Saturday, June 1, 2024

I Was In The Courtroom When Donald Trump Was Found Guilty. Here's What You Didn't See. UPDATED

 HuffPost; (

Trump remains under a gag order, which ostensibly prevents him from making negative comments about figures in the case while he awaits sentencing, although he repeatedly toes the line and sometimes crosses it. I can’t help but wonder what he will say when the leash comes off.

"The description I’ve settled on when people ask what it was like seeing Donald Trump in court every day for seven weeks is that it was like watching a cartoon character come to life.

"I was in the courtroom pretty much every day of the trial, chronicling the proceedings on HuffPost’s live blog from my spot on the unforgiving wooden benches that felt like church pews.

"Security protocols in the courthouse meant that reporters were barred from coming close to the former president — we had to sit still while he moved between rooms so as not to pass him in the hallway, and the aisle seats in the public gallery were blocked off to put more distance between him and the people sitting there. He was no ordinary defendant, to be sure.

"So when he sauntered up and down the aisle, reporters watched him carefully. The man most Americans have only seen on their TV and phone screens walks with a slight stoop, arms usually dangling, face usually steely — although he occasionally found somebody in the gallery to single out with either a greeting or a glare. (He was particularly pleased to see Fox News pundit Jeanine Pirro, a staunch ally, seated in court one day. He was particularly displeased by MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell.)

"On the day of his verdict, Trump left looking flushed. His face, already such a unique tone, was darkened." . . .

Exclusive — J.D. Vance: They 'Cooked Up These Prosecutions' to Distract from Joe Biden's Failures (  . . .“ 'In fact, they were upset that Alvin Bragg brought this case because it gave credit to the

idea that this was all a sham, political prosecution. … They didn’t want the Alvin Bragg case at all because it revealed how much this was all about politics and not justice,” he said, pointing to the fact that this ended up being the only case going to trial. Because of that, they have suddenly decided that it is “the most
important trial of the century here, even though we had every single piece of data pointing out that this was politically biased.”

“ 'You have the judge donating to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. You have the financial interests of his [Juudge Juan Merchan’s] daughter. You have the prosecutor funded by George Soros who ran on getting Donald Trump, right — not exactly an objective administration of justice,” Vance said, highlighting the fact that Merchan continually intervened to save the prosecution’s case.

“ 'It was just obviously all about politics. I think the American people see right through it,” he said.

"While Vance said that Democrats “got what they wanted out of this,” he does not think it will end in their favor." . . .

Hamas had command tunnel under U.N. Gaza HQ, Israeli military says

 Dylan Martinez; (

GAZA (Reuters) -Israeli forces have discovered a tunnel network hundreds of metres (yards) long and running partly under UNRWA's Gaza headquarters, the military says, calling it new evidence of Hamas exploitation of the main relief agency for Palestinians.

Army engineers took reporters for foreign news outlets through the passages at a time of crisis for UNRWA, which has launched an internal probe and seen a string of donor countries freeze funding over allegations last month by Israel that some of its staff doubled as Hamas operatives.

The Palestinians have accused Israel of falsifying information to tarnish UNRWA, which employs 13,000 people in the Gaza Strip and has been a lifeline for the aid-dependent population for years. The agency runs schools, primary healthcare clinics and other social services, and distributes aid, describing its activities as purely humanitarian.

UNRWA Headquarters is in Gaza City, among northern areas that Israeli troops and tanks overran early in the four-month-old war against the governing Islamist faction Hamas, sending hundreds of thousands of civilians fleeing southward.

Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said." . . .

Shark Tank star KEVIN O'LEARY reveals the shocking impact Trump's verdict will have on your family's finances

 Banana republics are bad for business: Shark Tank star KEVIN O'LEARY reveals the shocking impact Trump's verdict will have on your family's finances | Daily Mail Online   "We are in uncharted waters. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. The whole thing is perverse.

"The American brand has been dragged through the mud, sunk to the level of a banana republic where rulers take their political enemies out to the jungle to disappear.

