Saturday, January 27, 2024

West Coast Messed Coast™: Oregon Coach Makes Bold Move to Protest Boys on Girls' Teams

 Victoria Taft – PJ Media

 "We have boys in the locker rooms watching girls" get ready for practice or a match. "How wrong is that for a girl to endure that?" He said what would have gotten men thrown in jail five or six years ago is now "acceptable in high schools and middle schools." 

 "A coach who "stands with women" has had enough of Oregon's experiments in transgenderism. For 25-year-veteran Coach Dave Brown of Oregon's Canby High School, it was time to stand up for what's right. 

"This long-time coach quit his job this week when he couldn't abide boys on the girls' tennis team and announced it on Instagram so others could see what doing the right thing looks like. 

[I]t was not an easy decision to make. I love coaching, and have enjoyed every moment of working with these girls. But I can no longer stand by and watch as their dreams are shattered, and their opportunities are taken from them. I can no longer stand by silently, while all the work that was put into title 9 is disregarded. I cannot support policies that put the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health of women at risk.

I stand with my wife. I stand with women. I stand for truth. Will you stand with me?

"In his video, Brown spoke of his wife being a Title" . . .

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