Alan Dershowitz: George Soros Is Funding the Radical Pro-Palestinian Groups on US Campuses (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit . . ."Professor Dershowitz blamed George Soros and the Rockefeller brothers for funding the unprecedented, radical anti-Semitic protests on college campuses across the country.
Maria Bartiromo: What are the groups, funding the chaos? Many of these people are showing up with the same tent, same outfits. Someone’s funding it. I want to know who you think is behind it? You just heard Carlos Jimenez talking about the Chinese Communist Party, which oftentimes the CCP jumps on our political conversations and tries to create discord in America.
Alan Dershowitz: There’s no question about that, and Russia does, too. There’s no question that they’re organizations funded by George Soros and the Rockefeller Brothers. Take, for example, an organization called Jewish Voice for Peace. It has been behind many of these demonstrations. They’re not Jewish, and they don’t want peace. It’s a fake organization. It’s an old-line group of communists and anarchists that want to overthrow the United States government. These are people who support Iran. These are people who support China. These are people who support America’s enemies. They are funding much of this, as well as some Arab countries that are funding some of this.
But these organizations are funded by George Soros and other organizations that help fund these academic and turn these useful idiots into protesters and eventually into terrorists. That’s what terrifies me because I know I saw it. What happened to Kathy Boudin? She became a murderer. Then she was released from prison. Guess what happened to her? She was hired to teach students at Columbia University. She probably taught some of these people who are now demonstrating against America, down with America, death to America. Cathy Boudin and others who were terrorists, who stole from the protesters, became terrorists, then became teachers of future protesters.
This is a much deeper problem than what’s going on at Columbia University.
"It’s true. George Soros funds the radical leftist group Jewish Voice for Peace that is promoting the Jew hatred on the American streets.
Gen Z doesn't know why they're protesting for Palestine ( . . ."A Columbia University student who rushed down to NYU’s campus in solidarity with protesters there said on camera that she actually had no idea what they were protesting, eventually admitting she needed to be “more educated” on the issue.
"I’m sure that’s very much the case with her countless classmates donning keffiyehs and chanting anti-Israel slogans." . . .
George Soros ( . . ."Soros has long been one of the Democratic Party's most generous donors and poured $125 million into a super PAC ahead of the 2022 midterm elections." . . .
Dissecting the George Soros agenda - . . ."“The Soros Agenda” dissects Soros’s strategy, focusing mainly on his actions in America; how he went about influencing the political and social landscape by funneling an enormous amount of money through an “intricate, multilayered web” of foundations. Ehrenfeld notes that Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) has been rated the “least transparent” out of 200 think tanks in 47 countries."She also looks at the impact of his activities, which she says have fomented “violence and division in the country, weakening it from within while decreasing its influence in the world.”
"[Rachel Ehrenfeld, author of “The Soros Agenda,”] is founder and president of the New York-based American Center for Democracy and its Economic Warfare Institute." . . .