"This great nation now stands diminished in the eyes of international investors. And the economic consequences for ordinary Americans could be dire.

"No doubt, this sordid trial – brought by partisan Democratic prosecutors in Manhattan – has already done serious damage to America's credibility.

"I was in London speaking to investors when Stormy Daniels was testifying on the stand – and all the audience members wanted to know was: 'What on Earth does a porn star's use of condoms have to do with campaign finance law?'

"They were right.

"The unjust persecution of Trump discredits the United States – and sends an urgent message to powerful business owners everywhere that, in Biden's America, they too could stand trial on purely political grounds." . . .

. . ."I, like so many others with sizeable investments, managed just two hours sleep Thursday night. For now I have to seriously consider: Do I move my money?

"I certainly think there could be a real drag on investment in New York State – and City.

"The trial has wounded New York's once sterling reputation as the safest and most attractive finance capital of the world.

"Real estate mogul Grant Cardone has already said he'll never do business in New York City again after the Trump verdict.

"He rightly questions why anyone would invest in the city if they can't ensure fair legal treatment.

"Why take the risk?"

Kentucky School Allegedly Held Student’s Diploma After He Went Off-Script And Talked About Jesus In Graduation Speech

  The Daily Caller

"A high school in Kentucky allegedly withheld the diploma of a student when he decided to apparently go “off-script” in his graduation speech.

"While school officials at Campbell County High School approved for Micah Price to “praise” Jesus Christ in his speech, he followed with “urging other Christians to stand up,” according to a video shared to Facebook.

“Class, before another word leaves my mouth, I must give the honor, the praise and the glory to my lord and savior Jesus Christ,” Price said in his speech, which then led to applause from the audience before he continued.."

. . . "Eventually, Price received his diploma five days after the graduation ceremony, according to Fox 19.

"The Daily Caller reached out to Campbell County High School and Campbell County School District for comment, but they did not respond in time for publication."

"He is a good boy! If it was a speech about how to hate your parents and despise your family, probably the college authorities would have no problem with that."

A Smile Arises, A Mask Drops, and a Conspiracy is Confirmed: UPDATED:

  Kingsjester's Blog

Biden’s smile from yesterday has been described as chilling and inappropriate. It was more than that.

President Biden took heat on Friday for his strange response to a question about his political rival’s historic criminal conviction following remarks from the White House, flashing what some called an “evil” grin.

"Biden said Friday after former President Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial that “he’ll be given the opportunity, as he should, to appeal that decision, just like everyone else has that opportunity.” The president added that it was “reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don’t like the verdict.”

"As Biden walked away from the podium, a reporter shouted out a question: “Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?”

"The president paused, turned to the reporters and flashed what some called a “disturbing” smile for almost 10 seconds before walking away, not offering a verbal response.” (Courtesy

"Do you want to know why demented old fool Joe Biden walked away with a demonic smile on his face?

" 'It’s because he knew that the trial had been rigged from the get-go.

"The same acting judge has served in two cases already that had to do with Trump. Selection of Judges is supposed to be completely by chance.

"Biden knows that Trump actually is a political prisoner, just like he said he is.

"There was no other reason for that case to be brought to trial." . . .

Trump Team Nails Biden's Evil Response to Verdict, While He Digs Hole Deeper With New Remarks to Doocy – RedState

But then when he was asked about Trump blaming him for the lawfare, Biden's response was despicable. He grinned and didn't even deny it. He just looked at the reporters like he thought it was the greatest thing in the world, blew off their questions, and walked out. Instead of taking it seriously and being somber, to not look like he was gloating, he went all in on the gloating. That's how vile that response was.

UPDATE: Banana Republics Starting To Feel Kinda Bad For United States | Babylon Bee 

 "Banana republics from across the globe have begun to feel a bit bad for the United States, and wondering if perhaps they ought to do something to help.

"It's sad. I mean we have sham trials here too, but at least we have bananas," said dictator Omar Carrillo. "I just really feel for them, you know?"

