying thanks to the scrapping of Roe v Wade have kept coming. It’s Handmaid’s Tale stuff."

"But there’s more. Much more. And it’s all worsened under the man who was meant to save America from the cartoonish parallel universe of crudeness, relentless bombast, stupidity and criminality represented by Trump and his fanboys. Under Joe Biden, despite a marked increase in civility and experience, domestic problems are worse than ever. America has become an archipelago of darkness and chaos, and it’s at breaking point." . . .

Joe Biden Gives an Ultimatum to Greg Abbott, 'Pound Sand' Is the Proper Answer  

"According to a new post put out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense."

 "Joe Biden, or more likely his handlers, levied an ultimatum on Thursday, demanding that Gov. Greg Abbott relinquish control of the "disputed" border areas Texas has been securing. That came after 25 states joined together to pledge their support to Abbott as he battles the federal government and its refusal to enforce immigration laws." . . .

. . ."Abbott should stand tall on this. He's got absolutely nothing to lose. What is the Biden administration going to do? Open fire on the Texas National Guard if they don't clear out? The federal government has no leverage here and no ability to exact its will. Texas is holding Shelby Park and the other "disputed" areas, and they have no obligation to leave. 

"It is insane that this is even an argument. The border crisis has reached horrific proportions, and the Biden administration is wasting its time and resources trying to cut razor wire laid out to stop illegal entries. Texas has a right to self-defense. It has a right to protect its territory. If the federal government refuses to do the job, that's on its leaders, not state officials who are just trying to do the common sense thing. 

"In short, Abbott should tell Biden to Pound Sand ."  

Should Israel want the US for an ally?

 Jewish support for Hamas is one of the horrors of modern leftism -Igor Mel’čuk

 America’s leftists are approaching an extremely dangerous turn: Another Democratic president means the end of our civilization. Only Trump’s victory can now save us.

. . ."But of course, today’s Judenräte aren’t quite like the Judenräte living under Nazi control. The latter tried to save Jewish lives. Today’s Judenräte are pursuing policies that make millions of Jews vulnerable to genocide. They are Jewish Leftists who side ideologically and politically with modern Nazis. They are doing what they are doing because they believe in the righteousness of these horrors. They’re much worse than the Judenräte members." . . .

"And now, the big questionWhy is all this happening right now? It’s because of the Democrats in the White House—because of the third term of Obama, a man who has been open about his soft spot for Islam, whether he spoke of “the Holy Koran,” insisted that “Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality,” or made billions of dollars available to Iran to help fund its nuclear program. America’s leftists are approaching an extremely dangerous turn: Another Democratic president means the end of our civilization. Only Trump’s victory can now save us."

Igor Mel'čuk is a scientist, ex-Soviet ex-dissident, professor emeritus at the University of Montreal, and member of the Royal Society of Canada

"John Fetterman spent the night standing on a rooftop waving an Israeli flag at protestors in Pennsylvania. Just an unbelievable sight to see."

Gives a symbolic finger to the mindless chants.

Biden to Israel: Forget your existential concerns; I’ve got an election to win! - Andrea Widburg   . . ."Things are a bit different in Israel. Since the moment the UN recognized her existence, the surrounding Muslim nations have been open about their desire to eradicate her presence from the face of the earth, including killing all her Jewish residents. To date, the Muslims have tried this in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 2006, and October 7 (and that doesn’t include the non-stop terrorism attacks and Intifadas within Israel’s borders since the 1970s). Additionally, Hamas, which Iran funds, has told its supporters to kill Jews wherever they find them, not just in Israel, something in line with Mohamed’s order to that effect." . . .

. . ."Another priority for his administration is making sure that the man on whose watch the world is exploding and imploding still manages to lead his party to another victory.

"I’ve never liked or respected Joe Biden. Indeed, I disliked him so thoroughly that I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel even greater disdain for him. But with this revelation that Biden will abandon an ally fighting for its life as a nation and for the lives of every one of his citizens because he’s got to make some screaming, neurotic, genocidally hate-filled young people vote for him…well, it turns out that there are scum-filled depths of moral depravity that Biden has yet to plumb."

