Sunday, January 28, 2024

Biden Freaks Out in South Carolina and Starts Screaming About Trump

President Trump didn't "Refuse" to visit the cemetery, he could not go because of weather restrictions. a motorcade was out of the question as well.

RedState   . . ."That practically screams 25th Amendment. But that wasn't even the worst part. 

"This part was even worst where he completely lost it while repeating a debunked hoax about what former President Donald Trump supposedly said about a cemetery visit where American soldiers were buried in France. 

" 'Donald Trump, when he was Commander-in-Chief, refused to visit a cemetery, a U.S. cemetery outside of Paris for fallen American soldiers and he referred to those heroes, and I quote as 'suckers and losers.'" Then Biden lost his mind and started screaming, "He actually said that!! He said that! HOW DARE HE say that! How dare he talk about my son and all [unintelligible] like that." 

"This has been roundly debunked and no, there's no evidence that "he actually said that." Moreover it's just completely untrue that Trump "refused" to go. He wanted to go but they didn't go because of concerns about weather, as emails revealed." 

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