"According to sources, several banana republics have begun to express concern that the corruption in America has gotten out of hand. "When we do show trials to destroy opposition candidates, we still charge them with crimes that at least exist. I mean, come on," said General Jose Cavazos. "We also at least pretend that justice was done, instead of just smirking at the press and walking away. That's so mean-spirited, right? We at least give our population false hope instead of just spitting in their faces." . . .

Moonbattery Introducing the Mentally Retarded


"Back in the day, grownups were a position to provide the public with instructional films to help people make sense of nearly incomprehensible phenomena like Democrats (and the honorary Democrats you can spot in the video below):"  

Here's an educational video I stumbled across from 1964.
It explains the Democrat party quite accurately. Enjoy!

Part 2: "Back in the day, grownups were a position to provide the public with instructional films to help people make sense of nearly incomprehensible phenomena like Democrats (and the honorary Democrats you can spot in the video below):

Biden mocked for 'disturbing' smile after ignoring question about Trump being 'political prisoner"

 Biden mocked for 'disturbing' smile after ignoring question about Trump being 'political prisoner' (  

"He’s NOT even trying to hide it anymore… Biden’s grin is all American voters need to see," Rep Wesley Hunt, R-Texas., said. Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said, "Joe Biden is a clear and present threat to democracy."  

"President Biden took heat on Friday for his strange response to a question about his political rival's historic criminal conviction following remarks from the White House, flashing what some called an "evil" grin.
" Biden said Friday after former President Donald Trump was found guilty in his New York criminal trial that "he'll be given the opportunity, as he should, to appeal that decision, just like everyone else has that opportunity." The president added that it was "reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict." 
"As Biden walked away from the podium, a reporter shouted out a question: "Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What's your response to that, sir?" 
" The president paused, turned to the reporters and flashed what some called a "disturbing" smile for almost 10 seconds before walking away, not offering a verbal response." . . 
. . ."Sage Steele, a former ESPN reporter, reacted to the video on X, saying, "Honestly, I rarely use the word evil to describe another human being but….."
"Amber Duke, an editor for The Spectator, posted similarly on X, "The President of the United States' disturbing reaction to being asked if Trump is a political prisoner and if he is responsible for Trump's criminal conviction." 
"Karoline Leavitt, spokesperson for the Trump campaign commented, "Evil." A Republican National Committee X account posted, "Pure Evil." 

Friday, May 31, 2024

Why is Disney only 'woke' when women of colour lead?

 Asyia Iftikhar (

"John is right. We should put ‘entertainment and compelling story and engaging characters’ first – and that is what we’re achieving, with or without political messaging."

"When Disney director John Musker said he understood ‘woke criticism’ and political ‘messaging’ should take a back seat, I couldn’t help but cry – there is no woke agenda!

"Over the past year accusations of Disney’s political pandering have skyrocketed following Halle Bailey’s turn as Ariel in the live-action Little Mermaid (a role which inspired young Black girls everywhere) and American-Latina actor Rachel Zegler’s casting as Snow White.

"What should have been a non-issue blew up into a fiery social media storm with the right-wing’s favourite buzzword ‘woke’ being tossed around like candy. 

"Now acclaimed director Musker – known for helming Disney classics such as Hercules, Aladdin and The Little Mermaid – has put his misguided two cents into the exhausting conversation. 

"First, he addressed the backlash to his 2009 Disney film Princess and the Frog, saying: ‘We weren’t trying to be woke, although I understand the criticism.’

"John didn’t expand on why he understood the criticism, making this statement even more disappointing. At the time Tiana (voiced by Anika Noni Rose) made history as the first African-American princess since the company was founded in 1923. 

"Although the film touched on social class discourse, with Tiana working multiple jobs to support herself and achieve her dream of opening a restaurant, it could hardly constitute as ‘woke’." . . . 

"If you thought it couldn't happen in America, you were wrong."