Talking with the "Big Guy"

Sen. Kennedy Humiliates Another Biden Nominee Who Can’t Answer a Simple Question

 Matt Margolis – PJ Media

West Coast Messed Coast™: Oregon Coach Makes Bold Move to Protest Boys on Girls' Teams

 Victoria Taft – PJ Media

 "We have boys in the locker rooms watching girls" get ready for practice or a match. "How wrong is that for a girl to endure that?" He said what would have gotten men thrown in jail five or six years ago is now "acceptable in high schools and middle schools." 

 "A coach who "stands with women" has had enough of Oregon's experiments in transgenderism. For 25-year-veteran Coach Dave Brown of Oregon's Canby High School, it was time to stand up for what's right. 

"This long-time coach quit his job this week when he couldn't abide boys on the girls' tennis team and announced it on Instagram so others could see what doing the right thing looks like. 

[I]t was not an easy decision to make. I love coaching, and have enjoyed every moment of working with these girls. But I can no longer stand by and watch as their dreams are shattered, and their opportunities are taken from them. I can no longer stand by silently, while all the work that was put into title 9 is disregarded. I cannot support policies that put the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health of women at risk.

I stand with my wife. I stand with women. I stand for truth. Will you stand with me?

"In his video, Brown spoke of his wife being a Title" . . .

Friday, January 26, 2024

Newsom Stumps for Biden in South Carolina, Vouches for President's Fitness


Similarly, 69 percent of poll respondents said, “Biden is showing he is too old to be president.” The poll was conducted from January 17-18 and sampled 2,346 registered voters.

"Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) hit the campaign trail for President Joe Biden in South Carolina on Wednesday and Thursday, where he vouched for Biden’s mental fitness.

"Newsom’s barnstorming for Biden comes as the February 3, South Carolina Democrat primary is rapidly approaching after the president won a write-in campaign in New Hampshire over his challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and third-party candidate Marianne Williamson. It also comes as the RealClearPolling average as of Friday has Biden nearly four points behind former President Donald Trump. 

"As Politico California Bureau Chief Christopher Cadelago wrote, at an event in Allendale, South Carolina, Mayor James L. Cohen raised concerns to Newsom “about the ‘narrative’ that Biden is not mentally fit to stand for reelection.” 

"Cadelago later shared a video of Newsom’s answer to X. After stammering for a few seconds, Newsom vouched for Biden’s fitness for office, noting he and Biden have spent plenty of time together in recent years.

“ 'I do not understand that narrative. This guy is next-level energy in private,” he claimed. “If he was in a room like this, he’d light you guys up. His ability to connect — we all know Bill Clinton, his ability to connect, I think it’s right up there.”

"He also claimed he and the 81-year-old president had a robust private conversation about artificial intelligence, where Biden spoke on the topic in-depth, without referencing notes.

"Newsom’s defense comes as a Harvard-Harris poll, published on January 22, showed 63 percent of Americans, including 31 percent of Democrats, “have doubts about [Biden’s] fitness.' ”

The Tunnel Wall: Terrors of the Michelle Obama (Presidential) Prophecy

" 'First, please understand that Michelle is terribly afraid that former President Donald Trump will recapture the White House.  Her husband’s “Big Guy,” also known as China Joe Biden is haplessly watching his job approval ratings plummet especially in the swing states that will take other Democrat politicians down with him.  "So they’re afraid, the media is afraid, and Michelle is pushing the panic button."

Texas Is Correct to Defend Its Sovereignty From the Border Invasion; God bless Greg Abbott and the great state of Texas.

  The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

God bless Greg Abbott and the great state of Texas, who rightfully cherish their sovereignty and righteously refuse to bend the knee to the most lawless presidential administration in American history.

"The adjective “Orwellian” can be overused in our political discourse. But how else to describe a situation in which the federal government abdicates its responsibility to secure the nation’s wide-open border and then, when a state steps up to help stanch the bleeding, is told by that same federal government to stop — and, for good measure, that its efforts to help secure the border via a new razor wire barrier will be undone?
"There really is only one apt word: “Orwellian.” On Monday, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 — with moderate Chief Justice John Roberts and center-right Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining their liberal colleagues — in favor of the Biden administration, which had requested that the court permit its Border Patrol agents to cut or remove protective razor wire fencing installed by Texas officials along the besieged Rio Grande. The court’s ruling is simply astonishing.
"In America’s federalist constitutional order, both the federal government and the states act as fully sovereign actors operating within their delineated spheres of legitimate governing authority. The federal government — which was itself initially created in the late 1780s by the then-preexisting states — is in no position whatsoever to demand that states deliberately undermine their own sovereignty. That is especially true when the federal government itself obstinately refuses to secure the nation’s territorial integrity, as has been the case throughout Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency.
"That both the federal government and the states may wield power as fully sovereign entities within our constitutional order is constitutional law 101."As the late Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in the 2012 Supreme Court case Arizona v. United States, “As a sovereign, Arizona has the inherent power to exclude persons from its territory, subject only to those limitations expressed in the Constitution or constitutionally imposed by Congress.” (In Texas’ current case, there is no relevant constitutional limitation or congressional imposition.) Later in his separate Arizona writing, Scalia continued: “[A]fter the adoption of the Constitution there was some doubt about the power of the federal government to control immigration, but no doubt about the power of the states to do so.” (Emphasis added.)"

Leftwing media peddles haunting fiction of rape-related pregnancy and the inability to access ‘healthcare’

Hard to find photos of aborted babies because they look like the work of Hamas in Israel. TD

 UPDATED: American Thinker

Summary: Never trust what you are told, whether it is by journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, educators, scientists, or entertainers. Always do your own research.

. . ."When I read the headline I immediately suspected it was a fabrication to push the abortion agenda. It is no different than all the made-up garbage we read on climate change, to push the radical “green” agenda—which is really just a scheme to destroy and remake America, based on easily-manipulated computer models that have always been wrong with previous predictions.

"My first thought was: How many women get pregnant each year from rape?

"This article on rape and pregnancies in the U.S. was just printed by Time with what appears to be no questions and no research.

"This sentence should tell people that the number of “64,000 pregnancies” in the 14 states that limit abortions is made-up, pulled out of thin air, just like the six-foot “social distance” separation that Anthony Fauci admitted wasn’t based on science.

"The authors, who noted there is no reliable state-level data on rapes….”

"Since journalists won’t do any research and people will use these made-up numbers to push their agenda, whatever it is, I thought I would do some for them." . . .

The New York Times (

The Shameful and Strange Ruling Against Israel at the ICJ


"In the war launched by Hamas and Gazans against Israel on October 7, only one side has publicly and repeatedly promised genocidal extinction to the other. The International Court of Justice has, predictably, decided that the target of that genocidal ambition has to answer for its self-defense.

Weirdly, though, the ICJ decided to creep up on that position, demanding that Israel preserve ‘evidence’ of its genocidal actions while supplying more aid to their enemies at war:

The United Nations’ top court has told Israel it must take measures to prevent its forces from committing acts of genocide against Palestinians — but stopped short of using its power to order a full cease-fire in the Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip.

The ICJ also said Israel must allow humanitarian aid to the Palestinians and not destroy any evidence related to the case. These “provisional measures” are different than the main ask requested by South Africa, which is bringing the case and wanted a total and immediate cease-fire.

"The ICJ judge called this order “provisional” while the court mulls over the argument from Hamas ally South Africa of an Israeli genocide taking place in Gaza. A better word for this would be inversion.

"In the first place, Hamas and Gaza invaded southern Israel on October 7th in violation of an existing cease-fire. That in itself is perfidy as well as a legitimate cassus belli. Israel formally declared war at that point and has been operating under the rules of war since that time. Hamas has taken every opportunity to violate those rules by engaging in offensive operations out of uniform, hiding military assets and operations within civilian structures, and deliberately targeting unarmed civilians for both murder and widespread rape and pillaging. The ICJ barely notices these crimes, and has nothing to say at all about promises by Hamas to keep repeating the October 7 massacres until Israel is destroyed." . . .

Israel on Trial in Kangaroo Court  One of two posts on Kangaroo courts.

"Israel is the victim of legal apartheid where there is a singular standard applied only to the Jewish state. I discuss the situation in relation to the show trial at the Hague with Prof. Avi Bell in the context of the show trial Israel is no being subjected to at the “International Court of Justice” at the Hague. Don’t miss this episode!"

The Court must have learned from the same sources as student rioters.