"Second, American patriots of all political stripes must come to terms with the current fallen state of the nation. The prosecution and incarceration of political opponents on trumped-up (no pun intended) charges is third-world, tinpot dictatorship, banana republic-type stuff—pure and simple." Josh Hammer

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 Post-Trump Verdict, Will the American Right Finally Wake Up? | Opinion - Newsweek  "Like many others in the punditry space, I am a lawyer by background. I practiced law at a major global law firm. I clerked for a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. I have I have  published multiple pieces of formal legal scholarship on constitutional issues. I regularly lecture at law schools and present to professional lawyer groups across the country on assorted legal topics. I host two shows, one of which is explicitly legal-based—and with a focus, above all, on the unprecedented lawfare tactics sullying the 2024 presidential race. 

"In other words, I know a thing or two about the law. And I have been doing my part to sound the alarm on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's sham prosecution and eventual show trial of former President Donald Trump ever since the George Soros-backed lawman first dropped his ludicrous 34-count indictment over a year ago. There are far too many technical deficiencies in Bragg's "case," to say nothing of the grotesque manner in which the presiding judge comported himself at trial, to recapitulate here.

"But for present purposes, the key point is this: None of those details matter. None of them.

"The key points following Thursday's first-ever criminal "conviction" of a former U.S. president, rather, are three-fold.

"First, the Democrats' long march to get the nefarious Orange Man by any means necessary, beginning with the 2016 election cycle, has finally worked. There was the Russia collusion hoax—birthed by the failed Hillary Clinton campaign and laundered through Fusion GPS and the tony law firm Perkins Coie LLP. There was the illegitimate spying on Trump campaign hands like Carter Page. There were the Democrats' street hooligans, from the Women's March of 2017 through the Antifa-Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. There was the constant Deep State undermining of the presidential agenda. There were two bogus impeachments—for an entirely inconsequential phone call with the Ukrainian president, and for the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol jamboree that transpired mere days before Trump was set to leave town anyway. Most recently, there was the Aug. 2022 predawn FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, and all the multistate lawfare that has followed.

"And now, here we are."

Israel Defender Senator John Fetterman Given Hero’s Welcome at Yeshiva University Commencement

 Sen. John Fetterman dramatically whips off Harvard hood at Yeshiva University commencement: ‘Profoundly disappointed’ (

"Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) gave the commencement address at Yeshiva University this week. Fetterman has been in the news frequently over the last several months for breaking with the progressive wing of his party and standing up as a vocal defender of Israel following the October 7th attacks.

"During the proceedings, Fetterman even defiantly removed his Harvard hood, a dramatic and symbolic gesture. Fetterman was given the school’s greatest award.

The Jewish Journal reports:

Yeshiva University Honors Senator John Fetterman With Its Highest Award

“I’m just a senator with a big mouth that happens to be committed to Israel,” said Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) at Yeshiva University’s 93rd annual commencement ceremony on Wednesday. Fetterman received the private Modern Orthodox Jewish University’s highest honor for global leadership, the Presidential Medallion.

“It is truly humbling to be invited to share in this milestone with the graduates of Yeshiva University,” said Fetterman. “As we gather to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class, we must also acknowledge the profound significance of their journey within the context of the recent surge in antisemitism across the country.”

Fetterman said he was surprised by the invitation to speak at the ceremony, especially after finding out that last year’s commencement speaker was the inventor of Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system. “I don’t belong in that company, I truly don’t,” Fetterman, 54, told the 1,700 graduates at Louis Armstrong Stadium in Queens." . . .">To a standing ovation, Senator John Fetterman removed his Harvard Crimson hood during commencement today in outrage over the rampant antisemitism here on campus. This is what true leadership looks like!

🎥 @safier

— Shabbos Kestenbaum (@ShabbosK) May 29, 2024

Don't Kid Yourself, They Are Antisemites – HotAir     "A Facebook group for Chicago therapists was asked whether anyone would be comfortable taking a Zionist client.   Those who volunteered to help the person were then added to a list of suspected Zionists run by a second group of "anti-racist" therapists." 