Seeking an Israeli surrender: Biden pushes a bad deal to end war with Hamas - Washington Times   "President Biden and his closest advisers — Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan and his top adviser on the Middle East, Brett McGurk — have all been trying to pressure the Israelis into a bad deal. Their purpose — joining Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar and other Arab nations — is to end the war between Israel and the terrorists of Hamas before Israel can destroy Hamas.

"The deal — which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has so far rejected — promises several things. First, the Saudis would recognize and establish diplomatic relations with Israel, which Israel has always refused because of their support for the Palestinians. Second, the Israelis would help form a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Third, the Israelis would withdraw their troops from Gaza and, in return, Hamas would supposedly release the remaining Israeli hostages they hold, who number about 136 men, women and children.

"The European Union, always seeking relevance, is also involved. It has met with several Arab leaders and said it wants to impose consequences on Israel for refusing the two-state solution. The Israelis apparently aren’t taking the EU effort seriously. Not that they should." . . .

Terrors of the Michelle Obama (Presidential) Prophecy

  John Kass (

"But when it came to the Obamas, the media was not critical in the least. There is nothing so malleable as white liberal elitist journalists afraid of being called racists. So they sucked up and liked it." . . .

"The world is not just about snuggling with housebroken puppies and rainbows out your window and riding unicorns bareback.  The real world can be terrifying. Just ask former First Lady Michelle Obama.

"She’s trembling with terror like a princess in a fairy tale being chased by Baba Yaga. And this terror of hers has infected the American news media with even more terror. Which brings us to the Michelle Obama Prophecy.

"First, please understand that Michelle is terribly afraid that former President Donald Trump will recapture the White House.  Her husband’s “Big Guy,” also known as China Joe Biden is haplessly watching his job approval ratings plummet especially in the swing states that will take other Democrat politicians down with him.

"So they’re afraid, the media is afraid, and Michelle is pushing the panic button.

“ 'I am terrified about what could possibly happen,” Ms. Obama said of this year’s presidential election on a podcast. And China Joe’s failing popularity numbers on key policy issues from the wide-open border to inflation to street crime are causing Democrat politicians to fret and as their leftist corprate media mouthpieces soil themselves.

"I’m worried too, and though I am definitely not a Democrat, I do worry,  since the Obamas are world-class cynical phonies capable of anything. And now the JoBama administration is going on its third term, the panic at the potential loss of a fourth term may cause them to grab for five terms, completely trashing the Constitution.

"But are the Democrats really terrified about trashing the Constitution in their never-ending power grab? No. Would Michelle opt to protect the Constitution and risk her own ambition? No." . . .

Report: The Obamas 'Working' to Take Biden 'Out' of Race, Barack Telling Him to Quit

  RedState "There have been multiple reports about Barack Obama and his aides being worried about how Joe Biden and his teams were conducting their campaign. 

"Obama was supposedly worried about the strength of Donald Trump and that the Biden campaign wasn't hitting the ground running. Obama aides put a sharper point on that, admitting that the "bromance" with Joe Biden was always exaggerated and that the Biden campaign "didn’t have its s--- together,"

"There were also suggestions from some, like Cindy Adams, that Michelle Obama might wiggle into the race and that she was "terrified" of what could happen. 

"Now, interestingly, the Obama reports are getting more pointed in the attacks on Biden, as our sister site PJ Media explained, citing a report from Radar Online.

Insiders "snitched" that tensions exploded between Obama and Biden when an "irate Obama rushed to a secret meeting and confronted Biden about his fading chances to fend off surging Republican candidate Donald Trump in the upcoming November election." 

"Obama read Joe the riot act," spilled a Beltway insider to the Nationanquirer. "He told him to up his game or step aside for a candidate who can win the race." ....]

In desperation, sources said Obama bellowed at bumbling Biden to go on the attack — and make sure trusted aides are constantly by his side on the campaign trail to keep them from committing the disastrous gaffes that have defined his presidency. 

"The Obamas are convinced Joe's lost his grip," confided the insider. "He looks more feeble and clueless every day, and they know he's lost the confidence of the public."

"After the "frightening episode" when Biden forgot what he was doing while placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and had to be directed by soldiers on duty, sources say Obama huddled with David Axelrod." . . .
 I wouldn't stress Joe having his hard hat backwards. When I worked on a Crane maintenance crew, we all wore our hats backward; it was mainly because we worked overhead, and that put the visor out of our way. The Tunnel Dweller.