Unsurprisingly, some therapists answered that of course they would work with patients who believed the State of Israel has a right to exist, which, after all, is the real meaning of the question. "Are you a Zionist?" is almost exactly the same question as "Does Israel have a right to exist." They mean the same thing, only stated differently. 

Robert De Niro Goes Full Travis Bickle: The Biden Campaign’s Court Presser Turns into a Sad Spectacle


. . ."De Niro has gone full Travis Bickle. However, now 80, it came across as De Niro screaming at the courthouse for Trump to get off his lawn.

"The diatribe is consistent with the messaging of Democrats, including President Biden, that “democracy is on the ballot” and that this may be our last election. De Niro was not satisfied with that alarmist message and decided to take it to an apocalyptic level in predicting a global meltdown.

"As I have previously written, it is a narrative that ignores our history and our values. To suggest that this may be our last democratic election is to suggest that both branches (and the population at large) would stand idly by as a president assumed tyrannical powers. That did not occur, even when this country was united by wars and national emergencies. With the nation now divided right down the middle, it is even less likely.

"That is why the “democracy is on the ballot” claims border on defamation against our Constitution. We have the most successful and stable democratic system in history. The success of that system is not measured by those who would riot or challenge our values. It is measured by how the system responds. Our system works because it was not only written for times of relative unity and calm, it also was written for times like these.

"What was particularly weird is that the Biden campaign succeeded in reinforcing the view of this case as lawfare, an effort to stop Trump at any cost." . . .


 "The case violated virtually every aspect of the Sixth Amendment. The top New York court or the United States Supreme Court had better step in or this will not go well for America." Andrea Widburg 

Trump was tried by a jury not of his peers but of his political enemies, all Democrats

. . ."There were other problems, too, with this case -- Trump was tried by a jury not of his peers but of his political enemies, all Democrats, one a teachers union member, none sequestered, all voting against Trump on election day. Worse still, Trump was tried by a judge with profound conflicts of interest, his daughter a Democrat political operative, himself a Biden donor, giving an illegal donation for which he was only "cautioned" by the New York bar authorities instead of disqualified. Worse still is the oddity of his trying multiple Trump allies in the past, always handing out the maximum sentence he could get away with. That's too much coincidence." . . .

Felon? Trump is in good company - Monica Showalter  . . ."Trump also joins Lech Walesa of Poland for the 'felon' title. Walesa was arrested and jailed in Poland in 1981, shortly after dicator Wojciech Jaruzelski declared martial law on the entire country based on his protests for free trade unions. Dictators declare national emergencies based on "threats to democracy" and it doesn't take long for them to just round their political opponents up.

"Trump also joins Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic, back when it was Czechoslovakia for the title of "felon." Havel had been banned, blacklisted and gagged for years for speaking and writing about the ruling communists' corruption of language, and finally, was imprisoned four times by the communist Soviet puppet regime for challenging the regime. Sound like anyone you know in the states? Certainly the dynamic of harassment and then imprisonment suggests a parallel." . . .

President Donald Trump’s sacrifices are like no other leader in the history of America - Rajan Laad   . . ."Now for Barack Obama. The Obamas entered the White House with $1.3 million. Upon leaving, they received lucrative book, oratory, movie, and podcast deals which caused their net worth to multiply by almost 24 times, to $70 million. Experts claim that if the Obamas proceed on this trajectory they will be worth $242.5 million when all is said and done.

"What do we infer?

"All former presidents have benefitted from their tenure in the White House.

"The benefits are not just financial but social, as they are welcomed in elite circles that probably would have never entertained them before their presidencies.. . .

. . ."There is only one president in recent times who lost financially and socially following his tenure at the White House—that man is Donald J. Trump.

"Before being sworn in his net worth was around $3 billion, due to his amazing success in real estate and as a brand. After leaving the White House, his worth dwindled to $2.3 billion. Trump’s net worth soared to $6.5 billion a few months back when his popular Truth Social became a publicly-traded company." . . .